Israeli Justice in West Bank Is Seen as Often Uneven

Oh so no "manual" that's been found...nothing to back it up...
and still claim there's no justice

I'm guessing you still have not seen the links provided or the story, what the problem??

No link to the claimed "manual" that has been found and published"...

many alleged Shin Bet quotes but no link to them....I went to check in the Shin Bet site nothing.

The mere claim that this agency would publish this 'manual is ridiculous.

So you actually expect some reputable news agency / blogger that has Israel's best interest in mind to actually publish "a document detailing the “necessity” of attacking non-Jewish property and people as well as laying out practical advice to do so"

I think the whole purpose was to take this author / distributor of this manual out.

I kinda thinkin, publishing might not only be self defeating but a whole lot of stupid...............


-Where's it??
-Do You think we'll show such a thing?

So by You- the more ridiculous the statement the less it has to be backed up.

"I saw Bin Laden yesterday in a grocery store buying PORK!!"


-What am I crazy? Just Imagine those ANGRY MUSLIMS. It happened it's a FACT but id don't have to prove it- IT"S REDICULOUS ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BUY LIKE THAT.
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  • #22
Jews, like every group from armenians to zanzibaries, have a wide spectrum of people resident. There are noble prize phycists, and there are special needs types. There are saints, and these clowns.

What is worth noting is in the Israeli community how it is handled. And how evil member of the community are handled in the pali community

Jews have a nation that represents a national dream. The Palestinians don't. When you have something to grow, protect, cherish there is a difference in how you react to attitudes that threaten dream from within.

I do agree though - there is a serious soul searching about this rising extremism that I have not seen among the Palestinians so much. What do we want to be as a people is the question.

I do hope this provokes some serious discourse and policy changes on the enequities in the West Bank in regards to crime and justice - that is long overdue.
The burning of Palestinian homes by Israeli settlers, as happened in Duma on Friday, "is not a rare incident", Quds Press reported Israeli human rights organisation Yesh Din saying yesterday.

The organisation said that it has documented 15 cases were Israeli settlers have burnt or attempted to burn Palestinian homes since 2008.

In a statement, Yesh Din said that the Palestinians submit complaints to the Israeli police stations however in 10 instances the files were closed without anyone being brought to justice. Two cases are still being investigated.

In the West Bank village of Burin alone three Palestinian homes were burnt by Israeli settlers, the statement said.

"If the Israeli occupation authorities dealt strictly with such cases," Yesh Din said, "the burning of infant Ali Dawabshe [from Duma, Nablus] would not have been happened."

Yesh Din is an Israeli organization registered as a non-profit in Israel. It is subject to Israeli law and is served by a volunteer corps and by a professional staff. The organization cooperates with Israeli and international organizations to protect human rights.

Yesh Din is an independent, non-partisan organization registered with the Israeli registrar of non-profit organizations. To maintain its independence, Yesh Din is careful not to receive direct or indirect donations from Israeli or Palestinian government bodies. Its financial sources are reported on to the relevant authorities, as required by law.

(I find Israel news bias , so its always good to get a different prospectus- I think its obvious Israel has been terrorizing the inhabitants of Palestine since they begun flocking there in the 1920's. What was once 80/20 (Palestinians/Jew) is now 20/80, so its pretty clear)

Just like those non profit leftist-socialist NGO's that tried to set a revolt here and in every other westernized country under the guise of "Human Rigths".
In Russia they're called "Foreign Agents"- these are Your corrupt sources.
Third suspect charged in arson at ‘miracle’ church
Moshe Orbach accused of penning document calling for attacks on non-Jewish property
By AFP and Times of Israel staff July 30, 2015, 5:58 pm 16

A priest inspects the damage caused to the Church of the Multiplication at Tabgha, on the Sea of Galilee, in northern Israel, which was set on fire in what police suspect was an arson attack, on June 18, 2015. (Basel Awidat/Flash90)

Israeli prosecutors on Thursday charged a third Jewish suspect in a probe linked to a June arson attack at a shrine where Christians believe Jesus performed the miracle of loaves and fishes.

Authorities accused Moshe Orbach of writing and distributing a document detailing the “necessity” of attacking non-Jewish property and people as well as laying out practical advice to do so, the justice ministry said.

The document was part of the evidence found during the investigation over the June 18 arson attack at the Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes in northern Israel.

Orbach was released to house arrest due to a prosecution error, the Hebrew-language website Ynet reported.

Charges were filed against Orbach at the Nazareth Magistrate’s Court, but Orbach’s attorney claimed the court had no jurisdiction in the case, so new charges are to be filed against him Sunday in the central district court.

On Wednesday, charges were filed against Yinon Reuveni and Yehuda Asraf for allegedly setting fire to part of the church complex and writing “Idols will be cast out” on a nearby wall.

Yinon Reuveni (right) and Yehuda Asraf, suspected of vandalizing the church of the Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha, on the shore of the Sea of Galilee, are seen at the Nazareth Magistrate’s Court on July 29, 2015. (Basel Awidat/Flash90)

One of the buildings within the compound was completely destroyed in the blaze but the church itself was not damaged.

The church in Tabgha, on the northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee, is at the site where many Christians believe Jesus fed the 5,000 in the miracle of the five loaves and two fish.

The arson had sparked widespread condemnation and concern from Christians globally, with the site visited by some 5,000 people daily, while also drawing renewed attention to religiously linked hate crimes in Israel.

Orbach had been arrested in 2013 on suspicion of vandalizing a Catholic monastery the previous year but was released without being charged.

Reuveni, a resident of the southern town of Ofakim in recent months, has been banished from the West Bank on several occasions and is a suspect in a series of hate crimes, including the February 2015 arson attack at Jerusalem’s Dormition Abbey.

Asraf, the Shin Bet said in a statement, has been living on an illegal outpost and is active in extremist Jewish circles.

The Shin Bet general security service has described the group as part of an “ideological infrastructure” that is small in size and adheres to a belief system that seeks to affect regime change in Israel and “hasten redemption.”

The group’s first hate crime was allegedly perpetrated in April 2014, when the Dir Rafaat monastery, near Beit Shemesh west of Jerusalem, was vandalized. One month later, they allegedly tried to interfere with Pope Francis’s visit to Israel but were prevented from doing so.

Later in the year, in November and December, the group allegedly set fire to Palestinian houses but in the spring of 2015 focused again on Christian sites.

Third suspect charged in arson at miracle church The Times of Israel

Looks like the guy is just another religious fanatic, find em in all religions / societies ..............

Its a pity that we cant excommunicate these mental defectives from their religions and nations making them pariahs and untouchables. When they find they cant get any welfare, work or spiritual succour then they might realise they are not wanted in decent society. Seeing as we don't they should be sentenced to being shaved and to spend their time in prison clearing up after the other inmates have been to the toilet. No visitors and no speaking to anyone but the guards, put in electric collars that deliver a jolt strong enough to drop them to the floor. Let Israel set a precedence and apply it equally to all those caught in terrorist acts.

-Where's it??
-Do You think we'll show such a thing?

So by You- the more ridiculous the statement the less it has to be backed up.

"I saw Bin Laden yesterday in a grocery store buying PORK!!"


-What am I crazy? Just Imagine those ANGRY MUSLIMS. It happened it's a FACT but id don't have to prove it- IT"S REDICULOUS ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BUY LIKE THAT.

You are trying to make a point , but are coming off unreasonable and childish.

Do you have proof of any of your absurd claims that are URL source able for verification.

Any links that make any allusions to your made up fantasies??

This is actual news, reported by reputable news firms, that have credentials / respect / verifiability, yada, yada ............

You possess none of these or any ones' elses resources to use for validation of your irate claims..

I have to leave the children section now and go back to an adult conversation.

If you don't want to grow up and act reasonable, you can go on ignore.
So many claims and lies in one article.... Where's the "manual"??
Why can't I find it on the said site?

"KID GLOVES"- if throwing Your own people and demolishing whole villages for balestinians to make a garbage can....instigating the average Israeli to see them as guilty for every social and security problem....if those are KID GLOVES then those balestinians are treated FINE.

And You Coyote as a staff member could use more credible sources,
then some SAY-SO of a 'journalist' who didn't even care to share links to back his claims.

And what sources do YOU consider credible?

Those that don't come from known and proven islamonazi propaganda sources or from organisations/individuals that have been proven to show Israeli bias.
  • Thread starter
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  • #27
So many claims and lies in one article.... Where's the "manual"??
Why can't I find it on the said site?

"KID GLOVES"- if throwing Your own people and demolishing whole villages for balestinians to make a garbage can....instigating the average Israeli to see them as guilty for every social and security problem....if those are KID GLOVES then those balestinians are treated FINE.

And You Coyote as a staff member could use more credible sources,
then some SAY-SO of a 'journalist' who didn't even care to share links to back his claims.

And what sources do YOU consider credible?

Those that don't come from known and proven islamonazi propaganda sources or from organisations/individuals that have been proven to show Israeli bias.

Oh? Times of Israel is islamonazi propoganda?
Jews, like every group from armenians to zanzibaries, have a wide spectrum of people resident. There are noble prize phycists, and there are special needs types. There are saints, and these clowns.

What is worth noting is in the Israeli community how it is handled. And how evil member of the community are handled in the pali community

Jews have a nation that represents a national dream. The Palestinians don't. When you have something to grow, protect, cherish there is a difference in how you react to attitudes that threaten dream from within.

I do agree though - there is a serious soul searching about this rising extremism that I have not seen among the Palestinians so much. What do we want to be as a people is the question.

I do hope this provokes some serious discourse and policy changes on the enequities in the West Bank in regards to crime and justice - that is long overdue.
this is part of jewishnes I don't like, can't comprehend, but is a major part of if. The whole community is seen at fault when one of its members does wrong. It is a major part of WTF about them.
Israeli Justice in West Bank Is Seen as Often Uneven

JERUSALEM — The how-to manual in Hebrew reads like a chilling premonition.

Among its recommendations, how to set fire to a Palestinian house: “Stock up with a petrol bomb, preferably of a liter and a half; a lighter; gloves; a mask; a crowbar/hammer; a bag to carry it all. When you get to the village, search for a house with an open door or window without bars.”

The instructions were recently found stored on a mobile device in the car of a Jewish extremist. The text was publicized by Israel’s internal security agency, Shin Bet, on July 29 — two days before the deadly arson attack in the West Bank village of Duma that killed a Palestinian toddler, Ali Dawabsheh, and severely burned his parents and his 4-year-old brother.

The extremist, Moshe Orbach, who is accused of writing the manual, has been charged with incitement to violence and terrorism. Yet after a court hearing on Sunday, Mr. Orbach, 24, was released to house arrest pending a ruling on a request by state prosecutors to keep him detained until trial. He is home on bail, under parental supervision and barred from using the Internet.

Israeli leaders have condemned the firebombing of the Dawabsheh home, believed to be the work of Jewish extremists who left behind Hebrew graffiti, as an act of terrorism, and it has stirred a rare outpouring of self-reproach and soul-searching among Israelis across the political spectrum.

But it has also reinforced the sense that Israeli law-enforcement authorities have for years acted with laxness and leniency toward Israeli citizens.

...Israeli and Palestinian critics have long contended that the Israeli authorities treat Jewish perpetrators of violence with kid gloves compared with the harsh measures taken against Palestinians suspected of similar crimes against Israelis.

The recent events may serve as a watershed for Israel as it faces the quandary that much of the West has dealt with since Sept. 11, 2001: how a state can maintain democratic values while effectively fighting anti-democratic forces and terrorism within its own population.

Perhaps it's time for the "kid gloves" to come off.

Gadi Shamni, a former military commander for Israel in the West Bank, is calling for a “root canal” treatment. He told Israel Radio on Sunday that Israel’s battle against extremists like those who set fire to the Dawabsheh house should be the same as that against Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

...Years of sporadic attacks by Jewish extremists against Palestinians and their property — known as “price tag,” a doctrine meant to deter Israeli authorities from taking action against settlements — have resulted in few convictions.

Security officials have cited as obstacles a lack of legal tools for dealing with Jewish suspects; their silence in interrogations — one detainee refused to do anything but sing for two weeks, an official said; and the difficulty of gathering evidence that will hold up in court.

“I ask myself all the time: Where are the teachers, where are the educators, where are the parents, where are the rabbis?” said Menachem Landau, a former deputy chief of Shin Bet, in an interview on Sunday with Israel Radio, denouncing the lack of cooperation on the ground.

“Nobody will convince me that the two or three or four or whoever who carried out the Duma attack — that nobody around them knows about it,” Mr. Landau added.

...Israel’s security services closely monitor Palestinian activities in what Alex Fishman, the military affairs analyst of the popular newspaper Yediot Aharonot, describes as “ ‘basic coverage,’ which involves collecting information about schools, mosques and entire communities.”

But when it comes to the Jewish sector, Mr. Fishman said, the Shin Bet “doesn’t want to spy on Jews, and the political echelon would never dream of allowing it to build ‘basic coverage’ about yeshivas, rabbis, religious and cultural institutions, regional councils.

I think Israel is facing some difficult decisions - free speech, democratic values, religious extremism amongst their own and issues about justice, protection and law.

And once again you pick on Israel because a handful of extremists are acting in the same manner as the Palestinian hordes. This is blatant Nazi racism and Jew hatred because you omit the similar crimes of the Palestinians as balance. How many petrol bomb attacks have there been by Palestinians in the last month, compared to those by Israeli Jews. How many Palestinians go equipped for terrorism every day, compared to the Israeli Jews. When these figures are equal in regards to population numbers then you just might have a reason to complain, but while the numbers are heavily on the Palestinian side then your posts are just bowing to islamonazi propaganda

but but but the Palestinians :eek:

but but but the jooooos are to blame cos the voices in your head say so.

Now address the post if you dare instead of trolling and flaming without any content.

-Where's it??
-Do You think we'll show such a thing?

So by You- the more ridiculous the statement the less it has to be backed up.

"I saw Bin Laden yesterday in a grocery store buying PORK!!"


-What am I crazy? Just Imagine those ANGRY MUSLIMS. It happened it's a FACT but id don't have to prove it- IT"S REDICULOUS ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BUY LIKE THAT.

You are trying to make a point , but are coming off unreasonable and childish.

Do you have proof of any of your absurd claims that are URL source able for verification.

Any links that make any allusions to your made up fantasies??

These is actual news, reported by reputable news firms, that have credentials / respect / verifiability, yada, yada ............

You possess none of these or any ones' elses resources to use for validation of your irate claims..

I have to leave the children section now and go back to an adult conversation.

If you don't want to grow up and act reasonable, you can go on ignore.

Hhhh Your reaction is the point. How was that different from what You've posted? Wait I can put a nice logo in the corner of it will it be enough for You to swallow as TRUTH?

Next time You post or support some rubbish 'journalism' with claims but no evidence, remind Yourself that You're the one setting an infantile atmosphere. Wouldn't mock it if it wasn't an insult on the intellect.
  • Thread starter
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  • #31
Israeli Justice in West Bank Is Seen as Often Uneven

JERUSALEM — The how-to manual in Hebrew reads like a chilling premonition.

Among its recommendations, how to set fire to a Palestinian house: “Stock up with a petrol bomb, preferably of a liter and a half; a lighter; gloves; a mask; a crowbar/hammer; a bag to carry it all. When you get to the village, search for a house with an open door or window without bars.”

The instructions were recently found stored on a mobile device in the car of a Jewish extremist. The text was publicized by Israel’s internal security agency, Shin Bet, on July 29 — two days before the deadly arson attack in the West Bank village of Duma that killed a Palestinian toddler, Ali Dawabsheh, and severely burned his parents and his 4-year-old brother.

The extremist, Moshe Orbach, who is accused of writing the manual, has been charged with incitement to violence and terrorism. Yet after a court hearing on Sunday, Mr. Orbach, 24, was released to house arrest pending a ruling on a request by state prosecutors to keep him detained until trial. He is home on bail, under parental supervision and barred from using the Internet.

Israeli leaders have condemned the firebombing of the Dawabsheh home, believed to be the work of Jewish extremists who left behind Hebrew graffiti, as an act of terrorism, and it has stirred a rare outpouring of self-reproach and soul-searching among Israelis across the political spectrum.

But it has also reinforced the sense that Israeli law-enforcement authorities have for years acted with laxness and leniency toward Israeli citizens.

...Israeli and Palestinian critics have long contended that the Israeli authorities treat Jewish perpetrators of violence with kid gloves compared with the harsh measures taken against Palestinians suspected of similar crimes against Israelis.

The recent events may serve as a watershed for Israel as it faces the quandary that much of the West has dealt with since Sept. 11, 2001: how a state can maintain democratic values while effectively fighting anti-democratic forces and terrorism within its own population.

Perhaps it's time for the "kid gloves" to come off.

Gadi Shamni, a former military commander for Israel in the West Bank, is calling for a “root canal” treatment. He told Israel Radio on Sunday that Israel’s battle against extremists like those who set fire to the Dawabsheh house should be the same as that against Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

...Years of sporadic attacks by Jewish extremists against Palestinians and their property — known as “price tag,” a doctrine meant to deter Israeli authorities from taking action against settlements — have resulted in few convictions.

Security officials have cited as obstacles a lack of legal tools for dealing with Jewish suspects; their silence in interrogations — one detainee refused to do anything but sing for two weeks, an official said; and the difficulty of gathering evidence that will hold up in court.

“I ask myself all the time: Where are the teachers, where are the educators, where are the parents, where are the rabbis?” said Menachem Landau, a former deputy chief of Shin Bet, in an interview on Sunday with Israel Radio, denouncing the lack of cooperation on the ground.

“Nobody will convince me that the two or three or four or whoever who carried out the Duma attack — that nobody around them knows about it,” Mr. Landau added.

...Israel’s security services closely monitor Palestinian activities in what Alex Fishman, the military affairs analyst of the popular newspaper Yediot Aharonot, describes as “ ‘basic coverage,’ which involves collecting information about schools, mosques and entire communities.”

But when it comes to the Jewish sector, Mr. Fishman said, the Shin Bet “doesn’t want to spy on Jews, and the political echelon would never dream of allowing it to build ‘basic coverage’ about yeshivas, rabbis, religious and cultural institutions, regional councils.

I think Israel is facing some difficult decisions - free speech, democratic values, religious extremism amongst their own and issues about justice, protection and law.

And once again you pick on Israel because a handful of extremists are acting in the same manner as the Palestinian hordes. This is blatant Nazi racism and Jew hatred because you omit the similar crimes of the Palestinians as balance. How many petrol bomb attacks have there been by Palestinians in the last month, compared to those by Israeli Jews. How many Palestinians go equipped for terrorism every day, compared to the Israeli Jews. When these figures are equal in regards to population numbers then you just might have a reason to complain, but while the numbers are heavily on the Palestinian side then your posts are just bowing to islamonazi propaganda

but but but the Palestinians :eek:

but but but the jooooos are to blame cos the voices in your head say so.

Now address the post if you dare instead of trolling and flaming without any content.

The post addresses the topic and is responsive to *your* post which is attempting to derail the discussion onto Palestinian violence. We don't need any mini-mods thank you but if you feel the urgent need - report it.

You're bleating about "joooooos" is interesting because it's the "jooooooooooooos" who are the one's saying it's the work of Jewish extremists (unless you think the IDF is too stupid to do it's job?)
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  • #32

-Where's it??
-Do You think we'll show such a thing?

So by You- the more ridiculous the statement the less it has to be backed up.

"I saw Bin Laden yesterday in a grocery store buying PORK!!"


-What am I crazy? Just Imagine those ANGRY MUSLIMS. It happened it's a FACT but id don't have to prove it- IT"S REDICULOUS ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BUY LIKE THAT.

You are trying to make a point , but are coming off unreasonable and childish.

Do you have proof of any of your absurd claims that are URL source able for verification.

Any links that make any allusions to your made up fantasies??

These is actual news, reported by reputable news firms, that have credentials / respect / verifiability, yada, yada ............

You possess none of these or any ones' elses resources to use for validation of your irate claims..

I have to leave the children section now and go back to an adult conversation.

If you don't want to grow up and act reasonable, you can go on ignore.

Hhhh Your reaction is the point. How was that different from what You've posted? Wait I can put a nice logo in the corner of it will it be enough for You to swallow as TRUTH?

Next time You post or support some rubbish 'journalism' with claims but no evidence, remind Yourself that You're the one setting an infantile atmosphere. Wouldn't mock it if it wasn't an insult on the intellect.

You consider the Times of Israel to be "rubbish journalism"?
Did the IDF give any evidence? Where's the 'manual' no evidence there either?

-Where's it??
-Do You think we'll show such a thing?

So by You- the more ridiculous the statement the less it has to be backed up.

"I saw Bin Laden yesterday in a grocery store buying PORK!!"


-What am I crazy? Just Imagine those ANGRY MUSLIMS. It happened it's a FACT but id don't have to prove it- IT"S REDICULOUS ENOUGH FOR YOU TO BUY LIKE THAT.

You are trying to make a point , but are coming off unreasonable and childish.

Do you have proof of any of your absurd claims that are URL source able for verification.

Any links that make any allusions to your made up fantasies??

These is actual news, reported by reputable news firms, that have credentials / respect / verifiability, yada, yada ............

You possess none of these or any ones' elses resources to use for validation of your irate claims..

I have to leave the children section now and go back to an adult conversation.

If you don't want to grow up and act reasonable, you can go on ignore.

Hhhh Your reaction is the point. How was that different from what You've posted? Wait I can put a nice logo in the corner of it will it be enough for You to swallow as TRUTH?

Next time You post or support some rubbish 'journalism' with claims but no evidence, remind Yourself that You're the one setting an infantile atmosphere. Wouldn't mock it if it wasn't an insult on the intellect.

You consider the Times of Israel to be "rubbish journalism"?

I don't consider them anything, the fashion of the article You've posted is low, no evidence....and no in there's 'Israel in it doesn't mean I support it automatically.
Did the IDF give any evidence? Where's the 'manual' no evidence there either?

Are you saying the IDF is lying? What about Shin Bet?

Well AGAIN. I know Hebrew. I went to Shin Bet site and there were no such claims or manuals' as stated in the article You've posted.
Anyone can say- Shin Bet told me so and so...
  • Thread starter
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  • #37
Did the IDF give any evidence? Where's the 'manual' no evidence there either?

Are you saying the IDF is lying? What about Shin Bet?

Well AGAIN. I know Hebrew. I went to Shin Bet site and there were no such claims or manuals' as stated in the article You've posted.
Anyone can say- Shin Bet told me so and so...

So multiple journalistic sources are reporting it both within and outside of Israel, and it's all a lie?
Jews, like every group from armenians to zanzibaries, have a wide spectrum of people resident. There are noble prize phycists, and there are special needs types. There are saints, and these clowns.

What is worth noting is in the Israeli community how it is handled. And how evil member of the community are handled in the pali community

Jews have a nation that represents a national dream. The Palestinians don't. When you have something to grow, protect, cherish there is a difference in how you react to attitudes that threaten dream from within.

I do agree though - there is a serious soul searching about this rising extremism that I have not seen among the Palestinians so much. What do we want to be as a people is the question.

I do hope this provokes some serious discourse and policy changes on the enequities in the West Bank in regards to crime and justice - that is long overdue.

Once again look at the facts and not the islamonazi propaganda.

Israel was the same in 1948 and in one day created a nation and a government that represented all the people. The Palestinians refuse to take this step because they stand to lose too much money and will have to start abiding by the UN charter. Then they will face being censured for every rocket they fire and will soon find that they rack up UN resolutions and become a pariah state. At the moment they have some protection and are still allowed a seat in the UN but cant vote on any matters. They will also have to renounce all their charters and laws as they oppose the UN charter principles. So the Palestinians don't want a nation unless it is one ready made for them, and taken away from the Jews by the UN.
So many claims and lies in one article.... Where's the "manual"??
Why can't I find it on the said site?

"KID GLOVES"- if throwing Your own people and demolishing whole villages for balestinians to make a garbage can....instigating the average Israeli to see them as guilty for every social and security problem....if those are KID GLOVES then those balestinians are treated FINE.

And You Coyote as a staff member could use more credible sources,
then some SAY-SO of a 'journalist' who didn't even care to share links to back his claims.

And what sources do YOU consider credible?

Those that don't come from known and proven islamonazi propaganda sources or from organisations/individuals that have been proven to show Israeli bias.

Oh? Times of Israel is islamonazi propoganda?

Try the source for the report and see who produced it, not the paper that reported it. But I did say proven islamonazi propaganda sources or from organisations/individuals proven to show Israeli bias. Or did you just jump in with both feet without reading what I posted as you always do.
Did the IDF give any evidence? Where's the 'manual' no evidence there either?

Are you saying the IDF is lying? What about Shin Bet?

Well AGAIN. I know Hebrew. I went to Shin Bet site and there were no such claims or manuals' as stated in the article You've posted.
Anyone can say- Shin Bet told me so and so...

So multiple journalistic sources are reporting it both within and outside of Israel, and it's all a lie?

What is the source, as most media outlets don't produce their own copy anymore but rely on the likes of Reuters.

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