It is time to hold radical ringleader George Soros to account for the growing civil unres


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
If they can arrest Trumps man for trivial B/S they should be able to give soros a death sentence...
Arrest George Soros
Use existing criminal and civil laws to shut down his anti-American juggernaut.
March 31, 2016
Matthew Vadum


Soros favors the decline of the U.S. and spends lavishly on activism to bring that collapse about. He has spent an estimated $7 billion or more on giving left-wing groups the resources to screw up the country.

He has used his vast fortune to topple governments in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan. He "broke" the British pound, was accused of wreaking havoc on the Malaysian ringgit, and was called an "economic war criminal" in Thailand. A French court convicted him of insider trading.

America is his current target.

Soros calls America "the main obstacle to a stable and just world order" and hails Communist China for having "a better-functioning government than the United States." He says European-style socialism "is exactly what we need" and funds open-borders groups in order to corrode the nation's culture and change its electorate.

And he's at the forefront of the Left's push to defeat Trump by any means possible -- lawful or otherwise.

What do the violent mobs assaulting Donald Trump fans and supporting the Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street movements have in common? Money from Soros and the huge philanthropies he has endowed to turn America into a socialist country. Black Lives Matter and Soros-funded MoveOn have been heavily involved in hardball tactical strikes against Trump and his supporters.

The morally flexible Soros works the American system from the inside and the outside, using both lawful and unlawful, illegitimate tactics.

Some of the anti-Trump activism he funds consists of conventional political activities.

Soros recently contributed $5 million to a new super PAC called Immigrant Voters Win. The PAC's FEC filings indicate it is run out of the Washington, D.C. office of a Soros-funded 501(c)(4) nonprofit called Center for Community Change Action (formerly called Campaign for Community Action). ACORN alumnus Deepak Bhargava is the nonprofit's executive director and Sixties radical Heather Booth is a member of its board. It is expected to conduct a $15 million voter-mobilization effort against Trump in Colorado, Florida, and Nevada.


According to lead organizer Kai Newkirk, Democracy Spring is not -- wink, wink -- an explicitly anti-Trump event. But it is certain to become one as Newkirk more or less admits in a lie-filled screed posted online. "Trump's statements, proposed policies, and threats of violence concerning undocumented immigrants, Muslims, the KKK, protesters exercising their First Amendment rights, and others have crossed a very serious line into the territory of fascism and hate speech."

And anyone who remembers the Arab Spring of 2011 knows that an event named after it isn't likely to be peaceful.

Arrest George Soros


Copyright violation edited.
He's one of the most wicked motherfuckers in America.

But really...nothing we can do.

We could deport him, or put him on trial for treason then hang him.

We could give him a free trip into a random sun spot. /humor

But seriously, we need to change election laws so that ass holes like him and the Koch brothers cannot buy elections.
March 13, 2016
George Soros-Funded MoveOn.Org Takes Responsibility For Violent Donald Trump Protest — Promises More Protests Are To Come
Patrick Frye

Someone has finally stepped forward to take credit for the Trump protests held during Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago, Illinois, and it is Moveon.Org. The community of more than 8 million liberal Americans also promised more protests are to come.

Previous news outlets reported that Donald Trump planned to hold a rally in the heart of Chicago, Illinois. Such is a bold move for the GOP presidential hopeful, given the city is very liberal, often supporting the Democratic Party in all things. Nevertheless, Trump tried to hold the rally, only to be bombarded with thousands of anti-Trump protesters. The protests grew increasingly violent, which caused Trump to cancel or postpone the rally. For the anti-Trump protesters, they called it a “win” as “We stopped Trump” chants echoed through the streets.


Initially, the first reports on the postponement or cancellation of Donald Trump’s rally in Chicago credited members of the Black Lives Matter movement, Gay Pride community, and Muslims, mostly within the college student age range, as the people behind the anti-Trump protests. However, more recent reports have found the anti-Trump protest to be far more organized than what was initially expected.


Though calls itself a community for Americans to connect through internet, participate, and win campaigns for progressive change, it is often reported to be a front for wealthy progressive liberals. George Soros, the billionaire financier who is often known as “The Man who Broke the Bank of England,” donated $1.46 million to help initiate Linda Pritzker, a member of the Hyatt hotel family, donated $4 million to the group too.


George Soros-Funded MoveOn.Org Takes Responsibility For Violent Donald Trump Protest — Promises More Protests Are To Come


To do that were going to have to get rid of a lot rabid people...
BREAKING: George Soros Caught Red-Handed Funding Anti-Trump Protests, Paying Protesters $15/hr
Posted on November 17, 2016 by Claire Bernish


Rumors have circulated since protests and riots broke out following the election of Donald Trump last week claiming billionaire globalist and notorious meddler George Soros is backing the anti-Trump movement in an attempt to further destabilize the nation.

Although the links thus far have, indeed, circumstantially indicated Soros’ involvement, the connections haven’t been entirely clear — until now.

While it’s certainly true Soros hasn’t forked over a personal check to any participants in these events — frankly, even suggesting that would be the case ignorantly ignores the larger issues at play — the association of organizations and groups his Open Society Foundations funding is not only evident, it should not be dismissed.

When Soros-backed groups are entangled in the affairs of any nation, massive upheaval tends to follow — and not necessarily for the better. Whether or not you support the growing anti-Trump movement, a bit of background concerning this fact shows the need for apprehension — this isn’t a simple matter of influencing policies to fit a liberal ideology.


Make no mistake, Soros’ fingerprints in a revolution or dramatic political shift aren’t a philanthropic gesture. Sure, it could be argued those sharing his particular ideologies might benefit — but the globalist inserts himself anywhere he can opportune profit and influence. What loses is any weight or autonomous will of the people of those nations — in the United States, with the case of rebellion against an elected leader, that loser is the thin vestiges of the democratic process.

With that in mind, Soros-backed groups are, indeed, shaping the anti-Trump, “Not My President” protests. Although it would be utterly irresponsible to say a large faction of demonstrators weren’t self-motivated, it would be equally capricious to imagine an organic movement would remain as organized as it has without outside, professional involvement — of which evidence abounds with a little research.

In a November 9 article in Business Insider discussing the emergence of protests around the nation, a featured photograph by the Associated Press shows students marching in the streets holding banners. One reads, “Trump = Always Racist” — but along the bottom of that banner is a curious suggestion to “Text NeverTrump to 877-877.”


Way more info:
BREAKING: George Soros Caught Red-Handed Funding Anti-Trump Protests, Paying Protesters $15/hr

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