Islamic Waqf Revises History: 'Temple Mount, Kotel are Muslim'


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't think they realize how ridiculous they are to so many people in the world by trying to change history to suit their own needs. Don't they realize that others know that the Jews and Christians were there way before the Muslims? If they lie about things like this, why should any sane person believe anything else they say?

Islamic Waqf Revises History: 'Temple Mount, Kotel are Muslim'

Muslim group supervising Temple Mount makes new claims: King Solomon was Muslim, and the Western Wall is holy to Islam.

By Maayana Miskin

The Islamic Waqf, which supervises the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, has issued a pamphlet that makes new claims regarding the Mount - arguing, among other things, that King Solomon was a Muslim and that there is no Jewish connection to either the Temple Mount or the Western Wall (Kotel).

Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute supplied Arutz Sheva with a copy of the pamphlet, which is currently being distributed to visitors to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Temple Mount.

Continue reading at:

Waqf Lays Claim to Western Wall, Temple Mount - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News
I don't think they realize how ridiculous they are to so many people in the world by trying to change history to suit their own needs. Don't they realize that others know that the Jews and Christians were there way before the Muslims? If they lie about things like this, why should any sane person believe anything else they say?

Islamic Waqf Revises History: 'Temple Mount, Kotel are Muslim'

Muslim group supervising Temple Mount makes new claims: King Solomon was Muslim, and the Western Wall is holy to Islam.

By Maayana Miskin

The Islamic Waqf, which supervises the Temple Mount, Judaism's holiest site, has issued a pamphlet that makes new claims regarding the Mount - arguing, among other things, that King Solomon was a Muslim and that there is no Jewish connection to either the Temple Mount or the Western Wall (Kotel).

Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Temple Institute supplied Arutz Sheva with a copy of the pamphlet, which is currently being distributed to visitors to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Temple Mount.

Continue reading at:

Waqf Lays Claim to Western Wall, Temple Mount - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

its nothing new-----no claim is too ridiculous for the ummah-----it is no accident
that the majority of the UMMAH is illiterate -------their handlers preferred them
to remain ignorant. My very first------intro to islamic thought was via the nazi
islamo literature ----that was old by the time I read it circa 1960 It was so idiotic
that I thought it was something like mad-magazine. Later on I came to realize that to
many people of the UMMAH ----believing utter nonsense is something they prize
It is a page straight out of Joseph Goebell - tell a lie big enough - often enough - and the people will believe it.
It is a page straight out of Joseph Goebell - tell a lie big enough - often enough - and the people will believe it.

Sadly Magda Goebbels ----church going pious lady-----always said
"AMEN" even as she shoved cyanide down the throats of her five
youngest-----virtually babies. SHE WAS COMITTED TO THE CAUSE
of her husband and ----ADOLF ABU ALI-----to the very end. I do not
see this kind of perversity as LIES PEOPLE REALLY BELIEVE----it is
lies they want to endorse for the purpose of their "cause".
Magda admits as such in her final writings "how can my children
survive after what we have done" ??? (in sum and substance)

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