Is this quote from Kamala Harris a dog whistle for war in Syria?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

Its because the SAUD ROYALS like the CHINESE buy western politicians to do their dirty work---they want the alawit muslims not to be confused with the sunni muslims out of control of Syria as they have their own plans for syria.
This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

Not sure about syria policy, as I would like to be out of there also, writing off the whole of our middles east envolvment as an exercise in stupidity and simply back Israel leadership, in the region by selling them anything they want.
I did really like what she said about Saudi Arabia. " we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”
The murderous Saudi Prince can go fight and defend his own battles without our help, as far as I am concerned. Again, another thing I would have missed if I did not read USMB. Thanks for posting it.
This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

When Biden Left Office ISIS was on the march and controlled a caliphate. As Trump leaves, they are destroyed and don't control an inch of soil.

ALL THE BEST PEOPLE PROMISED ME HE’D BE A WARMONGER: If Trump Ends Term by Pulling Troops Out of Afghanistan, That’s Good for America. I love how this article says Trump isn’t a “consistent friend of peace,” even though he’s the first president to go without starting at least one war in my adult lifetime.
This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

There's not much left standing in Syria as it is . . .

This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

There's not much left standing in Syria as it is . . .

View attachment 415403

Fixer uppers! Bargain prices, grab your hammer!
This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

When Biden Left Office ISIS was on the march and controlled a caliphate. As Trump leaves, they are destroyed and don't control an inch of soil.

ALL THE BEST PEOPLE PROMISED ME HE’D BE A WARMONGER: If Trump Ends Term by Pulling Troops Out of Afghanistan, That’s Good for America. I love how this article says Trump isn’t a “consistent friend of peace,” even though he’s the first president to go without starting at least one war in my adult lifetime.
Because Trump was doing what was in our nations best interest.
Is the Middle East perfect now? Of course not. There are some dust ups here and there. But in middle eastern standards, that place is about as calm as a coy pond under Trump. As stated, ISIS has been decimated. Sure there are still the occasional isis happenings, but it’s all but powerless. Trump has peace deals being signed.
I have no doubt Biden will go back to old failed policies, and do some dumb shit like topple Syria or put troops in some where. They still haven’t figured out the toppling dictators is a disaster. Or have they, and they like the results?
Why is the US selling petroleum pumped in Syria?
Eh, because we buy from the cheapest sellers on the international market? Just a guess, with no firm understanding. Had a governor (didn't vote for the jerk) here in TN, (a big gas and diesel seller statewide) got his product from communist Hugo Chavez. I didn't care much for that and would not stop at any of the Governor's establishments. Still won't, just because he did.
This is a DIRECT QUOTE FROM AN INTERVIEW THAT I linked. It is not a conspiracy theory.

It certainly seems like the Biden administration is looking for regime change in Syria. Crank up the war pigs! Feed that military industrial complex!

“In Syria, Joe and I will once again stand with civil society and pro-democracy partners in Syria, and help advance a political settlement where the Syrian people have a voice. We will work to protect the most vulnerable Syrians and lead the global coalition to defeat ISIS. And instead of standing by as the government of Saudi Arabia pursues disastrous, dangerous policies, including the ongoing war in Yemen, we will reassess the U.S. relationship with Saudi Arabia and end support for the Saudi-led war in Yemen.”

When Biden Left Office ISIS was on the march and controlled a caliphate. As Trump leaves, they are destroyed and don't control an inch of soil.

ALL THE BEST PEOPLE PROMISED ME HE’D BE A WARMONGER: If Trump Ends Term by Pulling Troops Out of Afghanistan, That’s Good for America. I love how this article says Trump isn’t a “consistent friend of peace,” even though he’s the first president to go without starting at least one war in my adult lifetime.
Because Trump was doing what was in our nations best interest.
Is the Middle East perfect now? Of course not. There are some dust ups here and there. But in middle eastern standards, that place is about as calm as a coy pond under Trump. As stated, ISIS has been decimated. Sure there are still the occasional isis happenings, but it’s all but powerless. Trump has peace deals being signed.
I have no doubt Biden will go back to old failed policies, and do some dumb shit like topple Syria or put troops in some where. They still haven’t figured out the toppling dictators is a disaster. Or have they, and they like the results?
We need Congress to assert themselves against the interventionists at the Defense and State department, but, the GOP in the Senate has a history of being just fine with saying little and raking in money from Defense Contractors. McCain was a leader of that racket, and fortunately he has departed from the scene, but, the GOP Senate still needs to prove itself to be on the side the American People when it comes to foreign policy.
Leftists are a Satanic cult. No shit they want another war.
You get the same crap from the State and Defense Departments, no matter who wins the election, except for when Trump won. And, for the first time in our adult lifetimes, we had a president that didn't get into a major new offensive. Although, unlike Jimmy Carter, Trump took NO CRAP off the bad guys.

Leftists are a Satanic cult. No shit they want another war.
You get the same crap from the State and Defense Departments, no matter who wins the election, except for when Trump won. And, for the first time in our adult lifetimes, we had a president that didn't get into a major new offensive. Although, unlike Jimmy Carter, Trump took NO CRAP off the bad guys.

Trump has ended zero wars the US is involved in and never did remove troops from Syria...
Leftists are a Satanic cult. No shit they want another war.
You get the same crap from the State and Defense Departments, no matter who wins the election, except for when Trump won. And, for the first time in our adult lifetimes, we had a president that didn't get into a major new offensive. Although, unlike Jimmy Carter, Trump took NO CRAP off the bad guys.

Trump has ended zero wars the US is involved in and never did remove troops from Syria...
Trump first president since Carter not to drag America into foreign wars

Donald Trump has not used America’s vast military power to kill and maim large numbers of people in countries that pose no threat to the US.

Jimmy Carter is the only other president since 1950 who didn’t go to war. The rest have all embraced a bi-partisan doctrine of American paternalism that justifies unleashing horrendous destruction.

The Congressional Research Service calculates that the US has used military force overseas 240 times since 1950. While most weren’t major wars, no other country has used military power on remotely this scale.

Moreover, between 37 million and 59 million people have fled their homes in the eight most violent wars the US military has launched or participated in since 2001, including the war on terror. The figures are contained in a detailed report called “Creating Refugees” released on 21 September by Brown University in America.

War-monger Hillary Clinton
One of the most counter-productive was the joint US-French military assault on Libya in 2011. Although Libya’s ruler Colonel Gaddafi played a relatively moderate role internationally for many years, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was the driving force behind America’s participation. Following the disastrous overthrow of one dictator, Saddam Hussein, why would anyone think it was a good idea to overthrow another dictator who was causing little harm internationally?
The answer is that Clinton was a warmonger who ignored the adverse consequences. Libya descended into chaos, slave markets prospered, terrorist groups and army factions took control of large parts of the country and refugees flooded Europe.

Gaddafi was murdered after being raped with a large blade. Clinton could only gloat: “We came. We saw. He died.” Had she won the 2016 presidential election, unlike Trump she would have found it hard to resist plunging the US into more wars.

How many Americans will die under Biden to slack the bloodlust of the US State and Defense department that Trump stood up to?
Not one new war from Trump.

5 new wars and 500,000 dead brown people from Obama.


You are disgusting.
Not one new war from Trump.

5 new wars and 500,000 dead brown people from Obama.


You are disgusting.
War Machine thinks they won. Trump is focused on counting ever legal vote.

PA lawsuits focus on 10 points:

1. Ignoring mail-in ballot safeguards
Boockvar and the county officials repeatedly ignored essential safeguards for absentee and mail-in voting which require “procedural safeguards to deter fraud and ensure transparency” due to “inherent risk.” In December 2019, Pennsylvania’s auditor general, Eugene DePasquale, determined that there are more than 50,000 cases of potentially inaccurate voter records in the state’s system.

“Defendants failed to take adequate measures to ensure that the provisions of the Election Code enacted to protect the validity of absentee or mail-in ballots, including without limitation Act 77, were followed,” the lawsuit alleges.

2. Confusing guidance
On August 19, 2020, Secretary Boockvar sent all the 67 county election boards a guidance document claiming that the “naked ballots should be counted pursuant to the Pennsylvania Election Code.” (A ballot is considered “naked” if it is not returned in the secrecy envelope, as required by state law.)

On September 17, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court rejected that position, but Boockvar did not send a follow-up guidance telling the election boards that they must not count naked mail-in ballots.

On September 11, Boockvar’s office sent the county officials another guidance regarding applications for mail-in ballots. That guidance did not mention the key fact that state law requires a voter to sign a mail-in ballot application, and the law requires officials to verify that signature before sending out a ballot.

The lawsuit claims the September 11 guidance forbade signature verification in vetting mail-in ballots and ballot applications. It also cites a September 28 guidance memo, in which Boockvar claimed that the “Election Code does not permit county election officials to reject applications or voted ballots based solely on signature analysis.”

“Despite the fact that well over a third of the votes were cast by mail, Secretary Boockvar and the Pennsylvania Department of State did not undertake any meaningful effort to prevent the casting of illegal or unreliable absentee or mail-in ballots and/or to ensure the application of uniform standards across the County Election Boards to prevent the casting of such illegal or unreliable ballots. Rather, Secretary Boockvar has exercised every opportunity to do quite the opposite,” the lawsuit claims.

3. Trashed Trump military ballots

Liberals wont even debate they voted for war in Syria. Look, not a peep.

To the liberals who post on this board, are you going to take a rifle and go over to Syria yourself? Are you going to go over there and rebuild the cities we destroy. Are you going to apologize and care for the families who have love ones blown up in Syria?

I bet you are are genocidal scum...because orange man bad. just beautiful.
Liberals wont even debate they voted for war in Syria. Look, not a peep.

To the liberals who post on this board, are you going to take a rifle and go over to Syria yourself? Are you going to go over there and rebuild the cities we destroy. Are you going to apologize and care for the families who have love ones blown up in Syria?

I bet you are are genocidal scum...because orange man bad. just beautiful.
Military boots on the ground are largely working and middle class, those folks are expendable to those that smugly view themselves as elitists.

Average mid term pick up by opposition party is 2 dozen seats. Even a fraction of that in 2022 gives McCarthy the gavel.
Why is the US selling petroleum pumped in Syria?
Because the Kurds use these wells to stay armed and fed.

ANALYSIS: TRUE. The defense-industry swamp is eager to engulf the Biden administration.

Just days after the presidential election, a new investment firm called Pine Island Acquisition Corporation quietly began trading on the New York Stock Exchange, with the prospect of becoming a notable player in the $2 trillion defense and aerospace industry. The company’s greatest asset was not its relatively modest bankroll goal of $200 million, but its connections — deep ties to policy establishment figures shaping the incoming Biden administration.

Pine Island was established as a “blank-check company” by Pine Island Capital, a small private-equity firm based in Fort Lauderdale. Among that firm’s partners are Michèle Flournoy and Antony Blinken, two of the president-elect’s top foreign-policy advisers. Blinken, who served as Vice President Joe Biden’s national-security adviser and, later, deputy secretary of state, is Biden’s pick to lead the State Department. Gen. Lloyd Austin, Biden’s nominee for defense secretary, is also listed as one of the firm’s “DC Partners.”

Pine Island recently expedited its listing on the New York Stock Exchange. That move positions the company’s shareholders to benefit from a potential nomination of any of its partners.

According to a pre-IPO filing, Pine Island’s connections are a key part of its selling proposition. It touted its leadership as being “uniquely positioned to capitalize” on an anticipated increase in demand by the defense industry for certain key technologies.


Joe's General For Pentagon

Pine Island Capital boasts a striking mixture of Wall Street expertise and political access. Its investment team includes former Merrill Lynch boss John Thain, who serves as chairman, and former Goldman Sachs private-equity chief Phil Cooper. The company’s “DC Partners” include four former US senators, former House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt and a bipartisan set of foreign-policy hands.

Pine Island Capital has only publicized a handful of investments. In July, the company purchased Meggitt Training Systems, which provides weapons training to the military and law enforcement. Meggitt recently rebranded as InVeris Training Systems and tapped former Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R) as chairman, bolstering Pine Island’s bipartisan reach.

Pine Island’s ties to the Biden team run particularly deep. Co-founder Clyde Tuggle ran government affairs for Coca-Cola, which hired Biden’s niece, Missy Owens, as an in-house lobbyist in 2012. Its Web site previously listed longtime Hunter Biden associate Rob Walker as an adviser but appears to have removed him after his name appeared in two sets of leaked e-mails showing controversial deals in which the Biden family was involved.

Members of Biden’s transition team already face scrutiny over their close ties to special-interest groups. In particular, Flournoy has been targeted by progressive groups who see her as unacceptably hawkish. In 2018, she joined the board of Booz Allen Hamilton, one of the country’s largest defense contractors.

That same year, she and Blinken launched WestExec, an advisory firm specializing in geopolitical "issues".

A 2018 report from the Project on Government Oversight ID’d more than 380 senior Pentagon officials who began working in the defense industry within two years of leaving government. This revolving door has come under increased scrutiny in recent years, especially from Democrats. Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Barbara Lee (D-Calif.), both vocal opponents of increased defense spending, recently publicly advised Biden against nominating a defense secretary beholden to contractors.

Democratic Sen. Richard Blumenthal raised similar concerns during Mark Esper’s confirmation. “I am simultaneously concerned about the increasingly corporate culture at the Department of Defense,” he said, “and the growing consolidation of the defense industry.”

The sincerity of Democrats who sounded such alarms will be tested soon enough. Companies like Pine Island are betting that Washington’s revolving door will be fully operational in a Biden administration.

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