Israel blocks USA student from entering.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
Wow, Israel is really something else. (Not in a positive way)

If America did this to an Israeli student, they'd kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi.

But, it's Kosher when they do it.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support
JERUSALEM — Oct 9, 2018, 7:03 AM ET

The Associated Press
COMING UPTrump backs two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa.

But she was barred from entering the country and ordered deported, based on suspicions that she supports a campaign that calls for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel.

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NFL legends threaten boycott over no health care

An Israeli court has ordered that she remain in custody while she appeals. The weeklong detention is the longest anyone has been held in a boycott-related case, and it was not immediately clear on Tuesday when a decision would be made.

Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement.
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Wow, Israel is really something else. (Not in a positive way)

If America did this to an Israeli student, they'd kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi.

But, it's Kosher when they do it.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support
JERUSALEM — Oct 9, 2018, 7:03 AM ET

The Associated Press
COMING UPTrump backs two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa.

But she was barred from entering the country and ordered deported, based on suspicions that she supports a campaign that calls for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel.

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NFL legends threaten boycott over no health care

An Israeli court has ordered that she remain in custody while she appeals. The weeklong detention is the longest anyone has been held in a boycott-related case, and it was not immediately clear on Tuesday when a decision would be made.

Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement.

They also support Hamas!! Terrorist supporters really WANT to go to Israel why exactly??

Instead of promoting justice, SJP and/or its members spend almost all of their energy demonizing Israel, advocating for its eventual destruction, showing an unfortunate affinity for pro-terrorist figures, bullying and intimidating pro-Israel and Jewish students with vicious and sometimes anti-Semitic rhetoric, and even at times engaging in physical violence. While SJP may pay lip-service to peaceful aims, their rhetoric and actions make it hard to avoid the conclusion that a culture of hatred permeates nearly everything the group does—making the college experience increasingly uncomfortable, at times even dangerous, for Jewish or pro-Israel students. Perhaps equally disturbing is the limited response from university authorities that have an obligation to prevent such attacks and protect Jewish students.

On Many Campuses, Hate is Spelled SJP

The SJP supports terrorist scum; stuff them and all who sail in it!!

Israel's house, Israel's rules

They went nuts over the U.S.A being too harsh on anti-American Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

Imagine how nuts they'd go if the U.S.A, did the exact same thing to an Israeli student who had called for an anti-American boycott.

Doesn't matter to me...and very few others. Just anti Semites like you

You put Israel before America, that's why.
Have to agree with you on this one.
On Thursday afternoon, U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz told the [Miami] Herald: “Israeli law prohibits entry of individuals involved in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. I support Israel’s right to do that, as a sovereign state. Ms. Alqasem is my constituent, and her family has reached out to my office seeking assistance. We have opened a constituent case, and are gathering information regarding this situation.”
Israel detains Florida student, orders her to leave over pro-Palestinian activities
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Israel's house, Israel's rules

They went nuts over the U.S.A being too harsh on anti-American Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

Imagine how nuts they'd go if the U.S.A, did the exact same thing to an Israeli student who had called for an anti-American boycott.

Doesn't matter to me...and very few others. Just anti Semites like you

You put Israel before America, that's why.
Have to agree with you on this one.

The #1 origins & purpose of government since day 1, was border security, to enforce the country, and keep it in tact, be it by invaders civilian who are somewhat hostile, to invaders who are military war factoring invaders.

No borders = No nation.

My biggest complaint is the mere hypocrisy, point blank these people never seem to sail straight, but always seem to be hypocrites.
Wow, Israel is really something else. (Not in a positive way)

If America did this to an Israeli student, they'd kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi.

But, it's Kosher when they do it.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support
JERUSALEM — Oct 9, 2018, 7:03 AM ET

The Associated Press
COMING UPTrump backs two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa.

But she was barred from entering the country and ordered deported, based on suspicions that she supports a campaign that calls for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel.

Watch Now

NFL legends threaten boycott over no health care

An Israeli court has ordered that she remain in custody while she appeals. The weeklong detention is the longest anyone has been held in a boycott-related case, and it was not immediately clear on Tuesday when a decision would be made.

Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement.

Is the accusation true? If so, then she is waging economic war against Israel and they are completely within their rights to not let her in.

Oh, I see the accusation is true. FUCK HER THEN.
Wow, Israel is really something else. (Not in a positive way)

If America did this to an Israeli student, they'd kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi.

But, it's Kosher when they do it.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support
JERUSALEM — Oct 9, 2018, 7:03 AM ET

The Associated Press
COMING UPTrump backs two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa.

But she was barred from entering the country and ordered deported, based on suspicions that she supports a campaign that calls for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel.

Watch Now

NFL legends threaten boycott over no health care

An Israeli court has ordered that she remain in custody while she appeals. The weeklong detention is the longest anyone has been held in a boycott-related case, and it was not immediately clear on Tuesday when a decision would be made.

Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement.

They also support Hamas!! Terrorist supporters really WANT to go to Israel why exactly??

Instead of promoting justice, SJP and/or its members spend almost all of their energy demonizing Israel, advocating for its eventual destruction, showing an unfortunate affinity for pro-terrorist figures, bullying and intimidating pro-Israel and Jewish students with vicious and sometimes anti-Semitic rhetoric, and even at times engaging in physical violence. While SJP may pay lip-service to peaceful aims, their rhetoric and actions make it hard to avoid the conclusion that a culture of hatred permeates nearly everything the group does—making the college experience increasingly uncomfortable, at times even dangerous, for Jewish or pro-Israel students. Perhaps equally disturbing is the limited response from university authorities that have an obligation to prevent such attacks and protect Jewish students.

On Many Campuses, Hate is Spelled SJP

The SJP supports terrorist scum; stuff them and all who sail in it!!


The thing is the U.S.A would let in a Israeli who was anti-American, and if they didn't Jews / Israel would kick, and scream anti-Semite Nazis. (Like they always do when they don't get theirs)

They might very well. And in that case, I would tell them to fuck off.

But this bitch is a standard leftie piece of shit. Fuck her. I hope they lock her up.
Here's the thing though, unlike Leftie Jews / Israelis, I tend to support the SAME thing for EVERYBODY, not one standard for Goys, and another standard for Israelis.

That's the problem, that's always been the problem.

Israel bans anyone who's a potential danger to it's society, and specifically all BDS-holes from entry by law:
Final confirmation: No visa will be given to those who call for a boycott of Israel

Israel has prohibited Jews from entry as well once they were designated as criminals by the US, or again as endangering the safety and wellbeing of our society, several examples include:

  • In the early 1970s , Meir Lansky tried to immigrate to Israel due to an investigation that was opened against him in the United States, but he was denied permission to do so because of his illegal business, as well as because of pressure from the US government. He failed in a petition to the Supreme Court stating that despite his innocence in the criminal law, in view of the many evidence accumulated, he is "liable to endanger public safety" and therefore can not immigrate.
  • Prominent Jewish BDS activist denied entry to Israel
    Code Pink official Ariel Gold had come to take part in a Jewish studies program at Hebrew University, but ministers say she was actually here to push for a boycott of the country.

  • An Iranian citizen who converted to Judaism after supposedly learning from his Muslim grandma that she was a Jew before the Islamic Revolution (I can't find the link right now). He was prohibited after long attempts to involve several Rabbis in his favor - denied for obvious security reasons.
So shove it up , and pull down that skirt - Your biases are showing.
Wow, Israel is really something else. (Not in a positive way)

If America did this to an Israeli student, they'd kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi.

But, it's Kosher when they do it.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support
JERUSALEM — Oct 9, 2018, 7:03 AM ET

The Associated Press
COMING UPTrump backs two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa.

But she was barred from entering the country and ordered deported, based on suspicions that she supports a campaign that calls for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel.

Watch Now

NFL legends threaten boycott over no health care

An Israeli court has ordered that she remain in custody while she appeals. The weeklong detention is the longest anyone has been held in a boycott-related case, and it was not immediately clear on Tuesday when a decision would be made.

Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement.

They also support Hamas!! Terrorist supporters really WANT to go to Israel why exactly??

Instead of promoting justice, SJP and/or its members spend almost all of their energy demonizing Israel, advocating for its eventual destruction, showing an unfortunate affinity for pro-terrorist figures, bullying and intimidating pro-Israel and Jewish students with vicious and sometimes anti-Semitic rhetoric, and even at times engaging in physical violence. While SJP may pay lip-service to peaceful aims, their rhetoric and actions make it hard to avoid the conclusion that a culture of hatred permeates nearly everything the group does—making the college experience increasingly uncomfortable, at times even dangerous, for Jewish or pro-Israel students. Perhaps equally disturbing is the limited response from university authorities that have an obligation to prevent such attacks and protect Jewish students.

On Many Campuses, Hate is Spelled SJP

The SJP supports terrorist scum; stuff them and all who sail in it!!


The thing is the U.S.A would let in a Israeli who was anti-American, and if they didn't Jews / Israel would kick, and scream anti-Semite Nazis. (Like they always do when they don't get theirs)

They might very well. And in that case, I would tell them to fuck off.

But this bitch is a standard leftie piece of shit. Fuck her. I hope they lock her up.

The Leftist's tend to be more for banning "Opinions" look at the Leftist UK where the list of "Political figures" banned is monstrous.

Either you support free speech, or free movement or you don't.

I happen to only support miniscule amounts of both. (Especially not for dregs & elites alike who both tend to shove Liberal & degenerate values down our throats)

Here's the thing though, unlike Leftie Jews / Israelis, I tend to support the SAME thing for EVERYBODY, not one standard for Goys, and another standard for Israelis.

That's the problem, that's always been the problem.

Waging economic war against a nation, is not really "freedom of speech" especially if you are trying to enter the nation, you are waging war against.
Wow, Israel is really something else. (Not in a positive way)

If America did this to an Israeli student, they'd kick, and scream anti-Semite, Nazi.

But, it's Kosher when they do it.

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support

US student detained in Israel for alleged boycott support
JERUSALEM — Oct 9, 2018, 7:03 AM ET

The Associated Press
COMING UPTrump backs two-state solution for Israeli-Palestinian conflict
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Add Israel as an interest to stay up to date on the latest Israel news, video, and analysis from ABC News.
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In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa.

But she was barred from entering the country and ordered deported, based on suspicions that she supports a campaign that calls for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel.

Watch Now

NFL legends threaten boycott over no health care

An Israeli court has ordered that she remain in custody while she appeals. The weeklong detention is the longest anyone has been held in a boycott-related case, and it was not immediately clear on Tuesday when a decision would be made.

Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement.

Gosh…I hope they don’t boycott these pretzels that come from Israel…

"In a first-of-its-kind case, Israel has held an American graduate student at its international airport for a whole week, accusing her of supporting a Palestinian-led boycott movement against the Jewish state.

Lara Alqasem, a 22-year-old American citizen with Palestinian grandparents, landed at Ben-Gurion Airport last Tuesday with a valid student visa. But she was barred from entering the country and ordered deported, based on suspicions that she supports a campaign that calls for boycotts, divestments, and sanctions against Israel.

An Israeli court has ordered that she remain in custody while she appeals. The weeklong detention is the longest anyone has been held in a boycott-related case, and it was not immediately clear on Tuesday when a decision would be made.

Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement."

What’s not “kosher” about it ?

They can drop a bomb on ..Khalil and abbasses head if they want… but luckily they don’t. Talk about a “resistance.”

..i can attest .....

.....that the united states government lets into this country the scum of the earth. All sorts of riff-raff and others of the likes that.....the guy at Ben-Gurion airport would LAUGH at us...... People who spit on this country and hate it, us, and the united states of Americas' “air” that we breathe………..


Man………………..lucky THEM. I wish the people at the:

...and the United States candy store would be more diligent in that area... word bro....

"Alqasem is a former president of the University of Florida chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, a group that supports the boycott movement."

flying to israel..............

i wish WE did that here ........

I actually think that any country shall be able to keep out who they wish.

It's not myself, nor Poles who are known for objecting to such ideals.

Keep in mind most Poles are in fact anti-Islamic refugee.

But, Jews are a different story, with over 1,000 Jewish Rabbis in the U.S.A singing a letter urging Trump to accept Syrian Refugees,
just about every Jewish organization, and media standing against Trump for his anti-Islamic / anti-Refugee policies since day 1.

link to that........letter ? and these rabbis...i don't care if they were priests and nuns......yah, go ahead write your letter.....hope the refugees live right next door to you then. or....mitch mcconnell, governor cuomo (oh yeah....please) kirsten gillibrand, jeff sessions....nancy pelosi, dianne feinstein, ERIC (downtown)ADAMS, corey booger....

when "Lara Alqasem" gets sprung from custody at the airport, and goes...(*cough*) home -- maybe she can write a letter get all the palestinian refugees [and the chinese] to move to ....washington DC........
OH please...
They also support Hamas!! Terrorist supporters really WANT to go to Israel why exactly??

On Many Campuses, Hate is Spelled SJP

The SJP supports terrorist scum; stuff them and all who sail in it!!


The thing is the U.S.A would let in a Israeli who was anti-American, and if they didn't Jews / Israel would kick, and scream anti-Semite Nazis. (Like they always do when they don't get theirs)

They might very well. And in that case, I would tell them to fuck off.

But this bitch is a standard leftie piece of shit. Fuck her. I hope they lock her up.

The Leftist's tend to be more for banning "Opinions" look at the Leftist UK where the list of "Political figures" banned is monstrous.

Either you support free speech, or free movement or you don't.

I happen to only support miniscule amounts of both. (Especially not for dregs & elites alike who both tend to shove Liberal & degenerate values down our throats)

Here's the thing though, unlike Leftie Jews / Israelis, I tend to support the SAME thing for EVERYBODY, not one standard for Goys, and another standard for Israelis.

That's the problem, that's always been the problem.

Waging economic war against a nation, is not really "freedom of speech" especially if you are trying to enter the nation, you are waging war against.

It doesn't sound like you support freedom, like you claim.
I guess anything to support Israel at all costs, that's the Zionist Neocon way.

I would not expect any nation to welcome hostile assholes into themselves.

Hell, I've read of Poland's fight to bar hostile aliens, and been very supportive of that. I said so to you in the past, repeatedly.

NO asshole hostile to Poland, has any "right" to enter Poland.

Poland is for POlish Citizens, and is very much within IT'S rights or "Freedom" to bar people hostile to it.

Ditto for all nations.
Wow. Talk about a complete and utter train wreck of a derailment...any know the topic? Hasn’t been seen since the first post. Major clean up ongoing.
Wow. Talk about a complete and utter train wreck of a derailment...any know the topic? Hasn’t been seen since the first post. Major clean up ongoing.

There have been appropriate follow up posts like the one where names of others including Jews have been forbidden to enter Israel.
The one who initiated the post is the one who has made it all about “ ethnicity “ and “ race”
Thirty eight posts have been deleted for off topic flames, derailment or trolling including by the OP himself. Many infractions have been given.

There is topic here. Try to at least come within touching distance of it.
Wow. Talk about a complete and utter train wreck of a derailment...any know the topic? Hasn’t been seen since the first post. Major clean up ongoing.

There have been appropriate follow up posts like the one where names of others including Jews have been forbidden to enter Israel.
The one who initiated the post is the one who has made it all about “ ethnicity “ and “ race”
The appropriate posts are still there.

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