It's Always Something Else....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The Left is amazingly resilient when it comes to ignoring the truth.

Another chapter is "Racism, Racism, Racism!!!"

1. "Justice Dems Back Principal of Failing School
NY Dem Bowman called standardized testing 'modern day slavery,' 89 percent of students failed state tests

2. Justice Democrats-backed House candidate Jamaal Bowman ...has centered his campaign on his 15-year experience as an educator. But the children who study under Bowman at Cornerstone Academy for Social Action (CASA) Middle School have drastically underperformed in recent years. About 90 percent of his pupils failed to meet standards on the state math exam in the 2017-18 academic year, according to the latest
annual data available from the city's Department of Education. That rate represented a precipitous decline from the 2016-17 academic year, during which 74 percent of the student population failed the math test.

3. Bowman's students performed far worse than their peers: 38 percent of city students and 27 percent of those located in the same school district passed the math test as opposed to the 11 percent in Bowman's school. Close to one-fifth of CASA students who failed the exam would have passed if they went to a different school, according to statistics compiled by the city.

4. CASA students performed better in state English examinations. More than 30 percent of the student population passed the test, but those results still fell short of their peers across the city and school district.

Neither the Bowman campaign nor the school responded to requests for comment.

5. While a variety of factors contribute to a school's academic performance, Bowman has exhibited a hostile attitude toward standardized testing. He called standardized tests "modern day slavery" and compared education assessments to crack cocaine, as the New York Post first reported."
Justice Dems Back Principal of Failing School

Yup.....must be the tests.....

And the response to what a poor job this stereotypical black Democrat did in educating his charges?

6. "America was born of horror for black people and that horror continues today for brown and poor people as well. Slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, crack cocaine, and now standardized testing were all sanctioned by the American government," Bowman wrote in a now-deleted 2015 blog post. "All designed to destroy the mind body and souls of black and brown people; All within our so-called democracy."

This opposition to standardized testing is not only an opinion held by Bowman, but also CASA middle school. The school website, which quotes Bowman's "modern day slavery" denunciations, claims that "the state exam is not a focus of our learning environment."
Justice Dems Back Principal of Failing School

There are many Democrats/Liberals who are waking up to the destruction their party has in store for education, and for America.

“…things began to change.

At the heart of the new progressivism was indignation, sometimes rage, about ongoing injustice against groups of Americans who had always been relegated to the outskirts of power and dignity. An incident—a police shooting of an unarmed black man; news reports of predatory sexual behavior by a Hollywood mogul; a pro quarterback who took to kneeling during the national anthem—would light a fire that would spread overnight and keep on burning because it was fed by anger at injustices deeper and older than the inflaming incident. Over time the new mood took on the substance and hard edges of a radically egalitarian ideology.

… its biggest influence came in realms more inchoate than policy: the private spaces where we think and imagine and talk and write, and the public spaces where institutions shape the contours of our culture and guard its perimeter.

Educators argued that the tests were structurally biased, even racist, because nonwhite students had the lowest scores.

Instead of giving grades, teachers at our school wrote long, detailed, often deeply knowledgeable reports on each student. But we wanted to know how well our son was learning against an external standard.

Banishing tests seemed like a way to let everyone off the hook. This was the price of dismissing meritocracy.

The tests had become secondary. This was a political argument.

Our son was among the 15 or so students who took the tests. A 95 percent opt-out rate was a resounding success. It rivaled election results in Turkmenistan.” When the Culture War Comes for the Kids

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

The results of handing power to this sort of cult can be seen in this Progressive school….

That would be America if they win.
One of the big problems for the low rating of learning in schools where the majority are black students, is the teaching they receive at home, which is "society owes us compensation", "we are poor because our ancestors suffered slavery", and so forth.

This is no longer a general scenario in several parts of the country, but still are places where parents AND politicians propagate this kind of teaching to the new generations.

I have worked very closely to poor people, watching their way of living in public housing. Many of them, like everyone else, trying to succeed and work hard for it, on the other hand the majority just going into alcohol, drugs, crime.

Then, it was found that wasn't a good idea the making of housing complexes as "transitory" shelter for families in need. The concentration of people with low income or none income facilitated the increase of violence, traffic of drugs and more. About two decades ago, a change was made, and the housing complex started to be turning down and the residents to receive Section 8 vouchers to move and live at anyplace inside the US where the vouchers are accepted.

Unfortunately, there are lots of private house and apartments complexes which accept those vouchers, so criminality, drugs, and more have simply moved to another area. Mostly the suburban areas of the cities.

The schools of these areas become affected due to the "education" received by the students at home and neighborhood.

Teachers have from those students lots of problems in order to call their attention. This is not only a situation of good or bad curriculum and professors, but the indifference and even refusal by the other side: the pupils.

I'm witness of some attempts from social services to help in many cases, but unfortunately there is not much cooperation from parents as well. Many parents even take school hours as babysitting for their children rather than places for learning.

The attitude of the politician in question is of course obvious. And you can find in his words the same arrow I pointed in this message, he mentions one of the main words which are the root of all this problem: slavery.

This is, as I said before, the home education for those children, and this politician is playing with it. His intention is gaining support from those people who won't succeed in life because such a tradition imposed by parents AND politicians.

Politicians in this kind of cases, are part of the problem, not indirectly but are a direct influence rejecting the standard test.

Having this test performed in schools under his area, and failing to reach an acceptable score, it might carry the demand for him to do something about. And this is the scenario that he is trying to evade.

He is not defending the poor score of the children but is showing he is defending himself.

This is the corollary or "collateral damage" when the poor black people elect a politician just by the color of the skin and regardless of how good or bad is his performance.

This is a circle, and until a tangent is made to cut it and be able to enter inside, no changes will be possible for those people. They are practically controlled by a traditional home teaching and by politicians who stand in power thanks to the easy manipulation of them.
One of the big problems for the low rating of learning in schools where the majority are black students, is the teaching they receive at home, which is "society owes us compensation", "we are poor because our ancestors suffered slavery", and so forth.

This is no longer a general scenario in several parts of the country, but still are places where parents AND politicians propagate this kind of teaching to the new generations.

I have worked very closely to poor people, watching their way of living in public housing. Many of them, like everyone else, trying to succeed and work hard for it, on the other hand the majority just going into alcohol, drugs, crime.

Then, it was found that wasn't a good idea the making of housing complexes as "transitory" shelter for families in need. The concentration of people with low income or none income facilitated the increase of violence, traffic of drugs and more. About two decades ago, a change was made, and the housing complex started to be turning down and the residents to receive Section 8 vouchers to move and live at anyplace inside the US where the vouchers are accepted.

Unfortunately, there are lots of private house and apartments complexes which accept those vouchers, so criminality, drugs, and more have simply moved to another area. Mostly the suburban areas of the cities.

The schools of these areas become affected due to the "education" received by the students at home and neighborhood.

Teachers have from those students lots of problems in order to call their attention. This is not only a situation of good or bad curriculum and professors, but the indifference and even refusal by the other side: the pupils.

I'm witness of some attempts from social services to help in many cases, but unfortunately there is not much cooperation from parents as well. Many parents even take school hours as babysitting for their children rather than places for learning.

The attitude of the politician in question is of course obvious. And you can find in his words the same arrow I pointed in this message, he mentions one of the main words which are the root of all this problem: slavery.

This is, as I said before, the home education for those children, and this politician is playing with it. His intention is gaining support from those people who won't succeed in life because such a tradition imposed by parents AND politicians.

Politicians in this kind of cases, are part of the problem, not indirectly but are a direct influence rejecting the standard test.

Having this test performed in schools under his area, and failing to reach an acceptable score, it might carry the demand for him to do something about. And this is the scenario that he is trying to evade.

He is not defending the poor score of the children but is showing he is defending himself.

This is the corollary or "collateral damage" when the poor black people elect a politician just by the color of the skin and regardless of how good or bad is his performance.

This is a circle, and until a tangent is made to cut it and be able to enter inside, no changes will be possible for those people. They are practically controlled by a traditional home teaching and by politicians who stand in power thanks to the easy manipulation of them.

"One of the big problems for the low rating of learning in schools where the majority are black students, is the teaching they receive at home,..."

I truly look forward to more of your posts on this issue.

1. It was not always thus.“Like members of outsider groups before and since, this African-American elite considered education to be the key to full citizenship. They also embraced values of character and responsibility….Gains in terms of entrepreneurship, finding a trade, finding a profession, setting down roots, buying property, and feeling they were at last becoming a genuine part of city life. They would refer to ‘color-phobia’ as ‘fast disappearing in our city.’…Peterson's great grandfather owned a pharmacy in a largely Irish neighborhood. ” "Black Gotham," by University of Maryland Professor Carla Peterson.

2. Far too many black Americans believed the Left's propaganda....that they need not try to succeed, the Democrat Party would provide.

3. The vote-buying scheme, 'welfare,' destroyed the black family, and doomed same to poverty, but this does not excuse the lack of attempting to get an education.

4. An ever worse enemy to black Americans is black professional racists such as the individual named in the OP. We see them on this board,as well...screaming 'racist!...racism!...." over and over.

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