It's election day!


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
Or, as the Japanese would say, "It's Erection day". :auiqs.jpg:

So be sure to vote for the (Republican) candidate of your choice. :biggrin:
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Or, as the Japanese would say, "It's Erection day". :auiqs.jpg:

So be sure to vote for the (Republican) candidate of your choice. :biggrin:
People who vote for political parties instead of candidates should be drawn and quartered, then burned at the stake and their ashes launched into the sun.
If you support border security, low food prices, low gas prices, law and order, a vibrant stock market and are anti-war then vote Republican.
If you support border security, low food prices, low gas prices, law and order, a vibrant stock market and are anti-war then vote Republican.

If you support open borders, high food prices, high gas prices, violence in the streets, a weak stock market and a lust for war then vote Democrat.
Seeing as how economics, prices and wars are the machinations of the global economy and Vlad the Imputiner, that sounds more like voting for Idiocracy.

But by all means, essplain to the class how "Democrats" set gas prices. In Switzerland and Surinam and Sri Lanka.

Think much?
Seeing as how economics, prices and wars are the machinations of the global economy and Vlad the Imputiner, that sounds more like voting for Idiocracy.
You are a warmonger and a globalist.

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