It's No Wonder Modern American Leftist Kids

Hey, lady...

I couldn't finish reading the loser's story. What a friggin' wimp.

Get a life lady! Even when you make promises shit happens sometimes. The world won't end, your kid won't kill himself because mommy's not there, and, miracle of miracles, the sun will come up in the morning. Jesus, I feel sorry for her son for having to put up with such a dweeb for a mother.
Explain to your son that your were late as a result of the doctor's office. If that isn't a good enough for him than tough shit. They both sound like drama queens.
While I agree that what happened could've been a whole lot worse, the woman did show up when some people do not give a flying flip about their kids, the woman is right about actions speaking way louder than words ever will.

God bless you and her and her boy always!!!

An abused child...

Not many 'leftist' kids are mentally abused like this child.

Why can't people just let their kids be kids. WTF is wrong with them.

Meh. After looking through the magazine it looks like one of those over emotional articles to influence people. Kind of like when you see stories about how under employment is really about flexibility. Flexibility has helped this one family who never would have made it through and there was more time to see the kids. :rolleyes: Life lessons from the elite squad dildos.

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