Islamist Rebels Begin Withdrawal from Al-Zabadani: First Transport Buses Arrive


Nov 14, 2012
This is a major agreement.

"In accordance with the six month long ceasefire agreement inside the resort-city of Al-Zabadani and the predominately Shi’i towns of Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya, the wounded and captured Islamist rebel fighters from Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), and the Syrian Al-Qaeda group “Jabhat Al-Nusra” have begun their transfer to the northern Syrian province of Idlib.

According to a military source in Damascus, the Syrian Government provided a number of buses to transport the approved Islamist rebels from Al-Zabadani to the Idlib Governorate; this begins the first phase of the ceasefire agreement, along with the release of 500 militants from the custody of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The Islamist rebels of Harakat Ahrar Al-Sham, the Free Syrian Army, and Jabhat Al-Nusra were confined to less than 1 square kilometer of territory in Al-Zabadani before the implementation of this ceasefire agreement; this prompted the aforementioned Islamists to besiege the isolated towns of Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya in the Idlib Governorate.

The second phase of this ceasefire agreement will be the transport of women, children, and elderly residents inside Al-Fou’aa and Kafraya to the neighboring province of Latakia, while the soldiers from the National Defense Forces (NDF) retain the right to control these Shia towns that were targeted by the Islamist rebels."

Islamist Rebels Begin Withdrawal from Al-Zabadani: First Transport Buses Arrive

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