ISIS takes 'full control' of Palmyra

ISIS fighters stormed the modern city, which is also known as Tadmur, on Wednesday. The city is just a few hundred meters from the ancient ruins of columns, temples and arches, which have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Activists ISIS takes full control of Syria s Palmyra -

America's political ambitions do not only kill thousands innocent people in the Middle East. Thanks to our politicians the world is about to lose one of UNESCO's well-known heritages. The United States needs cheap gas, I know, but that's not the price we should be paying.
Do you understand we are to blame for chaos that emerged in the region right after our 'glorious' withdrawal preceded by numerous bombings and full-scale land operations?

Hurray for ISIS! (looks around noticing the lack of enthusiam.) What? Aren't they doing what we wanted to do but decided not to? We like Syria now?

I was against Syrian operation from the very beginning. More than that, I believe that current state of affairs is all our fault. Without American military and US backed rebels the Middle East would never become an eternal battle ground. Local governments at least were able to get rid of radical Islamists with al-Assad being one of the most secular Arab leaders.
Moreover, the US never planned to destroy cultural heritage for religious - or any other- reasons.
Palmyra fake capture by ISIS, real genocide, COMING "liberation"
Palmyra is a sunni city. As predicted Assad alias the illuminati repeat Raqqa: illuminazi shock troops change uniforms, from Assad's "Syrian Army" to ISIS.
The bigger the lie the more people will believe it: served as "300 dead in battle for Syria's Palmyra".

Palmyra Syria: fake capture by ISIS and "liberation" by Assad - Agendas
1. To divert from a real battle lost by the nazi forces in Ramadi against the freedom fighters of the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries, lead by Izzat al-Douri.
2. To confuse the audience with the headline "ISIS loses one battle in Palmyra, Syria, but wins another one in Ramadi, Iraq".
Reminder: illuminati media calls ISIS to Iraq's freedom fighters although ISIS is not even present in Iraq.
3. To upscale the genocide in the form of public executions: dozens beheaded in Raqqa upscaled to hundereds of executions in Palmyra in just one day.
4. To stage a victory for Assad, as diversion from the series of defeats of Assad's nazi forces, with total disarray prevented only by the airstrikes of the "US lead coalition".
In other words: unlike the Raqqa script, Palmyra will stay under "ISIS control" just the time required to slaughter thousands of sunni women and children.
Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati Palmyra fake capture by ISIS real genocide COMING liberation
Palmyra: After using the ISIS cover-up to murder thousands of sunnis, now a fake beheading:
"IS beheads aging Syrian antiquities scholar in Palmyra"
IS beheads aging Syrian antiquities scholar in Palmyra
[QUOTE="Brian_1349, post: 11439492, member: 54098"
The United States needs cheap gas, I know, but that's not the price we should be paying....


we don't import any oil from syria...
ISIS fighters stormed the modern city, which is also known as Tadmur, on Wednesday. The city is just a few hundred meters from the ancient ruins of columns, temples and arches, which have been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Activists ISIS takes full control of Syria s Palmyra -

America's political ambitions do not only kill thousands innocent people in the Middle East. Thanks to our politicians the world is about to lose one of UNESCO's well-known heritages. The United States needs cheap gas, I know, but that's not the price we should be paying.
Do you understand we are to blame for chaos that emerged in the region right after our 'glorious' withdrawal preceded by numerous bombings and full-scale land operations?

Yes, Obama's policies certainly are to blame.
From page 4, Last Prophet's words from May 24, 2015:
Palmyra fake capture by ISIS, real genocide, COMING "liberation"
Palmyra is a sunni city. As predicted Assad alias the illuminati repeat Raqqa: illuminazi shock troops change uniforms, from Assad's "Syrian Army" to ISIS.
The bigger the lie the more people will believe it: served as "300 dead in battle for Syria's Palmyra".

Palmyra Syria: fake capture by ISIS and "liberation" by Assad - Agendas
1. To divert from a real battle lost by the nazi forces in Ramadi against the freedom fighters of the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries, lead by Izzat al-Douri.
2. To confuse the audience with the headline "ISIS loses one battle in Palmyra, Syria, but wins another one in Ramadi, Iraq".
Reminder: illuminati media calls ISIS to Iraq's freedom fighters although ISIS is not even present in Iraq.
3. To upscale the genocide in the form of public executions: dozens beheaded in Raqqa upscaled to hundereds of executions in Palmyra in just one day.
4. To stage a victory for Assad, as diversion from the series of defeats of Assad's nazi forces, with total disarray prevented only by the airstrikes of the "US lead coalition".
In other words: unlike the Raqqa script, Palmyra will stay under "ISIS control" just the time required to slaughter thousands of sunni women and children.

Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati Palmyra fake capture by ISIS real genocide COMING liberation

"Assad liberaties Palmyra from ISIS" - script exposed by Last Prophet nearly one year in advance and echoed by nobody until it finally was fulfilled

March 24, 2016: Illuminati celebrate the 17th anniversary of the start of the bombing of Serbia
The climax are these two staged acts:
- Syria: "Assad liberaties Palmyra from ISIS" , a script exposed by Last Prophet nearly one year in advance and echoed by nobody.
- Hague: "Srebnica: Karadzic first one to be sentenced because of genocide at the International Court for War Crimes, created 1993 following the events in Bosnia".

Article in first post from May 2015 with all links:
"Palmyra liberated from ISIS" script exposed May 2015
see quoted text

Illuminati milestones: fake mass blood to start "humanitarian wars" starts 1994, Markale market, Sarajevo
"Coincidentally" at the city selected by the illuminati to start the grande finale, 80 years earlier.
Illuminati Milestones: Sarajevo, Markale market, 1994: start pf fake mass blood to start humanitarian wars
Last edited:
Yup. One has to wonder why the Arabs and all those ME countries aren't doing anything about ISIS??

Oh they dropped a few bombs on them but thats about it.

Its their problem. ISIS is killing Arabs and everyone else in the ME. Let the Arab League spill some of their own blood to get rid of ISIS.

Yep. Arab nations aren't doing shit about ISIS.

Know what? I bet if they thought an attack on the US would result in Mecca being flattened...then they'd destroy ISIS.
ISIS is collapsing militarily all over.

In Syria and Iraq, the Islamic State is in retreat on multiple fronts
Front-line commanders no longer speak of a scarily formidable foe but of Islamic State defenses that crumble within days and fighters who flee at the first sign they are under attack.

Hence, the conservative weeping. They're losing the bogeymen that they use to keep the sheep in line, plus most conservatives are secretly very sympathetic to ISIS, seeing how they hold such similar ideologies.
America's political ambitions do not only kill thousands innocent people in the Middle East. Thanks to our politicians the world is about to lose one of UNESCO's well-known heritages. The United States needs cheap gas, I know, but that's not the price we should be paying.
Do you understand we are to blame for chaos that emerged in the region right after our 'glorious' withdrawal preceded by numerous bombings and full-scale land operations?

Pamyra is in Syria. Has nothing to do with what's going on in Iraq.

I would also ask you to tell a mother that her son totally needs to die to protect some ruins.

That would be amusing.
Nukes don't come home in flag draped aluminum caskets.
From page 4, Last Prophet's words from May 24, 2015:
Palmyra fake capture by ISIS, real genocide, COMING "liberation"
Palmyra is a sunni city. As predicted Assad alias the illuminati repeat Raqqa: illuminazi shock troops change uniforms, from Assad's "Syrian Army" to ISIS.
The bigger the lie the more people will believe it: served as "300 dead in battle for Syria's Palmyra".

Palmyra Syria: fake capture by ISIS and "liberation" by Assad - Agendas
1. To divert from a real battle lost by the nazi forces in Ramadi against the freedom fighters of the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries, lead by Izzat al-Douri.
2. To confuse the audience with the headline "ISIS loses one battle in Palmyra, Syria, but wins another one in Ramadi, Iraq".
Reminder: illuminati media calls ISIS to Iraq's freedom fighters although ISIS is not even present in Iraq.
3. To upscale the genocide in the form of public executions: dozens beheaded in Raqqa upscaled to hundereds of executions in Palmyra in just one day.
4. To stage a victory for Assad, as diversion from the series of defeats of Assad's nazi forces, with total disarray prevented only by the airstrikes of the "US lead coalition".
In other words: unlike the Raqqa script, Palmyra will stay under "ISIS control" just the time required to slaughter thousands of sunni women and children.

Fake wars and fake rebels in real wars by the illuminati Palmyra fake capture by ISIS real genocide COMING liberation

"Assad liberaties Palmyra from ISIS" - script exposed by Last Prophet nearly one year in advance and echoed by nobody until it finally was fulfilled

March 24, 2016: Illuminati celebrate the 17th anniversary of the start of the bombing of Serbia
The climax are these two staged acts:
- Syria: "Assad liberaties Palmyra from ISIS" , a script exposed by Last Prophet nearly one year in advance and echoed by nobody.
- Hague: "Srebnica: Karadzic first one to be sentenced because of genocide at the International Court for War Crimes, created 1993 following the events in Bosnia".

Article in first post from May 2015 with all links:
"Palmyra liberated from ISIS" script exposed May 2015
see quoted text

Illuminati milestones: fake mass blood to start "humanitarian wars" starts 1994, Markale market, Sarajevo
"Coincidentally" at the city selected by the illuminati to start the grande finale, 80 years earlier.
Illuminati Milestones: Sarajevo, Markale market, 1994: start pf fake mass blood to start humanitarian wars
Illuminati use fake wars to "destroy idols of false religions":
From real blood in Dresden 1945 to fake blood in Palmyra, Syria 2015:
Illuminati apparently bombing themselves - Germany 1945 to Syria 2015: Hitler's Dresden to ISIS' Raqqa
Reductionism in End Times - KEY to conspiracies. In fact nothing escapes its Laws.: Dresden 1945 to Raqqa Syria 2015 bombing themselves

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