CDZ Is the MSM killing itself?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The MSM (including FNC) has become so devoid of factual content that I barely stand to watch or read it. Are there any reliable news sources left?
The MSM (including FNC) has become so devoid of factual content that I barely stand to watch or read it. Are there any reliable news sources left?
Jurinalists Dribble Out Trickle-Down Information

Word of mouth. Listen to people who've actually lived in the real world and been at the scene of events. A professional is a liar for hire. He flies in from his echo-chamber cubicle already knowing what take he's going to make on the story.
The MSM (including FNC) has become so devoid of factual content that I barely stand to watch or read it. Are there any reliable news sources left?

MSM has been tabloid since the 1990's and have worsen over the years.

Also let me add too many confuse political commentary as legit news reporting.
MSM in the U.S. is more like Pravda. Since the 60's it has slowly morphed into something more closely resembling the Dept. of Propaganda for the left's shadow government. If you want the truth, look elsewhere.
Each year more and more "dailies" become "weeklies" and more and more "weeklies" become "shoppers". Oh and that does not include those of the above that simply scrap out the presses and retire.
I don't trust any media outlet at this point.
All you can do these days is read as much as you can on any given subject and make your own determinations based on past experience and common sense.
The MSM (including FNC) has become so devoid of factual content that I barely stand to watch or read it. Are there any reliable news sources left?

Try the Drudge Report. The site is a clearinghouse for news from all over the world. There are also numerous links to both liberal and conservative newspapers and syndicated columnists. Over the years, I have found that Drudge is by far the most reliable single source of news. Here's the link:

The MSM (including FNC) has become so devoid of factual content that I barely stand to watch or read it. Are there any reliable news sources left?
None that I'm aware of. All one can do at this point is start with the headline and the most basic facts and take the time to flesh it out yourself.

Of course, most people are not inclined to do that, and the media knows it.
The MSM (including FNC) has become so devoid of factual content that I barely stand to watch or read it. Are there any reliable news sources left?
That's about all you have. Brett Bair is about the best. The rest have become opinion.
Great timing on this thread. From just this morning, here is an absolutely perfect example of what has happened to the media:

Perspective | Is media coverage of Trump too negative? You’re asking the wrong question.

The president’s supporters often say his accomplishments get short shrift. But let’s face it: Politicians have no right to expect equally balanced positive and negative coverage, or anything close to it. If a president is doing a rotten job, it’s the duty of the press to report how and why he’s doing a rotten job.

Does it occur to the writer, on any level whatsoever, that "he's doing a rotten job" is not a fact, but an opinion?

No, it does not. These people have long since confused fact with opinion, and it's the primary reason they have deservedly lost their credibility.
Great timing on this thread. From just this morning, here is an absolutely perfect example of what has happened to the media:

Perspective | Is media coverage of Trump too negative? You’re asking the wrong question.

The president’s supporters often say his accomplishments get short shrift. But let’s face it: Politicians have no right to expect equally balanced positive and negative coverage, or anything close to it. If a president is doing a rotten job, it’s the duty of the press to report how and why he’s doing a rotten job.

Does it occur to the writer, on any level whatsoever, that "he's doing a rotten job" is not a fact, but an opinion?

No, it does not. These people have long since confused fact with opinion, and it's the primary reason they have deservedly lost their credibility.
Balance would be nice...but most of MSM is located in large metro areas and they are solid liberal. Guy in Iowa who drives. Pick-up and drinks his coffee black at the local cafe gets ignored. But the cafe latte drinker at Starbucks gets pandered to.
Great timing on this thread. From just this morning, here is an absolutely perfect example of what has happened to the media:

Perspective | Is media coverage of Trump too negative? You’re asking the wrong question.

The president’s supporters often say his accomplishments get short shrift. But let’s face it: Politicians have no right to expect equally balanced positive and negative coverage, or anything close to it. If a president is doing a rotten job, it’s the duty of the press to report how and why he’s doing a rotten job.

Does it occur to the writer, on any level whatsoever, that "he's doing a rotten job" is not a fact, but an opinion?

No, it does not. These people have long since confused fact with opinion, and it's the primary reason they have deservedly lost their credibility.
Balance would be nice...but most of MSM is located in large metro areas and they are solid liberal. Guy in Iowa who drives. Pick-up and drinks his coffee black at the local cafe gets ignored. But the cafe latte drinker at Starbucks gets pandered to.
Yeah, that's an important point, and even Politico admits it: The Media Bubble Is Real — And Worse Than You Think
It's all about demographics. This why MSM missed the 2016 election. They are almost all liberals and look down their noses at the "rubes" in flyover country and Rust Belt...who still support our President BTW.
The MSM (including FNC) has become so devoid of factual content that I barely stand to watch or read it. Are there any reliable news sources left?
Jurinalists Dribble Out Trickle-Down Information

Word of mouth. Listen to people who've actually lived in the real world and been at the scene of events. A professional is a liar for hire. He flies in from his echo-chamber cubicle already knowing what take he's going to make on the story.
You paint a really good pix.
false news sniper.jpeg

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