*" It's not necessarily What


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
I say,But how I say it. " Sterling context from the first scenes
of talky talk talk from the landmark Oliver Stone movie :
- Nixon - { 1995 }. A very compelling and powerful drama.
Not to be confused or replaced by Female cad Pols like
Nancy Pelosi as she takes a near fever-pitch,greasy piglet
delight in slowly tearing up a State of the Union Address.
No way on God's Green Earth will the history books side with
her,let alone forgive.It was demonstrable,Juvenile and in the poorest
of taste,ever viewed by an American populace in a highly Political
For imminent context the prelude to that Movie was
the most saintly and heavenly Sound from the Tabernacle Choir
at Temple Square Or was it the Vienna Boys Choir of that great city.
Makes no nevermind.Nixon was never a Bad Man.The proof.His saintly
righteous ubpringing.BY his dedicated Mom & Dad { diehard Quakers }.
At the end of - Nixon - ... Tricky Dick was fielding questions from the
press corp.He felt a duty to wonder out loud ... " My Mother was a Saint.
No one is ever going to write a book about my Mother."
As plain spoken and direct as the day is long.No need for any help
form the Press.Truer more impactful words from a son,couldn't have been
uttered.Because we were lectured as to how " Tricky".

* Oliver Stone spotted actor used in films
- Platoon - and - Wall Street - Se7en -.
Because we all knowed how true Leaders act.
As in " I don't want any Mickey Mousin' on these
grounds. " From - Richard Jewell - { 2019 }
Quote written down by Jewell when he was college
campus security guard and was in the College Administers
office getting balled out.Reminding the obvious wonky
bow-tie clad College President what he once demanded.
No Mickey Mousin' around his campus.Jewell was overbearing
in his ability to correct bad behavior { according to the law }.
We all knew someone like Richard Jewell.But he was also
salt of the earth dependable and kept an eye out for trouble.
His story became a hit movie.Because it was authentic.
Really happenned.He was persecuted in order to play the
Blame Game.The FBI was guilty of slacking off in their role
to keep a watchful eye during the Olympics held in Atlanta.
Now we have daily examples of the same type persecution
that Momma's Boy Richard Jewell endured.
Meaning things have worsened.Now ... The ruling class
dominates the Blame Game.Forget real Hero's like Richard
Jewell.The Ruling class has named themselves the Real Hero's.
By manipulating what a Hero stands for.

The will is free:
Strong is the Soul,and wise,and beautiful:
The seeds of godlike power are in us still:
Gods are we,Bards,Saints.Heroes if we will. --
-- Matthew Arnold { English poet,critic,essayist }

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