ISIS take 'prettiest virgins' as sex slaves and burned one alive for refusing extreme perverted acts

It's a liberal wet dream. No wonder the left is so in love with isis.
Does anyone have any idea what this person is babbling about? ISIS is pro gun, anti gay, anti abortion and they don`t think much of women not to mention they want science out of the schools to be replaced by their phony religion. A GOP`ers wet dream.
Oh you mean like Torah says to?
To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 21:10-14)

So you not only approve of ISIS "war on women" but compare it favorably to Biblical stories? There is something seriously wrong with you, Princess.
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It's a liberal wet dream. No wonder the left is so in love with isis.
Does anyone have any idea what this person is babbling about? ISIS is pro gun, anti gay, anti abortion and they don`t think much of women not to mention they want science out of the schools to be replaced by their phony religion. A GOP`ers wet dream.
They kill Christians and Jews. The left can forgive everything else. Isis and the American left, including the presidunce are allies in the holy war.
The presidunce is doing something. He is doing all he can within the confines of the law. He is supporting isis to the best of his ability. He is bringing as many as he can here without calling too much attention to himself.

President isn't acting within the law when he orders CIA to murder American citizens aborad with drones, or Naval personnel to contract out to CIA to assassinate ObL. That's just murder.
If obumble did what he really wanted to do, he would be shipping American Christian girls to isis to go on the block. He would federally deputize isis death squads to go house to house in every state.

Unfortunately, in this example ISIS is only doing something every Bible says to. Can't sell them as slaves, but can keep and use them as sex slaves.
You know what the really sad thing about you is? You don't even realize what a fool you truly are
ISIS needs to be wiped from the face of the Earth.

Leftist are the most immoral, unfeeling, self centered people.They could give a shit about these girls

Could you possibly be a Rand Paul adviser? Statements like that make me think that you are,,,,,:badgrin:
Actually as with his father Rand Paul's foreign policies are closer to the leftist. Which is why i don't support him as the nominee

Clearly the solution is to provide ISIS warriors with a higher minimum wage and subsidized health care, and to heed their TRIGGER WARNINGS.

And we should provide them a Safe Space with puppy videos.
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ISIS is quite the randy group of fellows. ...... :cool:
They must have learned it from torture in Abu Ghrab, or from dictators like Assad or Saddam. So clearly learning from the 'best'.

Of course ISIS has no credibility, and no one will legitimize their 'state', and raping women and being pedophiles won't support their position.

Also damaging or destroying cultural artifacts will anger, which is why they do it, as they view then as 'hertical' artifacts anyway. So wonder why western media is publizing Palmyra, as western media attention is what will encourage ISIS to destroy it.

That said, ISIS is the modern day equivalent of 'Islamic' pirates and mercenaries. So building a state or credibility doesn't matter to them, instead sexual urges, plunder, pillage, and religious hatred is what drives them.

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