It’s 1939 Again


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified

As I posted in another OP, there are over a dozen parallel tactics utilized by the Left of today and the Left of 1930’s Germany seeking power and control.
Germany in the 1930's was trying to reclaim their country from foreign influence so it is not quite a parallel.
Its trannys



As I posted in another OP, there are over a dozen parallel tactics utilized by the Left of today and the Left of 1930’s Germany seeking power and control.
Nazi's are right wing nationalists.
Back to school to consult your dictionary!
On one end, we have people burning books, attacking and punishing people for expressing themselves, and making a mockery of the most important American value, Freedom of Expression.

On the other end, we have people worshipping a profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian, white nationalist pseudo-strongman, enabling all of his worst impulses and actions.

The Europe of 80 years ago. Yes. It's all playing out, right in front of us.

The two ends of our spectrum share many behaviors, including ugly authoritarianism.

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Our angry disenchanteds burning the cities really should research the Night of the Long Knives. Those fools will be the first executed should their utopia come to be.
Cities aren't being burned down. Some small areas in some cities are experiencing vandalism and arson, but cities are not being burned down. Certainly, no comparison to Night of the Long Knives.
On one end, we have people burning books, attacking and punishing people for expressing themselves, and making a mockery of the most important American value, Freedom of Expression.

On the other end, we have people worshipping a profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian, white nationalist pseudo-strongman, enabling all of his worst impulses and actions.

The Europe of 80 years ago. Yes. It's all playing out, right in front of us.

The two ends of our spectrum share many behaviors, including ugly authoritarianism.

Rember when people were burning Beatles records and more recently, the Dixie Chicks?
On one end, we have people burning books, attacking and punishing people for expressing themselves, and making a mockery of the most important American value, Freedom of Expression.

On the other end, we have people worshipping a profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian, white nationalist pseudo-strongman, enabling all of his worst impulses and actions.

The Europe of 80 years ago. Yes. It's all playing out, right in front of us.

The two ends of our spectrum share many behaviors, including ugly authoritarianism.

Rember when people were burning Beatles records and more recently, the Dixie Chicks?
Yep. But how many years ago was the Dixie Chicks controversy? On a macro level, that stuff is the domain of one end of our spectrum.
On one end, we have people burning books, attacking and punishing people for expressing themselves, and making a mockery of the most important American value, Freedom of Expression.

On the other end, we have people worshipping a profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian, white nationalist pseudo-strongman, enabling all of his worst impulses and actions.

The Europe of 80 years ago. Yes. It's all playing out, right in front of us.

The two ends of our spectrum share many behaviors, including ugly authoritarianism.

Rember when people were burning Beatles records and more recently, the Dixie Chicks?
Yep. But how many years ago was the Dixie Chicks controversy? On a macro level, that stuff is the domain of one end of our spectrum.
Dixie Chics' thing was after the Irag war began. Just sayin', Book burning isn't new in America.
On one end, we have people burning books, attacking and punishing people for expressing themselves, and making a mockery of the most important American value, Freedom of Expression.

On the other end, we have people worshipping a profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian, white nationalist pseudo-strongman, enabling all of his worst impulses and actions.

The Europe of 80 years ago. Yes. It's all playing out, right in front of us.

The two ends of our spectrum share many behaviors, including ugly authoritarianism.

No it isn't. First of all I didn't see any mobs surrounding book pyres.
The vid showed a myriad of complainants against a multitude of celebs. Raising all sorts of issues.
JK Rolling is a very successful author. If she chooses to use that position to attack a minority group, she can't be surprised if there's a backlash. Whilst I don't personally think burning books is anything other than a very crass way of showing disapproval, others don't. Lets face it the books (Harry Potter) & films were a load of shite, but that's another matter.

The western world is going through a social revolution as it did in the sixty's. Lines are being redrawn.
When we come out of it, we will have a fairer and healthier society.

As I posted in another OP, there are over a dozen parallel tactics utilized by the Left of today and the Left of 1930’s Germany seeking power and control.
Nazi's are right wing nationalists.
Back to school to consult your dictionary!
Yeah, big government socialists who confiscate private property are conservatives.
Thanks for displaying how easily duped you are.
On one end, we have people burning books, attacking and punishing people for expressing themselves, and making a mockery of the most important American value, Freedom of Expression.

On the other end, we have people worshipping a profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian, white nationalist pseudo-strongman, enabling all of his worst impulses and actions.

The Europe of 80 years ago. Yes. It's all playing out, right in front of us.

The two ends of our spectrum share many behaviors, including ugly authoritarianism.

No it isn't. First of all I didn't see any mobs surrounding book pyres.
The vid showed a myriad of complainants against a multitude of celebs. Raising all sorts of issues.
JK Rolling is a very successful author. If she chooses to use that position to attack a minority group, she can't be surprised if there's a backlash. Whilst I don't personally think burning books is anything other than a very crass way of showing disapproval, others don't. Lets face it the books (Harry Potter) & films were a load of shite, but that's another matter.

The western world is going through a social revolution as it did in the sixty's. Lines are being redrawn.
When we come out of it, we will have a fairer and healthier society.
Protests have a measurable goal to obtain.
All the Left want is to create mayhem and be their violent NAZI Brownshirt selves.

As I posted in another OP, there are over a dozen parallel tactics utilized by the Left of today and the Left of 1930’s Germany seeking power and control.
Nazi's are right wing nationalists.
Back to school to consult your dictionary!

Nazis were Left Wing Socialists
On one end, we have people burning books, attacking and punishing people for expressing themselves, and making a mockery of the most important American value, Freedom of Expression.

On the other end, we have people worshipping a profoundly damaged, arrogant, pugilistic, authoritarian, white nationalist pseudo-strongman, enabling all of his worst impulses and actions.

The Europe of 80 years ago. Yes. It's all playing out, right in front of us.

The two ends of our spectrum share many behaviors, including ugly authoritarianism.

Hilarious. TDS has melted your brain.
Our angry disenchanteds burning the cities really should research the Night of the Long Knives. Those fools will be the first executed should their utopia come to be.
Cities aren't being burned down. Some small areas in some cities are experiencing vandalism and arson, but cities are not being burned down. Certainly, no comparison to Night of the Long Knives.
Not entire cities. Just whites going downtown to burn black owned businesses then driving their Prius back to their white suburbs.

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