Is this the greatest blessing, or the kiss of death? Netanyahu endorses Cruz

browsing deer

Silver Member
Jul 11, 2015
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in the forrest
I don't know what it is going to be, but this is a very intense departure from protocol.

The reason for it is Obama's spending a ton of money during the last Israeli election. A very severe departure from protocol itself.

“I have been long suffering and patient with the Obama administration. For six years I have been dumbfounded at the level of incompetency, naivety, and rudeness that Obama and his administration exhibit on an almost daily basis. He (Obama) has shown nothing but contempt for Israel and the Israeli people, and shown support and given aid to our enemies. Obama broke protocol first when he sent his thugs over here to try and unseat me. I am not doing this for myself, but for the sake of Israel and the U.S. When facing a bully, there comes a point where you have to hit back, and hit hard.”

“After serious consideration and looking over a very deep and qualified field of potential candidates, I have decided to give my support, my personal endorsement if you will, to Senator Ted Cruz. Ted has been a stalwart supporter of Israel and our people. He is one of the few leaders in the U.S. government with the intestinal fortitude to call terrorism ‘terrorism’, and directly address the threat of radical Islam and a nuclear Iran. Ted has proven to be fearless in fighting against the odds when he must, something I as the leader of a tiny nation surrounded by enemies can relate to.” He concluded, “Over the last two years Ted and I have been in regular contact, we have worked closely together on policy. To say the least, he (Cruz) has been an unwavering ally; and what’s more he’s been a true friend. I would ask the American people, and the freedom loving members of the world community to join me in supporting Ted Cruz as the next U.S President.”
Unlike American democrats (and Mr. Trump, unfortunately), Senator Cruz understands the "rule of law."

Hear, hear!
I don't know what it is going to be, but this is a very intense departure from protocol.

The reason for it is Obama's spending a ton of money during the last Israeli election. A very severe departure from protocol itself.

“I have been long suffering and patient with the Obama administration. For six years I have been dumbfounded at the level of incompetency, naivety, and rudeness that Obama and his administration exhibit on an almost daily basis. He (Obama) has shown nothing but contempt for Israel and the Israeli people, and shown support and given aid to our enemies. Obama broke protocol first when he sent his thugs over here to try and unseat me. I am not doing this for myself, but for the sake of Israel and the U.S. When facing a bully, there comes a point where you have to hit back, and hit hard.”

“After serious consideration and looking over a very deep and qualified field of potential candidates, I have decided to give my support, my personal endorsement if you will, to Senator Ted Cruz. Ted has been a stalwart supporter of Israel and our people. He is one of the few leaders in the U.S. government with the intestinal fortitude to call terrorism ‘terrorism’, and directly address the threat of radical Islam and a nuclear Iran. Ted has proven to be fearless in fighting against the odds when he must, something I as the leader of a tiny nation surrounded by enemies can relate to.” He concluded, “Over the last two years Ted and I have been in regular contact, we have worked closely together on policy. To say the least, he (Cruz) has been an unwavering ally; and what’s more he’s been a true friend. I would ask the American people, and the freedom loving members of the world community to join me in supporting Ted Cruz as the next U.S President.”

Link please?
If Alexander Dugin endorsing trump didn't hurt him with all work he does to destroy america, I highly doubt an ally's endorsement will hurt cruz
Stormin Norman blog from last year.

Storm'n Norm'n: Netanyahu Endorses Senator Ted Cruz

During his endorsement press conference, Netanyahu said that he respected long standing protocol, but that enough was enough and he had to take political action of his own. “I have been long suffering and patient with the Obama administration. For six years I have been dumbfounded at the level of incompetency, naivety, and rudeness that Obama and his administration exhibit on an almost daily basis. He (Obama) has shown nothing but contempt for Israel and the Israeli people, and shown support and given aid to our enemies. Obama broke protocol first when he sent his thugs over here to try and unseat me. I am not doing this for myself, but for the sake of Israel and the U.S. When facing a bully, there comes a point where you have to hit back, and hit hard.”
Netanyahu continued, “After serious consideration and looking over a very deep and qualified field of potential candidates, I have decided to give my support, my personal endorsement if you will, to Senator Ted Cruz. Ted has been a stalwart supporter of Israel and our people. He is one of the few leaders in the U.S. government with the intestinal fortitude to call terrorism ‘terrorism’, and directly address the threat of radical Islam and a nuclear Iran. Ted has proven to be fearless in fighting against the odds when he must, something I as the leader of a tiny nation surrounded by enemies can relate to.” He concluded, “Over the last two years Ted and I have been in regular contact, we have worked closely together on policy. To say the least, he (Cruz) has been an unwavering ally; and what’s more he’s been a true friend. I would ask the American people, and the freedom loving members of the world community to join me in supporting Ted Cruz as the next U.S President.”
I don't know what it is going to be, but this is a very intense departure from protocol.

The reason for it is Obama's spending a ton of money during the last Israeli election. A very severe departure from protocol itself.

“I have been long suffering and patient with the Obama administration. For six years I have been dumbfounded at the level of incompetency, naivety, and rudeness that Obama and his administration exhibit on an almost daily basis. He (Obama) has shown nothing but contempt for Israel and the Israeli people, and shown support and given aid to our enemies. Obama broke protocol first when he sent his thugs over here to try and unseat me. I am not doing this for myself, but for the sake of Israel and the U.S. When facing a bully, there comes a point where you have to hit back, and hit hard.”

“After serious consideration and looking over a very deep and qualified field of potential candidates, I have decided to give my support, my personal endorsement if you will, to Senator Ted Cruz. Ted has been a stalwart supporter of Israel and our people. He is one of the few leaders in the U.S. government with the intestinal fortitude to call terrorism ‘terrorism’, and directly address the threat of radical Islam and a nuclear Iran. Ted has proven to be fearless in fighting against the odds when he must, something I as the leader of a tiny nation surrounded by enemies can relate to.” He concluded, “Over the last two years Ted and I have been in regular contact, we have worked closely together on policy. To say the least, he (Cruz) has been an unwavering ally; and what’s more he’s been a true friend. I would ask the American people, and the freedom loving members of the world community to join me in supporting Ted Cruz as the next U.S President.”

Link please?

It's not real.

Storm'n Norm'n: Netanyahu Endorses Senator Ted Cruz
sheeeeeesh Alhamdulillah. the very thought of Netanyahu
offering an ENDORSEMENT of a us presidential candidate THREW
MY ESOPHAGUS INTO SPASM (very painful----but I am getting over it)
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