Israeli lobby to remove British Eurovision entry for saying mean things about Israel.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

This is an incredible move. the boy stated that israel is an apartheid state which is a fact.
Eurovision should kick Israel out of the competition just like they did with russia.
Cheeky bastards.
Israel did the right thing.
the boy stated that israel is an apartheid state which is a fact.
Eurovision should kick Israel out of the competition just like they did with russia.
He is 33 years old . What a buffoon you are .

And this is an LGBQT group .
Hardly the sort to take notice of --- only ever interested in advancing PR for themnselves and pretending to be more caring and sensitive than others .
Seems Israel made the right call. Some antisemite from England lied about Israel, with the false “apartheid” propaganda. End of story.
Seems Israel made the right call. Some antisemite from England lied about Israel, with the false “apartheid” propaganda. End of story.
Its none of israels fucking business. They should stick to killing babies and stealing land.
Its none of israels fucking business.

My god. The Hamas liked to attack the Biritsh protectorate "Palestine" and so it is your buisness now to wipe out the Hamas, who thought Brits and Israeli are the same? Do it babe: make the Hamas to your business.

They should stick to killing babies and stealing land.

The Israeli are not Brits of the 17th, 18th, 19th and early 20th century.
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Its none of israels fucking business. They should stick to killing babies and stealing land.
an interesting factoid----In all of the "ummah"---the infant mortality rate is BEST in those
"palestinian" populations that are afforded care
in Israeli hospitals. Not all people accept the concept that ALL OF THE LEVANT AND SOUTHEAST ASIA IS "MUSLIM LAND"
luiza: So you stay to be an enemy of Germany and the Ukraine as an unfree anti-semitic slave of Putin.

Time for you to visit the child in the manger. As long as you live you have for sure a good chance - but you will never know when your life will end. Somehow you remember me now to the young Czech man who did do an extremely seldom form of extended suicide on the university of Prague in our Advent and Christmas days now . He wanted to bring as much pain as possible to his people before he died.

The child in the manger may help us that Weird World War 3 lovers like you never will be successful and everyone will find the own love for all and every life. God bless you with more profound insight and a good will to fight for all and every life. Do not deny His blessing, poor child.

--- Translation:;

Here really are oxen and donkeys everywhere
But only one stood in the stable in Bethlehem
On the night when a rather young, tired couple
In search of a little shelter and warmth.

The ox and donkey were astonished at the sight
The human couple was desperately poor and yet in a good mood.
And yet on this clear, cold night
Nobody had opened their door to them.

The ox said to the donkey: Do you know why they are here?
The donkey said quietly: You, I think she's going to have a baby!
Move over a bit and don't make any noise!
Come on, let's give them some space.

And the two retreated into a corner,
But they wanted to know what was happening - to this end
They secretly advanced into the middle of the stable
And the ox whispered softly in the donkey's ear:

We are only ox and donkey and yet we have understood
That something very special is happening here tonight
That someone is coming to earth who loves all people
And that there is hope and real peace as a result

Soon the child was born, the donkey said softly
My heart was really warmed in a miraculous way
The ox stood there for a long time and just smiled happily
Then he said to the donkey: You, I feel the same way!

It's just wonderful that we're experiencing this here!
I'd like to give this child a present or something
What could we do, do you have any ideas?
But the donkey couldn't think of anything, he said quietly "Nah..."

We are only ox and donkey and yet we have understood
That something very special is happening here tonight
That someone is coming to earth who loves all people
And that there is hope and real peace as a result

Suddenly the donkey said: Now I remember something!
It's only a small gesture, but it's a nice one.
Where this cold wind blows towards the manger
We'll stand there to make the little child feel better!

And the two of them stood crosswise in the cold wind
So it was a little warmer for the newborn child
Sometimes there are moments and that would be settled
When it's not so wrong to stand upside down!
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This is an incredible move. the boy stated that israel is an apartheid state which is a fact.
Eurovision should kick Israel out of the competition just like they did with russia.
Cheeky bastards.
Do you still watch Eurovision? Wogan's commentary each year hit the nail on the head when he said it was just political voting, he was predicting the voting, lol.

I've never watched it for years, one of the biggest pile of trash on the TV. Keeps the brain-dead happy I suppose.

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