It Was Only A Matter Of Time Before Voter ID Law Enforcement Became Voting Quizzes

Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?


Asking them their name, address and birth date is equal to Jim Crow?

You make it sound like they are asking questions like how many branches of government there are. It just says people complained about being asked about their personal information on their license. This seriously sounds like a chip on the shoulder complainer being interviewed by a chip on their shoulder reporter being written by a chip on his shoulder OP...
It increases the time spent on each voter, therefore increasing the time needed to vote, amounting to increased burden and ultimately voter suppression.

I pointed out a lot more than that and I also addressed that point. They already have to get your name, get out the book, look you up, it would take a moment more only to look at the ID. It could save time because they don't have to ask how to spell your name or your street. You've either never voted or you're just making up the best argument you can think of, which being that bad shows how baseless your claim is.
Sometimes I am taken aback by how ignorant some posters are. They read the thread title, post their dumb, uninformed opinion, and make a complete ass of themselves because they didn't read vital information contained within the OP and the rest of the thread.

Then there's you, who apparently didn't even read the thread title. This isn't about having an ID to vote, this is about ID checkers now violating voter ID laws and conducting their own Jim Crow-esque quizzing of voters in a deliberate, undeniable attempt at voter suppression.

Besides all of that, asking someone to spell their own name is clearly a literacy test, which is illegal. For every one Wrongpublican on this board bragging about how "hurr durr we da party dat ended slavery," there are at least a one hundred Wrongpublican pollworkers out there actively seeking to either bring it back or reinstitute the discriminatory, unconstitutional policies that immediately followed it.

Yeah, so many people can't spell their own name....billions of them

Keep moving those goal posts. Soon they will be saying "Who cant juggle? How hard is it to learn? Are blacks too stupid to learn to juggle?"

You people have created the false narrative here.
So we're creating a moving target?

Look sunshine, these voter ID laws aren't going anywhere.
They are the reality now in a world where just about everything requires identification.
Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?


Asking them their name, address and birth date is equal to Jim Crow?

You make it sound like they are asking questions like how many branches of government there are. It just says people complained about being asked about their personal information on their license. This seriously sounds like a chip on the shoulder complainer being interviewed by a chip on their shoulder reporter being written by a chip on his shoulder OP...

Basically yeah.

It's also not the only thing they are doing.

They are shortening the time frame you can vote in and closing up polling stations in poor communities.

That, and many of this places are making voter registration drives, illegal.

Republicans have actually come out and said they are doing this to suppress the minority vote, they aren't shy about it.
Where is your proof?
You don't get to come on here and post these things without proof.
So go get it and post it here.
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i doubt any of the pandering left-wing losers even know any poor people
i dont know a single poor person; and i know many people that are poor; that cant afford an ID.

Ain't that the truth.
These libs who claim to care about the poor are those who spend a few hours in a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving. Then they spit at Christians...The ones that go out into the world to find poor people and deliver the food.
Liberal hypocrisy is going to cost them standing in Washington.
Seems like the RW politicos in Arkansas are going back to an America of yesterday. An America of the Jim Crow laws and segregation. An America where blacks had to pass "How many beans are in that jar" quizzes in order to cast a vote.

Arkansas Voters Complain About Quizzing By Poll Workers Checking IDs

So is that what they mean by "We want to take our country back?"

What do the USMB RWers have to say about this?


Asking them their name, address and birth date is equal to Jim Crow?

You make it sound like they are asking questions like how many branches of government there are. It just says people complained about being asked about their personal information on their license. This seriously sounds like a chip on the shoulder complainer being interviewed by a chip on their shoulder reporter being written by a chip on his shoulder OP...
It increases the time spent on each voter, therefore increasing the time needed to vote, amounting to increased burden and ultimately voter suppression.

Oh please.
So instead of this being political. You've driven it down to a matter of convenience.
Smedly--Some people will never know why those of us with long memories, even if we theoretically favor rational voter ID laws are very very suspicious of even the slightest possibility of turning them into techniques to disenfrachise blocks of voters considered "unfavorable" by those who control the application of the laws.

The "beans-in-the-jar" example is a very good one. The literacy tests of the Jim Crow era still haunt some of us. The polling officials had absolute power to decide who passed and who failed. Even the slightest spelling mistake could disqualify a black voter while a white voter with a mostly blank test could be "passed". I know this history seems irrelevant to many. To others it is easily imagined how subtle discrimination could creep into even the seemingly most benign registration laws.

Here's a little history lesson. These are 30 questions from a 1965 Alabama literacy test.
!965 is not ancient history.


1965 Alabama Literacy Test....................................................................................................................................................Imagine 30 pretty tough civics questions (by the way these were 30 out of 68 questions actually on the test. Or go back to the original post .....................

Lonestar-I can answer each one, can you?

Now besides knowing you are a full fledged racist I have no problem assuming you are a lying sack of shit as well. Besides asshole the point is even if a Black answered every question correctly a polling authority could find an excuse to fail him. Now go shoot some gophers or whatever you do to make your pathetic meaningless existance bearable.

Kindly provide ONE example of where Jim Crow style polling "quizzes" were used now to prevent blacks from voting. I'd like to see it, Smedly...because if you CAN'T then you're simply playing the race card.

Please re-read my post, I said the very possibility of registration rules being misused haunted those of us who know the history of Jim Crow. Mentioning Jim Crow isn't "playing the race card", it's a reminder of what happens when racists are allowed to decide who has the right to vote.
Yeah, so many people can't spell their own name....billions of them

Keep moving those goal posts. Soon they will be saying "Who cant juggle? How hard is it to learn? Are blacks too stupid to learn to juggle?"

You people have created the false narrative here.
So we're creating a moving target?

Look sunshine, these voter ID laws aren't going anywhere.
They are the reality now in a world where just about everything requires identification.
Listen TwinkleToes, no one is arguing the IDs. It's the Jim Crow-type QUIZZES that's the problem. Didn't you read the OP? Learn to read!
Now besides knowing you are a full fledged racist I have no problem assuming you are a lying sack of shit as well. Besides asshole the point is even if a Black answered every question correctly a polling authority could find an excuse to fail him. Now go shoot some gophers or whatever you do to make your pathetic meaningless existance bearable.

Kindly provide ONE example of where Jim Crow style polling "quizzes" were used now to prevent blacks from voting. I'd like to see it, Smedly...because if you CAN'T then you're simply playing the race card.

Please re-read my post, I said the very possibility of registration rules being misused haunted those of us who know the history of Jim Crow. Mentioning Jim Crow isn't "playing the race card", it's a reminder of what happens when racists are allowed to decide who has the right to vote.

OK, so what you're saying is that there is the "possibility" of registration rules being misused...but you don't have any examples of where that's taken place...yet because of that "possibility" you are against requiring valid ID in order to vote?

There is a "possibility" that many things will happen. It's "possible" that someone might randomly murder you today. It's "possible" that a bolt of lightning might strike you as you walk out of your house today. It's "possible" that you might win the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today. It's also "possible" that someone is going to use a fake ID in order to vote. Generally speaking, Smedley...which of those things do you think is most apt to happen?
Kindly provide ONE example of where Jim Crow style polling "quizzes" were used now to prevent blacks from voting. I'd like to see it, Smedly...because if you CAN'T then you're simply playing the race card.

Please re-read my post, I said the very possibility of registration rules being misused haunted those of us who know the history of Jim Crow. Mentioning Jim Crow isn't "playing the race card", it's a reminder of what happens when racists are allowed to decide who has the right to vote.

OK, so what you're saying is that there is the "possibility" of registration rules being misused...but you don't have any examples of where that's taken place...yet because of that "possibility" you are against requiring valid ID in order to vote?

There is a "possibility" that many things will happen. It's "possible" that someone might randomly murder you today. It's "possible" that a bolt of lightning might strike you as you walk out of your house today. It's "possible" that you might win the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today. It's also "possible" that someone is going to use a fake ID in order to vote. Generally speaking, Smedley...which of those things do you think is most apt to happen?

that leans toward "If something bad can happen, it will". I don't know if you read my original post where I said "Some people will never understand why those of us with long memories, even if we theoretically favor rational voter ID laws are very very suspicious of even the slightest possibility of turning them into techniques to disenfrachise blocks of voters considered "unfavorable" by those who control the application of the laws."

I understand there has to be some sort of voter ID. I just hope a way can be found so we can avoid a "lord of the flies" scenario where the "beast" is unleashed. We all know the beast is real, it roamed free for hundreds of years and feeds on ignorance.
What it "leans toward" is you can't live your life in fear of remote possibilities like getting hit by lightning or someone possibly using valid voter ID to recreate Jim Crow voter discrimination.

Quite frankly, the possibility is SO remote that to use that as an excuse not to require valid ID borders on the farcical. I could use the same rationale to demand valid ID so that voting abuses like Chicago voting in the 1960 Presidential election doesn't take place again. Do I REALLY think that sort of blatant voter fraud is likely in this day and age? No. Nor do I think anyone is discriminating against someone by asking them their name and address. They are simply trying to determine if they really ARE that person. All it takes is one person voting illegally and YOUR vote may have just been cancelled out. Don't you think THAT is something important enough to require valid ID for? I do. I waited in line for six hours in the last election. My vote is important to me. If your vote is important to you...then make sure it's protected from nullification by fraud. That's all I'm saying...
you need an ID for virtually everything these days

there is only one reason the Left opposes voter ID; they want to cheat
Smedly--Some people will never know why those of us with long memories, even if we theoretically favor rational voter ID laws are very very suspicious of even the slightest possibility of turning them into techniques to disenfrachise blocks of voters considered "unfavorable" by those who control the application of the laws.

The "beans-in-the-jar" example is a very good one. The literacy tests of the Jim Crow era still haunt some of us. The polling officials had absolute power to decide who passed and who failed. Even the slightest spelling mistake could disqualify a black voter while a white voter with a mostly blank test could be "passed". I know this history seems irrelevant to many. To others it is easily imagined how subtle discrimination could creep into even the seemingly most benign registration laws.

Here's a little history lesson. These are 30 questions from a 1965 Alabama literacy test.
!965 is not ancient history.


1965 Alabama Literacy Test....................................................................................................................................................Imagine 30 pretty tough civics questions (by the way these were 30 out of 68 questions actually on the test. Or go back to the original post .....................

Lonestar-I can answer each one, can you?

Now besides knowing you are a full fledged racist I have no problem assuming you are a lying sack of shit as well. Besides asshole the point is even if a Black answered every question correctly a polling authority could find an excuse to fail him. Now go shoot some gophers or whatever you do to make your pathetic meaningless existance bearable.

Obviously you don't know shit.

You idiots live in the 1960's and equate asking a persons name to a civics exam.

I like coming on USMB and shooting down idiot liberals and their dumbass ideology, it's like shooting fish in the barrel.

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