Is the Rightwing in denial about the uselessness of the GOP?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Rightwingers have no trouble defending republican presidential candidates, but when it comes to defending the GOP ideology itself; they are oddly silent. I think they secretly know the GOP only seeks to coddle the wealthy class and does NOTHING for the poor and middle class. The problem is that they can't just admit it to themselves. Instead of defending the policies of the GOP, they focus all of their energy into demonizing democrats. Why do these people even vote?

Here's your chance, Rightwingers, why should anyone vote republican? Don't give some lame ass answer such as "well they aren't democrats derp, derp, derp!" I want real reasons why anyone should vote republican.
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Easy. They are not - so far - totalitarians bent on Marxist domination of the last, best hope of the free world.
Easy. They are not - so far - totalitarians bent on Marxist domination of the last, best hope of the free world.
See this is my point. You people can't give an answer that doesn't involve mentioning democrats. All you have to do, is give policy reasons why anyone should vote republican.
Easy. They are not - so far - totalitarians bent on Marxist domination of the last, best hope of the free world.
See this is my point. You people can't give an answer that doesn't involve mentioning democrats. All you have to do, is give policy reasons why anyone should vote republican.

Because they are not democrats.

That is simply reason enough.

To deny that as a reason (and not one I agree with) is to show a complete lack of understanding of the ideology of your opposition.
Because I don't believe in the Democratic ideology that more government is the answer to every problem and can fix all the unfairness in the country. That is my one and only response on this topic if you don't want to accept it as my reason for voting Republican that is not and never will be my problem.
Easy. They are not - so far - totalitarians bent on Marxist domination of the last, best hope of the free world.
See this is my point. You people can't give an answer that doesn't involve mentioning democrats. All you have to do, is give policy reasons why anyone should vote republican.

Because they are not democrats.

That is simply reason enough.
No not at all.

Says who ?

You ?

It's been a good reason for plenty of republicans for years (and in many instances I agree with them).
To be sure, the GOP would have done this country well by leading the discussion our health insurance delivery issues.

But they didn't...because many of them are no better than the corporate hacks they sleep with.

Does that make Obamacare a defacto "good thing". Not in any way, shape or fashion.
Because I don't believe in the Democratic ideology that more government is the answer to every problem and can fix all the unfairness in the country. That is my one and only response on this topic if you don't want to accept it as my reason for voting Republican that is not and never will be my problem.
lol it's pretty lame. None of you can give an answer without mentioning democrats and it's pathetic.
Because I don't believe in the Democratic ideology that more government is the answer to every problem and can fix all the unfairness in the country. That is my one and only response on this topic if you don't want to accept it as my reason for voting Republican that is not and never will be my problem.

Why won't you accept that we need some government to regulate the economy just for there to be competition or high standards? We wouldn't have clean air, water, food or a goddamn thing if it wasn't for government.

-We wouldn't have anti-trust laws
-We wouldn't have most of the funding for our infrastructure...Forget about the safety standards that the government mandates.
-We wouldn't have the faa or fcc to make air or communication work smoothly.
-We wouldn't have cdc or nih curing diseases that once killed a large percentage of our population.
-We wouldn't have shit!!1

I am not saying that we need to use the government to make everything fair. Hell, I am against that but your solutions are just as insane as it takes the position that the government only does wrong. that is a down right lie.

I wouldn't want to live within a country without standards, regulations, laws and some shared responsibility coming from government.
See this is my point. You people can't give an answer that doesn't involve mentioning democrats.

That's because one cannot consider Yin without also considering Yang.

Grow the fuck up.
I already know why you won't vote democrat. All you have to do is explain why anyone should vote republican. It's not that hard.

Easy. Because they, even in their myriad errors, are far more beholden to the Constitution than their opposition, which seeks to destroy it.
To be sure, the GOP would have done this country well by leading the discussion our health insurance delivery issues.

But they didn't...because many of them are no better than the corporate hacks they sleep with.

Does that make Obamacare a defacto "good thing". Not in any way, shape or fashion.

SIngle payer has proven to work in dozens of countries from Canada to the Uk...They all spend a smaller friction of their economy on healthcare and no one has to worry about being left to die on the street unlike this country.

WTF has the market system done besides cause the problems we seen before the aca?
To be sure, the GOP would have done this country well by leading the discussion our health insurance delivery issues.

But they didn't...because many of them are no better than the corporate hacks they sleep with.

Does that make Obamacare a defacto "good thing". Not in any way, shape or fashion.

SIngle payer has proven to work in dozens of countries from Canada to the Uk...They all spend a smaller friction of their economy on healthcare and no one has to worry about being left to die on the street unlike this country.

WTF has the market system done besides cause the problems we seen before the aca?

So why are you not living in Canada?
See this is my point. You people can't give an answer that doesn't involve mentioning democrats.

That's because one cannot consider Yin without also considering Yang.

Grow the fuck up.

It isn't black or white. do you really want to do away with all of our regulations and anti-trust laws?

Government is a necessary part of a civilized first world country.
See this is my point. You people can't give an answer that doesn't involve mentioning democrats.

That's because one cannot consider Yin without also considering Yang.

Grow the fuck up.
I already know why you won't vote democrat. All you have to do is explain why anyone should vote republican. It's not that hard.

Easy. Because they, even in their myriad errors, are far more beholden to the Constitution than their opposition, which seeks to destroy it.
Oh gee that's so compelling. A vague reference to the constitution is always the go-to explanation isn't it?
To be sure, the GOP would have done this country well by leading the discussion our health insurance delivery issues.

But they didn't...because many of them are no better than the corporate hacks they sleep with.

Does that make Obamacare a defacto "good thing". Not in any way, shape or fashion.

SIngle payer has proven to work in dozens of countries from Canada to the Uk...They all spend a smaller friction of their economy on healthcare and no one has to worry about being left to die on the street unlike this country.

WTF has the market system done besides cause the problems we seen before the aca?

So why are you not living in Canada?

Is that your solution??? Move to canada or feed the pig!

Why are you against something that is proven?
Rightwingers have no trouble defending republican presidential candidates, but when it comes to defending the GOP ideology itself; they are oddly silent. I think they secretly know the GOP only seeks to coddle the wealthy class and does NOTHING for the poor and middle class. The problem is that they can't just admit it to themselves. Instead of defending the policies of the GOP, they focus all of their energy into demonizing democrats. Why do these people even vote?

Here's your chance, Rightwingers, why should anyone vote republican? Don't give some lame ass answer such as "well they aren't democrats derp, derp, derp!" I want real reasons why anyone should vote republican.

Do you ever stop asking stupid questions?
See this is my point. You people can't give an answer that doesn't involve mentioning democrats.

That's because one cannot consider Yin without also considering Yang.

Grow the fuck up.

It isn't black or white. do you really want to do away with all of our regulations and anti-trust laws?

Government is a necessary part of a civilized first world country.

I am not against government. I am against the current seated government.

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