It is time to hold radical ringleader George Soros to account for the growing civil unres

Funding Leftist Frenzy
Soros funds a recount so the Left can remain unhinged.
December 1, 2016
Deborah Weiss

(this old cock sucker looks like death, hey george hell's calling)

In anticipation of a Trump loss, Hillary Clinton and her cohorts professed that anything other than graceful acceptance of the loss would “threaten democracy.” But now that Trump has won, the left has hypocritically become unhinged. After violent protests, petitions to eradicate the electoral college, and coddling college age students to miss class, delay exams and obtain psychotherapy to deal with the “trauma” of the election results, liberal political elites are in fear that the left will at last, calm down and accept the results. They cannot accept such complacency.

Democrats got defeated in a sweep across the nation, with Republicans winning over two thirds of the governorships and making a record number of wins in state legislatures, 32 of which will have Republican control in both of their legislative chambers. But this isn’t enough to convince far leftists like Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein, that those who are upset by the results should just get a grip and learn to accept them. After all, every election, there is a winner and a loser. That’s our system. Instead, Stein is demanding recounts in several key blue states that have swung in favor of Trump this year. In order for the results to yield a different outcome, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan would all have to be overturned. That is not going to happen. Despite Stein’s efforts, the result is a foregone conclusion: Trump will still be President.


In the eyes of the Free World, the far left will try to delegitimize the leader of the Free World. This is the primary goal. Secondarily, these recounts keep the far left riled up in their frenzy, which for some reason leftist politicians want and need. Finally, Jill Stein, who raised a meager amount for her own Presidential run, in comparison to the funds she is bringing in for the recount, is aiming for 7 million dollars in her fundraising efforts and is likely to succeed. Any money not used toward the recounts will remain with the Green Party. It’s also interesting to note that Clinton’s attorney, Marc Elias, has been funded by anti-American billionaire George Soros to file recount efforts on behalf of Democrats generally, and to fight to change voting laws established by Republican legislatures that actually ensure voter integrity, but which Soros insists are “restrictive”. The National Voting Rights Institute, which persuaded Clinton to participate in the recount challenge also receives funding from Soros. Obviously, the mission has nothing to do with winning the Presidency and everything to do with wreaking havoc.

Funding Leftist Frenzy
It is time to hold radical ringleader George Soros to account for the growing civil unres

It's time for your nap.
BREAKING: George Soros Caught Red-Handed Funding Anti-Trump Protests, Paying Protesters $15/hr
Posted on November 17, 2016 by Claire Bernish


Rumors have circulated since protests and riots broke out following the election of Donald Trump last week claiming billionaire globalist and notorious meddler George Soros is backing the anti-Trump movement in an attempt to further destabilize the nation.

Although the links thus far have, indeed, circumstantially indicated Soros’ involvement, the connections haven’t been entirely clear — until now.

While it’s certainly true Soros hasn’t forked over a personal check to any participants in these events — frankly, even suggesting that would be the case ignorantly ignores the larger issues at play — the association of organizations and groups his Open Society Foundations funding is not only evident, it should not be dismissed.

When Soros-backed groups are entangled in the affairs of any nation, massive upheaval tends to follow — and not necessarily for the better. Whether or not you support the growing anti-Trump movement, a bit of background concerning this fact shows the need for apprehension — this isn’t a simple matter of influencing policies to fit a liberal ideology.


Make no mistake, Soros’ fingerprints in a revolution or dramatic political shift aren’t a philanthropic gesture. Sure, it could be argued those sharing his particular ideologies might benefit — but the globalist inserts himself anywhere he can opportune profit and influence. What loses is any weight or autonomous will of the people of those nations — in the United States, with the case of rebellion against an elected leader, that loser is the thin vestiges of the democratic process.

With that in mind, Soros-backed groups are, indeed, shaping the anti-Trump, “Not My President” protests. Although it would be utterly irresponsible to say a large faction of demonstrators weren’t self-motivated, it would be equally capricious to imagine an organic movement would remain as organized as it has without outside, professional involvement — of which evidence abounds with a little research.

In a November 9 article in Business Insider discussing the emergence of protests around the nation, a featured photograph by the Associated Press shows students marching in the streets holding banners. One reads, “Trump = Always Racist” — but along the bottom of that banner is a curious suggestion to “Text NeverTrump to 877-877.”


Way more info:
BREAKING: George Soros Caught Red-Handed Funding Anti-Trump Protests, Paying Protesters $15/hr

Nice link.

D.C. Clothesline. :laugh:

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