Israel's Capital

Actually, it does. You just don’t like it.
Then they ain't civilized and anyway Israel has the deciding vote and it looks like the polls are closed.

More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!

Oh? How so?
Voting is over, polls are closed and the U.S. Embassy is moving to the Capital. That's how so.

To be quite honest, I give a flying F*&^ where the US embassy is... Using the Trump 'declaration' as some kind of justification for considering that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is foolhardy. It will all end in tears, and it won;t be Palestinian tears.

Nutandyahoo's expectations that the EU would some how follow the fool president in the US just about sums up how dumbass he also is!
Trump only did what every president since Truman promised and never delivered. Besides, the capital of Israel has always been Jerusalem since King David. Let every country get bent out of shape if they want. They're just admitting they're scared shitless of Islam.
Trump only did what every president since Truman promised and never delivered.
They promised that to the zionists to shut them up. Never, was anyone going to give Jerusalem to the zionists as they knew the danger that such idiocy would bring to Americans and Jews alike.
I seriously doubt he expected them to.
Actually, it does. You just don’t like it.
Then they ain't civilized and anyway Israel has the deciding vote and it looks like the polls are closed.

More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!

Oh? How so?
Voting is over, polls are closed and the U.S. Embassy is moving to the Capital. That's how so.

To be quite honest, I give a flying F*&^ where the US embassy is... Using the Trump 'declaration' as some kind of justification for considering that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is foolhardy. It will all end in tears, and it won;t be Palestinian tears.

Nutandyahoo's expectations that the EU would some how follow the fool president in the US just about sums up how dumbass he also is!
I seriously doubt he expected them to.
Actually, it does. You just don’t like it.
More civilized than Texas!

Oh and no, Israel doesn't have the deciding vote!

Oh? How so?
Voting is over, polls are closed and the U.S. Embassy is moving to the Capital. That's how so.

To be quite honest, I give a flying F*&^ where the US embassy is... Using the Trump 'declaration' as some kind of justification for considering that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is foolhardy. It will all end in tears, and it won;t be Palestinian tears.

Nutandyahoo's expectations that the EU would some how follow the fool president in the US just about sums up how dumbass he also is!

Hahaha not what he said today!

He must be nuts if he thought that was actually going to happen! No right thinking person could agree with Trump!
Netanyahu to Macron: ‘Paris is the Capital of France, Jerusalem is the Capital of Israel’
Somebody needs to explain to that idiot that Paris is in France and Jerusalem has never even been a part of Israel.
Amazing what we can learn from Abi.

Israel is stealing Palestinian land when indigenous Palestinians were Jews.

Zionist treatment of Palestinians is ethnic cleansing while in 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel & today there are only just over 6 million of them left.

And Jerusalem never was part of Israel.

Oh Lord, I love him. How can we get him to post here more often for all the laughs he gives us?
Amazing what we can learn from Abi.

Israel is stealing Palestinian land when indigenous Palestinians were Jews.

Zionist treatment of Palestinians is ethnic cleansing while in 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel & today there are only just over 6 million of them left.

And Jerusalem never was part of Israel.

Oh Lord, I love him. How can we get him to post here more often for all the laughs he gives us?

Abi, tell us another one.
Amazing what we can learn from Abi.

Israel is stealing Palestinian land when indigenous Palestinians were Jews.

Zionist treatment of Palestinians is ethnic cleansing while in 1948 there were approximately 1.2 million Palestinians living in Israel & today there are only just over 6 million of them left.

And Jerusalem never was part of Israel.

Oh Lord, I love him. How can we get him to post here more often for all the laughs he gives us?

Abi, tell us another one.

Hello! Time to chime in Abi. 'Atta boy!
3000 years ago, King David declared the city of Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish people. Jerusalem has been Israel's capital for almost 70 years. Our nation has never given up when faced with adversary. We will not allow others, including the United Nations, to determine our fate, especially when it comes to Jerusalem.

Not then, and not now.

This week, Jews all over the world are celebrating the holiday of Hanukah. We welcome the good wishes sent from so many nations, many of whom are represented at this table today. But it seems that some of those who wish us well have forgotten exactly why we celebrate Hannukah.

Hannukah is not about gifts. It is not about food. Hannukah is about the liberation of Jerusalem.

In the year 167 B.C.E., a Hellenist King attempted to outlaw Jewish practice and desecrate our temple in Jerusalem. But he failed. A small group of brave fighters – the Maccabees, we call them in Hebrew – drove out the Hellenists and reclaimed Jerusalem.

That is what we are celebrating. That is why we light the candles. We are honoring our brave ancestors who reinstated Jewish sovereignty, more than 2000 years ago, over our capital, Jerusalem.

History did not always turn out that way for our people. Just 100 years after the miracle of Hanukah, our Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The Jewish people were exiled from Jerusalem.

But the connection between Jerusalem and the Jewish people was never broken. It will never be broken – not by the Romans, not by the Babylonians, not by the Ottoman Turks, not by the British Empire, and not by the United Nations.

(full article online)

Articles - Statement by Israel on Draft UN Security Council Resolution on Jerusalem
3000 years ago, King David declared the city of Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish people. Jerusalem has been Israel's capital for almost 70 years. Our nation has never given up when faced with adversary. We will not allow others, including the United Nations, to determine our fate, especially when it comes to Jerusalem.

Not then, and not now.

This week, Jews all over the world are celebrating the holiday of Hanukah. We welcome the good wishes sent from so many nations, many of whom are represented at this table today. But it seems that some of those who wish us well have forgotten exactly why we celebrate Hannukah.

Hannukah is not about gifts. It is not about food. Hannukah is about the liberation of Jerusalem.

In the year 167 B.C.E., a Hellenist King attempted to outlaw Jewish practice and desecrate our temple in Jerusalem. But he failed. A small group of brave fighters – the Maccabees, we call them in Hebrew – drove out the Hellenists and reclaimed Jerusalem.

That is what we are celebrating. That is why we light the candles. We are honoring our brave ancestors who reinstated Jewish sovereignty, more than 2000 years ago, over our capital, Jerusalem.

History did not always turn out that way for our people. Just 100 years after the miracle of Hanukah, our Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. The Jewish people were exiled from Jerusalem.

But the connection between Jerusalem and the Jewish people was never broken. It will never be broken – not by the Romans, not by the Babylonians, not by the Ottoman Turks, not by the British Empire, and not by the United Nations.

(full article online)

Articles - Statement by Israel on Draft UN Security Council Resolution on Jerusalem
Kadish is a founding chairman of the American Middle East Information Network, a rightist pro-Israel group among whose past associates is Clifford May, founder of the neoconservative Foundation for the Defense of Democracies.[8] Kadish was also a “supporter” of the Investigative Project, a controversial organization founded by Steven Emerson whose efforts to “uncover” Islamic terrorist plots in the United States have been criticized as inflammatory and misleading; Lawrence Kadish - Right Web - Institute for Policy Studies


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