It seems the 4th graders are geting it!

Smart kid. However, not a reasonable conclusion, as Beeville represents a very small part of the planet.

Old Rocks,

She compared all of the available data from NOAA and a whole host of other scientific organisations. She did her homework and even Al Gore couldn't seem to find fault with it as he was on the judging panel.
Al Gore was on the panel as well...I wonder what happened? - Conclusion ?pretty creative?
Al Gore was on what panel? They don't mention his name at all in that article. You really believe he's involved in judging fourth grade science fairs? LOL. You are such a kook, walleyedretard.

So you're now getting your science information from a fourth grader. That's kind of a step up for you, isn't it? LOL. Your sources usually seem to be retarded chimpanzees.

Of course she was basing her conclusions on studying the recorded temperatures in one small town. "Julisa studied temperatures in Beeville for the past 109 years to develop her conclusion." Such a narrow focus on such a small data set is very typical of the pseudo-science you bring to this forum, walleyed-dingleberry.
Al Gore was on the panel as well...I wonder what happened? - Conclusion ?pretty creative?
Al Gore was on what panel? They don't mention his name at all in that article. You really believe he's involved in judging fourth grade science fairs? LOL. You are such a kook, walleyedretard.

So you're now getting your science information from a fourth grader. That's kind of a step up for you, isn't it? LOL. Your sources usually seem to be retarded chimpanzees.

Of course she was basing her conclusions on studying the recorded temperatures in one small town. "Julisa studied temperatures in Beeville for the past 109 years to develop her conclusion." Such a narrow focus on such a small data set is very typical of the pseudo-science you bring to this forum, walleyed-dingleberry.

As I said junior, until you apologise to gslack you're not allowed at the table with the rest of the adults.
Al Gore was on the panel as well...I wonder what happened? - Conclusion ?pretty creative?
Al Gore was on what panel? They don't mention his name at all in that article. You really believe he's involved in judging fourth grade science fairs? LOL. You are such a kook, walleyedretard.

So you're now getting your science information from a fourth grader. That's kind of a step up for you, isn't it? LOL. Your sources usually seem to be retarded chimpanzees.

Of course she was basing her conclusions on studying the recorded temperatures in one small town. "Julisa studied temperatures in Beeville for the past 109 years to develop her conclusion." Such a narrow focus on such a small data set is very typical of the pseudo-science you bring to this forum, walleyed-dingleberry.

As I said junior, until you apologise to gslack you're not allowed at the table with the rest of the adults.

I guess you can't handle the fact that your thread has been exposed as ridiculous bit of nonsense mixed with some more of your lies.

And as I said to you before, fuck you, asswipe.
Al Gore was on what panel? They don't mention his name at all in that article. You really believe he's involved in judging fourth grade science fairs? LOL. You are such a kook, walleyedretard.

So you're now getting your science information from a fourth grader. That's kind of a step up for you, isn't it? LOL. Your sources usually seem to be retarded chimpanzees.

Of course she was basing her conclusions on studying the recorded temperatures in one small town. "Julisa studied temperatures in Beeville for the past 109 years to develop her conclusion." Such a narrow focus on such a small data set is very typical of the pseudo-science you bring to this forum, walleyed-dingleberry.

As I said junior, until you apologise to gslack you're not allowed at the table with the rest of the adults.

I guess you can't handle the fact that your thread has been exposed as ridiculous bit of nonsense mixed with some more of your lies.

And as I said to you before, fuck you, asswipe.


Boorish children are not allowed to speak until they are spoken too. Now back to naughty corner with you little boy.
As I said junior, until you apologise to gslack you're not allowed at the table with the rest of the adults.

I guess you can't handle the fact that your thread has been exposed as ridiculous bit of nonsense mixed with some more of your lies.

And as I said to you before, fuck you, asswipe.

Boorish children are not allowed to speak until they are spoken too. Now back to naughty corner with you little boy.

Too bad your "rule" doesn't apply to retarded idiots like you. That would really cut down on the moronic lies and misinformation that gets spewed on this forum by you and the other denier cult dingbats.

And just to be clear, fuck you, asswipe.
I guess you can't handle the fact that your thread has been exposed as ridiculous bit of nonsense mixed with some more of your lies.

And as I said to you before, fuck you, asswipe.

Boorish children are not allowed to speak until they are spoken too. Now back to naughty corner with you little boy.

Too bad your "rule" doesn't apply to retarded idiots like you. That would really cut down on the moronic lies and misinformation that gets spewed on this forum by you and the other denier cult dingbats.

And just to be clear, fuck you, asswipe.

Aww you gonna cry now?

GO ahead lil fella squirt some....:lol:
I hear it now.... Has that whine to it.... But its muffled by the sock....LOL
Al Gore was on the panel as well...I wonder what happened? - Conclusion ?pretty creative?

No "Al Gore" present here at all. No real science present here at all, just a fourth grader looking at the temperature record in one small town and probably parroting her parents right wing views on the subject.

Your thread is a joke, walleyeddork, just like you.

And now, since you and the other denier retards can't handle having your lies and bullshit exposed and you have no real comeback to the facts about this idiotic thread, you dribble off exchanging lame half-witted attempts at humor. LOLOLOL. You are all pretty funny all right but not in a good way.
Al Gore was on the panel as well...I wonder what happened? - Conclusion ?pretty creative?

No "Al Gore" present here at all. No real science present here at all, just a fourth grader looking at the temperature record in one small town and probably parroting her parents right wing views on the subject.

Your thread is a joke, walleyeddork, just like you.

And now, since you and the other denier retards can't handle having your lies and bullshit exposed and you have no real comeback to the facts about this idiotic thread, you dribble off exchanging lame half-witted attempts at humor. LOLOLOL. You are all pretty funny all right but not in a good way.

There it is again!!!!

Al Gore was on the panel as well...I wonder what happened? - Conclusion ?pretty creative?

No "Al Gore" present here at all. No real science present here at all, just a fourth grader looking at the temperature record in one small town and probably parroting her parents right wing views on the subject.

Your thread is a joke, walleyeddork, just like you.

And now, since you and the other denier retards can't handle having your lies and bullshit exposed and you have no real comeback to the facts about this idiotic thread, you dribble off exchanging lame half-witted attempts at humor. LOLOLOL. You are all pretty funny all right but not in a good way.

Little boy,

I have had the displeasure of dealing with twerps far more intelligent than you ever will be. You are a cretin, a bufoon, someone of no account. You have demonstrated that you are no better than the pimple on a mosquito's bum.

Until you apologise to gslack for your incredibly inafantile behavior you are not welcome in the adult world. Until you apologise to gslack I am ostracizing you and I suggest the other adults do likewise. typical of braindead denier cultists.

A hoax. A bunch of lies. Exactly the walleyedretard's:cuckoo::eusa_liar: style. No wonder you started this thread, walleyed. This poor girl's father is just like you. A pathological liar and fraud who lies about his education and experience for political purposes.

It’s a hoax

by Sarah Taylor
Beeville Bee-Picayune
5 days ago

Julisa Castillo, who just finished the fourth grade at R.A. Hall Elementary, recently received a trophy, medal, plaque and congratulatory letter promising an all-expenses-paid trip to Space Camp.

The items claimed to have come from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and were reported in Saturday’s Bee-Picayune and Web site.

Edited for copy right rules -EZ

content copyright © 2010

Father says he is sorry for science fair hoax

by Sarah Taylor, Jason Collins, & Jeff Latcham
Beeville Bee-Picayune
3 days ago

Dr. J.R. Castillo admits the “recognition” his daughter received from the “2010 National Science Fair” was indeed a hoax.

“With that being said, we sincerely apologize to anyone and everyone who was affected by this. This has been a drain on our family and I just want to move on,” Castillo wrote in an e-mail. “What was intended to be a way to honor our daughter for a job well done on her project has really gotten out of hand and we’re ready to put this behind us.”

Bloggers at The fake science fair award: What sort of person would manipulate the emotions and expectations of a ten-year-old girl in this vile and crass way for a small political point? : science also raised numerous questions about Castillo’s own claimed credentials.
edited for copy right rules of the USMB-EZ

content copyright © 2010

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

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