Israel gives UN vote the middle finger


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
[ame=]Israel Gives UN Vote The Finger - YouTube[/ame]

Im not religious or anything,but he makes great points here and proves the facts.
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as well they should
Anyone who listens to this Brother Nathaniel (who is a crackpot Jew) and who believes his nonsense needs his head exampled. Naturally someone with the screen name of 9/11 Inside Job would find a video with this crackpot and Pbel eats up what the crazy says. I wonder whether 9/11 Inside Job and Pbel believe what schizos on the streets in their own home town screech about..
as well they should
Anyone who listens to this Brother Nathaniel (who is a crackpot Jew) and who believes his nonsense needs his head exampled. Naturally someone with the screen name of 9/11 Inside Job would find a video with this crackpot and Pbel eats up what the crazy says. I wonder whether 9/11 Inside Job and Pbel believe what schizos on the streets in their own home town screech about..

Oh god! 'Ol hossfly is picking on me again...onlly a Southern Gentle moron like you could surmise that I believe Schizos on the street...

Why don't you go back to you're old screename "Blood Rock' with the turtle? We all know that your superior intellect allows you to be the "only" person on this planet to be able to get blood out of a rock like you do me.

Stop acting like an assassin idiot.

Your friend,
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as well they should
Anyone who listens to this Brother Nathaniel (who is a crackpot Jew) and who believes his nonsense needs his head exampled. Naturally someone with the screen name of 9/11 Inside Job would find a video with this crackpot and Pbel eats up what the crazy says. I wonder whether 9/11 Inside Job and Pbel believe what schizos on the streets in their own home town screech about..

Oh god! 'Ol hossfly is picking on me again...onlly a Southern Gentle moron like you could surmise that I believe Schizos on the street...

Why don't you go back to you're old screename "Blood Rock' with the turtle? We all know that your superior intellect allows you to be the "only" person on this planet to be able to get blood out of a rock like you do me.

Stop acting like an assassin idiot.

Your friend,
Why, Phillip, you were the one who said that video was scary when you could have said, "What a nut that guy is." I think you are having delusions that I am the poster Blood Rock, but what can you expect from a moron from Boston??? I am not Blood Rock and Blood Rock isn't me. However, I am flattered that you think I am the poster Blood Rock.
Anyone who listens to this Brother Nathaniel (who is a crackpot Jew) and who believes his nonsense needs his head exampled. Naturally someone with the screen name of 9/11 Inside Job would find a video with this crackpot and Pbel eats up what the crazy says. I wonder whether 9/11 Inside Job and Pbel believe what schizos on the streets in their own home town screech about..

Oh god! 'Ol hossfly is picking on me again...onlly a Southern Gentle moron like you could surmise that I believe Schizos on the street...

Why don't you go back to you're old screename "Blood Rock' with the turtle? We all know that your superior intellect allows you to be the "only" person on this planet to be able to get blood out of a rock like you do me.

Your friend,
Why, Phillip, you were the one who said that video was scary when you could have said, "What a nut that guy is." I think you are having delusions that I am the poster Blood Rock, but what can you expect from a moron from Boston??? I am not Blood Rock and Blood Rock isn't me. However, I am flattered that you think I am the poster Blood Rock.

Stop acting like an assassin idiot.
I'm a bad actor but you would get the academy award for playing out the "assassin Zio-Bug" as a Hossfly on a Jack-Ass...Any time you want to play a game of chess omn these boards, we'll show all how fast I can swat a fly! LOL

And PS JA; scary, the adjective does not imply anything positive towards the subject but just the opposite.
Oh god! 'Ol hossfly is picking on me again...onlly a Southern Gentle moron like you could surmise that I believe Schizos on the street...

Why don't you go back to you're old screename "Blood Rock' with the turtle? We all know that your superior intellect allows you to be the "only" person on this planet to be able to get blood out of a rock like you do me.

Your friend,
Why, Phillip, you were the one who said that video was scary when you could have said, "What a nut that guy is." I think you are having delusions that I am the poster Blood Rock, but what can you expect from a moron from Boston??? I am not Blood Rock and Blood Rock isn't me. However, I am flattered that you think I am the poster Blood Rock.

Stop acting like an assassin idiot.
I'm a bad actor but you would get the academy award for playing out the "assassin Zio-Bug" as a Hossfly on a Jack-Ass...Any time you want to play a game of chess omn these boards, we'll show all how fast I can swat a fly! LOL

And PS JA; scary, the adjective does not imply anything positive towards the subject but just the opposite.
Oh boy, here's the idiot jackass from Boston again braying I am another poster with the screen name of Blood Rock (see, Phillip, I can come right back and throw the words idiot and jackass right back in your face and they would actually be more apropos). Keep it up, Phillip, to show everyone how mentally deficient you are that others knew the elevator didn't go to the top when it came to you. Mr. Big Shot is bragging about playing chess with me on these boards like he thinks he is the American champion and is going to prove that I am another poster. Stick with your mediocre paintings, Phillip, and pull your silly delusions that I am Blood Rock to bed.
Israel has often given UN General Assembly votes the middle finger. It is probably a greater response than they deserve. Except for those who try to represent them as something of substance, they are categorically meaningless
Why, Phillip, you were the one who said that video was scary when you could have said, "What a nut that guy is." I think you are having delusions that I am the poster Blood Rock, but what can you expect from a moron from Boston??? I am not Blood Rock and Blood Rock isn't me. However, I am flattered that you think I am the poster Blood Rock.

Stop acting like an assassin idiot.
I'm a bad actor but you would get the academy award for playing out the "assassin Zio-Bug" as a Hossfly on a Jack-Ass...Any time you want to play a game of chess omn these boards, we'll show all how fast I can swat a fly! LOL

And PS JA; scary, the adjective does not imply anything positive towards the subject but just the opposite.
Oh boy, here's the idiot jackass from Boston again braying I am another poster with the screen name of Blood Rock (see, Phillip, I can come right back and throw the words idiot and jackass right back in your face and they would actually be more apropos). Keep it up, Phillip, to show everyone how mentally deficient you are that others knew the elevator didn't go to the top when it came to you. Mr. Big Shot is bragging about playing chess with me on these boards like he thinks he is the American champion and is going to prove that I am another poster. Stick with your mediocre paintings, Phillip, and pull your silly delusions that I am Blood Rock to bed.

Keep writing and proving my point.
Stop acting like an assassin idiot.
I'm a bad actor but you would get the academy award for playing out the "assassin Zio-Bug" as a Hossfly on a Jack-Ass...Any time you want to play a game of chess omn these boards, we'll show all how fast I can swat a fly! LOL

And PS JA; scary, the adjective does not imply anything positive towards the subject but just the opposite.
Oh boy, here's the idiot jackass from Boston again braying I am another poster with the screen name of Blood Rock (see, Phillip, I can come right back and throw the words idiot and jackass right back in your face and they would actually be more apropos). Keep it up, Phillip, to show everyone how mentally deficient you are that others knew the elevator didn't go to the top when it came to you. Mr. Big Shot is bragging about playing chess with me on these boards like he thinks he is the American champion and is going to prove that I am another poster. Stick with your mediocre paintings, Phillip, and pull your silly delusions that I am Blood Rock to bed.

Keep writing and proving my point.
The more that you keep up with your nonsense, Phillip, the more people will see why others didn't think the elevator went to the top when it came to you. But keep it up, Phillip, so that others can see what previous posters meant.
Oh boy, here's the idiot jackass from Boston again braying I am another poster with the screen name of Blood Rock (see, Phillip, I can come right back and throw the words idiot and jackass right back in your face and they would actually be more apropos). Keep it up, Phillip, to show everyone how mentally deficient you are that others knew the elevator didn't go to the top when it came to you. Mr. Big Shot is bragging about playing chess with me on these boards like he thinks he is the American champion and is going to prove that I am another poster. Stick with your mediocre paintings, Phillip, and pull your silly delusions that I am Blood Rock to bed.

Keep writing and proving my point.
The more that you keep up with your nonsense, Phillip, the more people will see why others didn't think the elevator went to the top when it came to you. But keep it up, Phillip, so that others can see what previous posters meant.

Si, DoDo.
Keep writing and proving my point.
The more that you keep up with your nonsense, Phillip, the more people will see why others didn't think the elevator went to the top when it came to you. But keep it up, Phillip, so that others can see what previous posters meant.

Si, DoDo.
Aren't you describing yourself as a Dodo, Phillip? After all, who saves a post he has written in 2004 and drags it up time and time again (just like you did today), the same with a silly poem that he made up of posters he disliked, even though said posters haven't been around four years?
The more that you keep up with your nonsense, Phillip, the more people will see why others didn't think the elevator went to the top when it came to you. But keep it up, Phillip, so that others can see what previous posters meant.

Si, DoDo.
Aren't you describing yourself as a Dodo, Phillip? After all, who saves a post he has written in 2004 and drags it up time and time again (just like you did today), the same with a silly poem that he made up of posters he disliked, even though said posters haven't been around four years?

Oh, Hoss, still obsessed with trailing my posts like a paid agitator...I won't complain: in fact I was about to PM you and invite you to my "Tea Party, in Griffins wharf on my Yacht. Its right next to beautiful Rowe’s wharf'

I promise to toss you a life preserver if someone tosses you over with the tea.
Si, DoDo.
Aren't you describing yourself as a Dodo, Phillip? After all, who saves a post he has written in 2004 and drags it up time and time again (just like you did today), the same with a silly poem that he made up of posters he disliked, even though said posters haven't been around four years?

Oh, Hoss, still obsessed with trailing my posts like a paid agitator...I won't complain: in fact I was about to PM you and invite you to my "Tea Party, in Griffins wharf on my Yacht. Its right next to beautiful Rowe’s wharf'

I promise to toss you a life preserver if someone tosses you over with the tea.
You really are a very childish person for someone who is supposed to be a grown man, Phillip. Others have noticed this in the past about you, and no doubt many of the readers are noticing it now.
Aren't you describing yourself as a Dodo, Phillip? After all, who saves a post he has written in 2004 and drags it up time and time again (just like you did today), the same with a silly poem that he made up of posters he disliked, even though said posters haven't been around four years?

Oh, Hoss, still obsessed with trailing my posts like a paid agitator...I won't complain: in fact I was about to PM you and invite you to my "Tea Party, in Griffins wharf on my Yacht. Its right next to beautiful Rowe’s wharf'

I promise to toss you a life preserver if someone tosses you over with the tea.
You really are a very childish person for someone who is supposed to be a grown man, Phillip. Others have noticed this in the past about you, and no doubt many of the readers are noticing it now.

Hoss, you call me childish for bringing up the PNAC document that encouraged George Bush to invade Iraq, which has started a chain of events resulting in the Arab Spring?

Better to be childisdh than dumb. But then again, I liked Gomer Pyle and his cousin Goober.
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Oh, Hoss, still obsessed with trailing my posts like a paid agitator...I won't complain: in fact I was about to PM you and invite you to my "Tea Party, in Griffins wharf on my Yacht. Its right next to beautiful Rowe’s wharf'

I promise to toss you a life preserver if someone tosses you over with the tea.
You really are a very childish person for someone who is supposed to be a grown man, Phillip. Others have noticed this in the past about you, and no doubt many of the readers are noticing it now.

Hoss, you call me childish for bringing up the PNAC document that encouraged George Bush to invade Iraq, which has started a chain of events resulting in the Arab Spring?

Better to be childisdh than dumb. But then again, I liked Gomer Pyle and his cousin Goober.
Only someone with a childish mind would save his own posts and silly poems about posters (who actually gave up posting years ago and disappeared from forums) written years and years ago because he felt they were so important and so brilliant. The other posters on forums post something and don't put it away in a drawer so to speak and keep dragging out the same thing year after year, Now go ahead and have the last word to show the readers how juvenile you are. And by the way, Phillip, no doubt you also liked the Saturday morning cartoons when you were well up in years.

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