Is the New Axis Of Evil Russia-China-Iran?

That whole axis of evil nonsense is looking at the world with blinders. It assumes that audience is made up of mindless dupes whose idea of mental stimulation is American Idol....
Oh wait...


oh the arrogance of people whose only contribution is to spew hate at everybody

Speaking of mindless dupes...

left-wingers have no problem giving Americans who have different political views than left-wingers do all kinds of names; but God forbid you call a spade a spade when it comes to rougue nations

idiots and hypocrites
No I think the Crimea controversy is overblown. First, it's a tiny strip of land that was traditionally under Russia rule. Second, the people of Crimea voted to become part of Russia.

Russia might not be the nicest guy on the block, but they are hardly the worst threat in the world. Islamic terrorism is the world's worst threat. Russia and CHINA are under threat of by these radicals much in the same way we are!
I believe the alliance between Russia, China and Iran is nothing new. Behind the scenes they have been working together for years. Add to their alliance North Korea, Venezuala, Nicaragua and Cuba and you can see we've got a problem on our hands. I believe this plan has been in existence for over 20 yrs now. It's only becoming self evident now. Pray for America.
Russia’s Threat in the Americas

March 28, 2014 by Joseph Klein


President Obama dismissed Russia as no more than a “regional power” in remarks he made to the press in The Hague on March 25th, where he was attending a summit meeting on nuclear security. “Russia is a regional power that is threatening some of its immediate neighbors not out of strength, but out of weakness,” he said.

True, the Russian Federation is a shadow of the Soviet empire in its heyday. And Russia is not driven by a global Communist ideology that it seeks to spread to every part of the world in opposition to the capitalist democratic model, as the Soviet Union tried to do. But that does not make Russia a weak neighborhood bully posing little threat beyond its “immediate neighbors,” as President Obama seems to think. Mitt Romney was right when he said during the 2012 presidential campaign that Russia is “our number one geopolitical foe.”

First, consider Russia’s nuclear arsenal. According to a Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists study published in May 2013, it was estimated that, as of March 2013, Russia had “a military stockpile of approximately 4,500 nuclear warheads, of which roughly 1,800 strategic warheads are deployed on missiles and at bomber bases.” Russia is also “modernizing its nuclear forces, replacing Soviet-era ballistic missiles with fewer improved missiles. In a decade, almost all Soviet-era weapons will be gone, leaving a smaller but still effective force that will be more mobile than what it replaced.”


Russia is not a superpower on the order of the former Soviet Union. But Putin’s animosity towards the United States, coupled with Russia’s expanding role internationally through alliances with countries in Latin America, Asia and the Middle East, Russia’s exploitation of its permanent member status on the UN Security Council and its nuclear arms and cyber warfare capabilities, all add up to a very dangerous geopolitical foe. President Obama needs to wake up to the fact that Vladimir Putin will not be content to play only in his own neighborhood, and that he has a variety of tools at hand to cause serious mischief far from Russia’s own borders.

Russia?s Threat in the Americas | FrontPage Magazine
Those kinds of things happen when you do not tacke action. The US can only blame themselves that things have hone so far.
There's going to be a domino effect in many directions...

Ukraine Crisis Strengthens the China-Iran-Russia Axis

March 20, 2014 by Majid Rafizadeh


Russia, the Islamic Republic of Iran and China have strengthened geopolitically ties to create a united front, since President Vladimir V. Putin reclaimed Crimea as a part of Russia and after the Crimean local government called for a referendum to secede the peninsula from Ukraine.

The Russian-American standoff over Ukraine has made these three nations more united in attempting to create a new power pole, counterbalancing and resisting the West— particularly the United States— in the region and beyond.


Since the Ukraine crisis, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi has repeatedly pointed out that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to continue its mutual cooperation with Russia regarding its nuclear facilities and strategic interests. China, which generally follows Russia’s foreign policies when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program, did not object to the recent moves. On the other hand, there has not been strong leadership from the West, particularly from the Obama administration, to condemn or halt such a move.


The Ukraine crisis has provided Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran with a new platform to further establish their strategic depth and present themselves as influential political actors in the region. As the West-Russia standoff simmers, the Western powers will find it much more difficult to attain Moscow’s support for the specific terms that they desire in the final nuclear deal.

While the Ukrainian crisis moves Russian leaders closer to their Iranian counterparts, Tehran is feeling less pressure to make concessions as well. The final deal will likely be much less strict on Iran’s nuclear activities, the number of the centrifuges it can retain, and the level of uranium enrichment it can pursue.

Ukraine Crisis Strengthens the China-Iran-Russia Axis | FrontPage Magazine
Your link:

"The Islamic Republic is benefiting from the Ukrainian crisis, as it finds Russia moving closer towards Tehran to reinforce its strategic depth in the region to obstruct Western objectives."

Western objectives like the overthrow of democratically elected leaders in Iran (1953) and Ukraine (2014) deserve to be opposed, not just by Iran, Russia, and China but by all who claim to support international law.

As long as the US behaves in ways contrary to international law, others will follow as recent nuclear proliferation history shows:

"After the Korean War, the Soviet Union transferred nuclear technology and weapons to the People's Republic of China as an adversary of the United States and NATO.

"According to Ion Mihai Pacepa, 'Khrushchev’s nuclear-proliferation process started with Communist China in April 1955, when the new ruler in the Kremlin consented to supply Beijing a sample atomic bomb and to help with its mass production. Subsequently, the Soviet Union built all the essentials of China’s new military nuclear industry.'"
They tried pulling the strings on Boosh to to make him go to war with Iran, yet it did not work and it will not as long as we do not see any real threat...
They tried pulling the strings on Boosh to to make him go to war with Iran, yet it did not work and it will not as long as we do not see any real threat...
Maybe the real threat is hiding in plain sight?

"The newly self-elected Ukrainian government is reorganizing all institutions of power, dissolving the special riot police, naming its cronies to key political posts.

"But perhaps the most indicative of the true character of the new regime is the naming last week of new Governors to head the major political divisions of regions of Ukraine.

"They include dual Israeli-Ukrainian nationals and notorious billionaire gangsters.

"This seems to be the 'democracy' that US State Department Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, Victori Nuland had in mind when she rejected earlier EU compromise initiatives with the terse comment, 'Fuck the EU.'”

Ukraine names Oligarchs and Gangsters as Governors & Ministers
It's difficult to determine whether Obama is just a weak leader or a fucking traitor. After watching him for 5 years I would put my money on him being a fucking traitor.
Oh, I dunno...

More like a Liberal-Progressive, elevated far beyond his experience and competency, supported by a mediocre Administration, unable to inspire the American People once the orgasmic enthusiasm of 2008 burned itself out, lacking a sense of what is in the best interests of the American People at large, given over to amateurish knee-jerk reactions, drawing lines in the sand and then doing nothing when they're crossed, and lacking a clear and practical and effective foreign policy.
Is the New Axis Of Evil Russia-China-Iran?
None of the above, it's the GOP. Cons are Al Qaeda's best weapon.
The neo-Cons are "back like a bad smell"

"The ideological home for most of the advisers on Russia to the U.S. government, however, is the American neoconservative movement of yesteryear.

"Remember those bright bulbs who gave us the war with Iraq, applauded and, to this day, defend torture and extraordinary renditions?

"It’s them.

"They’re back.

"You can recognize them quickly by their flabby asses upon which they safely sit and advise our government to send the young to wars. They have favored not only torture but also illegal surveillance and suggest other such methods that would have made the KGB and the Stasi proud.

"They were the ones who thought that Russia—an empire in possession of nuclear, chemical and biological bombs—must become a failed state.

"Thank you, geniuses."

Lena Herzog: The Long Telegram: Imaginary Friends and Phantom Enemies - Truthdig
Is the New Axis Of Evil Russia-China-Iran?
None of the above, it's the GOP. Cons are Al Qaeda's best weapon.
The neo-Cons are "back like a bad smell"

"The ideological home for most of the advisers on Russia to the U.S. government, however, is the American neoconservative movement of yesteryear.

"Remember those bright bulbs who gave us the war with Iraq, applauded and, to this day, defend torture and extraordinary renditions?

"It’s them.

"They’re back.

"You can recognize them quickly by their flabby asses upon which they safely sit and advise our government to send the young to wars. They have favored not only torture but also illegal surveillance and suggest other such methods that would have made the KGB and the Stasi proud.

"They were the ones who thought that Russia—an empire in possession of nuclear, chemical and biological bombs—must become a failed state.

"Thank you, geniuses."

Lena Herzog: The Long Telegram: Imaginary Friends and Phantom Enemies - Truthdig

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