Israeli Drone Kills Five Central Kitchen Aid Workers

Palestinian news and Social Media report that an Israeli drone attack killed five World Central Kitchen workers in a three-car convoy traveling to Deir al-Balah in Central Gaza to feed starving people. Four were foreign Nationals from Poland, Australia, the UK, and Ireland. One was Palestinian, likely a translator for the group.

According to social media, the five workers were distributing food from four vessels owned by a nonprofit group in Cyprus in Northern Gaza and returning to Central Gaza after delivery. Aid groups had built a jetty, where the food was transported from the ships, loaded into cars, and driven to World Central Kitchen sites in the Gaza Strip.


You goddam hypocrite.

10 civilians killed by US drone strike in Kabul, family says

Ten family members, including children, dead after US strike​


1)These antisemites are more outraged by a sad accident that killed five workers than they are by the 1400 Jews deliberately tortured to death.

2) And as you point out, these accidents happen all the time in war - including by the U.S. The manufactured outrage in this case is being driven by antisemites, and intended to turn the world against Jews.
A former official of the Biden and Obama administrations was among those expressing shock late Tuesday at the Biden administration's comments on Israel's conduct in its continued bombardment of Gaza, in which a U.S.-Canadian citizen is now among the tens of thousands of victims.

John Kirby, the White House national security communications adviser, spoke to reporters at a press conference less than 24 hours after the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) killed seven workers with World Central Kitchen (WCK), and made clear that the bombing of the U.S. nonprofit's convoy in Gaza was not an event that would push the administration to halt the delivery of military aid to Israel.

Kirby appeared exasperated as Selina Wang of ABC News asked how the U.S. "can continue to send military aid into Israel without any conditions."

"Is there no red line that can be crossed here?" Wang asked.

Kirby repeated the administration's frequent remark that it is pushing Israel to make sure the IDF is "precise" and ensuring that humanitarian aid can reach Gaza, where parts of the population are now living in famine, according to a United Nations-backed analysis.

But the spokesperson said the U.S. will not "hang some sort of condition over [Israel's] neck" to ensure the nation abides by international law and refrains from violating human rights—suggesting Section 620I of the Foreign Assistance Act, which bars the U.S. from providing military aid to countries that impede humanitarian aid, does not apply to Israel.

U.S. law "is in fact a condition hanging over your neck, John Kirby," said journalist Krystal Ball.

Kirby also chastised a reporter for asking whether "firing a missile at people delivering food and killing them" is "a violation of international humanitarian law."

"There is no evidence" that the IDF deliberately targeted the WCK convoy, which Israel claimed it struck unintentionally, Kirby said, adding that the State Department has not observed any violations of international law by Israeli since it began attacking Gaza in October.
Kirby also said the State Department montors the IDF's actions and to date, it has found no evidence Israel has violated International Humanitarian Law.

None of this would be happening if HAMAS would surrender and return the hostages. The antisemites conveniently want everyone to forget this - and put the blame solely on the Jews.
Unlike them, he can do something about it. He hasn't and doesn't.
Some talking heads on TV point out that Israel still has not started operations in Rafah.

They feel that the Israeli cabinet may be getting the message.

I have just heard that President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu plan to speak with each other today.
The risk that they’d be targeted by the IDF?
They weren’t targeted intentionally. The only innocent people who were targeted - and tortured to death - by intention were the 1,400 Jews by the Islamic terrorists.

Your antisemitism is trying to ignore which side started this with a barbaric massacre.

Karl Ballantine:​

And as the world turns it’s back on Israel and encourages more Hamas terrorism across the western world in the hope of Muslim votes in several forthcoming elections and our streets are awash with useful idiots in primark Hamas scarves waving Swastiak flags - we would all do well to remember what started this nonsense in the first place - it was the brutal rape - execution and kidnap of thousands of innocent Jewish women and children by Hamas murderers - it’s a sad indictment of western treachery and double standards that the safest place for Jews right now is in Israel xx

They weren’t targeted intentionally. The only innocent people who were targeted - and tortured to death - by intention were the 1,400 Jews by the Islamic terrorists.

Your antisemitism is trying to ignore which side started this with a barbaric massacre.
Huh? The World Central Kitchen never hurt anyone.

Karl Ballantine:​

And as the world turns it’s back on Israel and encourages more Hamas terrorism across the western world in the hope of Muslim votes in several forthcoming elections and our streets are awash with useful idiots in primark Hamas scarves waving Swastiak flags - we would all do well to remember what started this nonsense in the first place - it was the brutal rape - execution and kidnap of thousands of innocent Jewish women and children by Hamas murderers - it’s a sad indictment of western treachery and double standards that the safest place for Jews right now is in Israel xx

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Have you noticed that there is outrage for the few aid workers accidentally killed by the IDF, and there is no mention of the 200 Jewish hostages (now mostly dead) who have been abused and tortured by the Muslim terrorists?
Huh? The World Central Kitchen never hurt anyone.
Huh? What part of “accidentally” do you not understand?

And where’s your outrage for the hundreds of Jews being held hostage by Muslim monsters, and being abused and starved and tortured to death? THAT is by intention.

Oh right.….any mention of that might remind people that the Muslims are the monsters in all this, and could end it tonight by surrendering and returning any hostages who have managed to survive.
Some talking heads on TV point out that Israel still has not started operations in Rafah.

They feel that the Israeli cabinet may be getting the message.

I have just heard that President Biden and Prime Minister Netanyahu plan to speak with each other today.
Israel has laid out its plans for Rafah and it calls for the evacuation of civilians before the ground operation begins. This will take time and even more time because of the friendly fire incident involving WCK, but there are no signs of wavering within the war cabinet. Israel successfully evacuated 900,000 civilians in the north before it began its ground operation there so there is no reason to doubt it will be able to evacuate 1,000,000 + from Rafah.
Israel has laid out its plans for Rafah and it calls for the evacuation of civilians before the ground operation begins. This will take time and even more time because of the friendly fire incident involving WCK, but there are no signs of wavering within the war cabinet. Israel successfully evacuated 900,000 civilians in the north before it began its ground operation there so there is no reason to doubt it will be able to evacuate 1,000,000 + from Rafah.
That alone proves this is not a “genocide,” and speaks to the moral imferiority of the Muslims who hunted down and intentionally tortured to death as many innocent Jewish civilians as they could find.

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