Isane Israel Shill Lindsey Graham Wants To Attack Iran By October

If Iran is allowed to complete uranium enrichment in sufficient quantities to build a bomb, they'll use it on Israel....even a 20 kiloton bomb over Tel Aviv would destroy Israel. Do you fellas really hate the Israelis enough to allow that?

Then let Israel take out Iran. Graham was talking abut us doing it. That being said, I doubt they'd be stupid enough to do what you're suggesting. Rattling cages is one thing. Iran is good at that. Following through and taking the chance of the country becoming a nuclear wasteland is quite another.

Israel would have been happy to do just that before Soetoro told them an over-flight of Iraq would be considered a hostile act. The IDF can't get to Iran and back without refueling over Iraq so our muslin moron in the WH pretty much killed that plan. Israel has been a very useful ally and provide us with most of the good intel we get from the ME. Iran ain't kidding and neither should we be....they'll not be allowed to build a bomb.

The problem isn't whether they'd build a bomb, but whether they'd actually use it. It appears they have you bamboozled. I applaud the president for not listening to the weak-kneed whiners. We stared down the USSR all those years, but now we're supposed to start a war over Iran. PLEASE!!! :doubt:
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Any of these guys cheering going to sign up and go fight over there?

Actually, Graham is active in the reserves and has been over to Afghanistan a few times for short stints of duty, I recall.

That aside, he is wrong about Iran. He is a war monger who is in the pocket of the military industrial complex. He's a very dangerous man and will hopefully be defeated next year.
Which is why we can't let Israel go it alone....they will use any and every means necessary to defend themselves, including tactical nukes which are very accurate and don't involve much airborn fact, radiating the major Iranian nuke site makes much more sense then trying to cave in a mountain.....put a half-life of 500 years of sure-death on that site and that's the end of the mullah's grand design to "keel all the jooos". Russia knows what's coming and if they leave their technicians in the way of it, that's on them. Putin knows he loses a nuclear exchange with us....Barry would be arrested if he didn't retaliate. An October "surprise" is coming....maybe you should buy a helmet and dig a bomb shelter. :lol:

Our 60 years of interference in the Middle East is what has brought terrorism to our shores.
an air strike will only slow them down & strengthen their resolve plus those of countries that merkins are pissing-off w/ their war on terra (transfer of tax payer funds to defense contractors & their bought-and-paid-for politicians.)
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Any of these guys cheering going to sign up and go fight over there?

No because they believe that we can bomb the place to hell and back with no repercussions.

The thing is Iran has said if we bomb them they will attack our bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain etc etc so troops will be involved.

If we attack Iran, they will be rendered helpless. That is if we do it they way I would do it. By using just enough nukes to wipeout their infrastructure and kill all but a few Iranians.
No because they believe that we can bomb the place to hell and back with no repercussions.

The thing is Iran has said if we bomb them they will attack our bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain etc etc so troops will be involved.

If we attack Iran, they will be rendered helpless. That is if we do it they way I would do it. By using just enough nukes to wipeout their infrastructure and kill all but a few Iranians.

you idiot!!! :eusa_doh: You do realize that around 1/2 of their population, especially young people, is on the U.S's side do you not? :eusa_eh: Let me guess, you're a Republican.

BTW- nukes don't just kill people & break things, they render the land uninhabitable smart guy. :rolleyes:
The thing is Iran has said if we bomb them they will attack our bases in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, Bahrain etc etc so troops will be involved.

If we attack Iran, they will be rendered helpless. That is if we do it they way I would do it. By using just enough nukes to wipeout their infrastructure and kill all but a few Iranians.

you idiot!!! :eusa_doh: You do realize that around 1/2 of their population, especially young people, is on the U.S's side do you not? :eusa_eh: Let me guess, you're a Republican.

BTW- nukes don't just kill people & break things, they render the land uninhabitable smart guy. :rolleyes:

I don't give a flying fuck about them or their population. And no I'm not a Republican.

Oh and I don't give a fuck about a piece of barren desert either!
If we attack Iran, they will be rendered helpless. That is if we do it they way I would do it. By using just enough nukes to wipeout their infrastructure and kill all but a few Iranians.

you idiot!!! :eusa_doh: You do realize that around 1/2 of their population, especially young people, is on the U.S's side do you not? :eusa_eh: Let me guess, you're a Republican.

BTW- nukes don't just kill people & break things, they render the land uninhabitable smart guy. :rolleyes:

I don't give a flying fuck about them or their population. And no I'm not a Republican.

Oh and I don't give a fuck about a piece of barren desert either!

Calm down and be rational although you were just attacked.

The other poster was correct about the demographics but this has nothing to do with liberating freedom lovers.

There is absolutely no good that will come from attacking Iran, none. It's a desperate attempt by the United States and it's lackeys to secure imperialist interests and hegemony over the world by controlling Central Asia. It's also of utmost importance to China and Russia to counter that influence, and that is what makes bombing Iran so dangerous. It invites WWIII.
you idiot!!! :eusa_doh: You do realize that around 1/2 of their population, especially young people, is on the U.S's side do you not? :eusa_eh: Let me guess, you're a Republican.

BTW- nukes don't just kill people & break things, they render the land uninhabitable smart guy. :rolleyes:

I don't give a flying fuck about them or their population. And no I'm not a Republican.

Oh and I don't give a fuck about a piece of barren desert either!

Calm down and be rational although you were just attacked.

The other poster was correct about the demographics but this has nothing to do with liberating freedom lovers.

There is absolutely no good that will come from attacking Iran, none. It's a desperate attempt by the United States and it's lackeys to secure imperialist interests and hegemony over the world by controlling Central Asia. It's also of utmost importance to China and Russia to counter that influence, and that is what makes bombing Iran so dangerous. It invites WWIII.

Imperialist interest?!?!? Bullshit!! Did that happen with Iraq? With any country that we rescued? NO it did not so your imperialistic nonsense is just that....NONSENSE!

We have too many chicken hearted pukes running this country. If it were me? I'd have bombed their ass back to the stone age (which isn't far from where they're at) a long time ago. Look at how Reagan dealt with Gaddafi. Didn't hear a peep out of him for thirty years!
I don't give a flying fuck about them or their population. And no I'm not a Republican.

Oh and I don't give a fuck about a piece of barren desert either!

Calm down and be rational although you were just attacked.

The other poster was correct about the demographics but this has nothing to do with liberating freedom lovers.

There is absolutely no good that will come from attacking Iran, none. It's a desperate attempt by the United States and it's lackeys to secure imperialist interests and hegemony over the world by controlling Central Asia. It's also of utmost importance to China and Russia to counter that influence, and that is what makes bombing Iran so dangerous. It invites WWIII.

Imperialist interest?!?!? Bullshit!! Did that happen with Iraq? With any country that we rescued? NO it did not so your imperialistic nonsense is just that....NONSENSE!

We have too many chicken hearted pukes running this country. If it were me? I'd have bombed their ass back to the stone age (which isn't far from where they're at) a long time ago. Look at how Reagan dealt with Gaddafi. Didn't hear a peep out of him for thirty years!

You're obviously not educated enough in foreign policy, ME history etc to participate in this discussion without your spurs jingling and janglin'.

It did happen in Iraq actually. I'm sorry that you're incapable of seeing that.

Actually, you did hear a peep out of the Colonel. It's when he stopped his programs and compensated the victims of Pan Am. At that point the United States was very warm to him, and even Obama himself gave him a loving embrace. But when the situation on the ground during the Arab Spring began to turn against the colonel, the United States saw a foreign policy opportunity and had him killed, just like they had their buddy Mubarak overthrown who kept the animals at bay and played along with D.C. That didn't work out to well for the empire now did it cowboy?
Calm down and be rational although you were just attacked.

The other poster was correct about the demographics but this has nothing to do with liberating freedom lovers.

There is absolutely no good that will come from attacking Iran, none. It's a desperate attempt by the United States and it's lackeys to secure imperialist interests and hegemony over the world by controlling Central Asia. It's also of utmost importance to China and Russia to counter that influence, and that is what makes bombing Iran so dangerous. It invites WWIII.

Imperialist interest?!?!? Bullshit!! Did that happen with Iraq? With any country that we rescued? NO it did not so your imperialistic nonsense is just that....NONSENSE!

We have too many chicken hearted pukes running this country. If it were me? I'd have bombed their ass back to the stone age (which isn't far from where they're at) a long time ago. Look at how Reagan dealt with Gaddafi. Didn't hear a peep out of him for thirty years!

You're obviously not educated enough in foreign policy, ME history etc to participate in this discussion without your spurs jingling and janglin'.

It did happen in Iraq actually. I'm sorry that you're incapable of seeing that.

Actually, you did hear a peep out of the Colonel. It's when he stopped his programs and compensated the victims of Pan Am. At that point the United States was very warm to him, and even Obama himself gave him a loving embrace. But when the situation on the ground during the Arab Spring began to turn against the colonel, the United States saw a foreign policy opportunity and had him killed, just like they had their buddy Mubarak overthrown who kept the animals at bay and played along with D.C. That didn't work out to well for the empire now did it cowboy?

Me not educated? You're the moron spouting nonsense about imperialism with absolutely no historical evidence to support it!

Obama was wrong to get rid of Gaddafi just as he was wrong in overthrowing Mubarak.

That is all Obama's doing and look at how it's turning out for him and you want to question MY foreign policy knowledge?
Lindsey "The Liberal" Graham is a sack of shit and needs to be thrown out.
Imperialist interest?!?!? Bullshit!! Did that happen with Iraq? With any country that we rescued? NO it did not so your imperialistic nonsense is just that....NONSENSE!

We have too many chicken hearted pukes running this country. If it were me? I'd have bombed their ass back to the stone age (which isn't far from where they're at) a long time ago. Look at how Reagan dealt with Gaddafi. Didn't hear a peep out of him for thirty years!

You're obviously not educated enough in foreign policy, ME history etc to participate in this discussion without your spurs jingling and janglin'.

It did happen in Iraq actually. I'm sorry that you're incapable of seeing that.

Actually, you did hear a peep out of the Colonel. It's when he stopped his programs and compensated the victims of Pan Am. At that point the United States was very warm to him, and even Obama himself gave him a loving embrace. But when the situation on the ground during the Arab Spring began to turn against the colonel, the United States saw a foreign policy opportunity and had him killed, just like they had their buddy Mubarak overthrown who kept the animals at bay and played along with D.C. That didn't work out to well for the empire now did it cowboy?

Me not educated? You're the moron spouting nonsense about imperialism with absolutely no historical evidence to support it!

Obama was wrong to get rid of Gaddafi just as he was wrong in overthrowing Mubarak.

That is all Obama's doing and look at how it's turning out for him and you want to question MY foreign policy knowledge?

Judging by your emotional overreaction to my post I don't believe you have any foreign policy knowledge.

I don't even believe you know what imperialism means. What I do believe is that you're a flag waving arm chair general who is appalled when he's forced to contemplate the truth, and when someone like myself tries to share it with him, he lashes out in anger because he can't get his head around the reality of it.

Either that or you're just stupid.
You're obviously not educated enough in foreign policy, ME history etc to participate in this discussion without your spurs jingling and janglin'.

It did happen in Iraq actually. I'm sorry that you're incapable of seeing that.

Actually, you did hear a peep out of the Colonel. It's when he stopped his programs and compensated the victims of Pan Am. At that point the United States was very warm to him, and even Obama himself gave him a loving embrace. But when the situation on the ground during the Arab Spring began to turn against the colonel, the United States saw a foreign policy opportunity and had him killed, just like they had their buddy Mubarak overthrown who kept the animals at bay and played along with D.C. That didn't work out to well for the empire now did it cowboy?

Me not educated? You're the moron spouting nonsense about imperialism with absolutely no historical evidence to support it!

Obama was wrong to get rid of Gaddafi just as he was wrong in overthrowing Mubarak.

That is all Obama's doing and look at how it's turning out for him and you want to question MY foreign policy knowledge?

Judging by your emotional overreaction to my post I don't believe you have any foreign policy knowledge.

I don't even believe you know what imperialism means. What I do believe is that you're a flag waving arm chair general who is appalled when he's forced to contemplate the truth, and when someone like myself tries to share it with him, he lashes out in anger because he can't get his head around the reality of it.

Either that or you're just stupid.

Well you believe we have an imperialistic history so I'm not insulted you don't believe I have any knowledge on the subject.


Well hell, let me define it for your dumbass.

Definition of IMPERIALISM

1 : imperial government, authority, or system

2 : the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas; broadly : the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence

And please, don't flatter yourself. You did not anger me. As a matter of fact idiots like you make me laugh uncontrollably.
Nice google search, but number 2 is correct.

You don't need to control territory when you can have a puppet control it for you. That is how we and the filthy British empire made Iran what it is today. We learned most of our dirty tricks from the British. Do you want a detailed list of all the puppets we've supported in order to extend our power, authority, and influence? Do you need a power point presentation to demonstrate to you how badly that turned out?

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