I keep on seeing ads for buying eyeglass over the Internet. Now this innovation will actually help people do that.
Israeli start-up presents: The optometrist in your iPhone
6over6 is developing technology that will help buyers of glasses over the Internet – and vision-impaired residents of the developing world – see a lot more clearly
BY DAVID SHAMAH February 18, 2016, 8:01 pm
An optometrist fits a patient with glasses (PIxabay)
David Shamah
“Israel’s enormous contributions to the medical technology industry have not gone unnoticed,” said Dr. Ashish Atreja, Chief Medical Technology Innovation and Engagement Office at Mount Sinai Hospital of New York. “We are excited to see new developments for the medical community at the mHealth conference and are looking forward to building relationships in Israel.”
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Israeli start-up presents: The optometrist in your iPhone
Israeli start-up presents: The optometrist in your iPhone
6over6 is developing technology that will help buyers of glasses over the Internet – and vision-impaired residents of the developing world – see a lot more clearly
BY DAVID SHAMAH February 18, 2016, 8:01 pm
An optometrist fits a patient with glasses (PIxabay)
David Shamah
“Israel’s enormous contributions to the medical technology industry have not gone unnoticed,” said Dr. Ashish Atreja, Chief Medical Technology Innovation and Engagement Office at Mount Sinai Hospital of New York. “We are excited to see new developments for the medical community at the mHealth conference and are looking forward to building relationships in Israel.”
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Israeli start-up presents: The optometrist in your iPhone