Isn't Race an argument AGAINST abortion?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Rep. Alvin Holmes says white Republican lawmakers would abort mixed-race grandchildren (audio) |

This Democrat Rep, Alvin Holmes of Alabama, attempted to expose the Republicans stance on abortion by pointing out his white Prolife Republican colleagues would push their daughters to have an abortion if they were impregnated by black men.

Isn't this argument normally used by Prolife advocates to denounce abortion as abused for racial genocide since the majority affect people of color and lower socioeconomic classes, especially blacks?

Public response of outrage is mostly focused on his statement challenging ANYONE to show him "how many white families adopt black children in Alabama."

But I would REALLY like to hear from Prolife supporters and women in BOTH parties
who have been pushing to stop the "pressure to abort" -- due to economics, race, rape or disability of the child.

Am I the only one who sees an opportunity in the fact this prochoice Democrat brought an issue to light that the Prolifers have been screaming about? Even to their own peers?

Alvin Holmes (D) AL said:
MONTGOMERY, Alabama -- A debate Tuesday over a bill to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected turned to race after Rep. Mary Sue McClurkin, R-Indian Springs, compared her bill to Brown vs. the Board of Education.

But during the debate, Rep. Alvin Holmes, D-Montgomery, said that his Republican colleagues would support abortion if their daughters were impregnated by black men.

"Ninety-nine percent of the all of the white people in here are going to raise their hand that they are against abortion," he said. "On the other hand, 99 percent of the whites who are sitting in here now, if their daughter got pregnant by a black man, they are going to make their daughter have an abortion."

In addition to claiming that 99 percent of white legislators would force their daughters to have an abortion if impregnated by a black man, Holmes also said,

Alvin Holmes (D) AL said:
"I will bring you $100,000 cash tomorrow if you show me a whole bunch of whites that adopted blacks in Alabama. I will go down there and mortgage my house and get it cash in 20 dollar bills and bring it to you in a little briefcase."

Now he may need to head to the bank, as families who have done just that staged a press conference at the Alabama State House Wednesday.
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Stop eating paste...seriously.

The answer is no.

Is that like sniffing glue?

I might try it if it is safer or less addicting than pot! JK

Seriously, I have many friends who brought up the Race issue with abortion,
in terms of arguing AGAINST pushing this choice because it harms minorities.

This is the FIRST time I saw anyone dare to bring up Race
in terms of DEFENDING the choice of abortion!

I understand he was mainly arguing to expose hypocrites; but
the Prolife people I know who are NOT hypocrites
equally oppose ALL abortion. They also believe the Prolife
candidates and leaders are hypocrites if they make any exceptions.
Well emily, liberals just use an arguement as a one time thingl trying to make the debate with them in a logical manner wont happen.

They wont ever say a negative thing about abortion, they will never want it regulated in any way and to ease their guilt they say they personally are opposed but wont make someone keep a baby they dont want, even though they will force people to buy somethin they dont want

To them the n word is a bigger threat than abortions to black people, but sane people know better

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