It better be a landslide!


Sep 23, 2010
Romney loses if it is not a landslide victory. For months the MSM has devoted itself to stopping a Romney landslide. First Martha Raddatz, then Candy Cowley, became footnotes in the media’s “No landslide” strategy. Up to this morning, I thought the strategy was limited to an attempt to save congressional seats as well as water down Romney’s mandate. Something Christopher Monckton said in today’s column made me realize Democrats fear a sound thrashing because they have every intention of pulling a JFK:

Communists hate democracy. Obama is with them on that. What has he done to eradicate the widespread voting fraud – nearly all of it perpetrated by “Democrats” – that is now endemic?

Democrats filch Senate and House seats as a matter of course, while JFK was the first Democrat to steal the presidency.

The 1960 election was also the first time the media closed its eyes to flagrant theft on the presidential level. Media Socialists hated Richard Nixon to be sure, but they would have ignored the theft irrespective of JFK’s opponent. Note that Democrats were setting the table for a JFK-Nixon-type contest by drumming up hatred against Romney personally —— rich white guy, blah, blah, blah. Happily, Romney could not be turned into the ogre the media invented to portray Nixon.

NOTE: My objection to Romney is that he is a Northeast liberal from Massachusetts who will do pretty much everything Hussein did; raise the debt ceiling, bailout banks and Wall Street firms, stimulus packages, etc. Hussein & Company cannot use any of that against him without cutting their own throats. Romney’s one saving grace is repealing the Affordable Care Act. Hussein has none.

Parenthetically, disregarding the urging of President Eisenhower and others, Mr. Nixon refused to contest the election results. He said he would not make America look like a banana republic. In today’s world every Democrat is hellbent on turning America into a banana republic for any reason. Hussein most of all. And Nixon was supposed to be a bad guy!

JFK in 2000

Al Gore’s shenanigans in 2000 is the stuff Democrats admire. Gore got caught with his hand in the till because he made the mistake of asking the SCOTUS to settle the issue. The fact that his attempted burglary was so obvious does not prevent Democrats to this day from screaming “We was robbed.”

Understand Gore if you want to understand where Democrats are trying to go with election fraud. Gore is a leading proponent of replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote. Remember that he tried to steal the election by claiming he won the popular vote in three Florida counties. Recounts proved otherwise. Had he stayed in Florida’s courts he might very well have pulled it off. No Democrat will make that same mistake. And why should they?

So long as Democrats cherry-pick their Supreme Court cases they can continue to loot with impunity. Gore’s goof taught Democrats they must never go to the SCOTUS for a ruling on a crooked presidential election RESULT. A little larceny prior to the election is another matter. ACORN, illegal immigrants voting, the cemetery vote, illegal campaign contributions, and every other trick Democrats have been getting away with for decades remain safe. Proof: Nothing has ever been done to stop those practices in the past. In addition, voter ID requirements is being blocked in the COURTS by Democrats.

NOTE: I don’t know the details governing early voting but I know Democrats. Voting early affirms the Democrat party’s First Commandment: Vote early and often.

Put it all together and it’s fair to say Hussein intends to steal this election à la JFK —— but only if the media can make the finish close enough to activate plausible deniability. In order for the theft to succeed it is imperative that Romney NOT win by a landslide. Basically, there are too many witnesses to the crime should Romney win by a huge margin.

Here’s the link to Monckton’s article:

Barack Obama the communist
Exclusive: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley on how BHO fits definition to a TPublished: 9 hours ago
by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

Barack Obama the communist
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My guess is that OWS is armed and ready for Obama's loss. Bill Ayers is probably giving them lessons on bomb building.
My guess is that OWS is armed and ready for Obama's loss. Bill Ayers is probably giving them lessons on bomb building.

To whitehall: Absolutely —— if Romney wins in a landslide:

Obama supporters continue to threaten riots if Romney wins
Thu Oct 18, 2012 6:50AM GMT

PressTV - Obama supporters threaten riots if Romney wins

Violence will be put on hold if Hussein loses in a squeaker. Voter ID laws will be used to mount a challenge without a shot being fired. The irony is: Romney will be accused of stealing the election BECAUSE ONLY ELIGIBLE VOTERS VOTED while Hussein’s media will make it look like he got a short count:

Here is a law professor, admittedly from a Los Angeles, California Loyola Law School, where conservative Republicans are an extinct species of homo sapiens, and the usurper occupying our White House is deemed the savior of the modern world; or what will be left of it when the savior has completed destroying it.

This law professor, named Rick Hasen, offers proof that Democrats are the villains behind the drive to create a clear field of lawlessness for fraudulent voting procedures with little to no identification requirements to prove that an individual has a legal right to cast a voting ballot.


This Rick Hasen states in an online blog dated August 24, 2012 that this “successful Republican effort to create an illusion of a voter fraud epidemic used to justify a host of laws, especially tough new state voter identification requirements, with the aim to suppress Democratic turnout and to excite the Republican base about “stolen” elections.”

Liberal Lawlessness Exposed In Opposition to Voter ID Laws
Jerry McConnell Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Liberal Lawlessness Exposed In Opposition to Voter ID Laws
LOL. What a bunch of whining in advance. If Romney wins the election, everyone will go to work the next day the same as the day before. And down the road, if he repeats the same mistakes of the Bush admin, there will be a GOP Convention he will not be invited to, that will pledge itself to the same mistakes that he and Bush made. Fools never learn.
If Romney wins the election, everyone will go to work the next day the same as the day before.

To Old Rocks: The day after Romney wins the election Hussein will lead his rats back to the sewers from whence they came.

I can only guess how many thousands of illegal ballots will be counted because of early voting laws. Early voting and overturning voter ID laws is the best hope Hussein has of stealing this election. The two compliment one another. If it is so easy to catch the crooks, and they do it so openly, I have to wonder why anybody working for the DNC would be honest. They obviously do not fear jail time:

Project Veritas is known for its hidden-camera probe of the controversial national community organizing group tied to Obama, ACORN.

Nothing came out of the ACORN child prostitution sting videos; so it isn’t likely anything will come from these two:

Incidentally, Pat Moran’s father is the one and only:

Jim Moran, 67, is a controversial figure in Congress who has been criticized for his collaboration with Islamic leaders with ties to terrorism.

AG has voter fraud on radar in wake of video sting
Federal, state probes possible after Democrat campaign boss caught
Published: 8 hours ago

AG has voter fraud on radar in wake of video sting
The U.N. sends election monitors.

The Republicans scream bloody murder.

Makes you wonder what they're worried about and who's really doing the cheating, eh? :cool:
The U.N. sends election monitors.

The Republicans scream bloody murder.

Makes you wonder what they're worried about and who's really doing the cheating, eh? :cool:

Foreign involvement in our elections you idiot.

Well, other countries had to suffer foreign involvement in their elections for years! Now, its US turn.

As a side issue, Russia and China are compiling "Human Rights Abuse in US" report...
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Well, other countries had to suffer foreign involvement in their elections for years! Now, its US turn.

To mememe: Maybe not:

Texas authorities have threatened to arrest international election observers, prompting a furious response from the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

Texas sparks international row with election observers
By Julian Pecquet - 10/25/12 03:04 PM ET

Texas sparks international row with election observers - The Hill's Global Affairs
LOL. What a bunch of whining in advance. If Romney wins the election, everyone will go to work the next day the same as the day before. And down the road, if he repeats the same mistakes of the Bush admin, there will be a GOP Convention he will not be invited to, that will pledge itself to the same mistakes that he and Bush made. Fools never learn.

We're back to the Republicans feeling victimized yet again I see. Only going to get worse, I'm afraid.
Romney loses if it is not a landslide victory. For months the MSM has devoted itself to stopping a Romney landslide. First Martha Raddatz, then Candy Cowley, became footnotes in the media’s “No landslide” strategy. Up to this morning, I thought the strategy was limited to an attempt to save congressional seats as well as water down Romney’s mandate. Something Christopher Monckton said in today’s column made me realize Democrats fear a sound thrashing because they have every intention of pulling a JFK:

Communists hate democracy. Obama is with them on that. What has he done to eradicate the widespread voting fraud – nearly all of it perpetrated by “Democrats” – that is now endemic?

Democrats filch Senate and House seats as a matter of course, while JFK was the first Democrat to steal the presidency.

The 1960 election was also the first time the media closed its eyes to flagrant theft on the presidential level. Media Socialists hated Richard Nixon to be sure, but they would have ignored the theft irrespective of JFK’s opponent. Note that Democrats were setting the table for a JFK-Nixon-type contest by drumming up hatred against Romney personally —— rich white guy, blah, blah, blah. Happily, Romney could not be turned into the ogre the media invented to portray Nixon.

NOTE: My objection to Romney is that he is a Northeast liberal from Massachusetts who will do pretty much everything Hussein did; raise the debt ceiling, bailout banks and Wall Street firms, stimulus packages, etc. Hussein & Company cannot use any of that against him without cutting their own throats. Romney’s one saving grace is repealing the Affordable Care Act. Hussein has none.

Parenthetically, disregarding the urging of President Eisenhower and others, Mr. Nixon refused to contest the election results. He said he would not make America look like a banana republic. In today’s world every Democrat is hellbent on turning America into a banana republic for any reason. Hussein most of all. And Nixon was supposed to be a bad guy!

JFK in 2000

Al Gore’s shenanigans in 2000 is the stuff Democrats admire. Gore got caught with his hand in the till because he made the mistake of asking the SCOTUS to settle the issue. The fact that his attempted burglary was so obvious does not prevent Democrats to this day from screaming “We was robbed.”

Understand Gore if you want to understand where Democrats are trying to go with election fraud. Gore is a leading proponent of replacing the Electoral College with the popular vote. Remember that he tried to steal the election by claiming he won the popular vote in three Florida counties. Recounts proved otherwise. Had he stayed in Florida’s courts he might very well have pulled it off. No Democrat will make that same mistake. And why should they?

So long as Democrats cherry-pick their Supreme Court cases they can continue to loot with impunity. Gore’s goof taught Democrats they must never go to the SCOTUS for a ruling on a crooked presidential election RESULT. A little larceny prior to the election is another matter. ACORN, illegal immigrants voting, the cemetery vote, illegal campaign contributions, and every other trick Democrats have been getting away with for decades remain safe. Proof: Nothing has ever been done to stop those practices in the past. In addition, voter ID requirements is being blocked in the COURTS by Democrats.

NOTE: I don’t know the details governing early voting but I know Democrats. Voting early affirms the Democrat party’s First Commandment: Vote early and often.

Put it all together and it’s fair to say Hussein intends to steal this election à la JFK —— but only if the media can make the finish close enough to activate plausible deniability. In order for the theft to succeed it is imperative that Romney NOT win by a landslide. Basically, there are too many witnesses to the crime should Romney win by a huge margin.

Here’s the link to Monckton’s article:

Barack Obama the communist
Exclusive: Christopher Monckton of Brenchley on how BHO fits definition to a TPublished: 9 hours ago
by Christopher Monckton of Brenchley

Barack Obama the communist

You quote that lying fraud who was censored by the House of Lords for a false Lordship claim? Why don't you just quote some drunken bum off the street. Just as much credibility.
The U.N. sends election monitors.

The Republicans scream bloody murder.

Makes you wonder what they're worried about and who's really doing the cheating, eh? :cool:

Foreign involvement in our elections you idiot.

And yet those involved are fully visible. Why don't you ask how much foreign money is invisible and influencing the vote thanks to the five conservatives on the SC who gave us Citizens United v. FEC?
The U.N. sends election monitors.

The Republicans scream bloody murder.

Makes you wonder what they're worried about and who's really doing the cheating, eh? :cool:

Foreign involvement in our elections you idiot.

And yet those involved are fully visible. Why don't you ask how much foreign money is invisible and influencing the vote thanks to the five conservatives on the SC who gave us Citizens United v. FEC?

You the one voting for Obama the man who takes foreign money.
You quote that lying fraud who was censored by the House of Lords for a false Lordship claim? Why don't you just quote some drunken bum off the street. Just as much credibility.

To Old Rocks:

Christopher Walter Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley (born 14 February 1952) is a British politician, public speaker,[1] hereditary peer, and former newspaper editor.

Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



Hereditary peer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For all of the things I said in the OP is Monckton the best you could come up with? If so, you must believe everything else is indisputable!
The U.N. sends election monitors.

The Republicans scream bloody murder.

Makes you wonder what they're worried about and who's really doing the cheating, eh? :cool:

We have our own system. We don't need the UN influence's.
How about they come into your home to see if you have something they don't want you to have? Then what?
We have enough troubles, we don't need those assholes creating more.
Be a patriot for Christ sake.
I don't personally care one way or the other if internationals 'view' our election. As long as they are here legally, and not breaking any laws, why should I care what they do?

The ley is 'view'. Should they interfere in some way, on either candidates behalf, then I would have a problem with them.

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