Is there a way for us to notify the government to evenly re-distribute our $1K checks to others?

You can prove that bailout money goes to employees?

Suspending payroll taxes would help employees keep their jobs and have a bigger paycheck.

P.S. Glad to hear that businesses are just fine. :th_believecrap:

Suspending payroll taxes will do nothing for people stuck at home because their companies are shut down. You have to be on a payroll to save those taxes. This does nothing for people who are furloughed because of the virus, or quarantined with no sick time. Not to mention it's the working poor who need the money. They didn't get a tax cut. The companies which employe them did. So did the executives of those companies. They have financial cushions. Their workers don't.
Right. This is why Trump is sending us checks.

Trump isn’t sending you jack shit. Congress controls the purse, not the President. Trump wants your boss to get the money, not you.
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

I mentioned earlier that if I didn't make too much money last year to get a check, mine is going to my favorite local waiters, waitresses and bartenders here on the Oregon Coast sitting at home after statewide closure. There will be some nice $50 and $100 tips when they reopen.

I wouldn't trust the Trump Crime Family to "redistribute" the money. Donnie would give it to himself and his fat cat buddies.
But you're wrong. The money IS coming from the Trump administration, as much as you can't stand it.

No, the money would be coming from the US Treasury as appropriated by Congress. I'd give it to the people I think need it the most.
The US Treasury IS the Trump administration. It is part of Trump's cabinet, headed by Menuchin, handpicked by Trump.

And it IS scheduled to go to people who need it the most, as I stated previously (incomes below $75k/yr)
So, you may now change your "No" to a YES. No apology necessary.
You can prove that bailout money goes to employees?

Suspending payroll taxes would help employees keep their jobs and have a bigger paycheck.

P.S. Glad to hear that businesses are just fine. :th_believecrap:

Suspending payroll taxes will do nothing for people stuck at home because their companies are shut down. You have to be on a payroll to save those taxes. This does nothing for people who are furloughed because of the virus, or quarantined with no sick time. Not to mention it's the working poor who need the money. They didn't get a tax cut. The companies which employe them did. So did the executives of those companies. They have financial cushions. Their workers don't.
Right. This is why Trump is sending us checks.

Trump isn’t sending you jack shit. Congress controls the purse, not the President. Trump wants your boss to get the money, not you.
This stupid post was just refuted by my last post, whose poster said the same dumb thing you just did.
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

I mentioned earlier that if I didn't make too much money last year to get a check, mine is going to my favorite local waiters, waitresses and bartenders here on the Oregon Coast sitting at home after statewide closure. There will be some nice $50 and $100 tips when they reopen.

I wouldn't trust the Trump Crime Family to "redistribute" the money. Donnie would give it to himself and his fat cat buddies.
But you're wrong. The money IS coming from the Trump administration, as much as you can't stand it.

No, the money would be coming from the US Treasury as appropriated by Congress. I'd give it to the people I think need it the most.
The US Treasury IS the Trump administration. It is part of Trump's cabinet, headed by Menuchin, handpicked by Trump.

And it IS scheduled to go to people who need it the most, as I stated previously (incomes below $75k/yr)
So, you may now change your "No" to a YES. No apology necessary.

Sorry, no change on my "no" answer. These are congressionally appropriated funds. It's not Trump Bucks or some such. Not his decision. ;)
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

Naww, you gotta share the $ on your own.
How much would suspending payroll taxes put in a typical employees check?

All five of my businesses are doing fine.

If any of your businesses had employees, you would know that employees and employers each pay approximately 7.5% of gross earnings up to ~$120K annually. That is a savings of up to $9K per year for each of them and keep them on the payroll.

P.S. If your businesses are doing fine, why can't you pay your internet bill? It seems you want to capitalize on the Corona quarantine but want someone else to set you up.
Sorry, no change on my "no" answer. These are congressionally appropriated funds. It's not Trump Bucks or some such. Not his decision. ;)
You are dead wrong. This was a decision of Menuchin/Trump/Pence. In case your schooling didn't tell you, one of the prime functions of a president is to CREATE and propose legisIation to the Congress.

The Congress then votes and carries out the president's decision/proposal. Back to the 6th grade for you. And since you reiterated your wrong post, now it is twice as wrong.
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

I felt the same way with both of the checks the bush boy sent out. I received one but make too much to have received the other one. I considered that first one an insult. I didn't want it.

So I donated that money to an organization that needed the money.

Another thing I do is go to the grocery store. Look for a woman with a full cart and kids. Wait for her to get to the check out then pay for her groceries. That is so much fun.

There are many very good organizations you can send that money to. Homeless shelters or shelters for battered women for example. Unfortunately, the government won't accept you not wanting it.

If I get one of the checks sent out this time that's what I'm going to do with the money.

Help people.

I don't need it.
You could always always buy 200 half pints of vodka, drive around a big city, and pass them out to the homeless bums on the street corners.

Then watch the evening news for the hilarity.

Ya sure simpleton, you are a riot.
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.
What 1000 dollar checks? They aren’t coming. Pelosi says instead she wants to protect the know the ones who aren’t working right now. The ones who don’t know if they’ll be coming back to a job when this is over. The very same ones who are having their 401Ks get hammered because there was supposed to be a 1.8 trillion relief package, and now it’s not coming. Thanks for the protection Nancy, I wasn’t planning on using that 401k that I’ve been putting away money to my entire life anyway. Let’s all thank speaker pelosi.
How much would suspending payroll taxes put in a typical employees check?

All five of my businesses are doing fine.

If any of your businesses had employees, you would know that employees and employers each pay approximately 7.5% of gross earnings up to ~$120K annually. That is a savings of up to $9K per year for each of them and keep them on the payroll.

P.S. If your businesses are doing fine, why can't you pay your internet bill? It seems you want to capitalize on the Corona quarantine but want someone else to set you up.

You're ASSuming that the average American Worker grosses $120k per year, which is wrong. The typical employees FICA is about $2300 per year, and since we are going to see 30% unemployment before this ends, and the recent check quotes from Washington is $3,000, people need the money, and they need it tax free.
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

You can always donate it to a local food bank or charity. No one says you have to keep it, I'm sure you'd find a better way to support your community than the government will.

Sorry, no change on my "no" answer. These are congressionally appropriated funds. It's not Trump Bucks or some such. Not his decision. ;)
You are dead wrong. This was a decision of Menuchin/Trump/Pence. In case your schooling didn't tell you, one of the prime functions of a president is to CREATE and propose legisIation to the Congress.

The Congress then votes and carries out the president's decision/proposal. Back to the 6th grade for you. And since you reiterated your wrong post, now it is twice as wrong.

You're a dog-faced pony soldier. :rolleyes: Munchkin, Pence and Dotardo can make SUGGESTIONS - The final decision on spending lies with congress.

For instance, if you think Donnie and the Munchkin lad are going to get handed a blank check for half a billion dollars, then you don't know much. If you approve of that, then you're a SUCKER who doesn't know ANYTHING.

Give bailouts to cruise lines who aren't even based on this country and pay little in taxes here? FUCK THAT. Let Donnie and the Munchkin lad decide which of their wealthy pals they want to bail out? FUCK THAT too.

This is a corrupt, utterly shameless gaggle of swamp creatures. Trust them as far as you can throw them.
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

I felt the same way with both of the checks the bush boy sent out. I received one but make too much to have received the other one. I considered that first one an insult. I didn't want it.

So I donated that money to an organization that needed the money.

Another thing I do is go to the grocery store. Look for a woman with a full cart and kids. Wait for her to get to the check out then pay for her groceries. That is so much fun.

There are many very good organizations you can send that money to. Homeless shelters or shelters for battered women for example. Unfortunately, the government won't accept you not wanting it.

If I get one of the checks sent out this time that's what I'm going to do with the money.

Help people.

I don't need it.

I love your grocery store idea. Thank you! :D
Sorry, no change on my "no" answer. These are congressionally appropriated funds. It's not Trump Bucks or some such. Not his decision. ;)
You are dead wrong. This was a decision of Menuchin/Trump/Pence. In case your schooling didn't tell you, one of the prime functions of a president is to CREATE and propose legisIation to the Congress.

The Congress then votes and carries out the president's decision/proposal. Back to the 6th grade for you. And since you reiterated your wrong post, now it is twice as wrong.

You're a dog-faced pony soldier. :rolleyes: Munchkin, Pence and Dotardo can make SUGGESTIONS - The final decision on spending lies with congress.

For instance, if you think Donnie and the Munchkin lad are going to get handed a blank check for half a billion dollars, then you don't know much. If you approve of that, then you're a SUCKER who doesn't know ANYTHING.

Give bailouts to cruise lines who aren't even based on this country and pay little in taxes here? FUCK THAT. Let Donnie and the Munchkin lad decide which of their wealthy pals they want to bail out? FUCK THAT too.

This is a corrupt, utterly shameless gaggle of swamp creatures. Trust them as far as you can throw them.
Shut up stupid. You can the subject all you like. What I said, and correctly say again, is the virus help check idea is credited to the Trump admin.

The Congress merely follows the president's lead, and acts like a secretary with a keyboard.

Back to the 6th grade for you. You're having a bad day.

PS - as far as "wealthy pals" goes, in 2016, Wall St wealthy pals financed Hillary more than Trump and Bernie combined.
Sorry, no change on my "no" answer. These are congressionally appropriated funds. It's not Trump Bucks or some such. Not his decision. ;)
You are dead wrong. This was a decision of Menuchin/Trump/Pence. In case your schooling didn't tell you, one of the prime functions of a president is to CREATE and propose legisIation to the Congress.

The Congress then votes and carries out the president's decision/proposal. Back to the 6th grade for you. And since you reiterated your wrong post, now it is twice as wrong.

You're a dog-faced pony soldier. :rolleyes: Munchkin, Pence and Dotardo can make SUGGESTIONS - The final decision on spending lies with congress.

For instance, if you think Donnie and the Munchkin lad are going to get handed a blank check for half a billion dollars, then you don't know much. If you approve of that, then you're a SUCKER who doesn't know ANYTHING.

Give bailouts to cruise lines who aren't even based on this country and pay little in taxes here? FUCK THAT. Let Donnie and the Munchkin lad decide which of their wealthy pals they want to bail out? FUCK THAT too.

This is a corrupt, utterly shameless gaggle of swamp creatures. Trust them as far as you can throw them.
Shut up stupid. You can the subject all you like. What I said, and correctly say again, is the virus help check idea is credited to the Trump admin.

The Congress merely follows the president's lead, and acts like a secretary with a keyboard.

Back to the 6th grade for you. You're having a bad day.

PS - as far as "wealthy pals" goes, in 2016, Wall St wealthy pals financed Hillary more than Trump and Bernie combined.

You truly are a know-nothing assclown. Go Surf Porn ;)
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

I felt the same way with both of the checks the bush boy sent out. I received one but make too much to have received the other one. I considered that first one an insult. I didn't want it.

So I donated that money to an organization that needed the money.

Another thing I do is go to the grocery store. Look for a woman with a full cart and kids. Wait for her to get to the check out then pay for her groceries. That is so much fun.

There are many very good organizations you can send that money to. Homeless shelters or shelters for battered women for example. Unfortunately, the government won't accept you not wanting it.

If I get one of the checks sent out this time that's what I'm going to do with the money.

Help people.

I don't need it.

I love your grocery store idea. Thank you! :D

Thank you.

I just love doing that. Its' so much fun.

I highly recommend it to everyone. Give it a try.
Is there a way to notify the government to keep our 1K checks, instead throwing them into a pool and adding to the checks of others who were actually harmed by the virus, or more likely harmed by the harsh economic shutdown? Is there anyone else here who would tell the government to instead send the money to the guy who had to shut down his small business or the waitress who got sent home for two weeks without pay and has mouths at home to feed? This economic shutdown does and will continue to have brutal consequences.

I felt the same way with both of the checks the bush boy sent out. I received one but make too much to have received the other one. I considered that first one an insult. I didn't want it.

So I donated that money to an organization that needed the money.

Another thing I do is go to the grocery store. Look for a woman with a full cart and kids. Wait for her to get to the check out then pay for her groceries. That is so much fun.

There are many very good organizations you can send that money to. Homeless shelters or shelters for battered women for example. Unfortunately, the government won't accept you not wanting it.

If I get one of the checks sent out this time that's what I'm going to do with the money.

Help people.

I don't need it.

I love your grocery store idea. Thank you! :D

Thank you.

I just love doing that. Its' so much fun.

I highly recommend it to everyone. Give it a try.

Yeah, I may not get a check depending on whether that 72k threshold is gross or gross adjusted. If I do get $1200, I have a few favorite merchants (my barber for one) and restaurants who had to shut down. Plan on some nice $50 and $100 tips, but your idea is just as good. I'd do the combination.
You're ASSuming that the average American Worker grosses $120k per year, which is wrong. The typical employees FICA is about $2300 per year, and since we are going to see 30% unemployment before this ends, and the recent check quotes from Washington is $3,000, people need the money, and they need it tax free.

Do you have a reading comprehension problem? I said up to $9,000 in payroll tax savings. (A full-time employee making $65,000 per year would take home about $400 per month in extra cash - tax free.) If you ever ran a real business with employees, you would know this.
Sorry, no change on my "no" answer. These are congressionally appropriated funds. It's not Trump Bucks or some such. Not his decision. ;)
You are dead wrong. This was a decision of Menuchin/Trump/Pence. In case your schooling didn't tell you, one of the prime functions of a president is to CREATE and propose legisIation to the Congress.

The Congress then votes and carries out the president's decision/proposal. Back to the 6th grade for you. And since you reiterated your wrong post, now it is twice as wrong.

You're a dog-faced pony soldier. :rolleyes: Munchkin, Pence and Dotardo can make SUGGESTIONS - The final decision on spending lies with congress.

For instance, if you think Donnie and the Munchkin lad are going to get handed a blank check for half a billion dollars, then you don't know much. If you approve of that, then you're a SUCKER who doesn't know ANYTHING.

Give bailouts to cruise lines who aren't even based on this country and pay little in taxes here? FUCK THAT. Let Donnie and the Munchkin lad decide which of their wealthy pals they want to bail out? FUCK THAT too.

This is a corrupt, utterly shameless gaggle of swamp creatures. Trust them as far as you can throw them.
Shut up stupid. You can the subject all you like. What I said, and correctly say again, is the virus help check idea is credited to the Trump admin.

The Congress merely follows the president's lead, and acts like a secretary with a keyboard.

Back to the 6th grade for you. You're having a bad day.

PS - as far as "wealthy pals" goes, in 2016, Wall St wealthy pals financed Hillary more than Trump and Bernie combined.

You truly are a know-nothing assclown. Go Surf Porn ;)
I denied you the ability you thought you had to deny Trump credit for the relief checks. You poor soul.

You wouldn't be let down so much if you wouldn't come with such assinine, silly ideas.

Democrats think they can say anything and that people will accept it. Tell us the sky isn't blue, Democrats. Tell us fish can't swim.

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