it's happening! Texas is turning blue, GOP have only themselves to policies bring unexpected changes to the booming suburbs


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
lol Texas was blue until the 1990's; it turned 'Red' after the Ann Richards Experience. True, Republicans are just as much to blame for shooting themselves in the foot, especially re their love for criminal illegal aliens. Coryn and Abbot are even now trying to dream up some scam re 'paths to citizenship' and other cognitively dissonant idiocy that nobody sane is going to buy. Too late, dumbasses, you flooded the state with dumb uneducated criminals just to drive wages down into the toilet for your own citizens and screwed us all.
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lol Texas was blue until the 1990's; it turned 'Red' after the Ann Richards Experience. True, Republicans are just as much to blame for shooting themselves in the foot, especially re their love for criminal illegal aliens. Coryn and Abbot are even now trying to dream up some scam re 'paths to citizenship' and other cognitively dissonant idiocy that nobody sane is going to buy. Too late, dumbasses, you flooded the state with dumb uneducated criminals just to drive wages down into the toilet for your own citizens and screwed us all.

I remember Ann Richards. I was living in Austin during that time. 6th St. was a fun place to hang out then, but now you'd get mugged or stabbed there.

Where's Charles Whitman when you really need him?

OK. Bad humor.
Texas won’t be blue

I have a theory: The reason the effete East and West coast liberals are so adamant about Texas turning "blue", is because they've always felt nothing but disdain for the great state of Texas.

For one reason, Texas tends to be more self-reliant, independent of the federal government, and doesn't even have a state income tax. They also have a very large manufacturing base and a large number of high-income wealthy people. Those things to the left are an abomination.

Plus, Texas has traditionally be a huge oil-producing state which again, the left hates. In addition to that, even though Texas has a mix of white and Hispanics, they've always seemed to get along. The left detests that fact, as racial or ethnic division is one of the main things the left thrives on.

big story just came out!

Right on time.

Thanks to Trump who sped-up the time-table.


Texas won’t be blue
I recall the exact same sentiment being aired out by republicans stationed in the former state of Colorado, which is now gone for all time! This is how democrats roll, they ruin the west coast, and its fucking ruined, then begins the diaspora of the fucktards who voted into permanent political power, the very people who made it necessary for them to pack up and depart altogether. This is exactly what took place in Colorado, and is taking place in Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and Texas, where they are taking in legions of these leftist idiots who immediately revert to exactly the same type of voting behavior, for exactly the same type of fascists, who forced them into fleeing in the first place! Its literally a cancer, further, there are at the very minimum 30 million illegal alien Hispanics in the United States, and if you don't think they aren't voting you're a turnip....

The only solution to this is likely via force of arms, you will not be voting your way back, we are way passed the tipping point for such course corrections......
I hope and pray it's NOT happening!

I pray for Texas NEVER to turn blue.
Texas won’t be blue
I recall the exact same sentiment being aired out by republicans stationed in the former state of Colorado, which is now gone for all time! This is how democrats roll, they ruin the west coast, and its fucking ruined, then begins the diaspora of the fucktards who voted into permanent political power, the very people who made it necessary for them to pack up and depart altogether. This is exactly what took place in Colorado, and is taking place in Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and Texas, where they are taking in legions of these leftist idiots who immediately revert to exactly the same type of voting behavior, for exactly the same type of fascists, who forced them into fleeing in the first place! Its literally a cancer, further, there are at the very minimum 30 million illegal alien Hispanics in the United States, and if you don't think they aren't voting you're a turnip....

The only solution to this is likely via force of arms, you will not be voting your way back, we are way passed the tipping point for such course corrections......
This is why we need guns in every mans hand.. confrontation is needed
Couple of points first it is the first day of early voting for everyone in Texas today not just Democrats so you might consider a great many of those out voting early are Republicans I'm going to be one of them. Second Houston along with places like Austin and San Antonio are liberal cities have been for awhile but they are three cities in a very large state.
Texas won’t be blue
I recall the exact same sentiment being aired out by republicans stationed in the former state of Colorado, which is now gone for all time! This is how democrats roll, they ruin the west coast, and its fucking ruined, then begins the diaspora of the fucktards who voted into permanent political power, the very people who made it necessary for them to pack up and depart altogether. This is exactly what took place in Colorado, and is taking place in Idaho, Montana, Arizona, and Texas, where they are taking in legions of these leftist idiots who immediately revert to exactly the same type of voting behavior, for exactly the same type of fascists, who forced them into fleeing in the first place! Its literally a cancer, further, there are at the very minimum 30 million illegal alien Hispanics in the United States, and if you don't think they aren't voting you're a turnip....

The only solution to this is likely via force of arms, you will not be voting your way back, we are way passed the tipping point for such course corrections......
This is why we need guns in every mans hand.. confrontation is needed
Well necessary or not its coming, currently communist China controls the democratic party, and most of if not all of the federal bureaucracy, handed to them on platter by Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and especially Barack Hussein Obama, its become apparent that even the pentagon is home to serious water bearers of the CCP, and without doubt the vast national security council that Obama blew up from a dozen to some four hundred is almost entirely in the pocket of China, as is the US chamber of commerce.....

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