ISIS takes control of Egyptian city bordering Israel and the Gaza strip


Nov 14, 2012
This is what can happen to German cities at any time, as well. At a moment´s notice, ISIS sleepers took over the city of Arish (165000 citizens) and set up checkpoints. The following photos were released by what is supposed to be ISIS´s news agency:





In pictures: ISIS sets up checkpoints in large Egyptian city
what else is new, capt blei? The Sinai is chock full of Hezbollah dogs and
pigs too. Arish has been a fortress for islamo Nazi terrorists for many many decades
The empire will die as all empires do, we cannot militarily occupy the planet in order to feed our version of colonial capitalism. The Isreali arms industry with the aid of the ameircan arms industry have created and participated in the very thing they decry.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
The empire will die as all empires do, we cannot militarily occupy the planet in order to feed our version of colonial capitalism. The Isreali arms industry with the aid of the ameircan arms industry have created and participated in the very thing they decry.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
what else is new, capt blei? The Sinai is chock full of Hezbollah dogs and
pigs too. Arish has been a fortress for islamo Nazi terrorists for many many decades
Muslim Brotherhood?

Muslim Brotherhood is an offshoot of Egyptian Baathism. In the present day it's major affinities are with ISIS and Hamas----but when push comes to
shove------the unlikely bedfellowship with HEZBOLLAH is possible
what else is new, capt blei? The Sinai is chock full of Hezbollah dogs and
pigs too. Arish has been a fortress for islamo Nazi terrorists for many many decades
Muslim Brotherhood?

Muslim Brotherhood is an offshoot of Egyptian Baathism. In the present day it's major affinities are with ISIS and Hamas----but when push comes to
shove------the unlikely bedfellowship with HEZBOLLAH is possible
I am going through the history right now on why the Turks who were denied entry to Holland (the riots last night/yesterday there) are tweeting "don't forget Feb 28". I don't think a lot of people realize that their idea of what a "conservative" is and ours are much different (a few extreme right-wing radicals excluded of course).
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.
Maybe between the two of you I can get a better understanding of the differences. Personally I don't care for the way the Saudi's, Qatar, Kuwait, etc... treat females or any of their religious mantra when it comes to the Islamic crap. I know some are claiming Jews wrote the Quran but it also looks very similar to some of the Catholic church bs (cover them wimen' up, bad females, etc...).
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.
Maybe between the two of you I can get a better understanding of the differences. Personally I don't care for the way the Saudi's, Qatar, Kuwait, etc... treat females or any of their religious mantra when it comes to the Islamic crap. I know some are claiming Jews wrote the Quran but it also looks very similar to some of the Catholic church bs (cover them wimen' up, bad females, etc...).
I am not involved in religious stuff. Neither is irosie. The difference is that my worldview comes from what I see and not vice versa.
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.
Maybe between the two of you I can get a better understanding of the differences. Personally I don't care for the way the Saudi's, Qatar, Kuwait, etc... treat females or any of their religious mantra when it comes to the Islamic crap. I know some are claiming Jews wrote the Quran but it also looks very similar to some of the Catholic church bs (cover them wimen' up, bad females, etc...).
I am not involved in religious stuff. Neither is irosie. The difference is that my worldview comes from what I see and not vice versa.
From everything I am reading in the most recent history of it all 'religious conservatism' is the excuse that is and has been as a basis for 'their plight and fights'. I spent several hours last night just reading through tweets. The instigators of the Turks rioting in Holland are basing theirs on 'don't forget Feb 28'. So going back through archives and books to get all that down as to what was that significant date and where did the Turks come up with the recent claim to the Dutch being "remnants of Nazi's". With all that in mind and looking into what is transpiring here with the recent Egyptian immigrants (muslims) demanding their rights to democracy (sue Trump, etc...). The ole' my religion says' comes into play as that is how many of these guys get their foothold in those with radical minds or those who follow like sheeple into the slaughterhouses.
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.
Maybe between the two of you I can get a better understanding of the differences. Personally I don't care for the way the Saudi's, Qatar, Kuwait, etc... treat females or any of their religious mantra when it comes to the Islamic crap. I know some are claiming Jews wrote the Quran but it also looks very similar to some of the Catholic church bs (cover them wimen' up, bad females, etc...).
I am not involved in religious stuff. Neither is irosie. The difference is that my worldview comes from what I see and not vice versa.
From everything I am reading in the most recent history of it all 'religious conservatism' is the excuse that is and has been as a basis for 'their plight and fights'. I spent several hours last night just reading through tweets. The instigators of the Turks rioting in Holland are basing theirs on 'don't forget Feb 28'. So going back through archives and books to get all that down as to what was that significant date and where did the Turks come up with the recent claim to the Dutch being "remnants of Nazi's". With all that in mind and looking into what is transpiring here with the recent Egyptian immigrants (muslims) demanding their rights to democracy (sue Trump, etc...). The ole' my religion says' comes into play as that is how many of these guys get their foothold in those with radical minds or those who follow like sheeple into the slaughterhouses.
Turkey is currently pushing to the limits on every occasion. Looks like they are about to redefine their role in the world. And so far they got what they want. But when not, they go red. The Erdogan regime is a typical ali gang with bad looking faces and filthy yaps. And they punch the defenseless. But they have no parents calling them home for the supper.
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.
Maybe between the two of you I can get a better understanding of the differences. Personally I don't care for the way the Saudi's, Qatar, Kuwait, etc... treat females or any of their religious mantra when it comes to the Islamic crap. I know some are claiming Jews wrote the Quran but it also looks very similar to some of the Catholic church bs (cover them wimen' up, bad females, etc...).
I am not involved in religious stuff. Neither is irosie. The difference is that my worldview comes from what I see and not vice versa.
From everything I am reading in the most recent history of it all 'religious conservatism' is the excuse that is and has been as a basis for 'their plight and fights'. I spent several hours last night just reading through tweets. The instigators of the Turks rioting in Holland are basing theirs on 'don't forget Feb 28'. So going back through archives and books to get all that down as to what was that significant date and where did the Turks come up with the recent claim to the Dutch being "remnants of Nazi's". With all that in mind and looking into what is transpiring here with the recent Egyptian immigrants (muslims) demanding their rights to democracy (sue Trump, etc...). The ole' my religion says' comes into play as that is how many of these guys get their foothold in those with radical minds or those who follow like sheeple into the slaughterhouses.
Turkey is currently pushing to the limits on every occasion. Looks like they are about to redefine their role in the world. And so far they got what they want. But when not, they go red. The Erdogan regime is a typical ali gang with bad looking faces and filthy yaps. And they punch the defenseless. But they have no parents calling them home for the supper.
Just finish updating this a moment ago on a blog I am working on. I posted a bit of it last night and the link here but got too tired to finish it. Next I will work on the other dates and info that is being tweeted. Wonderful Word Today: Turkey's president Erdogan claims the Netherlands has remnants of "Nazi's..."
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.
Maybe between the two of you I can get a better understanding of the differences. Personally I don't care for the way the Saudi's, Qatar, Kuwait, etc... treat females or any of their religious mantra when it comes to the Islamic crap. I know some are claiming Jews wrote the Quran but it also looks very similar to some of the Catholic church bs (cover them wimen' up, bad females, etc...).
I am not involved in religious stuff. Neither is irosie. The difference is that my worldview comes from what I see and not vice versa.
From everything I am reading in the most recent history of it all 'religious conservatism' is the excuse that is and has been as a basis for 'their plight and fights'. I spent several hours last night just reading through tweets. The instigators of the Turks rioting in Holland are basing theirs on 'don't forget Feb 28'. So going back through archives and books to get all that down as to what was that significant date and where did the Turks come up with the recent claim to the Dutch being "remnants of Nazi's". With all that in mind and looking into what is transpiring here with the recent Egyptian immigrants (muslims) demanding their rights to democracy (sue Trump, etc...). The ole' my religion says' comes into play as that is how many of these guys get their foothold in those with radical minds or those who follow like sheeple into the slaughterhouses.
Turkey is currently pushing to the limits on every occasion. Looks like they are about to redefine their role in the world. And so far they got what they want. But when not, they go red. The Erdogan regime is a typical ali gang with bad looking faces and filthy yaps. And they punch the defenseless. But they have no parents calling them home for the supper.
Just finish updating this a moment ago on a blog I am working on. I posted a bit of it last night and the link here but got too tired to finish it. Next I will work on the other dates and info that is being tweeted. Wonderful Word Today: Turkey's president Erdogan claims the Netherlands has remnants of "Nazi's..."
Erdogan is angry because since he started to cooperate with Russia, the West has changed its mind on him.

Here is more of big rhetoric and the way Turkey is heading:
"Turkish nation will not forget and forgive President Gauck’s statements"
Caliph Erdogani Bans Make-up, Allows Headscarves On Turkish Schools
Maybe between the two of you I can get a better understanding of the differences. Personally I don't care for the way the Saudi's, Qatar, Kuwait, etc... treat females or any of their religious mantra when it comes to the Islamic crap. I know some are claiming Jews wrote the Quran but it also looks very similar to some of the Catholic church bs (cover them wimen' up, bad females, etc...).
I am not involved in religious stuff. Neither is irosie. The difference is that my worldview comes from what I see and not vice versa.
From everything I am reading in the most recent history of it all 'religious conservatism' is the excuse that is and has been as a basis for 'their plight and fights'. I spent several hours last night just reading through tweets. The instigators of the Turks rioting in Holland are basing theirs on 'don't forget Feb 28'. So going back through archives and books to get all that down as to what was that significant date and where did the Turks come up with the recent claim to the Dutch being "remnants of Nazi's". With all that in mind and looking into what is transpiring here with the recent Egyptian immigrants (muslims) demanding their rights to democracy (sue Trump, etc...). The ole' my religion says' comes into play as that is how many of these guys get their foothold in those with radical minds or those who follow like sheeple into the slaughterhouses.
Turkey is currently pushing to the limits on every occasion. Looks like they are about to redefine their role in the world. And so far they got what they want. But when not, they go red. The Erdogan regime is a typical ali gang with bad looking faces and filthy yaps. And they punch the defenseless. But they have no parents calling them home for the supper.
Just finish updating this a moment ago on a blog I am working on. I posted a bit of it last night and the link here but got too tired to finish it. Next I will work on the other dates and info that is being tweeted. Wonderful Word Today: Turkey's president Erdogan claims the Netherlands has remnants of "Nazi's..."
Erdogan is angry because since he started to cooperate with Russia, the West has changed its mind on him.

Here is more of big rhetoric and the way Turkey is heading:
"Turkish nation will not forget and forgive President Gauck’s statements"
Caliph Erdogani Bans Make-up, Allows Headscarves On Turkish Schools
Looks like they will have to include our Congress in their anger over recognition of the Armenian genocide as they did the recognition in 2014. Before its over they may turn back to mid-evil times if they keep pressing to send their pot stirrers onto foreign soil when they are told "no". I put all the pertinent links into what I wrote. It appears that the religious hard liners from previously have a pretty good hold on the government there plus a new crop they are calling the "generation" and they are pushing the limits. In the late nineties they were really sure that they were the ones to lead "a thousand year reign".

"In 2014, members of the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations adopted a resolution to “remember and observe the the anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on Apr. 24.” Turkey’s government objected strongly, claiming the verbiage (referring to the conflict as a “genocide,” to be precise) “distorts history and law." And “We condemn those who led this prejudiced initiative,” the Turkish foreign ministry wrote in a statement.”
Muslim Brotherhood is extremism, banned in Baathist countries. Hezbollah is not like ISIS. Saudi Arabia´s irosie is always busy to distort the situation so that it fits to a Zionist view.

Anyone got any idea as to what the "ZIONIST" "pov" is on "THE MUSLIM
BROTHERHOOD"?? or on "HEZBOLLAH" or on '"BAATHISM" or on
"SAUDI ARABIA" is? Captain Blei alludes to it INCESSANTLY---

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