Is this racist?


Gold Member
Dec 25, 2013
I wrote this as a response to someone who said there was no such thing as race, and then the whole thread got deported to the Badlands. Could someone help me understand why this happened? I don’t see it as racist.

Is this racist?

“What is this for you guys? Is this some kind of religion?. The father's of the scientific revolution would be disappointed with people like you. You are definitely not a scientist; things are not true because you want them to be true. They thought they were putting an end to superstition and ignorance; they didn't realize it would just transform. It doesn't matter what the motivation is for denying the truth is still the truth. If we ever forget that we're on our way back to holding witch trials and burning witches.

Races are a fact, they can be observed, and predictions can be made: have you ever heard of Derrick Todd Lee (November 5, 1968 – January 21, 2016), also known as The Baton Rouge Serial Killer. He escaped detection because the FBI and local police were looking for a white man based on an FBI profile and a faulty witness description. When DNA gathered at a crime scene was analyzed, it showed that the suspect was a black man. Most were unwilling to accept that DNA could identify an individual's race. However, they were looking for a man that didn't exist. After police accepted that fact, Lee was identified and captured. His DNA matched the collected DNA evidence.

Have you ever heard of forensic anthropology? These people can take a skull of an unidentified person and reconstruct the face based on racial differences with a rather good accuracy. They couldn't do that if there were no racial differences.

It appears that the left only believes in science only when it tells them what they want to hear, but that's not the way it works. The truth is the truth, whether you like it or not. I have to say that perhaps the right can be just as bad in some ways and even us moderates. I believe René Descartes said something like; perception often deceives us. I am wrong sometimes, but I try very hard to see the world, not as I want to see it but as it is.”
Race is a social con-struct and has been historically fluid.
I agree with the historical fluid part, but race is a social construct in the same way that reading and math are those symbols that only have meaning because we give him meaning. Just because a person might not know how to read or do arithmetic doesn’t mean that those concepts don’t exist.

When the national anthropology society voted that there was no such thing as race, that did not make it disappear; it is still there. And that is not the way you do science in science, something is true or not true, and no vote changes that.
I wrote this as a response to someone who said there was no such thing as race, and then the whole thread got deported to the Badlands. Could someone help me understand why this happened? I don’t see it as racist.

Is this racist?

“What is this for you guys? Is this some kind of religion?. The father's of the scientific revolution would be disappointed with people like you. You are definitely not a scientist; things are not true because you want them to be true. They thought they were putting an end to superstition and ignorance; they didn't realize it would just transform. It doesn't matter what the motivation is for denying the truth is still the truth. If we ever forget that we're on our way back to holding witch trials and burning witches.

Races are a fact, they can be observed, and predictions can be made: have you ever heard of Derrick Todd Lee (November 5, 1968 – January 21, 2016), also known as The Baton Rouge Serial Killer. He escaped detection because the FBI and local police were looking for a white man based on an FBI profile and a faulty witness description. When DNA gathered at a crime scene was analyzed, it showed that the suspect was a black man. Most were unwilling to accept that DNA could identify an individual's race. However, they were looking for a man that didn't exist. After police accepted that fact, Lee was identified and captured. His DNA matched the collected DNA evidence.

Have you ever heard of forensic anthropology? These people can take a skull of an unidentified person and reconstruct the face based on racial differences with a rather good accuracy. They couldn't do that if there were no racial differences.

It appears that the left only believes in science only when it tells them what they want to hear, but that's not the way it works. The truth is the truth, whether you like it or not. I have to say that perhaps the right can be just as bad in some ways and even us moderates. I believe René Descartes said something like; perception often deceives us. I am wrong sometimes, but I try very hard to see the world, not as I want to see it but as it is.”
What race are these folks?

This is a group photo of Melungeons.


These are two of America's most famous melungeons, one was very, very close to the black community.

I wrote this as a response to someone who said there was no such thing as race, and then the whole thread got deported to the Badlands. Could someone help me understand why this happened? I don’t see it as racist.

Is this racist?

“What is this for you guys? Is this some kind of religion?. The father's of the scientific revolution would be disappointed with people like you. You are definitely not a scientist; things are not true because you want them to be true. They thought they were putting an end to superstition and ignorance; they didn't realize it would just transform. It doesn't matter what the motivation is for denying the truth is still the truth. If we ever forget that we're on our way back to holding witch trials and burning witches.

Races are a fact, they can be observed, and predictions can be made: have you ever heard of Derrick Todd Lee (November 5, 1968 – January 21, 2016), also known as The Baton Rouge Serial Killer. He escaped detection because the FBI and local police were looking for a white man based on an FBI profile and a faulty witness description. When DNA gathered at a crime scene was analyzed, it showed that the suspect was a black man. Most were unwilling to accept that DNA could identify an individual's race. However, they were looking for a man that didn't exist. After police accepted that fact, Lee was identified and captured. His DNA matched the collected DNA evidence.

Have you ever heard of forensic anthropology? These people can take a skull of an unidentified person and reconstruct the face based on racial differences with a rather good accuracy. They couldn't do that if there were no racial differences.

It appears that the left only believes in science only when it tells them what they want to hear, but that's not the way it works. The truth is the truth, whether you like it or not. I have to say that perhaps the right can be just as bad in some ways and even us moderates. I believe René Descartes said something like; perception often deceives us. I am wrong sometimes, but I try very hard to see the world, not as I want to see it but as it is.”

I see nothing wrong with it. There are differences between races that have VITAL bearings on medical diagnoses and treatments. Susceptibility to various illness are clustered by race.

You could mirror that by simply saying all those things "cluster" by genetics. Because they ARE one and same. And until about 30 years ago, genetics was a pretty toothless practice until modern DNA sequencing/splicing/testing methods bloomed.

Race is ORIGIN and genetics is ORIGIN. Race is familiar lines, and genetics is familiar lines. A lot of people (some important) think that time has come to MANUFACTURE the fallacy that "race simply does not exist". You could EXPUNGE race but then you'd have to talk to patients about their INHERITED mutated PK-30b gene that makes them prone to ____________. Instead of saying black or Jewish or Asian or Hispanic, ect. MUCH easier to make medicine understandable by saying the race.

Or we'd be caught up in AVOIDING race by listing your critical ancestors on the Gene based tree you make at Ancestry, rather than simply telling someone you're 1/16th black and 1/8 red.

But what's happened recently is that the wokeness has penetrated science as well as every other business and institution and DEMANDED that race is just a social construct that has no use or meaning. That's not how science or EVEN THE RACES see it.

Go tell BLMatter that "race doesn't exist" and see what happens. Or better yet, go to the promoters of CRaceTheory and argue that. Or go talk to Asian people to whom race and culture is ALSO important. The left is getting "tar-babied" by their own theories here. (And I use the tar-babied comparison only for fun). They are ending up as a contradiction word salad.

What happened to celebrating multi-culturalism? Is that next? RACE IS part of people's culture. Just like Jews (who are NOT a race) have a distinct culture against Muslims WHO ARE the same race.
This is a group photo of Melungeons.


These are two of America's most famous melungeons, one was very, very close to the black community.


See -- here's the deal.. You PICKED this group BECAUSE of complex racial heritage. And YET -- the ONLY WAY to describe that complex racial heritage without a WHOLE LOT of genetic goobly-gook is to think race.

Is it not?
See -- here's the deal.. You PICKED this group BECAUSE of complex racial heritage. And YET -- the ONLY WAY to describe that complex racial heritage without a WHOLE LOT of genetic goobly-gook is to think race.

Is it not?
No. I don't follow.

Some look white, some look black, and some look native American --- but they are all related.

It directly contradicts the premise. . . "Races are a fact," if all of these folks are in the same group but are directly related to one another.

. . . the only real description is human. . . or American.
I see nothing wrong with it. There are differences between races that have VITAL bearings on medical diagnoses and treatments. Susceptibility to various illness are clustered by race.

You could mirror that by simply saying all those things "cluster" by genetics. Because they ARE one and same. And until about 30 years ago, genetics was a pretty toothless practice until modern DNA sequencing/splicing/testing methods bloomed.

Race is ORIGIN and genetics is ORIGIN. Race is familiar lines, and genetics is familiar lines. A lot of people (some important) think that time has come to MANUFACTURE the fallacy that "race simply does not exist". You could EXPUNGE race but then you'd have to talk to patients about their INHERITED mutated PK-30b gene that makes them prone to ____________. Instead of saying black or Jewish or Asian or Hispanic, ect. MUCH easier to make medicine understandable by saying the race.

Or we'd be caught up in AVOIDING race by listing your critical ancestors on the Gene based tree you make at Ancestry, rather than simply telling someone you're 1/16th black and 1/8 red.

But what's happened recently is that the wokeness has penetrated science as well as every other business and institution and DEMANDED that race is just a social construct that has no use or meaning. That's not how science or EVEN THE RACES see it.

Go tell BLMatter that "race doesn't exist" and see what happens. Or better yet, go to the promoters of CRaceTheory and argue that. Or go talk to Asian people to whom race and culture is ALSO important. The left is getting "tar-babied" by their own theories here. (And I use the tar-babied comparison only for fun). They are ending up as a contradiction word salad.

What happened to celebrating multi-culturalism? Is that next? RACE IS part of people's culture. Just like Jews (who are NOT a race) have a distinct culture against Muslims WHO ARE the same race.
I’m going to take issue with some of that, for one, your singular focus on the negation of race by leftism/wokeness. A simple look at some of the responses above would say that isn’t just a “woke” thing.

I think the concept of “race” is BOTH a genetic origin concept and a cultural political concept. But it is fluid, fascinating and a dangerous slippery slope in terms of those seeking to support a concept of racial inferiority. That makes it difficult to have honest discussions.

Does race exist? Obviously yes. But how exactly do you define it? Genetically we humans are a gradation of genetic characteristics some of which are concentrated more heavily in certain populations and less so in others. Because we move around now more then ever before those differences are slowly becoming more blurred.

Nut race is also a political/cultural concept designed to place people on an axis of inferior/superior characteristics that supported a number of practices, policies and attitudes. The one drop rule of racial definition is as ridiculous as saying there is no such thing as race.

Moving up to now, and the ridiculous political arguments over race we have this:

Rightists: there is no such thing as race, we are all the same, why do people keep whining about racism, we need to remove all requirements to list one’s race on federal forms but let’s not forget, blacks commit the most crime and are replacing whites.

Leftists: there is no such thing as race, we are all the same, (but we need to maintain all those programs to help disadvantaged races.)

Clearly race matters in medicine (or more accurately, as you put it, origins). It a patient presents with a puzzling set of symptoms, knowing that patient has an African heritage might point the doctor towards diseases more specific to that population but rare in others.

Whether race exists depends on how people want to use it.
I do not believe the acknowledging that various races of people exist is racist.

The human population has become much more genetically mixed than it used to be, so in the future the concept of race may simply go away. But for most of history the world had been much more isolated than it is today, thus people of different races evolved due to isolated gene pools around the world adapting to differing environments.
Clearly race matters in medicine
No, clearly genetic variation matters in medicine, not race.

Just like, when you go into a doctor's office, they ask you for your family history of disease. . . they do this for everyone, no matter your genetic heritage.
It’s a shame I feel I have to do this: I really can’t believe that are really that many racists out there. Anyone who’s been out in the world and met people from different races surely knows that there are no inferior races. True, African countries are less developed than European countries. And blacks do tend to as a group score lower on certain tests, and in some black areas, they have a higher crime rate, but all these things are cultural-based conditions. And the good thing is cultures can and do change. Cultures change all the time. I have worked with black technicians that were better technicians than myself. I have two friends that are black; both are as fine people as I’ve ever known. So, I say to people who are racist that think that blacks or any race are inferior, try to be more objective in how you see the world.
The concept of race is solely based on skin color nothing else which is why is a Social Construct nothing more.

It is why I keep saying this is a political construct used to generate categories of humans into a separate group based on a single criteria yet there is actually only ONE Human Species existing no "race" varieties are listed.

ALL Human being have the SAME gene for Melanin which differs by concentration in person by person which is why we see many shades of skin color though the world.

When you go sunbathing the skins color darkens because Melanin production is simulated.

How come no one is creating a "race" based idea on lip size or color of eyes so on, but YOU know why they don't exist......

Maybe this will help?

10.2 The Meaning of Race and Ethnicity

The concept of race is solely based on skin color nothing else which is why is a Social Construct nothing more.

It is why I keep saying this is a political construct used to generate categories of humans into a separate group based on a single criteria yet there is actually only ONE Human Species existing no "race" varieties are listed.

ALL Human being have the SAME gene for Melanin which differs by concentration in person by person which is why we see many shades of skin color though the world.

When you go sunbathing the skins color darkens because Melanin production is simulated.

How come no one is creating a "race" based idea on lip size or color of eyes so on, but YOU know why they don't exist......

Maybe this will help?

10.2 The Meaning of Race and Ethnicity

Nobody is saying race is the same species. Race is a sub classification of species.

There are many differences separating the races. Yes, race exists

Nobody is saying race is the same species. Race is a sub classification of species.

There are many differences separating the races. Yes, race exists

View attachment 609169

"Nobody is saying race is the same species. Race is a sub classification of species."

You sure about that?

Here is the OFFICIAL Science Classification for Humans,


Species:H. sapiens

Nope Race isn't listed at all because it is a social/political construct.
"Nobody is saying race is the same species. Race is a sub classification of species."

You sure about that?

Here is the OFFICIAL Science Classification for Humans,


Species:H. sapiens

Nope Race isn't listed at all because it is a social/political construct.
Some races never left the stone age until white Europeans brought them along, and there is zero indication they would have "evolved" after another 10,000 years without the "white man"

Racial differences go far beyond their skin color
Some races never left the stone age until white Europeans brought them along, and there is zero indication they would have "evolved" after another 10,000 years without the "white man"

It is clear you have no answer to the Human Classification I posted which has been official for many years that makes clear there is ONE Species and that is all, no race found on the chart for a reason that incredible eludes many here.

Race is a Social/Political concept not biological since ALL humans have the exact same gene Melanin in them.

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