Is Trump a complete failure


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2017
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you
It takes more than one person to run a nation..
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you
It takes more than one person to run a nation..
it sure does and did you notice all the others in his cabinet?? And now the son in law?
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you
It takes more than one person to run a nation..
it sure does and did you notice all the others in his cabinet?? And now the son in law?
Yes, but that is not unusual in the political realm..
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you
60 days. Calm down snowflake. Obama failed for eight years. Doubled the debt, but couldn't manage a single year of 3% growth. Sent weapons to drug cartels. Funded and armed terrorists, and gave billions to the worlds largest sponsor of terrorism. He defined failure.
Shitforhair will get tax reform shoved back up his ass, and then the big wall. He's dealing with the same Congress that choked him out on healthcare.
The angry crazy left that blocked everything the administration wanted and demonstrated in the streets burning cars and smashing windows now claims that "Trump is a failure" because he didn't achieve everything he promised in sixty seven freaking days. No surprises here.
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you

The strange thing is that at this stage of his presidency he really shouldn't have any major accomplishments. But his braggadocio and inability to ignore the slightest insult or suggestion that he's is less than the YUUUUGEST EVAH, sets him up for failure because even the greatest of potuses will lose 40% of the time and even if elected to a second term, generally the last two years see nothing accomplished.

Sadly he has no idea how to compromise and save the Senate from becoming a 51% place, and while Gorsuch is probably an ok appointment, there is something very wrong when judges can't get 60 votes, and that's on both parties.

The Russia thing stinks. I've thought that in the end all there will be is a Yuuuge plle of money Trump owes the oligarchs, but the WH just looks ... and acts .... guilty as hell. It may turn out that Putin/Assange/Gussifer were letting team Trump know what they were going to do before they did it. If that turns out to be so, Trump will have no credibility at all. Not even with 40% of congress.
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you

Since we are stuck with this nightmare, at least we have reality TV entertainment everyday..
The angry crazy left that blocked everything the administration wanted and demonstrated in the streets burning cars and smashing windows now claims that "Trump is a failure" because he didn't achieve everything he promised in sixty seven freaking days. No surprises here.

he shouldnt have ran his "day one" mouth like a teenage girl on meth .. and his drones shouldn't have bought his bullshit.

Donnie is a failure because he's a failure. Not one single person held a gun to his head and made him fail.

next contestant ..
No not at all. His Fuck America Presidency is succeeding beyond Putin's wildest dreams.
THERE IS NO WAY.,,,on God's green Earth that the WH didn't pressure Nunes to cancel Yates testimony before the intelligence committee. I'm beginning to think Trump supporters will have to study hard to become halfwits if they swallow all these signs of corruption that this admin. tries to pass off as 'coincidences'. I can't believe the wheels are still on our national wagon. And I can't figure out exactly what Republicans really want.

All I know is I want them gone from power. I'm also surprised Pence hasn't beat feet back to Indiana too. Sheesh, even Dick Cheney is gagging over the denials that are nothing more than unbelievable coverups, and his capacity at subterfuge is bottomless.
or just mostly one??,,,,,no immigration ban,,no replacing obama care no mexico paying for a wall now looks like no infrastructure or tax reform,,,,,,,great record right republicans ? Thanks for screwing your own country Russia couldn't do it better than you

Obvious troll is obvious.
Anyone thinking Trump is a complete failure after, what 70 days in?? Is either a moronic low information kool aid guzzler or just a simple troll.
So...which are you?

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