Israel's "Right to Exist"?

Glad to hep.

Do a search for "Egypt". You will find it. Isn't that odd?



Masterful concision, tinny.

The wording was very precise and very calculated within the agreement. That is why Egypt was clearly referenced and Israel was not. Do you now see why?

They call Israel Palestine yet they call the forces Israeli.

You said you would help me with that.

Masterful concision, tinny.

The wording was very precise and very calculated within the agreement. That is why Egypt was clearly referenced and Israel was not. Do you now see why?

They call Israel Palestine yet they call the forces Israeli.

You said you would help me with that.

I did help you with that.

I'm guessing that it will need to be repeated to you, in tedious fashion, many more times, before you get a grasp of the context.

Here it is again for you. I counted 13 separate instances of Israeli, not a single instance of Israel.

"Egypt" is written out as well as Egyptian. Palestine is similarly written out.

I gave you an explanation of that, already.

Why not tell us up front how many times you will feign ignorance of what has been explained to you?

Or is it ignorance, plain and simple?
Masterful concision, tinny.

The wording was very precise and very calculated within the agreement. That is why Egypt was clearly referenced and Israel was not. Do you now see why?

They call Israel Palestine yet they call the forces Israeli.

You said you would help me with that.

I did help you with that.

I'm guessing that it will need to be repeated to you, in tedious fashion, many more times, before you get a grasp of the context.

Here it is again for you. I counted 13 separate instances of Israeli, not a single instance of Israel.

"Egypt" is written out as well as Egyptian. Palestine is similarly written out.

I gave you an explanation of that, already.

Why not tell us up front how many times you will feign ignorance of what has been explained to you?

Or is it ignorance, plain and simple?

I don't think they are faking it......
Yeah? Ya think Arabs shouldn't have attacked Israel? There was no such thing as Palestinians. Check it out. Palestine is the biggest fraud perpetrated on mankind. After Islam that is.

4. The establishment of an armistice between the armed forces of the two Parties is accepted as an indispensable step toward the liquidation of armed conflict and the restoration of peace in Palestine.

2. This withdrawal shall begin on the day after that which follows the signing of this Agreement, at 0500 hours GMT, and shall be beyond the Egypt-Palestine frontier.

2. The area thus demilitarized shall be as follows: From a point on the Egypt-Palestine frontier five (5) kilometres north-west... thence returning north-west along the Egypt-Palestine frontier to the point of origin.

4. The road Taba-Qouseima-Auja shall not be employed by any military forces whatsoever for the purpose of entering Palestine.

The Avalon Project : Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, February 24, 1949

Now, tinny. I'm guessing that you are not understanding that "Palestine" is a clear reference to Israel and why that is the case.

See if you can think this through. I'll check back later and if you can't work through it, I'lll help you out.
He forgot to mention that "Palestine" included JORDAN. Simply put, if they would have given an inch to the Jews and declared it as a Jewish state, the Arabs would have still attacked Israel. This conflict is about Islamic intolerance.
Here's the point, Serpent...Israel is NOT that special.

"More recently, FBI counter intelligence officer John Cole has reported how many cases of Israeli espionage are dropped under orders from the Justice Department. He provides a 'conservative estimate' of 125 worthwhile investigations into Israeli espionage involving both American citizens and Israelis that were stopped due to political pressure from above.

"Two stories that have been reported in the Israeli media but are strangely absent from the news on this side of the Atlantic demonstrate exactly what is going on and what is at stake.

"The first report confirms Tel Aviv’s efforts to obtain US technology are ongoing.

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today

What do you know about snakes in the Promised Land?
One of these days you're gonaa get buried in your own IslamoNazi shit propoganda, and the world will be a much better place after that.
Are you claiming to be a US citizen?
If so, why are you denying the existence of alleged espionage committed by US citizens on behalf of Israel?

"Stewart David Nozette, a US government scientist who was arrested in an October 2009 FBI sting operation after offering to spy for Israel, has been waiting in jail to go to trial on espionage charges.
New documents in the case were presented in the Federal court in Washington last year. The documents confirm that Nozette was a paid consultant for Israeli Aerospace Industries and it is believed that he passed to them classified material in return for an estimated $225,000 in 'consulting' fees.

Do you personally accept any "consulting fees" from Israeli interests?

Phil Giraldi Spills Beans on Israeli Espionage in America | Veterans Today
Nazi Palestine Continues Its Jihad Against The Jews While Pretending To Be For Peace
Isn’t it so quite the obvious that the Palestinian cause is nothing more than a big fraud? What the leaders of the Palestinian government have done is purposely trying to have it both ways ever since they had come about. They are still using American tax payer money to fund their own front groups of hate who smear Israel of being behind 9/11 among other things, compare Israel to Nazi Germany even though one of the biggest supporters of Nazi Germany was the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem during World War II.Here is a list of front groups the Palestinian Authority, that’s right the “moderate” Palestinian Authority is funding through a number of front groups:

•Council for the National Interest: This is led by former Congressman Paul Findley, along with also Philip Giraldi. Very scary anti-Semites who have been very active on promoting anti-Semitic propaganda on the Internet. Giraldi, especially is ten times scarier than Findley, as he has intelligence background in the CIA, which makes one wonder why the CIA allows a “moderate” Palestinian Authority to receive so much of America’s own tax money for all this time. Findley is a known supporter of the Palestine Liberation Organization, a group led by the late Yasser Arafat, now by Mahmoud Abbas who runs the Palestinian Authority.

•If Americans Knew: Another front group organized by Findley and the Palestinian Authority, it’s purpose is purely to promote propaganda.

• An anti-Semitic website run by Gordon Duff who is a proponent of Findley and Giraldi’s wicked ideas of how 9/11 was done by Israel. Duff also doesn’t mind not just receiving support from the Palestinian Authority, but also from the governments of Russia, Iran and Pakistan, where Hamid Gul, a former Pakistani ISI leader is a columnist. He also has connections with anti-Semites like Eric May who purposely use the Internet to forment 9/11 “Truth” propaganda that doesn’t make sense and cannot be proven; along with also European holocaust deniers like Ernst Zundel.

• Website run by Justin Raimondo who regularly also promotes how Israel was behind 9/11. Philip Giraldi also hangs around that wicked website as well. Raimondo is a well known supporter of Ron Paul, along with also the John Birch Society which has been supporting Ron Paul’s campaign. Raimondo has also been more than happy to promote propaganda against his own country.
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Not "who" but "what."

"Although access to New York banks remains essential for foreign exchange transactions because of the role of the dollar, interbank transfer instructions are conducted through the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT), which is based in Belgium. So, instead of New York — as in the period when sanctions were applied on South Africa– Belgium is now the pressure point."

Still confused?
Call Mitt.

Terry Crawford-Browne: To end the occupation, cripple Israeli banks | Israeli Occupation Archive
How much of your daily 24 hours do you dedicate to masturbating for the destruction of Israel, oh curious George the Muslim monkey?
Define "Israel", Snake-face.
Specifically its eastern border.
'Wouldn't be the Jordan River, would it?
Ok here we go, anther popular anti semtic theory among those who bend over and raise their asses five times a day, it's the "Israel has no borders" Mohammadian garbage.
Masterful concision, tinny.

The wording was very precise and very calculated within the agreement. That is why Egypt was clearly referenced and Israel was not. Do you now see why?

They call Israel Palestine yet they call the forces Israeli.

You said you would help me with that.

I did help you with that.

I'm guessing that it will need to be repeated to you, in tedious fashion, many more times, before you get a grasp of the context.

Here it is again for you. I counted 13 separate instances of Israeli, not a single instance of Israel.

"Egypt" is written out as well as Egyptian. Palestine is similarly written out.

I gave you an explanation of that, already.

Why not tell us up front how many times you will feign ignorance of what has been explained to you?

Or is it ignorance, plain and simple?

Repeating a lie does not make it true. That doesn't work for me. I need more than your say so. Maybe a place called Israel was not mentioned because it was not there.

Show me some documentation to prove what you say is true.
They call Israel Palestine yet they call the forces Israeli.

You said you would help me with that.

I did help you with that.

I'm guessing that it will need to be repeated to you, in tedious fashion, many more times, before you get a grasp of the context.

Here it is again for you. I counted 13 separate instances of Israeli, not a single instance of Israel.

"Egypt" is written out as well as Egyptian. Palestine is similarly written out.

I gave you an explanation of that, already.

Why not tell us up front how many times you will feign ignorance of what has been explained to you?

Or is it ignorance, plain and simple?

Repeating a lie does not make it true. That doesn't work for me. I need more than your say so. Maybe a place called Israel was not mentioned because it was not there.

Show me some documentation to prove what you say is true.
Heh? Are you out of your fucking mind? :cuckoo::banghead:
They call Israel Palestine yet they call the forces Israeli.

You said you would help me with that.

I did help you with that.

I'm guessing that it will need to be repeated to you, in tedious fashion, many more times, before you get a grasp of the context.

Here it is again for you. I counted 13 separate instances of Israeli, not a single instance of Israel.

"Egypt" is written out as well as Egyptian. Palestine is similarly written out.

I gave you an explanation of that, already.

Why not tell us up front how many times you will feign ignorance of what has been explained to you?

Or is it ignorance, plain and simple?

Repeating a lie does not make it true. That doesn't work for me. I need more than your say so. Maybe a place called Israel was not mentioned because it was not there.

Show me some documentation to prove what you say is true.

Now, tinny. You're flailing around. I responded to the document you posted. Are you now claiming the document you posted is untrue?
Israel is NO DIFFERENT than any other nation.

Its right to exist comes from its ability to maintain its borders and control its own destiny.

There's no philosophical "right" to exist, there is only the de facto reality of whether any nation maintain its own existence.

Nations come and nations go, and sometimes, they come and then go and then they come back again.
Israel is NO DIFFERENT than any other nation.

Its right to exist comes from its ability to maintain its borders and control its own destiny.

There's no philosophical "right" to exist, there is only the de facto reality of whether any nation maintain its own existence.

Nations come and nations go, and sometimes, they come and then go and then they come back again.

Good answer mirrored by some of the other answers already given on this thread, especially those given by Seal. I don't mean to add another level of complication to this question but the real problem that is raised by the phrase " RIGHT TO EXIST " in the case of Israel is the words that the Israeli Government is insisting that all nations also acknowledge, and those are " AS A JEWISH NATION ".

While the Right to Exist is a factual matter only addressed by the actual existence of the country, as soon as you toss in the rest of the words you are not only asking for a factual statement but also for a moral judgement, and that is where the question becomes complicated ( get it now High Gravity Roudy and others ). Moral judgements are what an individual or a society deems to be good or evil and anyone with a brain can see how this would muddy the question. As Seal and others have pointed out many Arab Countries including the PLO have agreed to Israel's Right to Exist they are just not ready to agree to the political and moral ramifications that using " AS A JEWISH STATE " implies.
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They call Israel Palestine yet they call the forces Israeli.

You said you would help me with that.

I did help you with that.

I'm guessing that it will need to be repeated to you, in tedious fashion, many more times, before you get a grasp of the context.

Here it is again for you. I counted 13 separate instances of Israeli, not a single instance of Israel.

"Egypt" is written out as well as Egyptian. Palestine is similarly written out.

I gave you an explanation of that, already.

Why not tell us up front how many times you will feign ignorance of what has been explained to you?

Or is it ignorance, plain and simple?

Repeating a lie does not make it true. That doesn't work for me. I need more than your say so. Maybe a place called Israel was not mentioned because it was not there.

Show me some documentation to prove what you say is true.

You crack me up, TinHorn. You post PIC ("The Voice of Palestine") camel crap and meaningless YouTubes like it's your job and you have the temerity to throw stones?
I suppose the only way to justify your BS is to be the unconscious hypocrite you are.
I did help you with that.

I'm guessing that it will need to be repeated to you, in tedious fashion, many more times, before you get a grasp of the context.

Here it is again for you. I counted 13 separate instances of Israeli, not a single instance of Israel.

"Egypt" is written out as well as Egyptian. Palestine is similarly written out.

I gave you an explanation of that, already.

Why not tell us up front how many times you will feign ignorance of what has been explained to you?

Or is it ignorance, plain and simple?

Repeating a lie does not make it true. That doesn't work for me. I need more than your say so. Maybe a place called Israel was not mentioned because it was not there.

Show me some documentation to prove what you say is true.

You crack me up, TinHorn. You post PIC ("The Voice of Palestine") camel crap and meaningless YouTubes like it's your job and you have the temerity to throw stones?
I suppose the only way to justify your BS is to be the unconscious hypocrite you are.

I take it you have no documentation to back up that assertion so you are just going to blow smoke.
Israel is NO DIFFERENT than any other nation.

Its right to exist comes from its ability to maintain its borders and control its own destiny.

There's no philosophical "right" to exist, there is only the de facto reality of whether any nation maintain its own existence.

Nations come and nations go, and sometimes, they come and then go and then they come back again.

Simple and straight to the point but, unfortunately, a point that some here (well, at least TinHorn) will still be unable or unwilling to process.
The obvious question is why do the same posters repeatedly get into the same "right to exist" argument as though their question hasn't been answered hundreds of times?
They are so busy selling their hate they can't deal with the fact their queries have been answered.
Poor TinHorn argued with me for days that UN 181 is null and void, a position I agreed with before he even posted it and continued to agree with every time he brought it up to argue!
Definitely something wrong with that boy.
Israel is NO DIFFERENT than any other nation.

Its right to exist comes from its ability to maintain its borders and control its own destiny.

There's no philosophical "right" to exist, there is only the de facto reality of whether any nation maintain its own existence.

Nations come and nations go, and sometimes, they come and then go and then they come back again.

i think in this case, "inability to restrain" might be a more appropriate phrase.
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Israel is NO DIFFERENT than any other nation.

Its right to exist comes from its ability to maintain its borders and control its own destiny.

There's no philosophical "right" to exist, there is only the de facto reality of whether any nation maintain its own existence.

Nations come and nations go, and sometimes, they come and then go and then they come back again.

i think in this case, "restrain" might be a more appropriate word.

Actually, Israel has no borders.
Repeating a lie does not make it true. That doesn't work for me. I need more than your say so. Maybe a place called Israel was not mentioned because it was not there.

Show me some documentation to prove what you say is true.

You crack me up, TinHorn. You post PIC ("The Voice of Palestine") camel crap and meaningless YouTubes like it's your job and you have the temerity to throw stones?
I suppose the only way to justify your BS is to be the unconscious hypocrite you are.

I take it you have no documentation to back up that assertion so you are just going to blow smoke.

Really? Are you now denying you post both "Voice of Palestine" camel crap and mindless YouTube videos as "proof" of your claims?
You crack me up, TinHorn. You post PIC ("The Voice of Palestine") camel crap and meaningless YouTubes like it's your job and you have the temerity to throw stones?
I suppose the only way to justify your BS is to be the unconscious hypocrite you are.

I take it you have no documentation to back up that assertion so you are just going to blow smoke.

Really? Are you now denying you post both "Voice of Palestine" camel crap and mindless YouTube videos as "proof" of your claims?

The assertion in question has to do with legal documents.
Israel is NO DIFFERENT than any other nation.

Its right to exist comes from its ability to maintain its borders and control its own destiny.

There's no philosophical "right" to exist, there is only the de facto reality of whether any nation maintain its own existence.

Nations come and nations go, and sometimes, they come and then go and then they come back again.

i think in this case, "restrain" might be a more appropriate word.

Actually, Israel has no borders.

You're just being an obtuse little girl again, Princess.
Borders of Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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