ISIS Is About to Destroy Biblical History in Iraq


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
No matter what religion a person is or even if they are an Atheist or Agnostic, no one should be happy to see all these antiquities destroyed. Only savages would resort to destroying instead of saving these important antiquities for other to view centuries from now.

ISIS Is About to Destroy Biblical History in Iraq

Iraqi antiquities officials are calling on the Obama administration to save Nineveh and other sites around jihadist-occupied Mosul. But are drone strikes really the answer?
PARIS — More than two and a half millennia ago, the Assyrian King Senaccherib descended on his enemies “like the wolf on the fold,” as the Bible tells us—and asLord Byron wrote in cantering cadences memorized by countless Victorian schoolchildren: “His cohorts were gleaming in purple and gold; And the sheen of their spears was like stars on the sea.”

The Assyrian and Babylonian empires appear throughout the Old Testament as examples of ruthless grandeur and godless decadence. The Bible says Sennacherib’s army was destroyed by the Angel of the Lord. The Israelites were carried off to Babylon, where they wept by the waters. And since the middle of the 19th century, archeologists have labored mightily to unearth the mythical and the verifiable past in the extraordinary cradle of civilizations they used to call Mesopotamia and now call Iraq.

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ISIS Is About to Destroy Biblical History in Iraq - The Daily Beast
No surprise Sally-----it's not all that much different from the GLORIOUS Islamic past
that the CALIPHATE is trying to reproduce -----just as the Taliban tried and destroyed the
Buddhist Statuary A few years ago ---the TOOMB of EZEKIEL in Iraq was destroyed ----and
a couple of years ago an historic synagogue---built 2500 years ago ---according to legend with stones
salvaged from the destroyed temple in Jerusalem bothered the islamics so much that they
had to destroy that too

My answer to Islamic destruction ----which no one heeds-----down a mosque for every non muslim
shrine or thing that they destroy------but--it is not going to happen
Dat oughta give ISIS enough time to take all of Iraq...
Iraqi Lawmakers Delay Formation of New, 'Inclusive' Gov’t by Another Month
July 7, 2014 – Two weeks after Secretary of State John Kerry visited Iraq to urge the speedy establishment of a new and more inclusive government in order to confront the “existential” jihadist threat, the country’s parliament on Monday delayed its key session for a second time, pushing it back this time by more than a month.
Following elections in April, the constitutional deadline for the process of setting up a government was July 1, but lawmakers that day postponed the session for a week, after Sunni and Kurdish members walked out in protest. The parliament reconvened on Monday, but then decided yet again to delay the session – which is meant to elect a prime minister, president and parliamentary speaker – until August 12. The last time Iraqis went to the polls, four years ago, it took politicians eight months of wrangling to form a government. With the threat posed by the territorial advances made by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS or ISIL), the U.S. and others say Iraq cannot afford a repeat of that scenario.

Many minority Sunni and Kurds accuse Shi’ite Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of marginalizing non-Shi’ites and want him to go – but Maliki, who controls the biggest single bloc of lawmakers, wants a third term. U.S. officials express their frustration with Maliki in private, but the administration publicly stresses that it is up to Iraqis to choose their leaders. “We’ve consistently said it’s up to the Iraqi people and only the Iraqi people to determine their future leadership,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Monday. “We hope that Iraq’s leaders will move forward with extreme urgency, and that’s what we’ve been calling for.”

On the decision to delay the parliamentary session, Psaki expressed hope that that may change. “We’ve seen the statements,” she said. “Our view is that’s not set in stone, that they still have the ability to move forward more quickly than what they outlined this morning.” Psaki described the security situation as “dire” and said the urgent setting up of the new government is essential to Iraq’s “long-term success.”

ISIS-led Sunni militants over the past month captured Iraq’s second city, Mosul, and other areas, and now control large parts of the country north and west of Baghdad where the group has declared a “caliphate.” Amid the chaos, calls for Kurdish independence in the north are also growing. Despite aid from the U.S. in the form of military advisors, material support from Iran and Russia, and the mobilization of pro-government Shi’ite militias, Iraq’s armed forces are struggling to make gains against the jihadists, a situation underscored Monday when a senior Iraqi general was killed in enemy shelling west of Baghdad.


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