Is Trump more pro life than he wants to say on the campaign trail?


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
On Hannity the other night, he was a little.. dithering on the life issue... like he was trying to say he agrees w/ those who want virtually no abortion but..

"we have to win elections"

oh my...

doesn't sound good but again... at least we hear the TRUTH from one of the candidates...

(not saying the other Rs are dishonest, we just don't know them well at this time...)
Pro life or pro abortion are opinions. Pro life says that you can't kill a baby that has a miniature human body, can feel pain and has a heartbeat. That makes sense. Pro abortion states a woman has the right to kill her baby. It says that it's a healthcare issue. Of course those are both idiotic, murderous assertions. I'm not a hard core religious zealot who thinks the morning after pill or an early abortion can't be done. I think Trump is probably in that category, but the dirty game of politics doesn't allow you to be perfectly honest in some cases. Trump may hedge on abortion whereas Biden will hedge on taxing the rich, which he knows he will never do. None of this changes the fact that Trump is the American workers best chance to safety and prosperity. It's really not even a contest.
The man has 5 children. Obviously he isn't a pro abort.
I'd say that has to do with their mothers not being pro abortion... and besides, we don't really know who has done that and who hasn't... though these things tend to be leaked...
Pro life or pro abortion are opinions. Pro life says that you can't kill a baby that has a miniature human body, can feel pain and has a heartbeat. That makes sense. Pro abortion states a woman has the right to kill her baby. It says that it's a healthcare issue. Of course those are both idiotic, murderous assertions. I'm not a hard core religious zealot who thinks the morning after pill or an early abortion can't be done. I think Trump is probably in that category, but the dirty game of politics doesn't allow you to be perfectly honest in some cases. Trump may hedge on abortion whereas Biden will hedge on taxing the rich, which he knows he will never do. None of this changes the fact that Trump is the American workers best chance to safety and prosperity. It's really not even a contest.
well, obviously, abortion is either murder or it is not. Science says human life like all other life begins at... the BEGINNING (amazingly enough)

It is illogical to say one is against murdering, say, a 50 year old, but that murdering a 10 year old is OK if the parents don't want him/her

that's abortion in this day and age
well, obviously, abortion is either murder or it is not. Science says human life like all other life begins at... the BEGINNING (amazingly enough)

It is illogical to say one is against murdering, say, a 50 year old, but that murdering a 10 year old is OK if the parents don't want him/her

that's abortion in this day and age
I don't see it as black and white like you do. I see rape, pedophilia and incest a little different. And I don't see conception as anything other than conception. I'd make abortion available for anyone up to the point of a heartbeat. I respect your opinion but I can't abide by it.
I don't see it as black and white like you do. I see rape, pedophilia and incest a little different. And I don't see conception as anything other than conception. I'd make abortion available for anyone up to the point of a heartbeat. I respect your opinion but I can't abide by it.
you, like all of America, have been brainwashed... it's the old "a little bit of evil won't hurt and is probably a good way to go" thing

so "American"... where freedom is a God...

except that it is not. There is only ONE God and He told us long ago that murder is not acceptable to Him. . tht you do not have the right to murder others..

In the Old T, God (everyone knows this) would get enraged when the people would do this or that sin, but He got most angry when they... what?

sacrificed their children to the "god" Molech

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