Is USA Civil War, Part II is Inevitable?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
With Loony Tunes Biden quoting Mao today "women hold up half the sky" it is clear that we can no longer share a country with the American Taliban. We are a house Divided against ourselves far more than when the democrats decided to fight us to keep their slaves. At least the democrat South still believed in the Constitution and the USA. Today's democrat + Communist = American Taliban Party shares NOTHING in common with Americans. They are AGAINST simply everything that makes us unique as a Country.

The best outcome is for a Trump victory and then an orderly, lawful elimination of the Coup plotters and the Antifa BLM funders. I seriously hardly give a fuck about the rank and file.

The Leadership of the American Taliban MUST be eliminated.

In the unlikely event Trump loses, there is no way we can continue as United States. The American Taliban proudly and boldly threatens our very lives and Liberties.

Please tell me I'm wrong!
Please tell me I'm wrong!
What good would it do? You have allowed yourself to become convinced that Donald Trump is the only thing standing between you and absolute communist tyranny and misery.

There's nothing that can be said to address or mitigate that degree of paranoia.
With Loony Tunes Biden quoting Mao today "women hold up half the sky" it is clear that we can no longer share a country with the American Taliban. We are a house Divided against ourselves far more than when the democrats decided to fight us to keep their slaves. At least the democrat South still believed in the Constitution and the USA. Today's democrat + Communist = American Taliban Party shares NOTHING in common with Americans. They are AGAINST simply everything that makes us unique as a Country.

The best outcome is for a Trump victory and then an orderly, lawful elimination of the Coup plotters and the Antifa BLM funders. I seriously hardly give a fuck about the rank and file.

The Leadership of the American Taliban MUST be eliminated.

In the unlikely event Trump loses, there is no way we can continue as United States. The American Taliban proudly and boldly threatens our very lives and Liberties.

Please tell me I'm wrong!
I’d prefer a mature sit-down with sober talks about an amicable separation.
With Loony Tunes Biden quoting Mao today "women hold up half the sky" it is clear that we can no longer share a country with the American Taliban. We are a house Divided against ourselves far more than when the democrats decided to fight us to keep their slaves. At least the democrat South still believed in the Constitution and the USA. Today's democrat + Communist = American Taliban Party shares NOTHING in common with Americans. They are AGAINST simply everything that makes us unique as a Country.

The best outcome is for a Trump victory and then an orderly, lawful elimination of the Coup plotters and the Antifa BLM funders. I seriously hardly give a fuck about the rank and file.

The Leadership of the American Taliban MUST be eliminated.

In the unlikely event Trump loses, there is no way we can continue as United States. The American Taliban proudly and boldly threatens our very lives and Liberties.

Please tell me I'm wrong!
I’d prefer a mature sit-down with sober talks about an amicable separation.
Imagine how small the economy of the rights side would be. Can’t fuel a military with the economy of Alabama.
With Loony Tunes Biden quoting Mao today "women hold up half the sky" it is clear that we can no longer share a country with the American Taliban. We are a house Divided against ourselves far more than when the democrats decided to fight us to keep their slaves. At least the democrat South still believed in the Constitution and the USA. Today's democrat + Communist = American Taliban Party shares NOTHING in common with Americans. They are AGAINST simply everything that makes us unique as a Country.

The best outcome is for a Trump victory and then an orderly, lawful elimination of the Coup plotters and the Antifa BLM funders. I seriously hardly give a fuck about the rank and file.

The Leadership of the American Taliban MUST be eliminated.

In the unlikely event Trump loses, there is no way we can continue as United States. The American Taliban proudly and boldly threatens our very lives and Liberties.

Please tell me I'm wrong!


Defending Undefeated Civil Champions!!!
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia
Yeah, sorta- that doesn't mean it isn't true though- the word is way over used for sure.
Paranoia isn't really paranoia if it's true- is it?

Are the communist taking over in the US? Well, Kruchev said they would take over the US without firing a shot- it would come from ourselves- apparently the masses prefer to be ruled over- as long as it's their guy doing the ruling- I think ignorance from improper education is the culprit- our education system was designed after whose?
Not free thinkers, for sure. Control freaks for sure. We are consuming the fruit of a poison tree-
With Loony Tunes Biden quoting Mao today "women hold up half the sky" it is clear that we can no longer share a country with the American Taliban. We are a house Divided against ourselves far more than when the democrats decided to fight us to keep their slaves. At least the democrat South still believed in the Constitution and the USA. Today's democrat + Communist = American Taliban Party shares NOTHING in common with Americans. They are AGAINST simply everything that makes us unique as a Country.

The best outcome is for a Trump victory and then an orderly, lawful elimination of the Coup plotters and the Antifa BLM funders. I seriously hardly give a fuck about the rank and file.

The Leadership of the American Taliban MUST be eliminated.

In the unlikely event Trump loses, there is no way we can continue as United States. The American Taliban proudly and boldly threatens our very lives and Liberties.

Please tell me I'm wrong!


Defending Undefeated Civil Champions!!!

This is what the North fought for...
mitigate that paranoia
Which paranoia?
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia.

So Joe Biden quoting Mao is according to you just "cartoonish paranoia"?

Is the below also just "cartoonish paranoia"?

View attachment 363374
Yes. Calm down. Have a beer.

Mac you are what Josef Stalin would have called one of The Useful Idiots. This is not me doing an insult, it's me telling you what Josef Stalin called your type. The Useful Idiots were essentially the enablers, without them Stalin and of course also they were in China, so without them Stalin and Mao could NOT have done what they did. In both Regimes of course The Useful Idiots were the FIRST to go because they had outlived their purpose.
mitigate that paranoia
Which paranoia?
I think this "commie" stuff is cartoonish paranoia.

So Joe Biden quoting Mao is according to you just "cartoonish paranoia"?

Is the below also just "cartoonish paranoia"?

View attachment 363374
Yes. Calm down. Have a beer.

Mac you are what Josef Stalin would have called one of The Useful Idiots. This is not me doing an insult, it's me telling you what Josef Stalin called your type.
Maybe spend less energy going drama queen and spend more energy promoting smarter capitalism.

The only reason these people have anyone's ear is that capitalism has become distorted.

This ain't that complicated. But you folks would rather try to scare people. It's. Not. Working.
All the cowards begging for a "dialogue" make me laugh. We've been talking at each other for the last 30 years while they stole our tax dollars and poisoned our kids' minds in the government schools. They don't listen and now they've decided we can't speak at all. Is it time for some blood-letting? WAY PAST TIME. When they see our numbers, our firepower, our capacity for mayhem and butchery, they'll run for their lives. Will there be an armed struggle? Yes. Will it end quickly and decisively for us Americans? Yes.
With Loony Tunes Biden quoting Mao today "women hold up half the sky" it is clear that we can no longer share a country with the American Taliban. We are a house Divided against ourselves far more than when the democrats decided to fight us to keep their slaves. At least the democrat South still believed in the Constitution and the USA. Today's democrat + Communist = American Taliban Party shares NOTHING in common with Americans. They are AGAINST simply everything that makes us unique as a Country.

The best outcome is for a Trump victory and then an orderly, lawful elimination of the Coup plotters and the Antifa BLM funders. I seriously hardly give a fuck about the rank and file.

The Leadership of the American Taliban MUST be eliminated.

In the unlikely event Trump loses, there is no way we can continue as United States. The American Taliban proudly and boldly threatens our very lives and Liberties.

Please tell me I'm wrong!
I am afraid you may be right.
Is it time for some blood-letting? WAY PAST TIME. When they see our numbers, our firepower, our capacity for mayhem and butchery, they'll run for their lives. Will there be an armed struggle? Yes. Will it end quickly and decisively for us Americans? Yes.

You'll do nothing except whine on the Internet, keyboard warrior

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