Is the pressure getting to our President?

Democrats continue to show their disdain for Americans!

I do not CARE what President Donald Trump SAYS. I care what he DOES! He is DOING a spectacular job, having shut down travel from China, far in advance of what the United Nations demanded.

The Democrats are holding up the plan to give relief to Americans because they want a tax credit for solar panels and reducing airline carbon footprints added into this rescue.

Shame on the Democrats! Pathetic!

A President's words do matter when they affect our lives. He knew about this calamity in January and denied that it would have much effect on our country saying that he was doing a great job (as usual always about him). He disbanded the group of medical professionals that were studying pandemic possibilities in our country, saying that he was a businessman and didn't want people just standing around and then denied knowing anything about it. Then he puts 2 hacks in charge of resolving the problem instead of medical professionals who sang a different tune. Your feckless grifter president is the worst possible
individual to lead us in this time of crisis.
Democrats continue to show their disdain for Americans!

I do not CARE what President Donald Trump SAYS. I care what he DOES! He is DOING a spectacular job, having shut down travel from China, far in advance of what the United Nations demanded.

The Democrats are holding up the plan to give relief to Americans because they want a tax credit for solar panels and reducing airline carbon footprints added into this rescue.

Shame on the Democrats! Pathetic!

A President's words do matter when they affect our lives. He knew about this calamity in January and denied that it would have much effect on our country saying that he was doing a great job (as usual always about him). He disbanded the group of medical professionals that were studying pandemic possibilities in our country, saying that he was a businessman and didn't want people just standing around and then denied knowing anything about it. Then he puts 2 hacks in charge of resolving the problem instead of medical professionals who sang a different tune. Your feckless grifter president is the worst possible
individual to lead us in this time of crisis.

This is what happens when you put a Reality TV star in charge of the country.
Owning the libs does not measure up to governing during a global pandemic. This ain't professional wrestling anymore. This is the stuff for serious governing by competent grown ups. I wish we had one.
What we have is a game show host in charge of America ,,This is not a time imo to fix blame BUT I must say to my republican friends here ,,How could you do this to us????

This is not a time to fix watch you do it anyways?

Trump is doing better with this crisis than Barry did with the Swine flu. He's better suited to handle it because he's been a CEO that's had to make tough calls for decades.
Trump does not project leadership.
Leadership is taking responsibility for everything even when things go wrong and crediting subordinates when things go right. Trump's comportment does not provide those qualities.

So was Barry "projecting leadership" when his foreign policy was described as "Leading From Behind"? I hate to break this to you but it takes a set of stones to be a leader. Trump doesn't care what you think of him...he's going to do what he thinks is the right thing for the country...polls and pundits be damned!
You're talking about policy, I'm talking about leadership.

When a person incessantly demands praise, refuses to understand expertise, re-writes history to fit his agenda, misleads through hyperbole, we are not talking about a leader but a bumbling incompetent narcissist. That's who Trump is. We were all concerned how he would handle a crisis not of his own making. And here we are. His followers are more than willing to excuse him because they think they finally got the leader they deserve. With the responses posed by those followers, I guess they're right. They got the leader they deserve.

Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world. You're not concerned about how he'll handle're concerned that he WILL handle it well and once again your narrative that he's a bad President will be squashed. I'm just thankful that we've got Trump and not Hillary. You saw first hand how she "took care" of her State Department personnel in Libya! You think she'd do any better with what's going on now? Trump will do what he's always done...get the job done and he'll do so while the left caterwauls about political correctness.
"Oh, bullshit! Trump is handling this crisis just as well if not better than most of his fellow leaders around the world."

Oh? Did other world leaders deny this was a problem for 2 months and lie about the number of cases?


Other nations complied with the United Nations allowing travel from China after President Donald Trump cut off flights from China. See Italy and other nations with far more cases of the Chinavirus fatalities than the United States.

Idiot. Impeached Trump is leading from behind./

Total cases resolved

Recovered: 73,159
Died: 3,277
Mortality Rate: 4.3%

Recovered: 6,432
Died: 6,077
Mortality Rate: 45%

Recovered: 295
Died: 553
Mortality Rate: 65.2%

You're confused, still. It was failed former President Barack Hussein Obama who was proud to lead from behind. Remember?

According to YOU.

With 381,529 cases worldwide, according to your wishful thinking USA Mortality Rate 65.2% there should be 248,757 deaths in the world right now

Are there?

Moron, have someone explain the meaning of "total cases resolved" to ya. :eusa_doh:
Democrats continue to show their disdain for Americans!

I do not CARE what President Donald Trump SAYS. I care what he DOES! He is DOING a spectacular job, having shut down travel from China, far in advance of what the United Nations demanded.

The Democrats are holding up the plan to give relief to Americans because they want a tax credit for solar panels and reducing airline carbon footprints added into this rescue.

Shame on the Democrats! Pathetic!

A President's words do matter when they affect our lives. He knew about this calamity in January and denied that it would have much effect on our country saying that he was doing a great job (as usual always about him). He disbanded the group of medical professionals that were studying pandemic possibilities in our country, saying that he was a businessman and didn't want people just standing around and then denied knowing anything about it. Then he puts 2 hacks in charge of resolving the problem instead of medical professionals who sang a different tune. Your feckless grifter president is the worst possible
individual to lead us in this time of crisis.

This is what happens when you put a Reality TV star in charge of the country.

More crucially it's what happens when you put an entitled asshole babyman who's spent his entire 70 years evading responsibility for literally anything, into the most responsible job in the world.
Democrats continue to show their disdain for Americans!

I do not CARE what President Donald Trump SAYS. I care what he DOES! He is DOING a spectacular job, having shut down travel from China, far in advance of what the United Nations demanded.

The Democrats are holding up the plan to give relief to Americans because they want a tax credit for solar panels and reducing airline carbon footprints added into this rescue.

Shame on the Democrats! Pathetic!

A President's words do matter when they affect our lives. He knew about this calamity in January and denied that it would have much effect on our country saying that he was doing a great job (as usual always about him). He disbanded the group of medical professionals that were studying pandemic possibilities in our country, saying that he was a businessman and didn't want people just standing around and then denied knowing anything about it. Then he puts 2 hacks in charge of resolving the problem instead of medical professionals who sang a different tune. Your feckless grifter president is the worst possible
individual to lead us in this time of crisis.

This is what happens when you put a Reality TV star in charge of the country.

More crucially it's what happens when you put an entitled asshole babyman who's spent his entire 70 years evading responsibility for literally anything, into the most responsible job in the world.
Here in Ireland our Taoiseach just gave a moving and comforting speech. It is a shame that the US does not have such a leader.
Trump is asked a legitimate question about what he has to say to Americans who are scared

Trump viciously attacks NBC News reporter in extended rant after being asked for message to Americans worried about coronavirus - CNN

Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"

Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response.
"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say."
The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast.
"You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'"
"Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism."

I watched it. I thought the reporter was a sanctimonious asshole.

I watched it, too. I think people like you are human scum.
lol. we can do this all day and all the time. ewwwwwww a thumbs down oh no.
You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).
You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).
I already posted the link. It's no one else's fault than your own that you lack the required gray matter to comprehend it.

Recovered: 370
Died: 684
Mortality Rate: 65.2%
You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).

Here's a klown who not only doesn't know how to calculate mortality rates yet throws them around like footballs ---- but also freely admits he only compares the stats he likes and discards the inconvenient ones.

And somebody POSTED this. Unbelievable.


  • 1585083433417.png
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You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

Looks like I got here just in time. Although you already got schooled, assume the position again cuz here it comes.

I can't, because it's now 64.8%. See, I only use the latest figures.

And here they are, all copied FOR you because I know thinking and linking are hard and shit.

Tot Cases/
1M pop
Tot Deaths/
1M pop
S. Korea9,037+76120+93,5075,410591762

No word on "the sky", whatever that's supposed to mean.
You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).

Here's a klown who not only doesn't know how to calculate mortality rates yet throws them around like footballs ---- but also freely admits he only compares the stats he likes and discards the inconvenient ones.

And somebody POSTED this. Unbelievable.

Once again for your convenience.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent | National Review
Spikes in reported cases are disturbing, and the death count is heartbreaking. Let’s keep our eye, though, on the fatality rate.
You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).

Here's a klown who not only doesn't know how to calculate mortality rates yet throws them around like footballs ---- but also freely admits he only compares the stats he likes and discards the inconvenient ones.

And somebody POSTED this. Unbelievable.

Once again for your convenience.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent | National Review
Spikes in reported cases are disturbing, and the death count is heartbreaking. Let’s keep our eye, though, on the fatality rate.

Even after you're shown the actual figures, you still choose to b'lieve the erroneous opinion posted on a bullshit rightard website.

You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).
I already posted the link. It's no one else's fault than your own that you lack the required gray matter to comprehend it.

Recovered: 370
Died: 684
Mortality Rate: 65.2%

You don't understand basic stats, do you.

You DON'T COUNT "cases". You count RESOLUTIONS. You do that because you don't know the resolutions of those cases, because by definition they have not happened yet. Therefore by including them as "not-died", you're making the grand ass- - - sumption that ALL (100%) of those cases, of which there are over 260,000 worldwide and well over a thousand here, will ALL recover. And that's absurd. You can't mix a known with an unknown.

OF THOSE THAT actually HAVE recovered, worldwide, 14% of them (at the moment) have died. Compare that with China's 4-5% noted above. Why that discrepancy? Because China has had the most time to recover. That mortality rate for us is currently down to 33.6%, specifically because time has allowed Recoveries to catch up Yesterday that same rate was up around 70%.

It takes roughly two weeks of social distancing/isolation to even slow down the infection rate. China, which has had much more time than that, shows twenty-two times more Recoveries than Deaths. We still have twice as many Deaths as Recoveries. Neither of those numbers is finally settled, and WILL NOT BE until all active cases are resolved.


PLEASE show us all any reliable source stating a 62+% fatality rate.

You can't because you LIE. Why? Only you know your nefarious goal. Not one source, not one. Run along, the sky is NOT falling.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).

Here's a klown who not only doesn't know how to calculate mortality rates yet throws them around like footballs ---- but also freely admits he only compares the stats he likes and discards the inconvenient ones.

And somebody POSTED this. Unbelievable.

Once again for your convenience.

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent
March 20, 2020 5:50 PM
Our fatality rate is thus significantly lower than the global rate of 4.1 percent (10,080 out of 248,098). The U.S. number is comparable to South Korea’s 1.2 percent (100 deaths out of 8,652 cases). It is markedly better than Italy’s staggering 8.3 percent fatality rate (3,405 out of 41,035), the U.K.’s 4.4 percent (144 out of 3,269), and France’s 3.4 percent (372 out of 10,995). By contrast, we seem to be doing worse than Germany, which had lost 44 people out of 16,626 reported cases (a 0.3 percent fatality rate). I do not put much stock in the numbers out of China and Iran, whose regimes are not trustworthy. China is almost certainly lowballing at 4 percent (3,248 deaths out of 80,967 reported cases); Iran’s eye-popping 17.7 percent fatality rate (3,248 out of 18,407) is so astronomical, even compared to Italy, that I’m skeptical (though Iran is a troubled enough country that it could be reasonably accurate).

U.S. COVID-19 Fatality Rate Steady: About 1 Percent | National Review
Spikes in reported cases are disturbing, and the death count is heartbreaking. Let’s keep our eye, though, on the fatality rate.

You just posted the SAME PAGE AGAIN where the blogger comes right out and admits he's cancelling out statistics he doesn't like.

You know that, right?

Expecting different results are we?
Even after you're shown the actual figures, you still choose to b'lieve the erroneous opinion posted on a bullshit rightard website.

Do you too have no clue? Who knew?

What purpose does lying serve for you? Do you believe anyone will believe your wild figures? Again, what purpose does it serve when anyone is going to see the truth and facts everywhere else.

Please show us any source stating a 60% plus fatality rate. That's just irresponsible and foolish. Even for the Anti-Trumpers.

Show us the one with an over 60% fatality rate.


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Even after you're shown the actual figures, you still choose to b'lieve the erroneous opinion posted on a bullshit rightard website.

Do you too have no clue? Who knew?

What purpose does lying serve for you? Do you believe anyone will believe your wild figures? Again, what purpose does it serve when anyone is going to see the truth and facts everywhere else.

Please show us any source stating a 60% plus fatality rate. That's just irresponsible and foolish. Even for the Anti-Trumpers.

Show us the one with an over 60% fatality rate.


I posted my numbers corroborating my claims. What you're posting is nonsense. You're posting the mortality rate based on people still sick with COVID-19. That doesn't inform you at what rate they will die or survive.

I don't expect you to understand this -- you're a lowly conservative.

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