Is tthere any reason anyone with any knowledge of economics should post here?

What could be more threatening to a right-wing troll than someone with an understanding of the topic? Fortunately for them I am not threatening in any topic. :)
Step, me boy. You are a self admitted libertarian. A true believer in libertarianism. Yet you can not tell me of a single successful libertarian economy. I am still waiting. And you are still failing at the job. Cmon, man, either admit there is no such thing or admit that you believe in things that do not exist.
Step, me boy. You are a self admitted libertarian. A true believer in libertarianism. Yet you can not tell me of a single successful libertarian economy. I am still waiting. And you are still failing at the job. Cmon, man, either admit there is no such thing or admit that you believe in things that do not exist.

Libertarians are the epitome of what the country should be, and what it would not last six months as.
The Republicans are bad but the Libertarians are the worst because they are so fanatical about their devotion.
Yes, those pesky principled people who believe in the principles of non-aggression just will never bend pragmatically to promote or participate in Statist related violence and coercion against others.

Boo-fuckin'- hoo for you.

Step, me boy. You are a self admitted libertarian. A true believer in libertarianism. Yet you can not tell me of a single successful libertarian economy. I am still waiting. And you are still failing at the job. Cmon, man, either admit there is no such thing or admit that you believe in things that do not exist.

The question is fuckin' stupid, and does not merit a response, Dullard.
That must have been a very long time ago. Maybe instead of whining he could start posting some substance.
He posts primarily Keynesian central planner voodoo, in the most pompous and patronizing of tones.

You could read a book of collated Paul Krugman op-eds and have your intelligence insulted less.

I'll pass.
This is how you prove what you are. I am not a Keynesian. Though we can probably forgive you for your mistake. You do not know enough about economics to understand that.
So, again, me girl, NO ECONOMIC ARGUMENT. What a surprise.
What I am is a pragmatist. I spend a lot of my time looking at economic history. Which you know nothing of, and prefer to ignore. Which is why you are ALWAYS wrong. Always.
Listening to the drivel from far right bat shit crazy con sources is mind destroying. Lots of studies on the subject. And you are simply more proof of those studies.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party
Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone
You're no more of a pragmatist than any other fascist central planner, who thinks they know it all.

Anyways, I'll still pass on any more of your arrogant, self-important twaddle.
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Step, me boy. You are a self admitted libertarian. A true believer in libertarianism. Yet you can not tell me of a single successful libertarian economy. I am still waiting. And you are still failing at the job. Cmon, man, either admit there is no such thing or admit that you believe in things that do not exist.

The question is fuckin' stupid, and does not merit a response, Dullard.
So, you admit there is no libertarian economy. Makes sense. It was devised by a person with no economic background. So, makes you really odd. You are a devotee of a system of economics that does not exist in the real world. Kind of like ghosts. Do you believe in ghosts too, step??
He posts primarily Keynesian central planner voodoo, in the most pompous and patronizing of tones.

You could read a book of collated Paul Krugman op-eds and have your intelligence insulted less.

I'll pass.
This is how you prove what you are. I am not a Keynesian. Though we can probably forgive you for your mistake. You do not know enough about economics to understand that.
So, again, me girl, NO ECONOMIC ARGUMENT. What a surprise.
What I am is a pragmatist. I spend a lot of my time looking at economic history. Which you know nothing of, and prefer to ignore. Which is why you are ALWAYS wrong. Always.
Listening to the drivel from far right bat shit crazy con sources is mind destroying. Lots of studies on the subject. And you are simply more proof of those studies.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party
Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone
You're no more of a pragmatist than any other fascist central planner, who thinks they know it all.

Anyways, I'll still pass on any more of your arrogant, self-important twaddle.
Not and never have been a believer in central planning, dipshit. Still no ability to discuss economics. What a surprise.
Self important??? No. Superior to you??? Hell, you set a really low standard.
My answer is there is not. Further, most posters with any knowledge of the subject are abstaining from posting.

Congratulations to the right wing trolls. You have what you want, an invective filled, disgustingly vulgar forum to launch personal attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. There are no meaningful economic discussions going on, which I believe was your objective. You have a fact-free and logic-free zone to play in. Enjoy yourselves.

So let me guess, you're from ThinkProgress and think that Paul Krugman makes perfect sense, right sploogy?
Step, me boy. You are a self admitted libertarian. A true believer in libertarianism. Yet you can not tell me of a single successful libertarian economy. I am still waiting. And you are still failing at the job. Cmon, man, either admit there is no such thing or admit that you believe in things that do not exist.

The question is fuckin' stupid, and does not merit a response, Dullard.
So, you admit there is no libertarian economy. Makes sense. It was devised by a person with no economic background. So, makes you really odd. You are a devotee of a system of economics that does not exist in the real world. Kind of like ghosts. Do you believe in ghosts too, step??

Considering you clearly have no understanding of this "libertarian" economy, you can take your seat over near the other dullard. Austrian economics, has added plenty of merit to economic theory and practice. You don't understand the topic. Clearly. And neither does Dullard #1 for asking such a stupid fuckin' question.

And Im an anarch-capitalist
This is how you prove what you are. I am not a Keynesian. Though we can probably forgive you for your mistake. You do not know enough about economics to understand that.
So, again, me girl, NO ECONOMIC ARGUMENT. What a surprise.
What I am is a pragmatist. I spend a lot of my time looking at economic history. Which you know nothing of, and prefer to ignore. Which is why you are ALWAYS wrong. Always.
Listening to the drivel from far right bat shit crazy con sources is mind destroying. Lots of studies on the subject. And you are simply more proof of those studies.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party
Study: Watching Fox News Actually Makes You Stupid | Jillian Rayfield | Politics News | Rolling Stone
You're no more of a pragmatist than any other fascist central planner, who thinks they know it all.

Anyways, I'll still pass on any more of your arrogant, self-important twaddle.
Not and never have been a believer in central planning, dipshit. Still no ability to discuss economics. What a surprise.
Self important??? No. Superior to you??? Hell, you set a really low standard.
Yes you do. You just fail to recognize your central planner's fantasies of economic alchemy as such.

BTW, I have never heard of a school of economic theory known as "pragmatism". No doubt some other fantasy you just pulled out of your behind. :lol:
They took over the education thread also. Put em on ignore, there's only about 20 or 30 professional thread destroyers. They have no other life so pity them. PC's a robot so it doesn't react to pity. Hope you and the four or five others in the economic business keep posting sometimes.

Say, aren't you the drooling simpleton who was ignorant of Says law, had no idea what the Broken Window theory was, and could never identify a major school of Macro Economic thought?

Sure you were...
There are plenty of good economic discussions here. It just sounds like the OP got butthurt and is now proclaiming he quits rather loudly. I see it often. He'll be back later to vent his views and participate.
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They took over the education thread also. Put em on ignore, there's only about 20 or 30 professional thread destroyers. They have no other life so pity them. PC's a robot so it doesn't react to pity. Hope you and the four or five others in the economic business keep posting sometimes.

Say, aren't you the drooling simpleton who was ignorant of Says law, had no idea what the Broken Window theory was, and could never identify a major school of Macro Economic thought?

Sure you were...
Speaking of Con trolls, say the word and they crawl out from under a rock and start throwing insults. Because they can not discuss any subject. Normal.
Speaking of con trolls. Say the word and they crawl out from under some rock and start throwing insults. Because they can not discuss any subject.
Oldfart is an econ phd that has been personally attacked by every con on the board. None had the knowledge to stay with him, so they simply made stupid statements and insulted him. He mostly just left it alone. But then got to the point that it was useless to discuss economics here.
Too bad. It was worth a lot to learn what he could lay out. Unfortunately, the con trolls do not want to learn anything. They are simply here to propagandize this board with the agenda their heroes fill them with. Sad.

There are some heavyweights on this board when it comes to economics. Some I agree with, some that I don't. But I come across more frauds on the left, those who read Krugman up on ThinkProgress and fancy themselves experts, than I do people with knowledge. I rarely encounter anyone on the left with even a passing knowledge of macro economics.

I'll give you a clue - for free - if oldfart thinks that by the "Chicago School," I'm referencing Obamanomics, then he really has no knowledge at all...

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