Israel forced to bomb Syria again because Iranian aggression destabilizing Middle East

Street Juice

Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2018
I'm just thankful God's Chosen Lobbyists have made sure we are paying for it. Think how disappointed God would be if we were peaceful and stayed home and minded our own business instead of paying Israel to blow the limbs off little kids.

Because Iran and stuff.

The lying terrorist state of Israel is continually attacking and bombing its neighbors and claiming it was self defense. ..... :cuckoo:

Iran is recruiting ex-ISIS members and using Syria as a training ground for terrorist attacks on not only Israel, but our military bases in Iraq. I can't blame the Izzy's for doing what we should be doing now, because it's closer to their back yard than it is ours.

Trump was getting a good handle on the ME situation but now that Biden is in the White House, Iran has got a big hard-on.

It's a complete clusterfuck over there, and the Biden administration's foreign policy stupidity is like pouring gasoline on a fire.
Based on deliberate lies, USA bombed and invaded Iraq, killing millions of people and is still acting with evil intent towards Iraq to which they have added their evil intent towards Syria subsidizing murderous terrorists, protecting them, bombing Syria, burning Syrian crops, stealing Syria's petroleum, blockading the country, and subsidizing the Israelis to bomb Syria too.
When President Trump was being inaugurated, He got a letter from Netanyahu on who President Trump could not talk to. President Trump is probably still a nice anti-Christ Israeli stooge.

Syria is the mother of Christianity, Western Civilization and the Aryan Christian European Peoples, and that includes America. The Creator says to honor one's parents so as to have a long life.
USA has been busy for well over 12 years trying to murder our mother, Syria. hence this country is under Judgments.
What is the end of this country for trying to murder it's mother?
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Based on deliberate lies, USA bombed and invaded Iraq, killing millions of people and is still acting with evil intent towards Iraq to which they have added their evil intent towards Syria subsidizing murderous terrorists, protecting them, bombing Syria, burning Syrian crops, stealing Syria's petroleum, blockading the country, and subsidizing the Israelis to bomb Syria too.
When President Trump was being inaugurated, He got a letter from Netanyahu on who President Trump could not talk to. President Trump is probably still a nice anti-Christ Israeli stooge.

Syria is the mother of Christianity, Western Civilization and the Aryan Christian European Peoples, and that includes America. The Creator says to honor one's parents so as to have a long life.
USA has been busy for well over 12 years trying to murder our mother, Syria. hence this country is under Judgments.
What is the end of this country for trying to murder it's mother?

I hear ya, bro. We stole 3,000 barrels of oil a day from Syria in 2011. But we paid them, so it's alright.

Of course, we'll have to steal a whole lot more than that, now that Biden's in office and we're no longer a net exporter.

Don't you miss that Donald Trump? I sure do. :laughing0301:
Thank You J Galt for noticing USA's criminality regarding Syria.
In Atlas Shrugged, as the falling apart of the country accelerated, the bully crat looters captured John Galt and tortured Him to bail them out.
His friends rescued Him.
And as the looters' Babylon collapsed, so too did the bullycrat looters perish.
And as the looters' Babylon collapsed, so too did the bullycrat looters perish.
But a small band of Levitical zealots escaped to Palestine and succeeded in imposing the Babylonian Talmud on the tribe of Judah, and "the people wept." They forcibly annulled mixed marriages, and enforced the doctrine of the master race and the Talmudic hatred for "the other." A thousand years later, a murderous Turkic people called Khazars off the bloody central Asian steppes converted en masse including male genital mutilation, whom we know today as bullycrat looters.
Based on deliberate lies, USA bombed and invaded Iraq, killing millions of people and is still acting with evil intent towards Iraq to which they have added their evil intent towards Syria subsidizing murderous terrorists, protecting them, bombing Syria, burning Syrian crops, stealing Syria's petroleum, blockading the country, and subsidizing the Israelis to bomb Syria too.
When President Trump was being inaugurated, He got a letter from Netanyahu on who President Trump could not talk to. President Trump is probably still a nice anti-Christ Israeli stooge.

Syria is the mother of Christianity, Western Civilization and the Aryan Christian European Peoples, and that includes America. The Creator says to honor one's parents so as to have a long life.
USA has been busy for well over 12 years trying to murder our mother, Syria. hence this country is under Judgments.
What is the end of this country for trying to murder it's mother?
Well researched and stated Ivan!
Is it their fault that Muslims suck at fighting?

Being good at fighting does not make the person who caused the fight to be right.
The problem is still who caused it, and that is Israel.
Like who massacred hundreds of Arab villages from 1946 to 1950?
Being good at fighting does not make the person who caused the fight to be right.
The problem is still who caused it, and that is Israel.
Like who massacred hundreds of Arab villages from 1946 to 1950?
True but you're not answering the question. Muslims suck at fighting. That is not my fault.

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