Israel's massacres in history.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

2006. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world
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  • #3
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

This is by not Catholics / Islamo Nazis.

This is by Phillip Weiss, an anti-Zionist Jew.

Who killed millions? Certainly not Polish Catholics.
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

This is by not Catholics / Islamo Nazis.

This is by Phillip Weiss, an anti-Zionist Jew.

Who killed millions? Certainly not Polish Catholics.

depends on the parameters of time and place. However you count them-----filthy polish whores and pimps have murdered a lot more jews than Jews have killed "muzzies"
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  • #5
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

This is by not Catholics / Islamo Nazis.

This is by Phillip Weiss, an anti-Zionist Jew.

Who killed millions? Certainly not Polish Catholics.

depends on the parameters of time and place. However you count them-----filthy polish whores and pimps have murdered a lot more jews than Jews have killed "muzzies"

Jews are probably more responsible for killing Jews, than Poles were.

Actually, some of the most nasty Nazi collaborators were the Jewish Ghetto Police, (Jewish Nazi Collaborators) whom were responsible largely for the Round-Up's of Jews in the Nazi German controlled Ghettoes.

I guess it's more convenient to look at everyone else owes you however.
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

This is by not Catholics / Islamo Nazis.

This is by Phillip Weiss, an anti-Zionist Jew.

Who killed millions? Certainly not Polish Catholics.

I have no cousins------POLISH CATHOLICS murdered my relatives in Auschwitz. Of course there
are a few relatives------but not enough to make a wedding an actual wedding
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

2006. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.

These Zionists sought sanctuary in Palestine when other countries refused them entry.. and this is how the repaid the Palestinians.. Its insane.
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

So this is the justification for killing Palestinians?
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.

These Zionists sought sanctuary in Palestine when other countries refused them entry.. and this is how the repaid the Palestinians.. Its insane.
sanctuary from WHAT? ---well-----christian and islamic FILTH. "repaid the ""palestinians""
for WHAT When jews were migrating to palestine----the main events being starting at about
1800-----there were no "palestinian muslims" ALL palestinians were jews. The migrating
jews creating the first hospitals, schools and any sign of normal civilization in PALESTINE over the previous1600 years.
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

So this is the justification for killing Palestinians?
the "justification" for people who NOW call themselves "palestiinians" -----is a war going on----
unlike the filth now called palestinians----jews do not dance on your dead babies
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.

How long was your ban?
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

So this is the justification for killing Palestinians?
the "justification" for people who NOW call themselves "palestiinians" -----is a war going on----
unlike the filth now called palestinians----jews do not dance on your dead babies

The history of Israel is shameful and inhuman. Considering the "past century and the world" are Jews too damaged to live around others or is it just Israelis?
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

So this is the justification for killing Palestinians?
the "justification" for people who NOW call themselves "palestiinians" -----is a war going on----
unlike the filth now called palestinians----jews do not dance on your dead babies

The history of Israel is shameful and inhuman. Considering the "past century and the world" are Jews too damaged to live around others or is it just Israelis?
you are a victim of your sunday school whore. Did you know that MAGDA GOEBBELS was
a SUNDAY SCHOOL WHORE? She had lots of children----like a good catholic nazi whore---
I believe six-------she did stuff CYANIDE down the throats of several of her toddlers------
in protest
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

This is by not Catholics / Islamo Nazis.

This is by Phillip Weiss, an anti-Zionist Jew.

Who killed millions? Certainly not Polish Catholics.

depends on the parameters of time and place. However you count them-----filthy polish whores and pimps have murdered a lot more jews than Jews have killed "muzzies"

Jews are probably more responsible for killing Jews, than Poles were.

Actually, some of the most nasty Nazi collaborators were the Jewish Ghetto Police, (Jewish Nazi Collaborators) whom were responsible largely for the Round-Up's of Jews in the Nazi German controlled Ghettoes.

I guess it's more convenient to look at everyone else owes you however.
try again SOBIE-----you know how "JEW" is defined in poland and so do I.
I have background---(well---the only ones who survived were already in the USA)
Are they still SEARCHING for a jewish great great grandfather for the sake of LIBEL
in every sphere of life in that hellhole ? It was polish catholics----including the nuns and
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.

These Zionists sought sanctuary in Palestine when other countries refused them entry.. and this is how the repaid the Palestinians.. Its insane.
Surada quotes islamo nazi propaganda. IN FACT the zionist program that ended up
with the establishment of Israel in 1948 actually began in the early 1800s and WAS NOT,
by a long shot, THE FIRST. The program involved BUYING land for agricultural
purposes from the OTTOMAN OWNERS who were DELIGHTED to sell it at inflated
prices and TAX it. The arabs who were squatting around-----did not pay taxed and.
CERTAINLY, did nothing to benefit the owners. Of course there was an element of
SANCTUARY----from the filth of both christian, muzzie oppression. My hubbie's
parents and his grandfather fled the shariah shit hole in which they were STUCK
in order to SAVE hubby's mother-----from the STINK OF THE SHARIAH DHIMMIA
law. She was about 12 when her father died------the LAW of islam is that a non
muzzie becomes the PROPERTY of the local imam pig----if he/she is orphaned
(loss of father is orphaned) ---the only way to save her from that STINK was to get
her MARRIED and OUTTA there-----not entirely legal under the Surada supported
stink of shariah -----but baksheeesh covers all. For those who wonder how many
christian children were ENSLAVED by the North Sudanese----that was the LEGAL
mechanism-----kill the parents and grab the kids. It took years to GET OUT---
hubby was born ON THE WAY. Unlike many others----the little young couple survived---
the "grandfather"---likely under 50 ----did not. ------they made it to palestine
about very early 1940s--as jews they were called PALESTINIANS ---had they been muslims
or christians they would have been called ARABS or SYRIANS. The little mother did
not see her own mother or sibs for about 10 years-----but there is a happy ending ---
she had 10 kids who survived with more and more grandchildren and great grandchildren
popping out all the time, The sanctuary issue is pure bullshit-----the Ottomans
wanted money and taxes out of the land they OWNED------instead squatting trash.
Feel free to ask questions
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.
Ironically, the King David Hotel bombing was the first political terrorist attack in that part of the world. Bet most tin foil hats would have guessed Muslims..
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.
Ironically, the King David Hotel bombing was the first political terrorist attack in that part of the world. Bet most tin foil hats would have guessed Muslims..
what is "political terrorist attack" vs "terrorist attack" ??? Is a pogrom a "political terrorist
attack" or a simple "terrorist attack" ----or some other category of something else?
yet another cut and paste from the islamo Nazi literature--------bet your catechism whore does not have a list of pogroms on jews enacted by murdering polack pigs because of the filth taught in the churches?. Bet your islamo Nazi dog handlers do not tell you about their murders in every Islamic shit hole------did I mention the throat slitting party when your brothers danced on the dead bodies of babies with slit throats in Hebron 1929 ----how about the pogrom in aden 1947, how about Maalot? how about the MILLIONS MURDERED BY YOU AND YOURS AND YOUR FELLOW DOGS? BTW what happened to your polish lie --THOUSANDS? ----------you scum did MILLIONS------well---actually hundreds of millions if you consider the past century and the world

This is by not Catholics / Islamo Nazis.

This is by Phillip Weiss, an anti-Zionist Jew.

Who killed millions? Certainly not Polish Catholics.
Surada agrees with you that AUSCHWITZ did not even exist----just as your
cateschism whore told you--------and the Spanish Inquisition is a myth that involved
only 300 people ------I read you "literature" long ago
But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.
Ironically, the King David Hotel bombing was the first political terrorist attack in that part of the world. Bet most tin foil hats would have guessed Muslims..
what is "political terrorist attack" vs "terrorist attack" ??? Is a pogrom a "political terrorist
attack" or a simple "terrorist attack" ----or some other category of something else?

But, I guess Israel isn't ever a terrorist, eh?

Why do so many Zionists have trouble admitting to Israel's terrorist activities?

A brief, unhappy history of Israeli massacres


Child killed at Qana, 2006, during Israeli airstrike.


It would be nice to think that, as an Israeli officer once put it, “This time we went too far” — that the killings of 17 unarmed protesters in Gaza by Israeli riflers across a security fence on Friday would cause the world to sanction Israel for its conduct. But if you look over Israel’s history, you find that the massacre has been a ready tool in the Israeli war-chest; and Israelis have not been prosecuted for carrying them out. Indeed, a couple of those responsible later became prime minister!

Here, largely from my own memory, is a rapidly-assembled list of massacres, defined by Webster’s as the killing of a “number of usually helpless or unresisting human beings under circumstances of atrocity or cruelty” (and yes, a couple precede the birth of the state).

1946. Zionist militias blow up the south wing of the King David Hotel, killing 91 people, most of them civilians, in order to protest British rule of Palestine.

1948. Zionist militias kill over 100 civilians in the village of Deir Yassin, which is on the road to Jerusalem. The action helps clear the road for the military advance on Jerusalem and scares thousands of other Palestinians who flee their villages. The name Deir Yassin becomes a rallying cry for Palestinians for decades to come though no one is punished. An officer with responsibility for the massacre, Menachem Begin, became Israeli prime minister 29 years later.

1948. During the expulsion of Palestinians from the central Israeli city of Lydda, more than 100 men are rounded up and held in a mosque and later massacred (according to Reja-e Busailah’s new book and others). The episode terrifies thousands of other Palestinians who seek refuge in the West Bank.

1948. Hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed by Israeli forces in Al Dawayima village, west of Hebron. Many are killed in barbarous manner; the crime is swept under the rug for decades.

1953. Israeli troops led by Ariel Sharon raid the village of Qibya in the Jordanian-occupied West Bank and kill 69 people, most of them women and children, in retaliation for a cross-border raid that killed three Israelis. (The massacre is memorialized in Nathan Englander’s latest novel as one that solidifies Sharon’s reputation as an officer who will exact swift and awful revenge on those who harm Jews, thereby assuring his rise.)

1956. Israeli forces gun down farmers in Kfar Qasim returning from the fields who are unaware that the village had been placed under a strict curfew by the Israeli government earlier that day. Forty-eight Palestinian citizens of Israel are killed, many women and children.

1956. Israeli forces kill 275 Palestinians in Gaza in the midst of the Suez Crisis. The massacre is documented by Joe Sacco in Footnotes in Gaza.

1967. Israeli forces are said to have killed scores of Egyptian army prisoners in the Sinai during the 1967 War. Some say 100s.

1970. Israel killed 46 Egyptian children and wounded 50 others during an air raid on a primary school in the village of Bahr el-Baqar, Egypt. Known as the Bahr el-Baqar Massacre, the assault completely destroyed the school and was part of the Priha (Blossoms) Operations during the War of Attrition.

1982. The Sabra and Shatilla massacres of Palestinians in Beirut refugee camps are carried out by Lebanese Phalangist militias. But the Israel Defense Forces had control of the area and Ariel Sharon allows the militias to go into the camps. Somewhere between several hundred and 3000 Palestinians are murdered. Sharon, who died in 2014, escaped punishment for war crimes; in fact, he became an Israeli prime minister.

1996. The first Qana massacre takes place when Israeli missiles strike a UN compound in southern Lebanon where many civilians have gathered seeking refuge during clashes between Israel and Hezbollah. Over 100 civilians are killed. “Israel was universally condemned, and the United States intervened to extricate its ally from the quagmire,” Avi Shlaim writes in The Iron Wall.

. The second Qana massacre takes place during the Lebanon war when Israeli missiles strike a building in a village outside Qana, killing 36 civilians, including 16 children. The strike is initially defended as a response to the firing of Katyusha rockets at Israel from civilian areas.

2008-2009. During Cast Lead, the Israeli assault on Gaza following exchanges of rocket/missile attacks in months before, more than 1400 Palestinians are killed over 22 days, most of them civilians. Many die as at Qana, when they flee their homes to UN compounds and schools, hoping to be safe. The massacre brings international condemnation, including by the Goldstone Report to the UN Human Rights Council alleging war crimes; but the United States does its utmost under President Obama to defend Israel from all charges, and no one is brought to the bar.

2012. During eight days of “Pillar of Clouds,” Israel kills 160 Palestinians in Gaza, most of them civilians. The offensive boosts Netanyahu in the polls and seems timed to torpedo Palestine’s historic UN bid for statehood.

2014. Another Israeli onslaught on Gaza, this one lasting 51 days, kills upwards of 2200 Palestinians, most of them civilians. The massacre is famous for sniper killings of unarmed people and for the killings of entire families, 89 according to some authorities, typically wiped out in their homes by a missile strike. In one instance, 20 members of one family are killed. The international condemnation is again toothless.

These Zionists sought sanctuary in Palestine when other countries refused them entry.. and this is how the repaid the Palestinians.. Its insane.
Surada quotes islamo nazi propaganda. IN FACT the zionist program that ended up
with the establishment of Israel in 1948 actually began in the early 1800s and WAS NOT,
by a long shot, THE FIRST. The program involved BUYING land for agricultural
purposes from the OTTOMAN OWNERS who were DELIGHTED to sell it at inflated
prices and TAX it. The arabs who were squatting around-----did not pay taxed and.
CERTAINLY, did nothing to benefit the owners. Of course there was an element of
SANCTUARY----from the filth of both christian, muzzie oppression. My hubbie's
parents and his grandfather fled the shariah shit hole in which they were STUCK
in order to SAVE hubby's mother-----from the STINK OF THE SHARIAH DHIMMIA
law. She was about 12 when her father died------the LAW of islam is that a non
muzzie becomes the PROPERTY of the local imam pig----if he/she is orphaned
(loss of father is orphaned) ---the only way to save her from that STINK was to get
her MARRIED and OUTTA there-----not entirely legal under the Surada supported
stink of shariah -----but baksheeesh covers all. For those who wonder how many
christian children were ENSLAVED by the North Sudanese----that was the LEGAL
mechanism-----kill the parents and grab the kids. It took years to GET OUT---
hubby was born ON THE WAY. Unlike many others----the little young couple survived---
the "grandfather"---likely under 50 ----did not. ------they made it to palestine
about very early 1940s--as jews they were called PALESTINIANS ---had they been muslims
or christians they would have been called ARABS or SYRIANS. The little mother did
not see her own mother or sibs for about 10 years-----but there is a happy ending ---
she had 10 kids who survived with more and more grandchildren and great grandchildren
popping out all the time, The sanctuary issue is pure bullshit-----the Ottomans
wanted money and taxes out of the land they OWNED------instead squatting trash.
Feel free to ask questions

The Ottomans turned Hertzel down.

The concentrattion camps began in 1933.. about the same time Samuel Intermyer declared war on all tings German from the safety of Maison Square Garden.

Its become fashionable to blame the Mufti for the Holocaust to justify what the European refugees did to the Palestinians. But the Mufti didn't meet Hitler until 1941.


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