Is the New Axis Of Evil Russia-China-Iran?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
There's going to be a domino effect in many directions...

Ukraine Crisis Strengthens the China-Iran-Russia Axis

March 20, 2014 by Majid Rafizadeh


Russia, the Islamic Republic of Iran and China have strengthened geopolitically ties to create a united front, since President Vladimir V. Putin reclaimed Crimea as a part of Russia and after the Crimean local government called for a referendum to secede the peninsula from Ukraine.

The Russian-American standoff over Ukraine has made these three nations more united in attempting to create a new power pole, counterbalancing and resisting the West— particularly the United States— in the region and beyond.


Since the Ukraine crisis, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi has repeatedly pointed out that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to continue its mutual cooperation with Russia regarding its nuclear facilities and strategic interests. China, which generally follows Russia’s foreign policies when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program, did not object to the recent moves. On the other hand, there has not been strong leadership from the West, particularly from the Obama administration, to condemn or halt such a move.


The Ukraine crisis has provided Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran with a new platform to further establish their strategic depth and present themselves as influential political actors in the region. As the West-Russia standoff simmers, the Western powers will find it much more difficult to attain Moscow’s support for the specific terms that they desire in the final nuclear deal.

While the Ukrainian crisis moves Russian leaders closer to their Iranian counterparts, Tehran is feeling less pressure to make concessions as well. The final deal will likely be much less strict on Iran’s nuclear activities, the number of the centrifuges it can retain, and the level of uranium enrichment it can pursue.

Ukraine Crisis Strengthens the China-Iran-Russia Axis | FrontPage Magazine
It's difficult to determine whether Obama is just a weak leader or a fucking traitor. After watching him for 5 years I would put my money on him being a fucking traitor.
Hamas Ponders Referendum to Incorporate Gaza into Russia

March 19, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


If Putin really wants a Middle Eastern port and a million violent Muslims, some Russian women in Gaza know where he can find one.

According to the pro-Hamas Palestine Information Center there are around 50,000 Russian women in Gaza imported as brides who are proposing a referendum to have Gaza follow Crimea by seeking anschluss with Russia.

Gaza is home to about fifty thousand citizens of the Russian Federation, mainly women who have married Palestinian Arabs. Now the Russian community in Gaza is discussing plans to apply to the Hamas government and initiate a referendum on joining Russia.

“Moscow said it would defend its citizens, no matter where in the world they may be,” – said N., one of the activists of the community, which became part of the initiative group.

If Gaza becomes Russian, it will have strong, well-stocked borders, modern weapons, and maybe even nuclear weapons, and then the Zionist “Israel” and the Egyptian junta will be in for a surprise.


Hamas Ponders Referendum to Incorporate Gaza into Russia | FrontPage Magazine
Hamas Ponders Referendum to Incorporate Gaza into Russia

March 19, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


If Putin really wants a Middle Eastern port and a million violent Muslims, some Russian women in Gaza know where he can find one.

According to the pro-Hamas Palestine Information Center there are around 50,000 Russian women in Gaza imported as brides who are proposing a referendum to have Gaza follow Crimea by seeking anschluss with Russia.

Gaza is home to about fifty thousand citizens of the Russian Federation, mainly women who have married Palestinian Arabs. Now the Russian community in Gaza is discussing plans to apply to the Hamas government and initiate a referendum on joining Russia.

“Moscow said it would defend its citizens, no matter where in the world they may be,” – said N., one of the activists of the community, which became part of the initiative group.

If Gaza becomes Russian, it will have strong, well-stocked borders, modern weapons, and maybe even nuclear weapons, and then the Zionist “Israel” and the Egyptian junta will be in for a surprise.


Hamas Ponders Referendum to Incorporate Gaza into Russia | FrontPage Magazine
Yes, im sure you would love to see some jews die. What is really going to happen is Israel will remain a strong and honorable country. Your little fantasy isnt going to happen.
There's going to be a domino effect in many directions...

Ukraine Crisis Strengthens the China-Iran-Russia Axis

March 20, 2014 by Majid Rafizadeh


Russia, the Islamic Republic of Iran and China have strengthened geopolitically ties to create a united front, since President Vladimir V. Putin reclaimed Crimea as a part of Russia and after the Crimean local government called for a referendum to secede the peninsula from Ukraine.

The Russian-American standoff over Ukraine has made these three nations more united in attempting to create a new power pole, counterbalancing and resisting the West— particularly the United States— in the region and beyond.


Since the Ukraine crisis, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi has repeatedly pointed out that the Islamic Republic of Iran is ready to continue its mutual cooperation with Russia regarding its nuclear facilities and strategic interests. China, which generally follows Russia’s foreign policies when it comes to Iran’s nuclear program, did not object to the recent moves. On the other hand, there has not been strong leadership from the West, particularly from the Obama administration, to condemn or halt such a move.


The Ukraine crisis has provided Beijing, Moscow, and Tehran with a new platform to further establish their strategic depth and present themselves as influential political actors in the region. As the West-Russia standoff simmers, the Western powers will find it much more difficult to attain Moscow’s support for the specific terms that they desire in the final nuclear deal.

While the Ukrainian crisis moves Russian leaders closer to their Iranian counterparts, Tehran is feeling less pressure to make concessions as well. The final deal will likely be much less strict on Iran’s nuclear activities, the number of the centrifuges it can retain, and the level of uranium enrichment it can pursue.

Ukraine Crisis Strengthens the China-Iran-Russia Axis | FrontPage Magazine

...And Iraq has WMDs.

This supposed threat is just neocon hawks trying to start trouble where this is none for personal gain and advantage.
What you are watching is just one more proxy war. It would solve future problems if they just dealt with each other directly instead of involving smaller groups.
Hamas Ponders Referendum to Incorporate Gaza into Russia

March 19, 2014 by Daniel Greenfield


If Putin really wants a Middle Eastern port and a million violent Muslims, some Russian women in Gaza know where he can find one.

According to the pro-Hamas Palestine Information Center there are around 50,000 Russian women in Gaza imported as brides who are proposing a referendum to have Gaza follow Crimea by seeking anschluss with Russia.

Gaza is home to about fifty thousand citizens of the Russian Federation, mainly women who have married Palestinian Arabs. Now the Russian community in Gaza is discussing plans to apply to the Hamas government and initiate a referendum on joining Russia.

“Moscow said it would defend its citizens, no matter where in the world they may be,” – said N., one of the activists of the community, which became part of the initiative group.

If Gaza becomes Russian, it will have strong, well-stocked borders, modern weapons, and maybe even nuclear weapons, and then the Zionist “Israel” and the Egyptian junta will be in for a surprise.


Hamas Ponders Referendum to Incorporate Gaza into Russia | FrontPage Magazine
Yes, im sure you would love to see some jews die. What is really going to happen is Israel will remain a strong and honorable country. Your little fantasy isnt going to happen.

Hey godpunk, It's an article, btw I'm pro Jew and don't cha forget it...:D
Last edited:
China and Iran Draw Conclusions on Crimea

March 21, 2014 by Ari Lieberman



Hitler was a madman, prone to irrational and rash decisions. He was infamous for refusing advice offered by seasoned Prussian military officers infinitely more capable than his limited mental abilities. Putin by contrast is cold, cunning and calculated. An ex-KGB officer, Putin is by definition a cautious, analytical man who does not embark on an endeavor without thinking it through. Hence, when his troops entered Crimea, they did not bear any insignias that would betray their nationality thus gaining a measure of plausible deniability. While a confused NATO was scrambling to react to rapid developments, Putin had already thought things through to the minutest detail.

Putin realizes that any further moves into Ukraine will likely invite biting sanctions and other political repercussions and any move on the Baltic countries will provoke direct confrontation with NATO. Thus, the Ukrainian crisis will end in Crimea and go no further. Putin recognizes that he’s pushed the Crimean envelope as far as it could go and he is satisfied with this result. The aggressor has attained its objective while at the same time exposing and highlighting a feckless American foreign policy.

Events in Crimea and the Obama administration’s impotence in dealing with aggression have also had far-reaching, negative global implications. There are two nations watching events unfold with keen interest. China and Iran, two dictatorial countries with imperialistic and expansionist agendas, can draw comfort from a pusillanimous American foreign policy.


The situation with respect to Iran is even more acute. Iran is arguably the greatest threat to world peace since the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism providing financial and military support to groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Taliban, Iraqi insurgents and Hezbollah. Its terror tentacles have extended beyond the Mideast to Europe, South Asia, Africa and the Americas and its connection to narco-terrorism is well established.

Israel’s recent naval interception of the Klos-C, a terror bound cargo vessel laden with Iranian arms including some forty, long-range M-302 rockets, only serves to underscore the scheming nature and menace posed by that pariah nation.

But it is Iran’s nuclear ambitions coupled with its aggressive ballistic missile program that are most worrisome with implications far beyond the region. Iran is now cognizant of the fact that the Obama administration, exercising what John McCain so aptly described as a “feckless” foreign policy, will do nothing to thwart the Islamic Republic from achieving breakout capacity. Once that occurs, the free world will be at the mercy of an apocalyptic Islamic theocracy and that should be a source of concern for us all.

China and Iran Draw Conclusions on Crimea | FrontPage Magazine
Is the New Axis Of Evil Russia-China-Iran?
It was this ‘axis of evil’ ignorance and stupidity from the Bush years that adversely effected American foreign policy efforts; the last thing we need is more ‘axis of evil’ nonsense from the incompetent right.

Said the incompetent left. Thanks for the bump/moth...:lol:
That whole axis of evil nonsense is looking at the world with blinders. It assumes that audience is made up of mindless dupes whose idea of mental stimulation is American Idol....
Oh wait...
It's difficult to determine whether Obama is just a weak leader or a fucking traitor. After watching him for 5 years I would put my money on him being a fucking traitor.
Or both.
That whole axis of evil nonsense is looking at the world with blinders. It assumes that audience is made up of mindless dupes whose idea of mental stimulation is American Idol....
Oh wait...


oh the arrogance of people whose only contribution is to spew hate at everybody
That whole axis of evil nonsense is looking at the world with blinders. It assumes that audience is made up of mindless dupes whose idea of mental stimulation is American Idol....
Oh wait...


oh the arrogance of people whose only contribution is to spew hate at everybody

It may seem arrogant I suppose, but it is hardly arrogant to recognize and point out that the world is a lot more complicated than those who see tic tac toe as a game of strategy can comprehend.
That whole axis of evil nonsense is looking at the world with blinders. It assumes that audience is made up of mindless dupes whose idea of mental stimulation is American Idol....
Oh wait...


oh the arrogance of people whose only contribution is to spew hate at everybody

Speaking of mindless dupes...

ur right mindless dupe; there is no right or wrong

my bad; continue drooling
mommy mommy!! somebody i refuse to put a label on punched me in the face!!!!

what do i do?

idiots and hypocrites

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