Is Trump a demagogue? And what is a demagogue, anyway?


Diamond Member
Mar 20, 2023
Why Donald Trump's Waco Rally foreshadows violent days ahead Donald Trump came to Waco for a singular reason; to preach a gospel of political violence. he knows what the place means.
He knows that it is an epicenter of conspiracy theories, and extremist ideologists who come their to worship and to defy and stand
with cult members against the lawful search warrants served by federal agents whom they murdered.

Waco ended in tragedy 30 years ago, more than 80 people burned to death. They burned to death, not because of the federal government,
but because of the cult leader who sentenced them to death inside [the compound].

That's who Donald Trump went to venerate. --Steve Schmidt

This is the classic playbook of the demagogue.

Donald Trump is often described as a demagogue (well, some have called him that, William F Buckley (RIP) certainly did. . A demagogue is someone who seeks power by appealing to people's emotions, prejudices, and fears rather than their rationality. Trump's oratory techniques, as observed during his campaigns and presidency, align with those of classic demagogues.

One of Trump's primary oratory techniques is fear-mongering. He often uses fear to influence people's decisions, whether it's fear of immigrants, fear of crime, or fear of terrorism. During his 2016 campaign, Trump famously called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" and claimed that Mexico was sending "rapists" and criminals into the country. This fear-based rhetoric is intended to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, which in turn helps to mobilize them.

Another technique that Trump employs is the use of scapegoats. He frequently blames specific groups for the country's problems, such as undocumented immigrants, the media, and political opponents. By doing so, he deflects attention away from his own shortcomings and creates a common enemy for his supporters to rally against. This tactic can be seen in Trump's ongoing attacks on the "fake news media" and his efforts to demonize Democrats as "socialists" and "radicals."

Trump is also known for his simplistic language and repetitive phrases. He frequently uses slogans like "Make America Great Again" and "America First," which are designed to be catchy and easy to remember. This repetition helps to reinforce his message and create a sense of unity among his supporters. Trump's speeches are often filled with hyperbole and exaggeration, which further underscores his message and appeals to people's emotions.

Trump is known for his willingness to lie and distort the truth. He frequently makes false statements and unsubstantiated claims, which can be easily fact-checked. This tactic is intended to create confusion and sow doubt among his opponents, while reinforcing his message among his supporters. Trump's use of lies and distortions has led some to label him a "post-truth" politician, as he seems unconcerned with the accuracy of his statements as long as they serve his purposes.

Another way in which Trump behaves like a classic demagogue is his use of repetitive thought-terminating clichés. One of the most well-known examples of this is Trump's use of the term "Fake News." He has used this phrase to discredit any news source that is critical of him, even if that source is legitimate and well-respected. By doing so, he attempts to curtail critical thinking and foster a sense of distrust in the media among his followers.

The use of thought-terminating clichés is a technique commonly employed by demagogues. These clichés are designed to shut down critical thinking and discourage any dissenting opinions. When followers of the demagogue encounter dissent, they simply dish up the cliché in an attempt to kill the conversation. In this way, the demagogue ensures that debate, discussion, and dissent are discouraged, as they are not in the demagogue's interest.

Another example of Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is his frequent use of the term "Make America Great Again." This phrase is intended to create a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era when America was supposedly better. By framing the present as inferior to the past, Trump attempts to shut down any critical examination of the current state of the country. It is a simplistic phrase that appeals to people's emotions rather than their rationality.

Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is just one more way in which he behaves like a classic demagogue. By curbing critical thinking in his followers, he ensures that his message is not questioned or examined too closely. This allows him to maintain his grip on his base, even in the face of criticism or evidence that contradicts his claims. It is a dangerous tactic that undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and the free exchange of ideas.

In conclusion, Donald Trump's oratory techniques align with those of classic demagogues. He uses fear-mongering, scapegoating, simplistic language, thought-terminating clichés and and the most egregious lies to appeal to people's emotions and prejudices. These tactics are designed to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, while deflecting attention away from his own shortcomings. While Trump's demagoguery has been successful in mobilizing a significant portion of the American electorate, it has also contributed to the polarization and divisiveness that currently plagues American politics.

Another appropriate term to describe Trump is that he is an insidious leader. In fact, Trump is a text book example of the term. People often misuse the term 'insidious' thinking it means 'hideous'. In fact, that is not what the word means. The word "insidious" means something that is gradually and subtly harmful or destructive, often in a way that is not immediately apparent and as time progresses, one finds that (or the nation, in this case) after electing Trump we cannot extricate ourselves from the horror that he is. Trump's behavior as a leader fits this definition perfectly.

One of the key characteristics of an insidious leader is their ability to appear alluring or appealing on the surface, while actually being harmful or destructive further on. Trump's populist rhetoric and promises of making America great again were initially very attractive to many Americans who felt left behind by the political establishment. However, his policies and behavior as president have been deeply damaging to American democracy and society.

Trump's leadership has created a deeply divided and polarized America, where people on both sides feel that they cannot compromise or work together. This has led to a situation in which progress is nearly impossible, and the country feels stuck in a cycle of dysfunction and chaos. Trump thrives on chaos. He is the veritable merchant of chaos.

Moreover, Trump's behavior as a leader has been insidious in a more subtle way as well. He has consistently undermined democratic norms and institutions, attacking the media, the judiciary, and even the electoral process itself. He has consistently lied and distorted the truth, creating a climate of confusion and distrust. All of these actions are insidious because they undermine the foundations of democracy slowly and gradually, in a way that is not always immediately apparent.

Not only is Donald Trump is unfit to serve. He is a threat to national security hitherto unseen in American politics.

Trump is a dangerous man. His rhetoric is growing increasingly violent. He doesn't speak to it directly, he has a master of mob-speak. Such as, imagine a mob boss saying to a restaurant owner who didn't want to hire his daughter, so the mob boss doesn't actually threaten him directly, he says something like 'Gee, it would be really horrible if your restaurant burned down". Trump is this kind of man. Subtle, but his followers know what he means, and the crazies in his flock have proven they are capable of violence. What truly boggles my mind is that his followers cannot see it, and that is sad. They will say to me 'what did Trump actually say that incited violence'. Know that a mob boss has highly skilled in the art of not anything that a prosecutor can pin on him in court, they know how to manipulate without speaking directly.

Trump is a master demagogue.

Trump describes 2024 election as ‘the final battle’ from podium in Waco
Former president honours January 6 rioters and delivers violent rhetoric in rally at Texas city during anniversary of Branch Davidian massacre
This is the classic playbook of the demagogue.

Donald Trump is often described as a demagogue (well, some have called him that, William F Buckley (RIP) certainly did. . A demagogue is someone who seeks power by appealing to people's emotions, prejudices, and fears rather than their rationality. Trump's oratory techniques, as observed during his campaigns and presidency, align with those of classic demagogues.

One of Trump's primary oratory techniques is fear-mongering. He often uses fear to influence people's decisions, whether it's fear of immigrants, fear of crime, or fear of terrorism. During his 2016 campaign, Trump famously called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" and claimed that Mexico was sending "rapists" and criminals into the country. This fear-based rhetoric is intended to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, which in turn helps to mobilize them.

Another technique that Trump employs is the use of scapegoats. He frequently blames specific groups for the country's problems, such as undocumented immigrants, the media, and political opponents. By doing so, he deflects attention away from his own shortcomings and creates a common enemy for his supporters to rally against. This tactic can be seen in Trump's ongoing attacks on the "fake news media" and his efforts to demonize Democrats as "socialists" and "radicals."

Trump is also known for his simplistic language and repetitive phrases. He frequently uses slogans like "Make America Great Again" and "America First," which are designed to be catchy and easy to remember. This repetition helps to reinforce his message and create a sense of unity among his supporters. Trump's speeches are often filled with hyperbole and exaggeration, which further underscores his message and appeals to people's emotions.

Trump is known for his willingness to lie and distort the truth. He frequently makes false statements and unsubstantiated claims, which can be easily fact-checked. This tactic is intended to create confusion and sow doubt among his opponents, while reinforcing his message among his supporters. Trump's use of lies and distortions has led some to label him a "post-truth" politician, as he seems unconcerned with the accuracy of his statements as long as they serve his purposes.

Another way in which Trump behaves like a classic demagogue is his use of repetitive thought-terminating clichés. One of the most well-known examples of this is Trump's use of the term "Fake News." He has used this phrase to discredit any news source that is critical of him, even if that source is legitimate and well-respected. By doing so, he attempts to curtail critical thinking and foster a sense of distrust in the media among his followers.

The use of thought-terminating clichés is a technique commonly employed by demagogues. These clichés are designed to shut down critical thinking and discourage any dissenting opinions. When followers of the demagogue encounter dissent, they simply dish up the cliché in an attempt to kill the conversation. In this way, the demagogue ensures that debate, discussion, and dissent are discouraged, as they are not in the demagogue's interest.

Another example of Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is his frequent use of the term "Make America Great Again." This phrase is intended to create a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era when America was supposedly better. By framing the present as inferior to the past, Trump attempts to shut down any critical examination of the current state of the country. It is a simplistic phrase that appeals to people's emotions rather than their rationality.

Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is just one more way in which he behaves like a classic demagogue. By curbing critical thinking in his followers, he ensures that his message is not questioned or examined too closely. This allows him to maintain his grip on his base, even in the face of criticism or evidence that contradicts his claims. It is a dangerous tactic that undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and the free exchange of ideas.

In conclusion, Donald Trump's oratory techniques align with those of classic demagogues. He uses fear-mongering, scapegoating, simplistic language, thought-terminating clichés and and the most egregious lies to appeal to people's emotions and prejudices. These tactics are designed to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, while deflecting attention away from his own shortcomings. While Trump's demagoguery has been successful in mobilizing a significant portion of the American electorate, it has also contributed to the polarization and divisiveness that currently plagues American politics.

Another appropriate term to describe Trump is that he is an insidious leader. In fact, Trump is a text book example of the term. People often misuse the term 'insidious' thinking it means 'hideous'. In fact, that is not what the word means. The word "insidious" means something that is gradually and subtly harmful or destructive, often in a way that is not immediately apparent and as time progresses, one finds that (or the nation, in this case) after electing Trump we cannot extricate ourselves from the horror that he is. Trump's behavior as a leader fits this definition perfectly.

One of the key characteristics of an insidious leader is their ability to appear alluring or appealing on the surface, while actually being harmful or destructive further on. Trump's populist rhetoric and promises of making America great again were initially very attractive to many Americans who felt left behind by the political establishment. However, his policies and behavior as president have been deeply damaging to American democracy and society.

Trump's leadership has created a deeply divided and polarized America, where people on both sides feel that they cannot compromise or work together. This has led to a situation in which progress is nearly impossible, and the country feels stuck in a cycle of dysfunction and chaos. Trump thrives on chaos. He is the veritable merchant of chaos.

Moreover, Trump's behavior as a leader has been insidious in a more subtle way as well. He has consistently undermined democratic norms and institutions, attacking the media, the judiciary, and even the electoral process itself. He has consistently lied and distorted the truth, creating a climate of confusion and distrust. All of these actions are insidious because they undermine the foundations of democracy slowly and gradually, in a way that is not always immediately apparent.

Not only is Donald Trump is unfit to serve. He is a threat to national security hitherto unseen in American politics.

Trump is a dangerous man. His rhetoric is growing increasingly violent. He doesn't speak to it directly, he has a master of mob-speak. Such as, imagine a mob boss saying to a restaurant owner who didn't want to hire his daughter, so the mob boss doesn't actually threaten him directly, he says something like 'Gee, it would be really horrible if your restaurant burned down". Trump is this kind of man. Subtle, but his followers know what he means, and the crazies in his flock have proven they are capable of violence. What truly boggles my mind is that his followers cannot see it, and that is sad. They will say to me 'what did Trump actually say that incited violence'. Know that a mob boss has highly skilled in the art of not anything that a prosecutor can pin on him in court, they know how to manipulate without speaking directly.

Trump is a master demagogue.

Trump describes 2024 election as ‘the final battle’ from podium in Waco
Former president honours January 6 rioters and delivers violent rhetoric in rally at Texas city during anniversary of Branch Davidian massacre
He's still a better choice than Biden on preventing a nuclear WW3 Rumpole.
This is the classic playbook of the demagogue.

Donald Trump is often described as a demagogue (well, some have called him that, William F Buckley (RIP) certainly did. . A demagogue is someone who seeks power by appealing to people's emotions, prejudices, and fears rather than their rationality. Trump's oratory techniques, as observed during his campaigns and presidency, align with those of classic demagogues.

One of Trump's primary oratory techniques is fear-mongering. He often uses fear to influence people's decisions, whether it's fear of immigrants, fear of crime, or fear of terrorism. During his 2016 campaign, Trump famously called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" and claimed that Mexico was sending "rapists" and criminals into the country. This fear-based rhetoric is intended to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, which in turn helps to mobilize them.

Another technique that Trump employs is the use of scapegoats. He frequently blames specific groups for the country's problems, such as undocumented immigrants, the media, and political opponents. By doing so, he deflects attention away from his own shortcomings and creates a common enemy for his supporters to rally against. This tactic can be seen in Trump's ongoing attacks on the "fake news media" and his efforts to demonize Democrats as "socialists" and "radicals."

Trump is also known for his simplistic language and repetitive phrases. He frequently uses slogans like "Make America Great Again" and "America First," which are designed to be catchy and easy to remember. This repetition helps to reinforce his message and create a sense of unity among his supporters. Trump's speeches are often filled with hyperbole and exaggeration, which further underscores his message and appeals to people's emotions.

Trump is known for his willingness to lie and distort the truth. He frequently makes false statements and unsubstantiated claims, which can be easily fact-checked. This tactic is intended to create confusion and sow doubt among his opponents, while reinforcing his message among his supporters. Trump's use of lies and distortions has led some to label him a "post-truth" politician, as he seems unconcerned with the accuracy of his statements as long as they serve his purposes.

Another way in which Trump behaves like a classic demagogue is his use of repetitive thought-terminating clichés. One of the most well-known examples of this is Trump's use of the term "Fake News." He has used this phrase to discredit any news source that is critical of him, even if that source is legitimate and well-respected. By doing so, he attempts to curtail critical thinking and foster a sense of distrust in the media among his followers.

The use of thought-terminating clichés is a technique commonly employed by demagogues. These clichés are designed to shut down critical thinking and discourage any dissenting opinions. When followers of the demagogue encounter dissent, they simply dish up the cliché in an attempt to kill the conversation. In this way, the demagogue ensures that debate, discussion, and dissent are discouraged, as they are not in the demagogue's interest.

Another example of Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is his frequent use of the term "Make America Great Again." This phrase is intended to create a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era when America was supposedly better. By framing the present as inferior to the past, Trump attempts to shut down any critical examination of the current state of the country. It is a simplistic phrase that appeals to people's emotions rather than their rationality.

Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is just one more way in which he behaves like a classic demagogue. By curbing critical thinking in his followers, he ensures that his message is not questioned or examined too closely. This allows him to maintain his grip on his base, even in the face of criticism or evidence that contradicts his claims. It is a dangerous tactic that undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and the free exchange of ideas.

In conclusion, Donald Trump's oratory techniques align with those of classic demagogues. He uses fear-mongering, scapegoating, simplistic language, thought-terminating clichés and and the most egregious lies to appeal to people's emotions and prejudices. These tactics are designed to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, while deflecting attention away from his own shortcomings. While Trump's demagoguery has been successful in mobilizing a significant portion of the American electorate, it has also contributed to the polarization and divisiveness that currently plagues American politics.

Another appropriate term to describe Trump is that he is an insidious leader. In fact, Trump is a text book example of the term. People often misuse the term 'insidious' thinking it means 'hideous'. In fact, that is not what the word means. The word "insidious" means something that is gradually and subtly harmful or destructive, often in a way that is not immediately apparent and as time progresses, one finds that (or the nation, in this case) after electing Trump we cannot extricate ourselves from the horror that he is. Trump's behavior as a leader fits this definition perfectly.

One of the key characteristics of an insidious leader is their ability to appear alluring or appealing on the surface, while actually being harmful or destructive further on. Trump's populist rhetoric and promises of making America great again were initially very attractive to many Americans who felt left behind by the political establishment. However, his policies and behavior as president have been deeply damaging to American democracy and society.

Trump's leadership has created a deeply divided and polarized America, where people on both sides feel that they cannot compromise or work together. This has led to a situation in which progress is nearly impossible, and the country feels stuck in a cycle of dysfunction and chaos. Trump thrives on chaos. He is the veritable merchant of chaos.

Moreover, Trump's behavior as a leader has been insidious in a more subtle way as well. He has consistently undermined democratic norms and institutions, attacking the media, the judiciary, and even the electoral process itself. He has consistently lied and distorted the truth, creating a climate of confusion and distrust. All of these actions are insidious because they undermine the foundations of democracy slowly and gradually, in a way that is not always immediately apparent.

Not only is Donald Trump is unfit to serve. He is a threat to national security hitherto unseen in American politics.

Trump is a dangerous man. His rhetoric is growing increasingly violent. He doesn't speak to it directly, he has a master of mob-speak. Such as, imagine a mob boss saying to a restaurant owner who didn't want to hire his daughter, so the mob boss doesn't actually threaten him directly, he says something like 'Gee, it would be really horrible if your restaurant burned down". Trump is this kind of man. Subtle, but his followers know what he means, and the crazies in his flock have proven they are capable of violence. What truly boggles my mind is that his followers cannot see it, and that is sad. They will say to me 'what did Trump actually say that incited violence'. Know that a mob boss has highly skilled in the art of not anything that a prosecutor can pin on him in court, they know how to manipulate without speaking directly.

Trump is a master demagogue.

Trump describes 2024 election as ‘the final battle’ from podium in Waco
Former president honours January 6 rioters and delivers violent rhetoric in rally at Texas city during anniversary of Branch Davidian massacre
Donald Trump is a demagogue, plain and simple. He is a leader who appeals to people’s emotions and prejudices rather than using rational arguments, and who seeks personal power and popularity through exploiting public opinion. By exploiting the fears and anxieties of his supporters, he has been able to shape the political discourse in a way that benefits his own interests.
He's still a better choice than Biden on preventing a nuclear WW3 Rumpole.
Wow Don, never thought you'd admit DT is better at anything. That's a first step.

Now maybe look at the real facts & numbers & you'll come to the rational conclusion he's also much better on:
Income equality
Real wage growth
Domestic energy policies
Fuel prices
Foreign policy
Peace deals
Trade deals
Rising standards of living for minorities/women
Lower taxes
Inspiring loyalty
Leading the world
Protecting American interests
Everything else but twitters
Wow Don, never thought you'd admit DT is better at anything. That's a first step.
You haven't been paying attention for about the last six months john.
Now maybe look at the real facts & numbers & you'll come to the rational conclusion he's also much better on:
Income equality
Real wage growth
Domestic energy policies
Fuel prices
Foreign policy
Peace deals
Trade deals
Rising standards of living for minorities/women
Lower taxes
Inspiring loyalty
Leading the world
Protecting American interests
Everything else but twitters
No argument from me on that john. I'm all in for Trump, no matter the consequences for your country.

It's just that I think the deep state will have to eliminate him if he tries to interfere with the war against Russia.

In fact, it looks like the message has already been delivered to Trump! Did anyone notice that he started to take credit for Nord Stream bombing and then had to cut it short?
He was obviously about to take the credit away from Biden. Seriously john, check it out from his speech yesterday.
This is the classic playbook of the demagogue.

Donald Trump is often described as a demagogue (well, some have called him that, William F Buckley (RIP) certainly did. . A demagogue is someone who seeks power by appealing to people's emotions, prejudices, and fears rather than their rationality. Trump's oratory techniques, as observed during his campaigns and presidency, align with those of classic demagogues.

One of Trump's primary oratory techniques is fear-mongering. He often uses fear to influence people's decisions, whether it's fear of immigrants, fear of crime, or fear of terrorism. During his 2016 campaign, Trump famously called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" and claimed that Mexico was sending "rapists" and criminals into the country. This fear-based rhetoric is intended to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, which in turn helps to mobilize them.

Another technique that Trump employs is the use of scapegoats. He frequently blames specific groups for the country's problems, such as undocumented immigrants, the media, and political opponents. By doing so, he deflects attention away from his own shortcomings and creates a common enemy for his supporters to rally against. This tactic can be seen in Trump's ongoing attacks on the "fake news media" and his efforts to demonize Democrats as "socialists" and "radicals."

Trump is also known for his simplistic language and repetitive phrases. He frequently uses slogans like "Make America Great Again" and "America First," which are designed to be catchy and easy to remember. This repetition helps to reinforce his message and create a sense of unity among his supporters. Trump's speeches are often filled with hyperbole and exaggeration, which further underscores his message and appeals to people's emotions.

Trump is known for his willingness to lie and distort the truth. He frequently makes false statements and unsubstantiated claims, which can be easily fact-checked. This tactic is intended to create confusion and sow doubt among his opponents, while reinforcing his message among his supporters. Trump's use of lies and distortions has led some to label him a "post-truth" politician, as he seems unconcerned with the accuracy of his statements as long as they serve his purposes.

Another way in which Trump behaves like a classic demagogue is his use of repetitive thought-terminating clichés. One of the most well-known examples of this is Trump's use of the term "Fake News." He has used this phrase to discredit any news source that is critical of him, even if that source is legitimate and well-respected. By doing so, he attempts to curtail critical thinking and foster a sense of distrust in the media among his followers.

The use of thought-terminating clichés is a technique commonly employed by demagogues. These clichés are designed to shut down critical thinking and discourage any dissenting opinions. When followers of the demagogue encounter dissent, they simply dish up the cliché in an attempt to kill the conversation. In this way, the demagogue ensures that debate, discussion, and dissent are discouraged, as they are not in the demagogue's interest.

Another example of Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is his frequent use of the term "Make America Great Again." This phrase is intended to create a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era when America was supposedly better. By framing the present as inferior to the past, Trump attempts to shut down any critical examination of the current state of the country. It is a simplistic phrase that appeals to people's emotions rather than their rationality.

Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is just one more way in which he behaves like a classic demagogue. By curbing critical thinking in his followers, he ensures that his message is not questioned or examined too closely. This allows him to maintain his grip on his base, even in the face of criticism or evidence that contradicts his claims. It is a dangerous tactic that undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and the free exchange of ideas.

In conclusion, Donald Trump's oratory techniques align with those of classic demagogues. He uses fear-mongering, scapegoating, simplistic language, thought-terminating clichés and and the most egregious lies to appeal to people's emotions and prejudices. These tactics are designed to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, while deflecting attention away from his own shortcomings. While Trump's demagoguery has been successful in mobilizing a significant portion of the American electorate, it has also contributed to the polarization and divisiveness that currently plagues American politics.

Another appropriate term to describe Trump is that he is an insidious leader. In fact, Trump is a text book example of the term. People often misuse the term 'insidious' thinking it means 'hideous'. In fact, that is not what the word means. The word "insidious" means something that is gradually and subtly harmful or destructive, often in a way that is not immediately apparent and as time progresses, one finds that (or the nation, in this case) after electing Trump we cannot extricate ourselves from the horror that he is. Trump's behavior as a leader fits this definition perfectly.

One of the key characteristics of an insidious leader is their ability to appear alluring or appealing on the surface, while actually being harmful or destructive further on. Trump's populist rhetoric and promises of making America great again were initially very attractive to many Americans who felt left behind by the political establishment. However, his policies and behavior as president have been deeply damaging to American democracy and society.

Trump's leadership has created a deeply divided and polarized America, where people on both sides feel that they cannot compromise or work together. This has led to a situation in which progress is nearly impossible, and the country feels stuck in a cycle of dysfunction and chaos. Trump thrives on chaos. He is the veritable merchant of chaos.

Moreover, Trump's behavior as a leader has been insidious in a more subtle way as well. He has consistently undermined democratic norms and institutions, attacking the media, the judiciary, and even the electoral process itself. He has consistently lied and distorted the truth, creating a climate of confusion and distrust. All of these actions are insidious because they undermine the foundations of democracy slowly and gradually, in a way that is not always immediately apparent.

Not only is Donald Trump is unfit to serve. He is a threat to national security hitherto unseen in American politics.

Trump is a dangerous man. His rhetoric is growing increasingly violent. He doesn't speak to it directly, he has a master of mob-speak. Such as, imagine a mob boss saying to a restaurant owner who didn't want to hire his daughter, so the mob boss doesn't actually threaten him directly, he says something like 'Gee, it would be really horrible if your restaurant burned down". Trump is this kind of man. Subtle, but his followers know what he means, and the crazies in his flock have proven they are capable of violence. What truly boggles my mind is that his followers cannot see it, and that is sad. They will say to me 'what did Trump actually say that incited violence'. Know that a mob boss has highly skilled in the art of not anything that a prosecutor can pin on him in court, they know how to manipulate without speaking directly.

Trump is a master demagogue.

Trump describes 2024 election as ‘the final battle’ from podium in Waco
Former president honours January 6 rioters and delivers violent rhetoric in rally at Texas city during anniversary of Branch Davidian massacre
Donald Trump is a demagogue, plain and simple. He is a leader who appeals to people’s emotions and prejudices rather than using rational arguments, and who seeks personal power and popularity through exploiting public opinion. By exploiting the fears and anxieties of his supporters, he has been able to shape the political discourse in a way that benefits his own interests.
So he's just like Obama?

And Pedo Joe?

So he's just like Obama?

And Pedo Joe?


So stupid and clumsy! He thinks he's a tough mafia boss.

Let's all hope that he's not allowed to get near to the red button!
He's still a better choice than Biden on preventing a nuclear WW3 Rumpole.

No way.

"“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can’t we use them,” Scarborough said on his “Morning Joe” program.

Scarborough has no reason to lie. Others have described his flippant behavior. This kind of flippant attitude towards nukes reveals his unfitness for the office. Trump is notorious for impulsive behaviour, Kelly, Milley, Bolton, have described this.
No way.

"“Several months ago, a foreign policy expert on the international level went to advise Donald Trump. And three times [Trump] asked about the use of nuclear weapons. Three times he asked at one point if we had them why can’t we use them,” Scarborough said on his “Morning Joe” program.

Scarborough has no reason to lie. Others have described his flippant behavior. This kind of flippant attitude towards nukes reveals his unfitness for the office. Trump is notorious for impulsive behaviour, Kelly, Milley, Bolton, have described this.
With Russia Rumpole. Trump declares it so and has shown how he buddied up with Putin.

My money's on Trump, even though he's stupid enough to get a hot war going with China, or so goes his political talking points anyway.

Will your extraterrestrials interfere in America's war?
A demagogue is someone who seeks power by appealing to people's emotions, prejudices, and fears rather than their rationality.
Mankind has not figured out how to organize government so the politicians are advantaged by using whatever campaign technique would appeal to the peasants' rational analysis of social order.

Don't go thinking Joe Biden is a rational candidate for the presidency. - imperfect_Constitution.png
With Russia Rumpole. Trump declares it so and has shown how he buddied up with Putin.

My money's on Trump, even though he's stupid enough to get a hot war going with China, or so goes his political talking points anyway.

Will your extraterrestrials interfere in America's war?
My guess, if they are real, they'd stop a nuclear exchange. But who the fuck knows?
This is the classic playbook of the demagogue.

Donald Trump is often described as a demagogue (well, some have called him that, William F Buckley (RIP) certainly did. . A demagogue is someone who seeks power by appealing to people's emotions, prejudices, and fears rather than their rationality. Trump's oratory techniques, as observed during his campaigns and presidency, align with those of classic demagogues.

One of Trump's primary oratory techniques is fear-mongering. He often uses fear to influence people's decisions, whether it's fear of immigrants, fear of crime, or fear of terrorism. During his 2016 campaign, Trump famously called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" and claimed that Mexico was sending "rapists" and criminals into the country. This fear-based rhetoric is intended to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, which in turn helps to mobilize them.

Another technique that Trump employs is the use of scapegoats. He frequently blames specific groups for the country's problems, such as undocumented immigrants, the media, and political opponents. By doing so, he deflects attention away from his own shortcomings and creates a common enemy for his supporters to rally against. This tactic can be seen in Trump's ongoing attacks on the "fake news media" and his efforts to demonize Democrats as "socialists" and "radicals."

Trump is also known for his simplistic language and repetitive phrases. He frequently uses slogans like "Make America Great Again" and "America First," which are designed to be catchy and easy to remember. This repetition helps to reinforce his message and create a sense of unity among his supporters. Trump's speeches are often filled with hyperbole and exaggeration, which further underscores his message and appeals to people's emotions.

Trump is known for his willingness to lie and distort the truth. He frequently makes false statements and unsubstantiated claims, which can be easily fact-checked. This tactic is intended to create confusion and sow doubt among his opponents, while reinforcing his message among his supporters. Trump's use of lies and distortions has led some to label him a "post-truth" politician, as he seems unconcerned with the accuracy of his statements as long as they serve his purposes.

Another way in which Trump behaves like a classic demagogue is his use of repetitive thought-terminating clichés. One of the most well-known examples of this is Trump's use of the term "Fake News." He has used this phrase to discredit any news source that is critical of him, even if that source is legitimate and well-respected. By doing so, he attempts to curtail critical thinking and foster a sense of distrust in the media among his followers.

The use of thought-terminating clichés is a technique commonly employed by demagogues. These clichés are designed to shut down critical thinking and discourage any dissenting opinions. When followers of the demagogue encounter dissent, they simply dish up the cliché in an attempt to kill the conversation. In this way, the demagogue ensures that debate, discussion, and dissent are discouraged, as they are not in the demagogue's interest.

Another example of Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is his frequent use of the term "Make America Great Again." This phrase is intended to create a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era when America was supposedly better. By framing the present as inferior to the past, Trump attempts to shut down any critical examination of the current state of the country. It is a simplistic phrase that appeals to people's emotions rather than their rationality.

Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is just one more way in which he behaves like a classic demagogue. By curbing critical thinking in his followers, he ensures that his message is not questioned or examined too closely. This allows him to maintain his grip on his base, even in the face of criticism or evidence that contradicts his claims. It is a dangerous tactic that undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and the free exchange of ideas.

In conclusion, Donald Trump's oratory techniques align with those of classic demagogues. He uses fear-mongering, scapegoating, simplistic language, thought-terminating clichés and and the most egregious lies to appeal to people's emotions and prejudices. These tactics are designed to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, while deflecting attention away from his own shortcomings. While Trump's demagoguery has been successful in mobilizing a significant portion of the American electorate, it has also contributed to the polarization and divisiveness that currently plagues American politics.

Another appropriate term to describe Trump is that he is an insidious leader. In fact, Trump is a text book example of the term. People often misuse the term 'insidious' thinking it means 'hideous'. In fact, that is not what the word means. The word "insidious" means something that is gradually and subtly harmful or destructive, often in a way that is not immediately apparent and as time progresses, one finds that (or the nation, in this case) after electing Trump we cannot extricate ourselves from the horror that he is. Trump's behavior as a leader fits this definition perfectly.

One of the key characteristics of an insidious leader is their ability to appear alluring or appealing on the surface, while actually being harmful or destructive further on. Trump's populist rhetoric and promises of making America great again were initially very attractive to many Americans who felt left behind by the political establishment. However, his policies and behavior as president have been deeply damaging to American democracy and society.

Trump's leadership has created a deeply divided and polarized America, where people on both sides feel that they cannot compromise or work together. This has led to a situation in which progress is nearly impossible, and the country feels stuck in a cycle of dysfunction and chaos. Trump thrives on chaos. He is the veritable merchant of chaos.

Moreover, Trump's behavior as a leader has been insidious in a more subtle way as well. He has consistently undermined democratic norms and institutions, attacking the media, the judiciary, and even the electoral process itself. He has consistently lied and distorted the truth, creating a climate of confusion and distrust. All of these actions are insidious because they undermine the foundations of democracy slowly and gradually, in a way that is not always immediately apparent.

Not only is Donald Trump is unfit to serve. He is a threat to national security hitherto unseen in American politics.

Trump is a dangerous man. His rhetoric is growing increasingly violent. He doesn't speak to it directly, he has a master of mob-speak. Such as, imagine a mob boss saying to a restaurant owner who didn't want to hire his daughter, so the mob boss doesn't actually threaten him directly, he says something like 'Gee, it would be really horrible if your restaurant burned down". Trump is this kind of man. Subtle, but his followers know what he means, and the crazies in his flock have proven they are capable of violence. What truly boggles my mind is that his followers cannot see it, and that is sad. They will say to me 'what did Trump actually say that incited violence'. Know that a mob boss has highly skilled in the art of not anything that a prosecutor can pin on him in court, they know how to manipulate without speaking directly.

Trump is a master demagogue.

Trump describes 2024 election as ‘the final battle’ from podium in Waco
Former president honours January 6 rioters and delivers violent rhetoric in rally at Texas city during anniversary of Branch Davidian massacre
Obama fear-mongers all of the time. On Mexico, he said Mexico sends US their rapists and drug dealers. How and where does that apply to all Mexicans (my wife is Mexican and verified what he said). On Muslims, show US where ALL Muslims were banned when he said that?
Venerate? Did anyone mention the government attack on the Branch Davidians? Did the Name David Koresh even come up? Democrats made it up. Admit it.
This is the classic playbook of the demagogue.

Donald Trump is often described as a demagogue (well, some have called him that, William F Buckley (RIP) certainly did. . A demagogue is someone who seeks power by appealing to people's emotions, prejudices, and fears rather than their rationality. Trump's oratory techniques, as observed during his campaigns and presidency, align with those of classic demagogues.

One of Trump's primary oratory techniques is fear-mongering. He often uses fear to influence people's decisions, whether it's fear of immigrants, fear of crime, or fear of terrorism. During his 2016 campaign, Trump famously called for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" and claimed that Mexico was sending "rapists" and criminals into the country. This fear-based rhetoric is intended to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, which in turn helps to mobilize them.

Another technique that Trump employs is the use of scapegoats. He frequently blames specific groups for the country's problems, such as undocumented immigrants, the media, and political opponents. By doing so, he deflects attention away from his own shortcomings and creates a common enemy for his supporters to rally against. This tactic can be seen in Trump's ongoing attacks on the "fake news media" and his efforts to demonize Democrats as "socialists" and "radicals."

Trump is also known for his simplistic language and repetitive phrases. He frequently uses slogans like "Make America Great Again" and "America First," which are designed to be catchy and easy to remember. This repetition helps to reinforce his message and create a sense of unity among his supporters. Trump's speeches are often filled with hyperbole and exaggeration, which further underscores his message and appeals to people's emotions.

Trump is known for his willingness to lie and distort the truth. He frequently makes false statements and unsubstantiated claims, which can be easily fact-checked. This tactic is intended to create confusion and sow doubt among his opponents, while reinforcing his message among his supporters. Trump's use of lies and distortions has led some to label him a "post-truth" politician, as he seems unconcerned with the accuracy of his statements as long as they serve his purposes.

Another way in which Trump behaves like a classic demagogue is his use of repetitive thought-terminating clichés. One of the most well-known examples of this is Trump's use of the term "Fake News." He has used this phrase to discredit any news source that is critical of him, even if that source is legitimate and well-respected. By doing so, he attempts to curtail critical thinking and foster a sense of distrust in the media among his followers.

The use of thought-terminating clichés is a technique commonly employed by demagogues. These clichés are designed to shut down critical thinking and discourage any dissenting opinions. When followers of the demagogue encounter dissent, they simply dish up the cliché in an attempt to kill the conversation. In this way, the demagogue ensures that debate, discussion, and dissent are discouraged, as they are not in the demagogue's interest.

Another example of Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is his frequent use of the term "Make America Great Again." This phrase is intended to create a sense of nostalgia for a bygone era when America was supposedly better. By framing the present as inferior to the past, Trump attempts to shut down any critical examination of the current state of the country. It is a simplistic phrase that appeals to people's emotions rather than their rationality.

Trump's use of thought-terminating clichés is just one more way in which he behaves like a classic demagogue. By curbing critical thinking in his followers, he ensures that his message is not questioned or examined too closely. This allows him to maintain his grip on his base, even in the face of criticism or evidence that contradicts his claims. It is a dangerous tactic that undermines the fundamental principles of democracy and the free exchange of ideas.

In conclusion, Donald Trump's oratory techniques align with those of classic demagogues. He uses fear-mongering, scapegoating, simplistic language, thought-terminating clichés and and the most egregious lies to appeal to people's emotions and prejudices. These tactics are designed to create a sense of urgency and anxiety among his supporters, while deflecting attention away from his own shortcomings. While Trump's demagoguery has been successful in mobilizing a significant portion of the American electorate, it has also contributed to the polarization and divisiveness that currently plagues American politics.

Another appropriate term to describe Trump is that he is an insidious leader. In fact, Trump is a text book example of the term. People often misuse the term 'insidious' thinking it means 'hideous'. In fact, that is not what the word means. The word "insidious" means something that is gradually and subtly harmful or destructive, often in a way that is not immediately apparent and as time progresses, one finds that (or the nation, in this case) after electing Trump we cannot extricate ourselves from the horror that he is. Trump's behavior as a leader fits this definition perfectly.

One of the key characteristics of an insidious leader is their ability to appear alluring or appealing on the surface, while actually being harmful or destructive further on. Trump's populist rhetoric and promises of making America great again were initially very attractive to many Americans who felt left behind by the political establishment. However, his policies and behavior as president have been deeply damaging to American democracy and society.

Trump's leadership has created a deeply divided and polarized America, where people on both sides feel that they cannot compromise or work together. This has led to a situation in which progress is nearly impossible, and the country feels stuck in a cycle of dysfunction and chaos. Trump thrives on chaos. He is the veritable merchant of chaos.

Moreover, Trump's behavior as a leader has been insidious in a more subtle way as well. He has consistently undermined democratic norms and institutions, attacking the media, the judiciary, and even the electoral process itself. He has consistently lied and distorted the truth, creating a climate of confusion and distrust. All of these actions are insidious because they undermine the foundations of democracy slowly and gradually, in a way that is not always immediately apparent.

Not only is Donald Trump is unfit to serve. He is a threat to national security hitherto unseen in American politics.

Trump is a dangerous man. His rhetoric is growing increasingly violent. He doesn't speak to it directly, he has a master of mob-speak. Such as, imagine a mob boss saying to a restaurant owner who didn't want to hire his daughter, so the mob boss doesn't actually threaten him directly, he says something like 'Gee, it would be really horrible if your restaurant burned down". Trump is this kind of man. Subtle, but his followers know what he means, and the crazies in his flock have proven they are capable of violence. What truly boggles my mind is that his followers cannot see it, and that is sad. They will say to me 'what did Trump actually say that incited violence'. Know that a mob boss has highly skilled in the art of not anything that a prosecutor can pin on him in court, they know how to manipulate without speaking directly.

Trump is a master demagogue.

Trump describes 2024 election as ‘the final battle’ from podium in Waco
Former president honours January 6 rioters and delivers violent rhetoric in rally at Texas city during anniversary of Branch Davidian massacre

Impromptu poll: Did anyone actually make it through this entire post?

I'm serious, the whole thing.

Diagnosis: The patient exhibits acute trauma associated with the 45th President of the United States, and significant media cerebral damage is most prevalent.
Impromptu poll: Did anyone actually make it through this entire post?

I'm serious, the whole thing.

Diagnosis: The patient exhibits acute trauma associated with the 45th President of the United States, and significant media cerebral damage is most prevalent.

My posts are for thoughtful people, who are not plagued by attention deficit disorder.

Just ignore the post if it exceeds the boundaries of your attention span, and/or intellectual capacity.
Obama fear-mongers all of the time. On Mexico, he said Mexico sends US their rapists and drug dealers. How and where does that apply to all Mexicans (my wife is Mexican and verified what he said). On Muslims, show US where ALL Muslims were banned when he said that?

Please provide a link, as I do not take the word of forum members, in general.

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