"It's like he's being set up by his own people" says Congressman about "GarageGate"


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2022

Do ya think?

We've been thining this for some time but .. always good to have it right there in black and white.
As bat shit crazy and stupid as Potatohead is he is not bat shit crazy and stupid enough for the Democrat Party nowadays. They want to get some real Leftest loon in there.
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As bat shit crazy and stupid as Potatohead is he is not bat shit crazy and stupid enough for the Democrat Party nowadays. They want to get some real Leftest loon in there.
not sure this is so. for one, they have the last election to think about. The Rs took over the House and there's a chance they can get the Senate back

Maybe they are getting a little tired of the lunacy? When it costs them votes.. :dunno:
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where's that cartoon of bidim being swept out of the White House

Clean up on Aisle 46


I saw it here on the forums posted by Skye

now I can't find it... :(
not sure this is so. for one, they have the last election to think about. The Rs took over the House and there's a chance they can get the Senate back

Maybe they are getting a little tired of the lunacy? When it costs them votes.. :dunno:
Who knows what goes on in the mind of these Leftest Moon Bats?

Maybe they are thinking that since this Newsome lame brain fucked up California so bad with Leftest policies then he should be fucking up the entire Untied States that way so they need to get Potatohead out of the way.
I don't know if he is being set up....but it was his own private attorny that was the rat....I don't think he expected that
Claiming, even insinuating, Joe Biden was / is being 'set up' is an attempt to remove Biden of accountability for his actions and / or make him out to be a 'victim'.

Joe Biden illegally removed TS/SCI documents, illegally moved TS/SCI documents, illegally stored TS/SCI documents in unsecured unauthorized locations, illegally allowed unauthorized persons to have access to TS/SCI documents, failed to keep a Chain of Custody, failed to provide adequate security, failed to maintain a visitors log to keep track of who had access these documents, created a masive conflict of interest, and jeopardized national security by perpetrating a host of felonies by breaking numerous laws, regulations, rules, and established guidelines governing the legal handling of clasified material.

It is the act taken by his own lawyers - responsibly 'ratting him out' - that people are calling 'a set up'.
Who knows what goes on in the mind of these Leftest Moon Bats?

Maybe they are thinking that since this Newsome lame brain fucked up California so bad with Leftest policies then he should be fucking up the entire Untied States that way so they need to get Potatohead out of the way.

why would they want more of the same?

Maybe they don't want either one... maybe they are waking up to the fact they cannot keep a good president down.. They know America likes Trump. So far no one is primarying him :)
As bat shit crazy and stupid as Potatohead is he is not bat shit crazy and stupid enough for the Democrat Party nowadays. They want to get some real Leftest loon in there.
I'm not sure. How could they? They know most Americans don't like the extremist leftist there already so why would they want someone of the same bent? I tend to think they realize they have gone way too far and most of America does not like them and even Ds are turning their backs on them. A lot of Ds voted for Trump in both 16 and 20. I'm not sure SCOTUS is going to let them get away with another Steal... and they likely realize that?

Do ya think?

We've been thining this for some time but .. always good to have it right there in black and white.
Not at all .. just another ruse to divert the attention from the grave irresponsibility of the sitting president.

I'm sure Biden will have some story about being in a black church or giving a purple heart or scoring in the top of his class ... to justify.
Not at all .. just another ruse to divert the attention from the grave irresponsibility of the sitting president.

I'm sure Biden will have some story about being in a black church or giving a purple heart or scoring in the top of his class ... to justify.
I don't get you.. what is another ruse?

what do you when you say Not at all?

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