ISISBOOMBAH is a bunch of losers who have managed to get a lot of Americans cowering in a corner shitting their pants.

I don't care what they are called. I don't let them make me afraid. Too bad I am in the minority.
Do any of you know why Obama uses ISIL and everyone else, including ISIS, uses ISIS?

ISIS = Islamic state in Syria
ISIL = Islamic state in Levant

Look up levant and you will have the answer. Hint, Obama wants Israel destroyed.

And who says that Obama wants israel destroyed? As you're obviously not quoting Obama.

Who then?

And of late, Obama has been calling ISIS 'Daesh'.
Do any of you know why Obama uses ISIL and everyone else, including ISIS, uses ISIS?

ISIS = Islamic state in Syria
ISIL = Islamic state in Levant

Look up levant and you will have the answer. Hint, Obama wants Israel destroyed.

And who says that Obama wants israel destroyed?

The voices in his head. They were put there by his favorite propaganda ministry.
Here we go. Had to hit my stack of stuff. Simply put Obama can't use ISIS because it reflects how badly he fucked up the ME with the help of other western leaders.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL?

An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East.

Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria. Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush.

The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story
i can see that you hit your stuff again. Wild-eyed blog posts and moonshine.


Can't debate can you?
The Islamic State (IS), also known as the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL) is a Salafi militant organization in Syria and Iraq whose goal is the establishment and expansion of a caliphate. The group has its origins in the early 2000s, when Abu Musab al-Zarqawi began training extremist militants. Zarqawi’s militants became a major participant in the Iraqi insurgency during the American occupation, first under the name Jama’at al-Tawhid wa’al-Jihad and then, after swearing fealty to Al Qaeda, as Al Qaeda in Iraq.
The Islamic State’s history is divided into three distinct periods and follows the group through several name changes. It begins with Zarqawi’s 2002 creation of the group through his death in 2006 (which roughly coincides with the group being known as JTJ and becoming AQI), continues with a period of setbacks from 2006 through 2011 (its decline as AQI), and ends from 2012 to the present day as the group expands and fights in Syria and Iraq (and becomes known as ISIS or ISIL).
Here we go. Had to hit my stack of stuff. Simply put Obama can't use ISIS because it reflects how badly he fucked up the ME with the help of other western leaders.

"Why would Obama prefer ISIL?

An “army” of that territorial magnitude takes the focus off the two countries that many believe define Obama’s continued failure in the Middle East.

Most likely, he would rather eliminate the connection between the chaos in Iraq with his inaction in Syria. Better that the upheaval in a country to which we committed so much blood and treasure remain the fault of George W. Bush.

The president has already been tarred with having failed to secure a Status of Forces deal with Prime Minister al-Maliki, which would have allowed a contingent of American troops to stay in Iraq. "

Obama's Use of ISIL, Not ISIS, Tells Another Story
i can see that you hit your stuff again. Wild-eyed blog posts and moonshine.


Can't debate can you?
cute. the braindamaged bombastic freak thinks she is debating and worthy of debate.
Do any of you know why Obama uses ISIL and everyone else, including ISIS, uses ISIS?

ISIS = Islamic state in Syria
ISIL = Islamic state in Levant

Look up levant and you will have the answer. Hint, Obama wants Israel destroyed.

This what happens when state and local governments try to mainstream the mentally ill.

that explains why you remain at large. But fear not, incarceration is in your future.

For starters, idiot, ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, not Islamic State In Syria.

Get SOMETHING right once in a while. Would it kill you?

Ok, you are correct on that. mea culpa.

Now, address the real question. Why does obozo use ISIL while the rest of the world uses ISIS.
Do any of you know why Obama uses ISIL and everyone else, including ISIS, uses ISIS?

ISIS = Islamic state in Syria
ISIL = Islamic state in Levant

Look up levant and you will have the answer. Hint, Obama wants Israel destroyed.

This what happens when state and local governments try to mainstream the mentally ill.

that explains why you remain at large. But fear not, incarceration is in your future.

For starters, idiot, ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, not Islamic State In Syria.

Get SOMETHING right once in a while. Would it kill you?
Makes no diff, Hero. ISIS is gonna disappear like a fart in the wind.

Putin may eliminate it, but Obama certainly won't.
Do any of you know why Obama uses ISIL and everyone else, including ISIS, uses ISIS?

ISIS = Islamic state in Syria
ISIL = Islamic state in Levant

Look up levant and you will have the answer. Hint, Obama wants Israel destroyed.

And who says that Obama wants israel destroyed?

The voices in his head. They were put there by his favorite propaganda ministry.

and yours were put there by the state controlled media. Thanks, but I prefer independent news media rather than the US version of Pravda and Politburo.
Just when I think rwnjs can't get any stupider....

then why don't you explain why Obama uses ISIL when the rest of the world, including the members or ISIS, call it ISIS?

Why is it so hard for you fools to realize that you messiah wants Israel destroyed and supports his muslim brothers in that endeavor?

Hell, the asshole president still wont say the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS.

The Arabic name is Daesh, and ISIL is the English term which is closest to the meaning of the Arabic name.

al-Baghdadi made it plain in the merger of ISI and the al-Nusra Front, the new group would be known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Simple as that.

So the tards are all heated up because Obama is using the more accurate name. As tards are wont to do.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
Just when I think rwnjs can't get any stupider....

then why don't you explain why Obama uses ISIL when the rest of the world, including the members or ISIS, call it ISIS?

Why is it so hard for you fools to realize that you messiah wants Israel destroyed and supports his muslim brothers in that endeavor?

Hell, the asshole president still wont say the words RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORISTS.

Considering that it is more accurate, why do you refuse to use ISIL?
The Arabic name is Daesh, and ISIL is the English term which is closest to the meaning of the Arabic name.

al-Baghdadi made it plain in the merger of ISI and the al-Nusra Front, the new group would be known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Simple as that.

So the tards are all heated up because Obama is using the more accurate name. As tards are wont to do.

Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant
daesh is the acronym of the original arabic name. obama is not the only one using the term isil. this board is full of braindead loudmouths.

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