Is the soul really immortal? Science may have the answer


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2016
A new way to understand the brain.

This quantum thinking is then transferred to the brain, where consciousness was previously thought of as a series of connections between neurons that function like a normal computer, but according to Hameoff, "It's an insult to the neuron itself when you think of the brain cell — the neuron — as a switch that turns off or on."

What's going on inside the neuron?
Again, the American doctor says: "Imagine that a single cell like paramecium swims, finds food and a companion, mates and can learn. If a simple paramecium can be so intelligent, then how can a neuron be so stupid? Would it just be a matter of turning it on or off? I think these scientists are ignoring what's going on inside the neuron.

So is the soul immortal?But at this point, the question is legitimate: how can the soul, that is, consciousness, be immortal in this context? Here is the answer of the 'Orch-OR' theory.
The information is recorded
According to this theory, in a pre-mortal state, microtubules lose their quantum state but retain the information they contain. According to Dr. Hameroff "the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state. The quantum information in the microtubules is not destroyed, it cannot be destroyed, it simply scatters and dissolves in the universe."
An intriguing but unproven theory
Of course, this is just one of many interesting theories that try to explain what consciousness is and whether it can really store information for a lifetime, but we must not forget that this has not yet been proven by science.
the soul, that is, consciousness

I am not sure one can say the soul equates to consciousness, it might be a lot more than that. I will throw this out there, for what it's worth. There are numerous documented cases where a child remembers, people, places, and events from a prior lifetime. Sometimes people under hypnosis have spoken in extinct or foreign languages that they could not possibly know. There is a famous case called 'Bridey Murphy', and another one where a young child could recall details of a Navy combat flyer and his airplane that was killed in WWII, details that you will not find anywhere online. These people had a soul that survive corporal death and was reincarnated into another life and body. Take from that what you will.

To the OP's point, there may be limits to what science can prove or disprove.
I am not sure one can say the soul equates to consciousness, it might be a lot more than that. I will throw this out there, for what it's worth. There are numerous documented cases where a child remembers, people, places, and events from a prior lifetime. Sometimes people under hypnosis have spoken in extinct or foreign languages that they could not possibly know. There is a famous case called 'Bridey Murphy', and another one where a young child could recall details of a Navy combat flyer and his airplane that was killed in WWII, details that you will not find anywhere online. These people had a soul that survive corporal death and was reincarnated into another life and body. Take from that what you will.

To the OP's point, there may be limits to what science can prove or disprove.

The purpose of my thread is to say that maybe if the soul survives and that as you say that there are cases like you have cited and may also be that as an example the ghosts that some people say they have seen could be residues of the soul of a person who would have lived .
It doesn't.

The Soul, is the province of faith. It is not the job of science to prove, or disprove, matters of faith.

Science and faith aren't in competition. They simply occupy different realms of philosophy.

True, but we can also wonder if the soul survives or not after death or it is nothingness.
If I am not mistaken & I very well could be, I thought a persons soul is like a vehicles VIN number? A persons soul tells who manufactured the individual, when(the date)the individual was manufactured, the performance level the individual is outfitted with, the life expectancy of the individual plus the other programs like emotions, logic, overall intelligence package etc. I thought the immortal part of a human was called a spirit(I possess no idea of what comprises a spirit?)??? The soul is just assigned to an individual(like a VIN#) so the manufacturer can retrieve the programing information once the physical body malfunctions & is scrapped. Then the program can be easily reinstalled into a new body model & the individual is ready to go once again! I am reasonably sure that an individual's programming will be updated(just common sense) & any viruses will be ferreted out so the individual can reach maximum performance expectations regarding the then current technology.
If I am not mistaken & I very well could be, I thought a persons soul is like a vehicles VIN number? A persons soul tells who manufactured the individual, when(the date)the individual was manufactured, the performance level the individual is outfitted with, the life expectancy of the individual plus the other programs like emotions, logic, overall intelligence package etc. I thought the immortal part of a human was called a spirit(I possess no idea of what comprises a spirit?)??? The soul is just assigned to an individual(like a VIN#) so the manufacturer can retrieve the programing information once the physical body malfunctions & is scrapped. Then the program can be easily reinstalled into a new body model & the individual is ready to go once again! I am reasonably sure that an individual's programming will be updated(just common sense) & any viruses will be ferreted out so the individual can reach maximum performance expectations regarding the then current technology.
The soul is considered a spiritual force that animates the body, while the mind is the seat of thought. Moreover, the soul can be considered immortal if i could explain myself the best i can since i am French and sometime when the subject is a little complicate i do my best ;)
Biden has sold his soul so many times the devil is only a minority shareholder. ;)
With Biden’s the old fart it’s hell on earth, he sold his soul to the devil we should all cross our fingers so he doesn’t steal again the next election.
If the universe is a simulation it's entirely possible that there is a soul of sorts. It would depend on the programmers of our reality finding value in the memories of simulated humans who have stopped functioning. .
If I am not mistaken & I very well could be, I thought a persons soul is like a vehicles VIN number? A persons soul tells who manufactured the individual, when(the date)the individual was manufactured, the performance level the individual is outfitted with, the life expectancy of the individual plus the other programs like emotions, logic, overall intelligence package etc. I thought the immortal part of a human was called a spirit(I possess no idea of what comprises a spirit?)??? The soul is just assigned to an individual(like a VIN#) so the manufacturer can retrieve the programing information once the physical body malfunctions & is scrapped. Then the program can be easily reinstalled into a new body model & the individual is ready to go once again! I am reasonably sure that an individual's programming will be updated(just common sense) & any viruses will be ferreted out so the individual can reach maximum performance expectations regarding the then current technology.
I like your vehicle analogy, but I see the soul as a passenger. An individual's DNA can be compared to the VIN of a vehicle which will be used for parts in future generations. When this happens, the soul/passenger either transfers to a new vehicle or retires to a heavenly hall of fame.
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The soul is considered a spiritual force that animates the body, while the mind is the seat of thought. Moreover, the soul can be considered immortal if i could explain myself the best i can since i am French and sometime when the subject is a little complicate i do my best ;)
Ja Ich verstehe. Pass auf dich auf, bis zum nachsten Mal!
I like your vehicle analogy, but I see the soul as a passenger. An individual's DNA can be compared to the VIN of a vehicle which will be used for parts in future generations. When this happens, the soul/passenger either transfers to a new vehicle or retires to a heavenly hall of fame.
I appreciate your input I really do! No one really knows for sure but what is important is "input" for that is all we have to work with.
Ja Ich verstehe. Pass auf dich auf, bis zum nachsten Mal!
You said in German: Yes, I understand. Take care of yourself, until next time and I see say that I have been here since 2016 and that I am the only French woman here at the forum and as for making myself understood all the time then I tell you I dream again ! ;)

What's going on inside the neuron?
Again, the American doctor says: "Imagine that a single cell like paramecium swims, finds food and a companion, mates and can learn. If a simple paramecium can be so intelligent, then how can a neuron be so stupid? Would it just be a matter of turning it on or off? I think these scientists are ignoring what's going on inside the neuron.
I think "the American doctor" doth protest too much about "these scientists" whoever they may be?

A neuron, neurone, or nerve cell is an electrically excitable cell that fires electric signals called action potentials. Neurons communicate with other cells via synapses - specialized connections that commonly use minute amounts of chemical neurotransmitters to pass the electric signal from the presynaptic neuron to the target cell through the synaptic gap. The neuron is the main component of nervous tissue in all animals except sponges and placozoa. Non-animals like plants and fungi do not have nerve cells.

A Paramecium is a free-living, motile, single-cell (unicellular) organism belonging to the kingdom Protista that are naturally found in aquatic habitats. They have a lifespan of a hundred, a thousand or even a million years. They are the most common of all ciliate organisms that are characterized by the presence of cilia all along their transparent and colorless body.

There's little comparison between the two. That said, questioning what really goes on in the brain remains fascinating.
You said in German: Yes, I understand. Take care of yourself, until next time and I see say that I have been here since 2016 and that I am the only French woman here at the forum and as for making myself understood all the time then I tell you I dream again ! ;)

U do just fine in explaining yourself! USMB is a mixture of folks so you fit in with us like a glove, besides you have been a USMB member for four years longer than me! Sei in frieden, behalte den glauben und ich hoffen euch gefallt das video Von der Liebe meines Lebens! KOSTBAR KOSTBAR KOSTBAR!!!

True, but we can also wonder if the soul survives or not after death or it is nothingness.

We can wonder all we want and have faith in the ideas that we conceive in our own imagination.

But, until we discover a unit of measurement for "the soul" and instrumentation to measure and record it, we cannot use science to discuss the soul.
It's a-l-i-v-e-!
A-l-i-v-e I tell you!

HA HA At long last (~20 seconds).. I've found a link!
And that link credits this "quasi-religious theory" story to.. drumroll please..

The Daily Fail! BWA HA HA!

Of course!

Still love ya Dalia, but

Gee, how I don't wonder why we generally have better enforced topic posting rules now..
All that can be said about "soul", "creation", ""God"", is, "It is as if this were the case...".

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