OBAMA "Whole bunch public land oil leases not usin"...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
EXACT words...
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Here's what happened. You had a whole bunch of oil companies who had leases on public lands that they weren't using.
So what we said was, you can't just sit on this for 10, 20, 30 years, decide when you want to drill,
when you want to produce, when it's most profitable for you. These are public lands.
So if you want to drill on public lands, you use it or you lose it."
Transcript And Audio: Obama-Romney 2nd Presidential Debate : NPR

First of all... why is OBAMA ALWAYS ready to TEAR businesses a new one???
Does he understand you get a lot more with honey then vinegar... but of course it doesn't make a difference when people perceive you as a Messiah... people, oil companies MUST OBEY!

But more important this Obama attitude shows absolutely totally NAIVE knowledge of OIL exploration, production!

When Obama BLAMES Oil companies have already leased 38 million acres in the U.S. and they are not drilling on them.

There is absolutely no way that this is the whole story.
Does anyone actually believe that any smart business would go around buying these leases, for a minimum of $26,700 for 670 acres (which is the minimum size), and then never using them? The AP put this out to support this retarded argument. Try clicking on a state to see how much land the oil companies are not using.

Let's think about the entire Oil process. Oil companies must do a whole lot of research. They have geologists telling them the likelihood that oil will be found in a certain area. These geologists are very good at what they do. They can tell a lot from satellite, then they can tell more from seismic tests, even more from core samples. These tests go in order. But they can only do the seismic tests after the lease has been secured. Tell me first why would you lease land just for the fun of it? Do really think that the oil companies are going to lease land that they don't think will ever produce, just because the BLM said they are willing to lease it out.

Why Do Oil Companies Refuse To Drill On 38,317,322 Acres Already Leased?
Use it or lose it. That is how it works with my vacation at work, that is how it should work for the oil companies. If they don't think that the land has oil underneath it, then we are doing them a favor by ending their lease on it.
In a blog by Breitbart on the 10 big lies of the debate, there is this:

4. "And the production is up....What you’re saying is just not true." Obama contested a claim by Romney that production of oil and gas is down on federal lands. He even accused Romney of not telling the truth. But Romney was right--exactly right, down to the percentage decline. Furthermore, Obama's claim that he has been increasing oil and gas production on federal lands flies in the face of recent policy decisions, such as closing off a large part of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to further development. Obama has tried to take credit for expansion on private lands, while opposing expansion wherever possible.

Chris Wallace then pointed out that oil production of public lands is DOWN 62%!

I cannot believe that anybody can speak in front of 60 million American and lie like Obama did.
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Use it or lose it. That is how it works with my vacation at work, that is how it should work for the oil companies. If they don't think that the land has oil underneath it, then we are doing them a favor by ending their lease on it.

That's also why we have grants and how funding gets out of hand......When you have a grant.....buy shit before it's up...so your funding increases....the liberal way!
In a blog by Breitbart on the 10 big lies of the debate, there is this:

4. "And the production is up....What you’re saying is just not true." Obama contested a claim by Romney that production of oil and gas is down on federal lands. He even accused Romney of not telling the truth. But Romney was right--exactly right, down to the percentage decline. Furthermore, Obama's claim that he has been increasing oil and gas production on federal lands flies in the face of recent policy decisions, such as closing off a large part of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to further development. Obama has tried to take credit for expansion on private lands, while opposing expansion wherever possible.

Chris Wallace then pointed out that oil production of public lands is DOWN 62%!

I cannot believe that anybody can speak in front of 60 million American and lie like Obama did.

Breitbart is dead.

Sorry to tell you this.

Do you think he's Tupac?
In a blog by Breitbart on the 10 big lies of the debate, there is this:

4. "And the production is up....What you’re saying is just not true." Obama contested a claim by Romney that production of oil and gas is down on federal lands. He even accused Romney of not telling the truth. But Romney was right--exactly right, down to the percentage decline. Furthermore, Obama's claim that he has been increasing oil and gas production on federal lands flies in the face of recent policy decisions, such as closing off a large part of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to further development. Obama has tried to take credit for expansion on private lands, while opposing expansion wherever possible.

Chris Wallace then pointed out that oil production of public lands is DOWN 62%!

I cannot believe that anybody can speak in front of 60 million American and lie like Obama did.

I cannot believe you would actually post such drivel without doing a bit of research. Or do you just like to repeat lies?:eusa_hand:

Here is the truth of the matter;

Myths And Facts About Oil And Gasoline | Research | Media Matters for America

The data in the report, which go back to 2003, show that there was indeed a large decline in oil production on federal lands and waters in 2011. But that observation belies the fact that federal lands and waters were exceptionally productive during 2010, outstripping any year's productivity during the Bush administration. Indeed, the average productivity on federal land and waters during the four Bush years, 2003-2008, was 634 million barrels per year. During the three Obama years, 2009-2011, it was 676 million barrels. During the Bush years, federal lands produced roughly 33 percent of the national output on average. During the Obama years, they produced roughly 34 percent. [Columbia Journalism Review, 3/22/12]

Romney flat out lied on this matter. As you also have done.
In a blog by Breitbart on the 10 big lies of the debate, there is this:

4. "And the production is up....What you’re saying is just not true." Obama contested a claim by Romney that production of oil and gas is down on federal lands. He even accused Romney of not telling the truth. But Romney was right--exactly right, down to the percentage decline. Furthermore, Obama's claim that he has been increasing oil and gas production on federal lands flies in the face of recent policy decisions, such as closing off a large part of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to further development. Obama has tried to take credit for expansion on private lands, while opposing expansion wherever possible.

Chris Wallace then pointed out that oil production of public lands is DOWN 62%!

I cannot believe that anybody can speak in front of 60 million American and lie like Obama did.

I cannot believe you would actually post such drivel without doing a bit of research. Or do you just like to repeat lies?:eusa_hand:

Here is the truth of the matter;

Myths And Facts About Oil And Gasoline | Research | Media Matters for America

The data in the report, which go back to 2003, show that there was indeed a large decline in oil production on federal lands and waters in 2011. But that observation belies the fact that federal lands and waters were exceptionally productive during 2010, outstripping any year's productivity during the Bush administration. Indeed, the average productivity on federal land and waters during the four Bush years, 2003-2008, was 634 million barrels per year. During the three Obama years, 2009-2011, it was 676 million barrels. During the Bush years, federal lands produced roughly 33 percent of the national output on average. During the Obama years, they produced roughly 34 percent. [Columbia Journalism Review, 3/22/12]

Romney flat out lied on this matter. As you also have done.

YES you are right! Production INCREASED on Federal LANDS that take about 10 years to develop SO OBAMA had NOTHING to do with production increases on Federal land leases that WERE LET UNDER BUSH!!!

BLAME Bush ok???
OIL LEASES under OBAMA in 3 years new leases 5,568 new leases..
Under Bush.. from 2006 to 2008 15,095 new leases!

A 2/3rds Reduction in FEDERAL LEASES !
How can you dispute THAT FACT?

And then knowing it takes 10 years from exploration to development... IT certainly has NOTHING to do with OBAMA's efforts!
BUT Obama could have approved as many or more leases... that's the measurement of attitude i.e. for oil or against.
Obama obviously could have encouraged rather then discouraged OIL leases !

Show me how Obama HELPED increase oil production on federal lands that were leased BEFORE his administration???
to cut thru all the fat. All agencies have come under the the control of the epa The government can use the epa to wield it's will in every facet of american society.
the forest service don't want you out there with a metal detector or their land and the blm don;t want you out there digging around for gold either
In a blog by Breitbart on the 10 big lies of the debate, there is this:

4. "And the production is up....What you’re saying is just not true." Obama contested a claim by Romney that production of oil and gas is down on federal lands. He even accused Romney of not telling the truth. But Romney was right--exactly right, down to the percentage decline. Furthermore, Obama's claim that he has been increasing oil and gas production on federal lands flies in the face of recent policy decisions, such as closing off a large part of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to further development. Obama has tried to take credit for expansion on private lands, while opposing expansion wherever possible.

Chris Wallace then pointed out that oil production of public lands is DOWN 62%!

I cannot believe that anybody can speak in front of 60 million American and lie like Obama did.

Breitbart is dead.

Sorry to tell you this.

Do you think he's Tupac?

Wow, are you brain damaged? Breitbart website is still in production with Dana Loesch as the Editor.
So, not only did Mitt lie about the women in binders and Obama's increasing regulations, he also lied about oil production on public lands?

obama won't approve the permits. Democrats can yell all they want, but the government won't approve the permits for exploration. Much less to actually drill.
In a blog by Breitbart on the 10 big lies of the debate, there is this:

4. "And the production is up....What you’re saying is just not true." Obama contested a claim by Romney that production of oil and gas is down on federal lands. He even accused Romney of not telling the truth. But Romney was right--exactly right, down to the percentage decline. Furthermore, Obama's claim that he has been increasing oil and gas production on federal lands flies in the face of recent policy decisions, such as closing off a large part of the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska to further development. Obama has tried to take credit for expansion on private lands, while opposing expansion wherever possible.

Chris Wallace then pointed out that oil production of public lands is DOWN 62%!

I cannot believe that anybody can speak in front of 60 million American and lie like Obama did.

Mitt Romney said "the president cut in half the number of licenses and permits for drilling on federal lands and in federal waters."

According to the Bureau of Land Management, in fiscal year 2011, 2,188 leases were issued for energy development on federal lands. Four years earlier, in fiscal year 2007, 3499 leases were issued. So, not quite a 50% drop, but a drop nonetheless.

However, the biggest drop-off came in fiscal year 2008, to 2,416 leases. The fiscal year for the federal government starts Oct. 1, 2007, so that decline began under the Bush administration. Leases under President Obama took a precipitous drop in 2010, because of the moratorium the administration implemented in the wake of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, which occurred on federal land and was the worst offshore oil spill in federal history. The number of permits has started climbing since then.

Politifact.com noted the following about drilling on federal lands: "From 2004-08, well into Bush’s tenure, oil production on federal lands and waters fell in four of five years, for a net decrease of 16.8%. From 2009-11, the Obama years, oil production rose two of three years, for a net increase of 10.6%."

Fact check: Drilling leases down, production up - latimes.com
Does anyone actually believe that any smart business would go around buying these leases, for a minimum of $26,700 for 670 acres (which is the minimum size), and then never using them? The AP put this out to support this retarded argument. Try clicking on a state to see how much land the oil companies are not using.

Uh...yes, that's exactly what they do. I live in the oil patch and this whole area is littered with undeveloped leases. Why are they still undeveloped? You'd have to ask the individual lease holders, but the reasons are usually that the oil or gas is difficult or expensive to extract and it's not profitable at today's prices or because there is a glut of the product already or that it's of a low quality. There are many reasons not to develop a lease, but it IS a fairly common practice to lock up a lease before somebody else gets it.

But they can only do the seismic tests after the lease has been secured.

Not so. Seismic crews can operate with just a property owners permission, regardless of whether or not the owner even has mineral rights. In cases where the property owners deny permission (as I've done because I had a water well), they simply move over to another piece of property or use public road right of ways. No lease is required.
And then knowing it takes 10 years from exploration to development...

It does not take 10 years from exploration to development. The Gulf of Mexico's deep water & ultra deep water oil production went ballistic within a year of the drilling ban being lifted in 2008.


BP purchased the mineral rights to drill for oil in the Macondo Prospect at the Minerals Management Service's lease sale in March 2008. Mapping of the block was carried out by BP America in 2008 and 2009. BP secured approval to drill the Macondo Prospect from MMS in March 2009. An exploration well was scheduled to be drilled in 2009.

On 7 October 2009 the Transocean Marianas semi-submersible rig commenced drilling, but operations were halted at 4,023 feet below the sea floor on 29 November 2009, when the rig was damaged by Hurricane Ida. The Transocean Deepwater Horizon rig resumed drilling operations in February 2010.

In April 2010 BP/ Deepwater Horizon struck a huge producible oil reservoir. On April 20, 2010 an explosion on the drilling rig Deepwater Horizon occurred as it was capping the oil well so the drilling rig could detach from the well head & allow a production platform to connect. This could have started to fill tankers in short order.
Years ago I remember reading how the oil companies lease oil lands and let the lands sit waiting. Apparently the practice has been going on for some years, long before Obama's charges. The truth is easy enough to check and one would think some might just do that before posting.
Years ago I remember reading how the oil companies lease oil lands and let the lands sit waiting. Apparently the practice has been going on for some years, long before Obama's charges. The truth is easy enough to check and one would think some might just do that before posting.

You think the government isn't making money from idle leases? The initial per acre payment can be astronomical, and depending on the term (usually 1-5 years) anual delay rentals can be just as pricey.
Years ago I remember reading how the oil companies lease oil lands and let the lands sit waiting. Apparently the practice has been going on for some years, long before Obama's charges. The truth is easy enough to check and one would think some might just do that before posting.

You think the government isn't making money from idle leases? The initial per acre payment can be astronomical, and depending on the term (usually 1-5 years) anual delay rentals can be just as pricey.

The issue wasn't about making money on leases, the Obama administration's priority was to increase supplies as quickly as possible to bring down gas prices. Idle leases are counterproductive to the interests of the majority of Americans, and we are talking about PUBLIC lands here.
Oil companies affect the global price of oil by limiting their production. Also, oil companies own far more drilling rights than they use; in many areas, they wait until a "suitable" global price is attained before they incur the expense of production (some areas are more costly to extract than others, and the quality of the crude is lower).

So the President actually has very, very little effect upon the actions of oil companies--let alone, the price of refined gasoline at the pump. If Willard Romney didn't know this, he's stupid. If he think he can have any material effect on prices, he's stupid. If he knows all this and misled listeners, he's a liar.


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