ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts

These people are disgusting animals. Plain and simple.

Lots of crying for a guy who makes no calls to action.

Thank goodness you've arrived to save the day from behind your computer.

You cry, but you make no calls that your lord and master Obama hasn't said. When and only when Obama decides upon any sort of action will you decide that it's prudent. You're nothing but a minion.

I didn't vote for Obama but don't let that get in the way of your narrative.

Oh, you were too lazy to vote, huh? Well, you don't seem to let that stop you from taking your cues from your liberal god, anyhow.

Wrong again.
Lots of crying for a guy who makes no calls to action.

Thank goodness you've arrived to save the day from behind your computer.

You cry, but you make no calls that your lord and master Obama hasn't said. When and only when Obama decides upon any sort of action will you decide that it's prudent. You're nothing but a minion.

I didn't vote for Obama but don't let that get in the way of your narrative.

Oh, you were too lazy to vote, huh? Well, you don't seem to let that stop you from taking your cues from your liberal god, anyhow.

Wrong again.

You sure as hell didn't vote for Romney. You're an Obama apologist. Don't pretend you're anything special.
Thank goodness you've arrived to save the day from behind your computer.

You cry, but you make no calls that your lord and master Obama hasn't said. When and only when Obama decides upon any sort of action will you decide that it's prudent. You're nothing but a minion.

I didn't vote for Obama but don't let that get in the way of your narrative.

Oh, you were too lazy to vote, huh? Well, you don't seem to let that stop you from taking your cues from your liberal god, anyhow.

Wrong again.

You sure as hell didn't vote for Romney. You're an Obama apologist. Don't pretend you're anything special.

You do realize there was more than two candidates running right? You are free to believe whatever tickles your fancy about me though.
You cry, but you make no calls that your lord and master Obama hasn't said. When and only when Obama decides upon any sort of action will you decide that it's prudent. You're nothing but a minion.

I didn't vote for Obama but don't let that get in the way of your narrative.

Oh, you were too lazy to vote, huh? Well, you don't seem to let that stop you from taking your cues from your liberal god, anyhow.

Wrong again.

You sure as hell didn't vote for Romney. You're an Obama apologist. Don't pretend you're anything special.

You do realize there was more than two candidates running right? You are free to believe whatever tickles your fancy about me though.

I seriously doubt you voted third party. But if you wanna 'tickle the fancy,' then say who the f you voted for or stfu about it already.
I didn't vote for Obama but don't let that get in the way of your narrative.

Oh, you were too lazy to vote, huh? Well, you don't seem to let that stop you from taking your cues from your liberal god, anyhow.

Wrong again.

You sure as hell didn't vote for Romney. You're an Obama apologist. Don't pretend you're anything special.

You do realize there was more than two candidates running right? You are free to believe whatever tickles your fancy about me though.

You're an Obama apologist. I don't give a fuck who you voted for. It was never the issue.

Whatever you say pal. You may now have the last word. It's clear you so desperately need it.
Oh, you were too lazy to vote, huh? Well, you don't seem to let that stop you from taking your cues from your liberal god, anyhow.

Wrong again.

You sure as hell didn't vote for Romney. You're an Obama apologist. Don't pretend you're anything special.

You do realize there was more than two candidates running right? You are free to believe whatever tickles your fancy about me though.

You're an Obama apologist. I don't give a fuck who you voted for. It was never the issue.

Whatever you say pal. You may now have the last word. It's clear you so desperately need it.

Last word on what? I forget what we were even talking about now. You came on like a coy faggot about who you supposedly voted for or didn't vote for. Like you'd vote third party though. You sport so much wood for Obama that it's not even funny.
It's a liberal wet dream. No wonder the left is so in love with isis.
There would be no ISIS if Obama wasn't president.

Good case for it. There'd be a few hundred dead American soldiers. But tens of thousand others would be alive. I remember liberals crying about 100,000 dead civilians and then 1,000,000 Iraqis dead with their made up numbers. Now, those people suddenly don't matter cos Obama is heroically keeping us out of war (cept he really isn't).
These scum should be destoryed..the real 'war on women " :mad:

ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusips girls naked, conduct virginity tests, and send them to slave auctions after they have attacked their villages, often killing their husbands, fathers and brothers


ISIS terrorists are picking out the “prettiest virgins” from the women they capture and sending them to their Syrian stronghold to be sex slaves, according to a UN expert.

And there are horrific reports about the fate of the brave women who resist the murderous terrorists - including one victim who was burned alive for refusing to perform “extreme sexual acts”.

Zainab Bangura, the special representative of the UN secretary general on sexual violence, has travelled to Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, and Jordan and spoken to women who have endured sexual violence at the hands of militants, particularly women of the Yazidi minority

ISIS take prettiest virgins as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts - Mirror Online

Oh you mean like Torah says to?

To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 21:10-14)

Nice try, but evidently you didn't bother to find out WHAT the Torah actually said on the topic.

Here's a quick primer:

Either take them captive if you wish to "marry" them but even then you are required to hold out for a month and let them mourn their own (war) losses, etc. And if you don't marry them, you are commanded to set them FREE.

And the cite I offered further notes that even this is considered a violation of the Torah but is a concession to what men often do in time of war and seeks to mitigate that behavior.

Not exactly a model of modern day thinking, but FAR from what ISIS is doing.
It is for this idiot...... We are no better than isis, in the mind of the leftist, moral relativist:eusa_wall:
for the record------in cases of child confiscation----
which is an Islamic thing.........not all possible
available kids are confiscated. I have a family
story which I will not reveal because some nasty
person called me a liar. It would not surprise me
at all if it turns out that only the prettiest yazidi girls
are being grabbed up

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