It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns

So seriously, you think people can't get tobacco in this country? WTF?

That's really the point isn't it. Guns are legal. There's no dispute there. So, unless I've committed a crime or threatened someone, why should the govt have the power to tell me I can't buy an AR-15? Unlike Tobacco, I can use one safely at a gun range (or my own land assuming I own enough) for the legal purpose of either target practice or killing vermin.
Higher minority population equates to more crime. Murder rates in major cities are on the rise. Cities Grapple With Rising Murder Rates
That is simplly not true.

You are regurgitating the corporate media message intended to drive a wedge between working class people along lines of race,gender, religion, etc, the old 'Divide and Conquer' ; dont fall for the bullshit.
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
Higher minority population equates to more crime. Murder rates in major cities are on the rise. Cities Grapple With Rising Murder Rates
That is simplly not true.

You are regurgitating the corporate media message intended to drive a wedge between working class people along lines of race,gender, religion, etc, the old 'Divide and Conquer' ; dont fall for the bullshit.
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I thought liberals were about allowing anyone to put anything in their bodies, including tobacco.
No no no. If you smoke cigarettes, you're a disgusting fiend that wants to spread 2nd hand smoke to every child in the universe, but if you shoot heroin, you're a poor disadvantaged person that must be excused by society when they rob and kill to support their habits. Tobacco users are evil and heroin addicts are victims of the GOP's hatred of poor people.
I thought liberals were about allowing anyone to put anything in their bodies, including tobacco.
No no no. If you smoke cigarettes, you're a disgusting fiend that wants to spread 2nd hand smoke to every child in the universe, but if you shoot heroin, you're a poor disadvantaged person that must be excused by society when they rob and kill to support their habits. Tobacco users are evil and heroin addicts are victims of the GOP's hatred of poor people.

One group is filling our prisons, the other isn't
By Dennis A. Henigan

The American people can overcome the gun lobby, but only if we confront, and expose, three myths that have long dominated the gun debate and given the politicians a ready excuse for inaction.

First, we must not let the opponents of reform get away with the empty bromide that "guns don't kill people, people kill people." Does any rational person really believe that the Sandy Hook killer could have murdered twenty-seven people in minutes with a knife or a baseball bat? Guns enable people to kill, more effectively and efficiently than any other widely available weapon.

Second, we must challenge the idea that no law can prevent violent people from getting guns. This canard is refuted by the experience of every other western industrialized nation. Their violent crime rates are comparable to ours. But their homicide rates are exponentially lower because their strong gun laws make it harder for violent individuals to get guns.

Third, we must not accept the notion that our Constitution condemns us to the continued slaughter of our children. It is true that the Supreme Court has expanded gun rights in recent years; it is equally true that the Court has insisted that the right allows for reasonable restrictions. In his opinion in the Heller Second Amendment case, Justice Scalia listed restrictions on "dangerous and unusual weapons" among the kinds of gun laws that are still "presumptively lawful." Assault weapons that fire scores of rounds without reloading surely are "dangerous and unusual."

The tobacco control movement overcame some equally powerful mythology to fundamentally alter American attitudes toward tobacco products. The tobacco industry's effort to sow confusion and uncertainty about the link between smoking and disease eventually was exposed as a fraud. The entrenched view that smoking was simply a bad habit that individuals can choose to break was destroyed by evidence that the tobacco companies knew that nicotine was powerfully addictive and engineered their cigarettes to ensure that people got hooked and stayed hooked. The assumption that smoking harms only the smoker was contradicted by the overwhelming evidence of the danger of second-hand smoke.

Once these myths were exposed, attitudes changed, policies changed and we started saving countless lives. Since youth smoking peaked in the mid-1990s, smoking rates have fallen by about three-fourths among 8th graders, two-thirds among 10th graders and half among 12th graders. A sea change has occurred on the tobacco issue.

Similarly fundamental change can come to the gun issue as well. The myths about gun control, however, still have a hold on too many of our political leaders and their constituents. We will hear them repeated again and again in the coming weeks of intense debate. Every time we hear them, we must respond and we must persuade.

There is too much at stake to be silent.

More: Dennis A. Henigan: It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns
There isn't a Constitution right to Tobacco
There is one for firearms
Agreed, but that seems to be the goal of modern "liberalism"; do an end-run around the Constitution. It's like getting a pickle out of a new jar - the first one is always the hardest, but it's easier afterwards.

By continually attacking the most controversial Constitutional amendment, they increase their chances of breaking open the Constitution for revision. Once the Second Amendment is broken, it will make it easier to attack rewrite all the others in their own image.
Higher minority population equates to more crime. Murder rates in major cities are on the rise. Cities Grapple With Rising Murder Rates
That is simplly not true.

You are regurgitating the corporate media message intended to drive a wedge between working class people along lines of race,gender, religion, etc, the old 'Divide and Conquer' ; dont fall for the bullshit.
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I didn't expect you to take anything away from what I said, so I'm not one bit disappointed. I am sorry that your life has been so sad and unfulfilling. It is truly sad that you blame society for your pathetic life.
I thought liberals were about allowing anyone to put anything in their bodies, including tobacco.
No no no. If you smoke cigarettes, you're a disgusting fiend that wants to spread 2nd hand smoke to every child in the universe, but if you shoot heroin, you're a poor disadvantaged person that must be excused by society when they rob and kill to support their habits. Tobacco users are evil and heroin addicts are victims of the GOP's hatred of poor people.

One group is filling our prisons, the other isn't
I really don't remember hearing of rival tobacco store owners shooting each other over turf or smokers breaking into cars and homes so they can buy a pack of camels.
I thought liberals were about allowing anyone to put anything in their bodies, including tobacco.
No no no. If you smoke cigarettes, you're a disgusting fiend that wants to spread 2nd hand smoke to every child in the universe, but if you shoot heroin, you're a poor disadvantaged person that must be excused by society when they rob and kill to support their habits. Tobacco users are evil and heroin addicts are victims of the GOP's hatred of poor people.

One group is filling our prisons, the other isn't
I really don't remember hearing of rival tobacco store owners shooting each other over turf or smokers breaking into cars and homes so they can buy a pack of camels.

More Americans have been killed by smoking than have been killed by illegal drugs

That is simplly not true.

You are regurgitating the corporate media message intended to drive a wedge between working class people along lines of race,gender, religion, etc, the old 'Divide and Conquer' ; dont fall for the bullshit.
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I didn't expect you to take anything away from what I said, so I'm not one bit disappointed. I am sorry that your life has been so sad and unfulfilling. It is truly sad that you blame society for your pathetic life.

The douche Franco attacked my mother and sister with sexual references, that's why I have him on ignore. He and rightwinger who did the same to my daughter are the two most pathetic creatures on the board. Note liberals always go after women. Real men they are ... not ... So yeah, his life is sad and unfulfilling. I chuckled when you made that comment and I didn't see the source of who said it, so I knew right there you were right! It was someone I had on ignore! I had to know so I viewed ignored content. You nailed it
Higher minority population equates to more crime. Murder rates in major cities are on the rise. Cities Grapple With Rising Murder Rates
That is simplly not true.

You are regurgitating the corporate media message intended to drive a wedge between working class people along lines of race,gender, religion, etc, the old 'Divide and Conquer' ; dont fall for the bullshit.
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
And that has been the case with every agricultural ethnic group that has transitioned into the American main stream society.

Thanks to excessive interventions by the Feds, blacks have been caught in a kind of time warp in terms of the transition, and so their crime stats are sort of frozen rates of crime for decades now. And the majority of those killed by blacks are OTHER BLACKS.

But the old Irish immigrants from the 1800's and stretching into the early 20th century had criminal groups that would rival any black gangs today and they had some really mean bastards, same goes with the Irish and Jews.
Racism makes this different.
It is not racist to imprison criminals. It is not racist to resist demands to provide anything but the barest necessities to people who, through their own stupidity can't or won't provide for themselves.
That is simplly not true.

You are regurgitating the corporate media message intended to drive a wedge between working class people along lines of race,gender, religion, etc, the old 'Divide and Conquer' ; dont fall for the bullshit.
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I didn't expect you to take anything away from what I said, so I'm not one bit disappointed. I am sorry that your life has been so sad and unfulfilling. It is truly sad that you blame society for your pathetic life.
You dupes are right, it wasn't all the pander to the rich tax rates and making college more exspensive and shytty jobs, it wasjust all the people becoming lazy. Idiot racist bigot dupes.
I thought liberals were about allowing anyone to put anything in their bodies, including tobacco.
No no no. If you smoke cigarettes, you're a disgusting fiend that wants to spread 2nd hand smoke to every child in the universe, but if you shoot heroin, you're a poor disadvantaged person that must be excused by society when they rob and kill to support their habits. Tobacco users are evil and heroin addicts are victims of the GOP's hatred of poor people.
and more die from obesity than firearms. Your point?
Mine was that tobacco users don't commit crimes to support their habit.

One group is filling our prisons, the other isn't
I really don't remember hearing of rival tobacco store owners shooting each other over turf or smokers breaking into cars and homes so they can buy a pack of camels.

More Americans have been killed by smoking than have been killed by illegal drugs

I really don't remember hearing of rival tobacco store owners shooting each other over turf or smokers breaking into cars and homes so they can buy a pack of camels. Edit: these words appear above but I placed then wrong.
Last edited:
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I didn't expect you to take anything away from what I said, so I'm not one bit disappointed. I am sorry that your life has been so sad and unfulfilling. It is truly sad that you blame society for your pathetic life.

The douche Franco attacked my mother and sister with sexual references, that's why I have him on ignore. He and rightwinger who did the same to my daughter are the two most pathetic creatures on the board. Note liberals always go after women. Real men they are ... not ... So yeah, his life is sad and unfulfilling. I chuckled when you made that comment and I didn't see the source of who said it, so I knew right there you were right! It was someone I had on ignore! I had to know so I viewed ignored content. You nailed it
I said I met a nice girl from Kalamazoo in Paris in 1977 and made a silly joke....ay caramba. Sorry you have no soh lol.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I didn't expect you to take anything away from what I said, so I'm not one bit disappointed. I am sorry that your life has been so sad and unfulfilling. It is truly sad that you blame society for your pathetic life.
You dupes are right, it wasn't all the pander to the rich tax rates and making college more exspensive and shytty jobs, it wasjust all the people becoming lazy. Idiot racist bigot dupes.
You forgot "pub", but remembered to be incomprehensible. My faith is partially restored.
Higher minority population equates to more crime. Murder rates in major cities are on the rise. Cities Grapple With Rising Murder Rates
That is simplly not true.

You are regurgitating the corporate media message intended to drive a wedge between working class people along lines of race,gender, religion, etc, the old 'Divide and Conquer' ; dont fall for the bullshit.
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
And that has been the case with every agricultural ethnic group that has transitioned into the American main stream society.

Thanks to excessive interventions by the Feds, blacks have been caught in a kind of time warp in terms of the transition, and so their crime stats are sort of frozen rates of crime for decades now. And the majority of those killed by blacks are OTHER BLACKS.

But the old Irish immigrants from the 1800's and stretching into the early 20th century had criminal groups that would rival any black gangs today and they had some really mean bastards, same goes with the Irish and Jews.
Racism makes this different.
It is not racist to imprison criminals. It is not racist to resist demands to provide anything but the barest necessities to people who, through their own stupidity can't or won't provide for themselves.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

Duh. Blacks and hispanics get arrest 5x more for drugs when they use them at the same rate. Etc etc etc...more than half prison pop.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I didn't expect you to take anything away from what I said, so I'm not one bit disappointed. I am sorry that your life has been so sad and unfulfilling. It is truly sad that you blame society for your pathetic life.

The douche Franco attacked my mother and sister with sexual references, that's why I have him on ignore. He and rightwinger who did the same to my daughter are the two most pathetic creatures on the board. Note liberals always go after women. Real men they are ... not ... So yeah, his life is sad and unfulfilling. I chuckled when you made that comment and I didn't see the source of who said it, so I knew right there you were right! It was someone I had on ignore! I had to know so I viewed ignored content. You nailed it
I said I met a nice girl from Kalamazoo in Paris in 1977 and made a silly joke....ay caramba. Sorry you have no soh lol.

After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVER, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:

If you sleeping with my mother was a "silly joke," when I didn't take it that way, you should have said that rather than repeating it about my sister
Wrong again. Half of the murders in the US are committed by black males.We are talking 1/16 of the population committing 1/2 of the homicides. THAT you can check at the CDC and the FBI. Hardly corporate media, there fella. If you'd like to check murder rates, I'd suggest Chicago PD inc.
Poverty and gangs do that. Racist country led by the GOP...Great job!
The GOP has no interest in making or keeping people poor. The poor make crappy customers and are a drain on the economy. If every one of the people on welfare were suddenly earning 75,000 per year, taxes would drop like a stone. BUT it is not this country's responsibility to drag lazy asses out of poverty but to simply provide some of the tools.
We provide free education through high school. The buildings and staff are there but we can't force you to learn or motivate you to WANT to learn.
We have and enforce laws to protect society from thousands of evils, both real and imagined, BUT we can't make people moral.

Parents MUST instill a strong work ethic and respect for others in their children. People must NOT be given a pass for bad behavior.
If you quit school or don't learn, you will probably not earn as much money as those that actually work hard in school, THAT is your fault, or the fault of your parents. To blame that on your political rivals is ludicrous.
Laws are there for a reason. If you cannot live by the rules, society can put you in prison so that you won't continue to be a threat to society. To blame the GOP for high prison populations within any racial group is ludicrous as well. Place the blame where it belongs. The GOP doesn't want people of any race stealing our cars or shooting rival drug gang members.
Remember, my friend, all men are created equal, but the promise ends there. You are what you do and are responsible for your own success or lack of it. Take responsibility for your failures and pride in your successes, but, dammit, don't demand that successful people provide anything but a few enumerated rights to irresponsible people.

I realize that your feeble mind will not be able to comprehend what I have spent a significant part of my morning to put in words. Your response will be a poorly though out, barely comprehensible short comment, likely containing the words "pub" and "dupe".
I didn't write it so much for you as for me and other thinking people. Have a nice day.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
I didn't expect you to take anything away from what I said, so I'm not one bit disappointed. I am sorry that your life has been so sad and unfulfilling. It is truly sad that you blame society for your pathetic life.

The douche Franco attacked my mother and sister with sexual references, that's why I have him on ignore. He and rightwinger who did the same to my daughter are the two most pathetic creatures on the board. Note liberals always go after women. Real men they are ... not ... So yeah, his life is sad and unfulfilling. I chuckled when you made that comment and I didn't see the source of who said it, so I knew right there you were right! It was someone I had on ignore! I had to know so I viewed ignored content. You nailed it
I have a few folks on ignore. The people on the list are all assholes with inane irrelevant responses. They don't even amuse me. Franco does, so I keep reading his ridiculous code. Occasionally I even feel challenged by trying to decipher his strange abbreviations, word omissions and self contrived code words.
I thought liberals were about allowing anyone to put anything in their bodies, including tobacco.
No no no. If you smoke cigarettes, you're a disgusting fiend that wants to spread 2nd hand smoke to every child in the universe, but if you shoot heroin, you're a poor disadvantaged person that must be excused by society when they rob and kill to support their habits. Tobacco users are evil and heroin addicts are victims of the GOP's hatred of poor people.

One group is filling our prisons, the other isn't
I really don't remember hearing of rival tobacco store owners shooting each other over turf or smokers breaking into cars and homes so they can buy a pack of camels.

More people die every year from smoking than from guns. It's actually 25 times as many, and that includes suicides

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