It's Official: The GOP Exacts Revenge! Ousts Muslim Ilhan Omar From Foreign Affairs Committee

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
It's done! It had to be done. She was a threat to national security. Now she needs to be deported.

This will come back to bite the GOP in the ass.
Couldn't happen to a nicer group of "people". :)
This will come back to bite the GOP in the ass.

It already has. We've had spies and traitors in our top sensitive government positions for years. But I always like to read your posts whenever I come across one Jack in the hopes that this time, you'll say something maybe halfway smart.

Nope, not this time either.
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Ilhan Omar, noted anti-Semitic member of The Squad has been removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Despite her documented record of numerous anti-Semitic comments and ties, the same Democrats who defended her repeatedly after each offense now falsely claim 'racism' for her removal.

She always seemed so full of hate. I would think it you are openly religious that you would try to appeal to others by representing your Faith well, not by being hateful towards a group of people.
It's done! It had to be done. She was a threat to national security. Now she needs to be deported.

We could deport her with "green energy" just to appease the bed wetters.


Not that I really give a fruit fly's fuck if they like it or not.

She always seemed so full of hate. I would think it you are openly religious that you would try to appeal to others by representing your Faith well, not by being hateful towards a group of people.
All leftist scum is consumed with hate.

Hatred and envy is the foundation of marxism.
She is not religious
She is Muslim.
I don't think she's really even a carpet pilot. She uses religious people just like democrooks do when it's politically expedient, and the enact and promote policies that actual religious people abhor, but always seem to forget about when voting for free shit from nanny statist sociopaths.
Ilhan Omar, noted anti-Semitic member of The Squad has been removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Despite her documented record of numerous anti-Semitic comments and ties, the same Democrats who defended her repeatedly after each offense now falsely claim 'racism' for her removal.

Yeah Mr Ed was neighing loudly in protest over the removal of her commie sister.
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It's done! It had to be done. She was a threat to national security. Now she needs to be deported.

'Extracts Revenge'?

Omar is a heavily documents anti-Semite, her comments thoroughly recorded, and the Democrats repeated defense of Omar's anti-Semitic comments and ties are also well documented.

Despite these facts, the Democrats are tossing out the false narrative that the GOP has removed Omare out of 'revenge' or racism.

Despite being an anti-semite Omar thete are allegations of Omar having engaged in incestuous US Immigration fraud, marrying her brother to acquire citizenship for him, and has reportedly funneled campaign cash to him.


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